Exemplo n.º 1
def step(individuals):
    Runs a single generation of the evolutionary algorithm process:
    :param individuals: The current generation, upon which a single
    evolutionary generation will be imposed.
    :return: The next generation of the population.

    # Select parents from the original population.
    parents = selection(individuals)

    # Crossover parents and add to the new population.
    cross_pop = crossover(parents)

    # Mutate the new population.
    new_pop = mutation(cross_pop)

    # Evaluate the fitness of the new population.
    new_pop = evaluate_fitness(new_pop)

    # Replace the old population with the new population.
    individuals = replacement(new_pop, individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far

    return individuals
Exemplo n.º 2
    def act(self):
        # Process the information if the agent has sense nearby agents
        if self.agents_found:

            # Combine the original individual and individuals found by interacting with nearby agents to form
            # a population
            individuals = self.individual + self.nearby_agents

            # Find out parents from the population
            parents = selection(individuals)

            # Crossover parents and add to the new population.
            cross_pop = crossover(parents)

            # Mutate the new population.
            new_pop = mutation(cross_pop)

            # Evaluate the fitness of the new population.
            new_pop = evaluate_fitness(new_pop)

            # Replace the old population with the new population.
            individuals = replacement(new_pop, individuals)

            # Generate statistics for run so far

            # Sort the individuals list

            # Get the higest performing individual from the sorted population
            self.new_individual = individuals[0]
def search_loop():
    This is a standard search process for an evolutionary algorithm. Loop over
    a given number of generations.
    :return: The final population after the evolutionary process has run for
    the specified number of generations.

    if params['MULTICORE']:
        # initialize pool once, if mutlicore is enabled
        params['POOL'] = Pool(processes=params['CORES'],
                              initargs=(params, ))  # , maxtasksperchild=1)

    # Initialise population
    individuals = initialisation(params['POPULATION_SIZE'])

    # Evaluate initial population
    individuals = evaluate_fitness(individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far

    # Traditional GE
    for generation in range(1, (params['GENERATIONS'] + 1)):
        stats['gen'] = generation

        # New generation
        individuals = params['STEP'](individuals)

    if params['MULTICORE']:
        # Close the workers pool (otherwise they'll live on forever).

    return individuals
Exemplo n.º 4
Hypothesis Parameters

hypothesis_params['START DATE'] = '2004-01-01'
hypothesis_params['END DATE'] = '2018-01-15'
hypothesis_params['PORTFOLIO'] = 'US_TOP_500_LIQUID'
hypothesis_params['NEUTRALIZATION'] = 'DOLLAR'
hypothesis_params['LONG LEVERAGE'] = 0.5
hypothesis_params['SHORT LEVERAGE'] = 0.5
hypothesis_params['STARTING VALUE'] = 20000000
hypothesis_params['COST THRESHOLD BPS'] = 5
hypothesis_params['ADV THRESHOLD PERCENTAGE'] = 10
hypothesis_params['COMMISSION BPS'] = 0.1

if __name__ == "__main__":
        start('.//hypothesisEngine//logs//' + 'log_' +
              datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S") + '.txt')
        individuals = params['SEARCH_LOOP']()
        get_stats(individuals, end=True)
        ex_type, ex_value, _ = sys.exc_info()
        print("Exception type : %s " % ex_type.__name__)
        print("Exception message : %s" % ex_value)
        message = "Evolution failed." + ' .Please check the parameters.'
Exemplo n.º 5
def hypothesis_engine():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        now = datetime.now()
        dt_string = now.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
        start('log_' + dt_string + '.txt')

        old_keys = list(params1.keys())
        new_keys = list(params.keys())

        for n in range(len(new_keys)):
            if not (old_keys.__contains__(new_keys[n])):

        for key in params1.keys():
            params[key] = params1[key]

