def wakeup(self): mode = read_byte(self.bus, self.i2c_adr, self.regs['PWR_MGMT_1']) sleep = mode & self.bits['SLEEP'] # And take the SLEEP bit if not sleep: return True # if sleep: mode = mode & ~self.bits['SLEEP'] # Clear SLEEP bit write_byte(self.bus, self.i2c_adr, self.regs['PWR_MGMT_1'], mode) # power_mgmt_1 reg = X0XX XXXX
def updatePowerInfo(): global globExtPowerAvailable, globIntPowerLevel # Create i2c lock if it does not exist yet. i2c.createI2cLock() # Lock i2c communication for this thread. i2c.globI2cLock.acquire() # Going to read I2C data. # Read external power level. If the level > 100, we assume external power is available. i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressArduino, 0, 100) # Command to indicate a read is going to follow. i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressArduino, 0, 128) # 128 means read external power level. if i2c.read_byte(slaveAddressArduino, 0) > 100: globExtPowerAvailable = True else: globExtPowerAvailable = False # Delay before retrieving the next power info. time.sleep(i2c.globI2cDelay) # Read internal power level. This power level can be from external power or the batteries. i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressArduino, 0, 100) # Command to indicate a read is going to follow. i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressArduino, 0, 129) # 129 means read internal power level. globIntPowerLevel = i2c.read_byte(slaveAddressArduino, 0) # Delay for i2c communication. time.sleep(i2c.globI2cDelay) # Release i2c communication for this thread. i2c.globI2cLock.release()
def moveCamRel(degrees, delay): if degrees >= -90 and degrees <= 90: if degrees > 0: # Create i2c lock if it does not exist yet. i2c.createI2cLock() # Lock i2c communication for this thread. i2c.globI2cLock.acquire() # I2C command 10. i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressArduino, 0, 10) i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressArduino, 0, 128 + int(degrees)) # Delay for i2c communication. time.sleep(i2c.globI2cDelay) # Release i2c communication for this thread. i2c.globI2cLock.release() elif degrees < 0: # Create i2c lock if it does not exist yet. i2c.createI2cLock() # Lock i2c communication for this thread. i2c.globI2cLock.acquire() # I2C command 11. i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressArduino, 0, 11) i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressArduino, 0, 128 - int(degrees)) # Delay for i2c communication. time.sleep(i2c.globI2cDelay) # Release i2c communication for this thread. i2c.globI2cLock.release() # Delay to let camera image stabilize. time.sleep(delay)
def range_sensor( self, sensor, fs_sel=0 ): # Selects full scale range of gyroscopes ('GYRO') or accelerometer ('ACCEL') with fs_sel = 0,1,2,3 fs_sel = 'FS_SEL' + str( fs_sel) # fs_sel choose the scale of the sensor scale = sensor + '_SCALE_' + fs_sel if sensor == 'GYRO': # sensor is used to determine which range sensor change and its config register self.gyro_scale = self.scales[scale] elif sensor == 'ACCEL': self.accel_scale = self.scales[scale] sensor += '_CONFIG' write_byte(self.bus, self.i2c_adr, self.regs[sensor], self.bits[fs_sel])
def sleep( self, noise=None ): # Put mpu6050 to sleep (default mode at power up) except when Noise=Something (then this is just a check, True = Sleep) mode = read_byte(self.bus, self.i2c_adr, self.regs['PWR_MGMT_1']) sleep = mode & self.bits['SLEEP'] # And take the SLEEP bit if sleep: # If mpu is sleeping (PWR_MGMT_1 reg, SLEEP bit is 1) return True # Exit, alredy sleeping, nothing to do here else: # If mpu is not sleeping... if noise is not None: # ...and there is noise, it wont sleep: return False # Exit without sleeping # Mpu is not sleeping but there is not noise so it will sleep: mode = mode | self.bits['SLEEP'] # Copy MODE_1 byte but set SLEEP bit write_byte(self.bus, self.i2c_adr, self.regs['PWR_MGMT_1'], mode) # power_mgmt_1 reg = X1XX XXXX return True # Mpu in bed
def sample_rate( self, sr ): # Set a sample rate = sr (and return the SMPRT_DIV register value) config = read_byte(, self.i2c_adr, self.regs['CONFIG']) dlpf = config & 0b111 if (dlpf == 0) or (dlpf == 7): self.dlpf_enabled = False # Digital Low Pass Filter disabled gyr = 8000 # Gyroscope Output Rate = 8000Hz sr_div = ( gyr / sr ) - 1 # From datasheet; Sample Rate = Gyroscope Output Rate / (1 + SMPLRT_DIV) else: self.dlpf_enabled = True gyr = 1000 # Gyroscope Output Rate = 1000Hz sr_div = (gyr / sr) - 1 write_byte(self.bus, self.i2c_adr, self.regs['SMPRT_DIV'], sr_div) return sr_div
