Exemplo n.º 1
def test_log_int_values_warp_unwarp(args):
    x, values = args

    warp = "log"

    v = np.unique(values)  # Also sort
    assert len(v) >= 2
    f = interp1d(v, v, kind="nearest", fill_value="extrapolate")
    x = f(x).astype(values.dtype)
    assert x.ndim == 1  # make sure interp1d did not mess it up

    S = sp.Integer(warp=warp, values=values)
    y = S.warp(x)
    assert y.shape == x.shape + (1,)
    assert y.dtype == sp.WARPED_DTYPE

    # Test bounds
    lower, upper = S.get_bounds().T
    assert np.all(lower <= y)
    assert np.all(y <= upper)

    y2 = S.validate_warped(y)
    assert close_enough(y, y2)

    x2 = S.unwarp(y)
    assert x2.shape == x.shape
    x3 = S.validate(x2)
    assert close_enough(x2, x3)

    assert close_enough(x, x2)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_cat_warp_unwarp(args):
    x, values = args

    assert len(set(values)) >= 2

    x = values[x % len(values)]
    assert x.ndim == 1

    S = sp.Categorical(values=values)
    y = S.warp(x)
    assert y.shape == x.shape + (len(values),)
    assert y.dtype == sp.WARPED_DTYPE

    # Test bounds
    lower, upper = S.get_bounds().T
    assert np.all(lower <= y)
    assert np.all(y <= upper)

    y2 = S.validate_warped(y)
    assert close_enough(y, y2)

    x2 = S.unwarp(y)
    assert x2.shape == x.shape
    x3 = S.validate(x2)
    assert close_enough(x2, x3)

    assert close_enough(x, x2)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_real_range_unwarp_warp(warp, args):
    x_w, range_ = args

    if warp == "log":
        range_ = range_[range_ > 0]
    if warp == "logit":
        range_ = range_[(0 < range_) & (range_ < 1)]

    range_ = np.sort(range_)
    assume(len(range_) == 2 and range_[0] < range_[1])

    range_warped = sp.WARP_DICT[warp](range_)

    x_w = np.clip(x_w, range_warped[0], range_warped[1])

    S = sp.Real(warp=warp, range_=range_)

    # Test bounds
    lower, upper = S.get_bounds().T
    x_w = linear_rescale(x_w, lb0=-1000, ub0=1000, lb1=lower, ub1=upper)

    x = S.unwarp(x_w)
    assert x_w.shape == x.shape + (1,)
    assert x.dtype == range_.dtype
    assert x.dtype == S.dtype

    x2 = S.validate(x)
    assert close_enough(x, x2)

    x_w2 = S.warp(x)
    assert x_w2.shape == x_w.shape
    x_w3 = S.validate_warped(x_w2)
    assert close_enough(x_w2, x_w3)

    assert close_enough(x_w, x_w2)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_joint_space_warp_missing(args):
    meta, X, _, fixed_vars = args

    S = sp.JointSpace(meta)

    X_w = S.warp([fixed_vars])
    assert X_w.dtype == sp.WARPED_DTYPE

    # Test bounds
    lower, upper = S.get_bounds().T
    assert np.all((lower <= X_w) | np.isnan(X_w))
    assert np.all((X_w <= upper) | np.isnan(X_w))

    for param, xx in zip(S.param_list, np.hsplit(X_w, S.blocks[:-1])):
        xx, = xx
        if param in fixed_vars:
            x_orig = S.spaces[param].unwarp(xx).item()
            assert close_enough(x_orig, fixed_vars[param])

            # check other direction
            x_w2 = S.spaces[param].warp(fixed_vars[param])
            assert close_enough(xx, x_w2)
            assert np.all(np.isnan(xx))
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_real_range_warp_unwarp(warp, args):
    x, range_ = args

    if warp == "log":
        range_ = range_[range_ > 0]
    if warp == "logit":
        range_ = range_[(0 < range_) & (range_ < 1)]

    range_ = np.sort(range_)
    assume(len(range_) == 2 and range_[0] < range_[1])

    x = np.clip(x, range_[0], range_[1])

    S = sp.Real(warp=warp, range_=range_)

    y = S.warp(x)
    assert y.shape == x.shape + (1,)
    assert y.dtype == sp.WARPED_DTYPE

    # Test bounds
    lower, upper = S.get_bounds().T
    assert np.all(lower <= y)
    assert np.all(y <= upper)

    y2 = S.validate_warped(y)
    assert close_enough(y, y2)

    x2 = S.unwarp(y)
    assert x2.shape == x.shape
    x3 = S.validate(x2)
    assert close_enough(x2, x3)

    assert close_enough(x, x2)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_linear_rescale_bounds(args):
    lb0, ub0, lb1, ub1 = args