        params['GRAMMAR_FILE'] = request.values['GRAMMAR_FILE']
        params['FITNESS_FUNCTION'] = request.values['FITNESS_FUNCTION']
        params['MAX_INIT_TREE_DEPTH'] = np.int(
        params['MIN_INIT_TREE_DEPTH'] = np.int(
        params['INIT_GENOME_LENGTH'] = np.int(
        params['INTERACTION_PROBABILITY'] = np.float(
        params['MAX_TREE_DEPTH'] = np.int(request.values['MAX_TREE_DEPTH'])
        params['POPULATION_SIZE'] = np.int(request.values['POPULATION_SIZE'])
        params['SELECTION_PROPORTION'] = np.float(
        params['GENERATIONS'] = np.int(request.values['GENERATIONS'])
        params['GENERATION_SIZE'] = np.int(request.values['GENERATION_SIZE'])
        params['ELITE_SIZE'] = np.int(request.values['ELITE_SIZE'])
        params['CROSSOVER_PROBABILITY'] = np.float(

        params['MUTATION_EVENTS'] = np.int(request.values['MUTATION_EVENTS'])
        params['MUTATION_PROBABILITY'] = np.float(
        params['TOURNAMENT_SIZE'] = np.int(request.values['TOURNAMENT_SIZE'])

        individuals = params['SEARCH_LOOP']()
        get_stats(individuals, end=True)
        # stop()

        return_str = ""
        for n in range(len(ps.print_list)):
            return_str += "<p>" + ps.print_list[n] + "</p>\n"
            # if n==0:
            #     return_str = ps.print_list[n]
            # else:
            #     return_str += ";"+ps.print_list[n]

        return return_str
        now = datetime.now()
        dt_string = now.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
        start('log_' + dt_string + '.txt')

        params['GRAMMAR_FILE'] = "trading_grammar/trading_engine.bnf"
        params['FITNESS_FUNCTION'] = "trading_fitness.trading_engine"
        params['MAX_INIT_TREE_DEPTH'] = 10
        params['MIN_INIT_TREE_DEPTH'] = 3
        params['INIT_GENOME_LENGTH'] = 200
        params['INTERACTION_PROBABILITY'] = 0.5
        params['MAX_TREE_DEPTH'] = 10
        params['POPULATION_SIZE'] = 10
        params['SELECTION_PROPORTION'] = 0.25
        params['GENERATIONS'] = 5
        params['GENERATION_SIZE'] = 3
        params['ELITE_SIZE'] = 1
        params['CROSSOVER_PROBABILITY'] = 0.4

        params['MUTATION_EVENTS'] = 1
        params['MUTATION_PROBABILITY'] = 0.1
        params['TOURNAMENT_SIZE'] = 2

        # set_params(sys.argv[1:])
        # individuals = params['SEARCH_LOOP']()
        # # Print final review
        # get_stats(individuals, end=True)
        # stop()

    return render_template('hypothesisEngine.html', params=params)
def LAHC_search_loop():
    Search loop for Late Acceptance Hill Climbing.
    This is the LAHC pseudo-code from Burke and Bykov:

        Produce an initial solution best
        Calculate initial cost function C(best)
        Specify Lfa
        For all k in {0...Lfa-1} f_k := C(best)
        First iteration iters=0;
        Do until a chosen stopping condition
            Construct a candidate solution best*
            Calculate its cost function C(best*)
            idx := iters mod Lfa
            If C(best*)<=f_idx or C(best*)<=C(best)
            Then accept the candidate (best:=best*)
            Else reject the candidate (best:=best)
            Insert the current cost into the fitness array f_idx:=C(best)
            Increment the iteration number iters:=iters+1
    :return: The final population.

    max_its = params['POPULATION_SIZE'] * params['GENERATIONS']

    # Initialise population
    individuals = params['INITIALISATION'](params['POPULATION_SIZE'])

    # Evaluate initial population
    individuals = evaluate_fitness(individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far

    # Find the best individual so far.
    best = trackers.best_ever

    # Set history.
    Lfa = params['HILL_CLIMBING_HISTORY']
    history = [best for _ in range(Lfa)]

    # iters is the number of individuals examined so far.
    iters = len(individuals)

    for generation in range(1, (params['GENERATIONS'] + 1)):

        this_gen = []

        # even though there is no population, we will take account of
        # the pop size parameter: ie we'll save stats after every
        # "generation"
        for j in range(params['POPULATION_SIZE']):

            this_gen.append(best)  # collect this "generation"

            # Mutate the best to get the candidate best
            candidate_best = params['MUTATION'](best)
            if not candidate_best.invalid:

            # Find the index of the relevant individual from the late
            # acceptance history.
            idx = iters % Lfa

            if candidate_best >= history[idx]:
                best = candidate_best  # Accept the candidate

                pass  # reject the candidate

            # Set the new best into the history.
            history[idx] = best

            # Increment evaluation counter.
            iters += 1

            if iters >= max_its:
                # We have completed the total number of iterations.

