def main(): """This is the main function. It takes 1 argument: Ex: python 1\t Writes to dataTable in database Ex: python 2\t Writes to tempTable in database""" i2cMux.readI2CMux(1) channel = "1" # channel min # channel max # channel units # channel interval # channel upload ftp link #configureI2CMux() args = sys.argv table = 2 if len(args) > 2: if args[1] == "1" or args[1] == "2": #print(args[1]) table = args[1] channel = args[2] dictionaryData = uploadCSV.getAllDictionaries() temperature = readADC(channel, dictionaryData) tempFormatted = "{0:.2f}".format(temperature) print("ADC Reading, Channel #" + str(channel) + ": " + "\n" + tempFormatted) # Insert data into database #print("Inserting into database: " + tempFormatted + "for channel " + channel) if (tempFormatted > 0): insertIntoDatabase(channel, tempFormatted, table) else: print("Invalid temperature reading.") if (retrycounter < 5): retrycounter = retrycounter + 1 main()
def initLCD(): i2cMux.readI2CMux(4) time.sleep(0.3) pi = pigpio.pi() try: handle = pi.i2c_open(1, LCD_Address) time.sleep(.55) pi.i2c_write_device(handle, [0x00,0x38,0x39,0x14,0x78,0x5E,0x6D,0x0c,0x01,0x06]) time.sleep(0.75) pi.i2c_close(handle) time.sleep(.2) except: print("Error Initializing LCD")
def main(): print("Main") i2cMux.readI2CMux(4) setupGPIO() initLCD() toggle = 0 while True: repeatThis() if toggle == 0: setLCDBacklight(1) toggle = 1 else: setLCDBacklight(3) toggle = 0 time.sleep(4)
def writeText(text): i2cMux.readI2CMux(4) time.sleep(0.3) pi = pigpio.pi() try: handle = pi.i2c_open(1, LCD_Address) time.sleep(.25) pi.i2c_write_device(handle, [0x00,0x02]) time.sleep(.15) while len(text) < 20: text = text + " " pi.i2c_write_device(handle, "A" + text) time.sleep(.15) pi.i2c_close(handle) time.sleep(.1) except: print("Error Writing LCD Text")
def enableDisableHeater(onOff): i2cMux.readI2CMux(3) time.sleep(0.2) pi = pigpio.pi() try: handle = pi.i2c_open(1, Hum_Address) time.sleep(.55) if onOff == 1: pi.i2c_write_device(handle, [0x30, 0x6D]) else: pi.i2c_write_device(handle, [0x30, 0x66]) time.sleep(0.2) pi.i2c_close(handle) time.sleep(0.1) pi.stop() except Exception as e: print( ", Error Reading Humidifer") print(e)
def initLCD(): print("Initializing LCD") i2cMux.readI2CMux(4) time.sleep(0.1) try: if pi.connected: print("Pigpio initLCD already connected.") except: pi = pigpio.pi() try: handle = pi.i2c_open(1, LCD_Address) time.sleep(.5) pi.i2c_write_device( handle, [0x00, 0x38, 0x39, 0x14, 0x78, 0x5E, 0x6D, 0x0c, 0x01, 0x06]) time.sleep(0.5) pi.i2c_close(handle) time.sleep(.2) except: logging.debug(", Error Initializing LCD") print("Error Initializing LCD") if pi.connected: pi.stop()
def main(): """This is the main function. It takes 1 argument: Ex: python 1\t Writes to dataTable in database Ex: python 2\t Writes to tempTable in database""" #but there is only one table? dictionaryData = uploadCSV.getAllDictionaries() print(dictionaryData['enabled5']) select = 1 if dictionaryData['enabled5'] == "Yes": select = 0 i2cMux.readI2CMux(3) args = sys.argv table = 2 if len(args) > 1: if args[1] == "1" or args[1] == "2": #print(args[1]) table = args[1] if select == 1: tempHum = readHum("6", dictionaryData) if select == 0: tempHum = readHum_i2c("5", dictionaryData) print(tempHum) if select == 1: insertIntoDatabase("6", tempHum.split(":")[0] + ":" + tempHum.split(":")[2], dictionaryData, table) insertIntoDatabase("1", tempHum.split(":")[0], dictionaryData, table) #happens in readADC insertIntoDatabase("2", tempHum.split(":")[1], dictionaryData, table) #happens in readADC if select == 0: insertIntoDatabase("5", tempHum.split(":")[0] + ":" + tempHum.split(":")[2], dictionaryData, table)
def writeText(text): i2cMux.readI2CMux(4) time.sleep(0.1) try: if pi.connected: print("Pigpio LCDtext1 already connected.") except: pi = pigpio.pi() try: handle = pi.i2c_open(1, LCD_Address) time.sleep(.1) pi.i2c_write_device(handle, [0x00, 0x02]) time.sleep(.1) while len(text) < 20: text = text + " " pi.i2c_write_device(handle, "A" + text) time.sleep(.1) pi.i2c_close(handle) time.sleep(.1) except Exception as e: logging.debug(", Error Writing LCD Text") print(", Error Writing LCD Text") if pi.connected: pi.stop()