    # Use sorted because hypothesis doesn't like using assume too often
    lb0, ub0 = sorted([lb0, ub0])
    lb1, ub1 = sorted([lb1, ub1])

    assume(lb0 < ub0)
    assume(lb1 <= ub1)

    lb1_ = np_util.linear_rescale(lb0, lb0, ub0, lb1, ub1)
    assert close_enough(lb1, lb1_)

    ub1_ = np_util.linear_rescale(ub0, lb0, ub0, lb1, ub1)
    assert close_enough(ub1, ub1_)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_linear_rescale_inverse(args):
    X, lb0, ub0, lb1, ub1, enforce_bounds = args
    enforce_bounds = enforce_bounds >= 0

    # Use sorted because hypothesis doesn't like using assume too often
    lb0, ub0 = sorted([lb0, ub0])
    lb1, ub1 = sorted([lb1, ub1])

    assume(lb0 < ub0)
    assume(lb1 < ub1)
    # Can't expect numerics to work well in these extreme cases:
    assume((ub0 - lb0) < 1e3 * (ub1 - lb1))

    if enforce_bounds:
        X = np.clip(X, lb0, ub0)

    X_ = np_util.linear_rescale(X,
    X_ = np_util.linear_rescale(X_,

    assert close_enough(X_, X)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_robust_standardize_to_sklearn(args):
    X, q_level = args

    q0, q1 = 0.5 * (1.0 - q_level), 0.5 * (1.0 + q_level)
    assert close_enough(q1 - q0, q_level)

    X_bo = stats.robust_standardize(X, q_level=q_level)

    X = X[:, None]
    X_skl = robust_scale(X,
                         quantile_range=[100.0 * q0, 100.0 * q1])
    X_skl = X_skl[:, 0] * (sst.norm.ppf(q1) - sst.norm.ppf(q0))

    assert close_enough(X_bo, X_skl, equal_nan=True)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_f(args):
        X, q_level = args

        R1 = stats.robust_standardize(X, q_level)
        R2 = f_vec(X.T, q_level).T
        assert R1.dtype == "float64"
        assert R2.dtype == "float64"
        assert close_enough(R1, R2, equal_nan=True)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_bilog_props(args):
    x, = args

    y = sp.bilog(x)

    assert sp.bilog(0) == 0  # This could be its own test
    assert close_enough(y, -sp.bilog(-x), equal_nan=True)
    assert np.isfinite(y) == np.isfinite(x)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_encoder_to_sklearn(args):
    # sklearn cannot handle this correctly unless n >= 3
    X, labels, assume_sorted, dtype, assume_valid = args

    Y = sp.encode(X, labels, assume_sorted=assume_sorted, dtype=dtype, assume_valid=assume_valid)

    enc = LabelBinarizer()
    Y2 = enc.transform(X)

    assert close_enough(Y, Y2.astype(dtype))
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_encode_decode(args):
    X, labels, assume_sorted, dtype, assume_valid = args

    Y = sp.encode(X, labels, assume_sorted=assume_sorted, dtype=dtype, assume_valid=assume_valid)
    if assume_sorted:  # otherwise labels will be re-arranged
        (idx,), = np.where(Y > 0)
        assert np.asarray(labels[idx]) == X
    assert Y.dtype == dtype

    X2 = sp.decode(Y, labels, assume_sorted=assume_sorted)

    assert close_enough(X, X2)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_int_range_warp_unwarp(warp, args):
    """Warning: this explicitly ignores issues with min max if going to int
    limit, since
    >>> np.array(INT_MAX).astype(np.float32).astype(np.int32)
    array(-2147483648, dtype=int32)
    Without any warning from numpy.
    x, range_ = args

    # We could split out log into diff function without this pruning if we
    # start failing hypothesis health check.
    if warp == "log":
        range_ = range_[range_ > 0]

    range_ = np.sort(range_)
    assume(len(range_) == 2 and range_[0] < range_[1])

    x = np.clip(x, range_[0], range_[1]).astype(range_.dtype)

    S = sp.Integer(warp=warp, range_=range_)
    y = S.warp(x)
    assert y.shape == x.shape + (1,)
    assert y.dtype == sp.WARPED_DTYPE

    # Test bounds
    lower, upper = S.get_bounds().T
    assert np.all(lower <= y)
    assert np.all(y <= upper)

    y2 = S.validate_warped(y)
    assert close_enough(y, y2)

    x2 = S.unwarp(y)
    assert x2.shape == x.shape
    x3 = S.validate(x2)
    assert close_enough(x2, x3)

    assert x.dtype == x2.dtype
    # Close enough when evaluated as floats
    assert close_enough(x.astype("f"), x2.astype("f"))
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_joint_grid(args, max_interp):
    meta, _, _, _ = args

    type_whitelist = (bool, int, float, CAT_NATIVE_DTYPE)

    S = sp.JointSpace(meta)

    lower, upper = S.get_bounds().T

    G = S.grid(max_interp=max_interp)
    assert sorted(G.keys()) == sorted(meta.keys())

    for var, grid in G.items():
        curr_space = S.spaces[var]

        # Make sure same as calling direct
        grid2 = curr_space.grid(max_interp)
        assert grid == grid2

        if len(grid) == 0:
            assert grid == []
            assert max_interp == 0 if curr_space.values is None else len(curr_space.values) == 0