        # Get stats for this "generation".
        stats['gen'] = generation

        if iters >= max_its:
            # We have completed the total number of iterations.

    return individuals
def SCHC_search_loop():
    Search Loop for Step-Counting Hill-Climbing.
    This is the SCHC pseudo-code from Bykov and Petrovic.

        Produce an initial solution best
        Calculate an initial cost function C(best)
        Initial cost bound cost_bound := C(best)
        Initial counter counter := 0
        Specify history
        Do until a chosen stopping condition
            Construct a candidate solution best*
            Calculate the candidate cost function C(best*)
            If C(best*) < cost_bound or C(best*) <= C(best)
                Then accept the candidate best := best*
                Else reject the candidate best := best
            Increment the counter counter := counter + 1
            If counter >= history
                Then update the bound cost_bound := C(best)
                reset the counter counter := 0
        Two alternative counting methods (start at the first If):
        SCHC-acp counts only accepted moves:
            If C(best*) < cost_bound or C(best*) <= C(best)
                Then accept the candidate best := best*
                     increment the counter counter := counter + 1
                Else reject the candidate best := best
            If counter >= history
                Then update the bound cost_bound := C(best)
                     reset the counter counter := 0
        SCHC-imp counts only improving moves:
            If C(best*) < C(best)
                Then increment the counter counter := counter + 1
            If C(best*) < cost_bound or C(best*) <= C(best)
                Then accept the candidate best := best*
                Else reject the candidate best := best
            If counter >= history
                Then update the bound cost_bound := C(best)
                     reset the counter counter := 0
    :return: The final population.

    # Calculate maximum number of evaluation iterations.
    max_its = params['POPULATION_SIZE'] * params['GENERATIONS']
    count_method = params['SCHC_COUNT_METHOD']

    # Initialise population
    individuals = params['INITIALISATION'](params['POPULATION_SIZE'])

    # Evaluate initial population
    individuals = evaluate_fitness(individuals)

    # Generate statistics for run so far

    # Set best individual and initial cost bound.
    best = trackers.best_ever
    cost_bound = best.deep_copy()

    # Set history and counter.
    history = params['HILL_CLIMBING_HISTORY']
    counter = 0

    # iters is the number of individuals examined/iterations so far.
    iters = len(individuals)

    for generation in range(1, (params['GENERATIONS'] + 1)):

        this_gen = []

        # even though there is no population, we will take account of
        # the pop size parameter: ie we'll save stats after every
        # "generation"
        for j in range(params['POPULATION_SIZE']):

            this_gen.append(best)  # collect this "generation"

            # Mutate best to get candidate best.
            candidate_best = params['MUTATION'](best)
            if not candidate_best.invalid:

            # count
            if count_method == "count_all":  # we count all iterations (moves)
                counter += 1  # increment the counter

            elif count_method == "acp":  # we count accepted moves only
                if candidate_best > cost_bound or candidate_best >= best:
                    counter += 1  # increment the counter

            elif count_method == "imp":  # we count improving moves only
                if candidate_best > best:
                    counter += 1  # increment the counter

                s = "algorithm.hill_climbing.SCHC_search_loop\n" \
                    "Error: Unknown count method: %s" % (count_method)
                raise Exception(s)

            # accept
            if candidate_best > cost_bound or candidate_best >= best:
                best = candidate_best  # accept the candidate

                pass  # reject the candidate

            if counter >= history:
                cost_bound = best  # update the bound
                counter = 0  # reset the counter

            # Increment iteration counter.
            iters += 1

            if iters >= max_its:
                # We have completed the total number of iterations.

        # Get stats for this "generation".
        stats['gen'] = generation

        if iters >= max_its:
            # We have completed the total number of iterations.

    return individuals