def readCompass(debug = False): # Create i2c lock if it does not exist yet. i2c.createI2cLock() # Lock i2c communication for this thread. i2c.globI2cLock.acquire() i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressCompass, 0, 0b01110000) # Set to 8 samples @ 15Hz. i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressCompass, 1, 0b00100000) # 1.3 gain LSb / Gauss 1090 (default). i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressCompass, 2, 0b00000000) # Continuous-Measurement Mode. time.sleep(0.006) # Wait 6 ms as specified in data sheet. x_out_raw = i2c.read_word_2c(slaveAddressCompass, 3) y_out_raw = i2c.read_word_2c(slaveAddressCompass, 7) z_out_raw = i2c.read_word_2c(slaveAddressCompass, 5) # Calibration procedure: # Run calibrateCompass() and below fill in the resulting values. # Run testCompass() and position the robot such that raw degrees equals 0. # Then physically rotate the robot 180 degrees and fill in raw degrees in rawDegreesAt180Degrees below. # This calibration will result in x_out and y_out varying between -200 and +200. # Because the HMC5883L is not exactly linear or mounted exactly horizontal, # we apply an extra correction (offsetCorrectionAt180Degrees) at 180 degrees to straigten the curve. x_factor = 0.90 x_offset = 148.42 y_factor = 0.90 y_offset = 131.38 rawDegreesAt180Degrees = 172.0 offsetCorrectionAt180Degrees = 180.0 - rawDegreesAt180Degrees # When supplying a 'True' as parameter to this function the raw X Y Z data and the corrected data will be printed. # From measurements of these raw values it shows that we have to compensate quite a bit with a gain and offset. # This is because the HMC5883L is mounted on the robot and is very sensitive to surrounding metal and fields. # We apply a scale and ofset to both x_out and y_out so the range will be [-200 .. 200] x_out = x_out_raw * x_factor + x_offset y_out = y_out_raw * y_factor + y_offset bearing = math.atan2(y_out, x_out) if (bearing < 0): bearing += 2 * math.pi degrees_raw = math.degrees(bearing) # Correct for offset at 180 degrees. if degrees_raw < 180: degrees = degrees_raw + (degrees_raw / 180.0) * offsetCorrectionAt180Degrees else: degrees = degrees_raw + (360.0 - degrees_raw) / 180.0 * offsetCorrectionAt180Degrees # Delay for i2c communication. time.sleep(i2c.globI2cDelay) # Release i2c communication for this thread. i2c.globI2cLock.release() if debug: return x_out_raw, y_out_raw, z_out_raw, x_out, y_out, degrees_raw, degrees else: return degrees
def driveAndTurn(speedStraight, speedTurn, delayDrive, delayTurn, delayAfterMove, doMove): if doMove: # Create i2c lock if it does not exist yet. i2c.createI2cLock() # Lock i2c communication for this thread. i2c.globI2cLock.acquire() # I2C command 1. i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressArduino, 0, 1) # Because the I2C parameters are in the range of [128..255], speed range [-63..63] is mapped to [129..255]. # Start with 129 to keep backward / forward or left / right symmetry around 192. i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressArduino, 0, int(speedStraight) + 192) i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressArduino, 0, int(speedTurn) + 192) # Because the I2C parameters are in the range of [128..255], delay range [0..127] is mapped to [128..255]. i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressArduino, 0, int(delayDrive) + 128) i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressArduino, 0, int(delayTurn) + 128) # Delay for i2c communication. time.sleep(i2c.globI2cDelay) # Release i2c communication for this thread. i2c.globI2cLock.release() # Still delay when doMove == False to have similar timing. time.sleep(delayAfterMove)
def switchLight(on): if on == True: # Create i2c lock if it does not exist yet. i2c.createI2cLock() # Lock i2c communication for this thread. i2c.globI2cLock.acquire() # I2C command 20. i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressArduino, 0, 20) # Delay for i2c communication. time.sleep(i2c.globI2cDelay) # Release i2c communication for this thread. i2c.globI2cLock.release() else: # Create i2c lock if it does not exist yet. i2c.createI2cLock() # Lock i2c communication for this thread. i2c.globI2cLock.acquire() # I2C command 21. i2c.write_byte(slaveAddressArduino, 0, 21) # Delay for i2c communication. time.sleep(i2c.globI2cDelay) # Release i2c communication for this thread. i2c.globI2cLock.release()
def en_data_interrupts(self): interrupts = read_byte(, self.i2c_adr, self.regs['INT_ENABLE']) interrupts = interrupts | self.bits['DATA_RDY_EN'] write_byte(self.bus, self.i2c_adr, self.regs['INT_ENABLE'], interrupts)
def dis_interrupts(self): # Disable all interrupts write_byte(self.bus, self.i2c_adr, self.regs['INT_ENABLE'], 0x00)
def just_gyro_accel_fifo( self ): # Set gx,gy,gz,accel bits of FIFO_EN; gyro and accel data from the sensor registers will be loaded into the fifo buffer write_byte(self.bus, self.i2c_adr, self.regs['FIFO_EN'], 0xb01111000)
def dis_fifo( self ): # Clear all bits of FIFO_EN; nothing will be loaded into the fifo buffer write_byte(self.bus, self.i2c_adr, self.regs['FIFO_EN'], 0x00)