        # Make sure native type
        assert all(type(xx) in type_whitelist for xx in grid)
        tt = type(grid[0])
        assert all(type(xx) == tt for xx in grid)

        assert np.all(np.array(grid) == np.unique(grid))

        if max_interp >= 2:
            assert curr_space.lower is None or close_enough(curr_space.lower, grid[0])
            assert curr_space.upper is None or close_enough(curr_space.upper, grid[-1])

        if curr_space.values is not None:
            assert np.all(curr_space.values == grid)
            assert len(grid) <= max_interp
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_bool_warp_unwarp(args):
    x, = args

    S = sp.Boolean()
    y = S.warp(x)
    assert y.shape == x.shape + (1,)
    assert y.dtype == sp.WARPED_DTYPE

    # Test bounds
    lower, upper = S.get_bounds().T
    assert np.all(lower <= y)
    assert np.all(y <= upper)

    y2 = S.validate_warped(y)
    assert close_enough(y, y2)

    x2 = S.unwarp(y)
    assert x2.shape == x.shape
    x3 = S.validate(x2)
    assert close_enough(x2, x3)

    assert close_enough(x, x2)
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_decode_to_sklearn(args):
    Y, labels, assume_sorted, dtype, assume_valid = args

    assert Y.ndim >= 1 and Y.shape[-1] == len(labels)

    X = sp.decode(Y, labels, assume_sorted=assume_sorted)

    enc = LabelBinarizer()
    X2 = enc.inverse_transform(Y)

    assert X.dtype.kind == CAT_KIND
    assert close_enough(X, X2.astype(X.dtype))
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_real_values_warp_unwarp(warp, args):
    x, values = args

    if warp == "log":
        values = values[values > 0]
    if warp == "logit":
        values = values[(0 < values) & (values < 1)]

    # We could eliminate need for this if we split out test for log and logit
    # cases and specify unique flag, but works as is
    v = np.unique(values)
    assume(len(v) >= 2)

    f = interp1d(v, v, kind="nearest", fill_value="extrapolate")
    x = f(x)
    assert x.ndim == 1  # make sure interp1d did not mess it up

    S = sp.Real(warp=warp, values=values)
    y = S.warp(x)
    assert y.shape == x.shape + (1,)
    assert y.dtype == sp.WARPED_DTYPE

    # Test bounds
    lower, upper = S.get_bounds().T
    assert np.all(lower <= y)
    assert np.all(y <= upper)

    y2 = S.validate_warped(y)
    assert close_enough(y, y2)

    x2 = S.unwarp(y)
    assert x2.shape == x.shape
    x3 = S.validate(x2)
    assert close_enough(x2, x3)

    assert close_enough(x, x2)
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_linear_rescale_bound_modes(args):
    X, lb0, ub0, lb1, ub1 = args

    # Use sorted because hypothesis doesn't like using assume too often
    lb0, ub0 = sorted([lb0, ub0])
    lb1, ub1 = sorted([lb1, ub1])

    assume(lb0 < ub0)
    assume(lb1 <= ub1)

    X = np.clip(X, lb0, ub0)

    Y1 = np_util.linear_rescale(X, lb0, ub0, lb1, ub1, enforce_bounds=False)
    Y2 = np_util.linear_rescale(X, lb0, ub0, lb1, ub1, enforce_bounds=True)

    assert close_enough(Y1, Y2)
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_joint_space_unwarp_warp(args):
    meta, X, _, _ = args

    S = sp.JointSpace(meta)

    X_w2 = S.warp(X)
    assert X_w2.dtype == sp.WARPED_DTYPE

    # Test bounds
    lower, upper = S.get_bounds().T
    assert np.all(lower <= X_w2)
    assert np.all(X_w2 <= upper)

    X2 = S.unwarp(X_w2)

    assert all(all(close_enough(X[ii][vv], X2[ii][vv]) for vv in X[ii]) for ii in range(len(X)))
def test_random_search_suggest_sanity(api_args, n_suggest, seed):
    meta, X, y, _ = api_args

    # Get the unwarped X
    S = sp.JointSpace(meta)
    lower, upper = S.get_bounds().T

    N = len(X)
    # Split history and call twice with diff histories but same seed
    M = N // 2
    X1, X2 = X[:M], X[M:]
    y1, y2 = y[:M], y[M:]

    x_guess = suggest_dict(X1,
    x_guess2 = suggest_dict(X2,

    # Check types too
    assert len(x_guess) == n_suggest
    assert all(
            close_enough(x_guess[nn][k], x_guess2[nn][k]) for k in x_guess[nn])
        for nn in range(len(x_guess)))
    assert np.all(x_guess == x_guess2)
    # Make sure validated

    # Test sanity of output
    D, = lower.shape
    x_guess_w = S.warp(x_guess)
    assert type(x_guess_w) == np.ndarray
    assert x_guess_w.dtype.kind == "f"
    assert x_guess_w.shape == (n_suggest, D)
    assert x_guess_w.shape == (n_suggest, D)
    assert np.all(x_guess_w <= upper)
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_bilog_biexp(args):
    x, = args

    assert close_enough(sp.biexp(sp.bilog(x)), x, equal_nan=True)