Exemplo n.º 1
def population_density(year=None):
    if year is None:
        rows = db.query("""SELECT MAX(pop_year) FROM cantons_pop""")
        year = rows.fetchone()[0]
    pop_dens = db.dict_query("""SELECT cantons_pop.abbr, pop_year, 
            pop, pop / area_ha AS pop_dens
        FROM cantons_pop JOIN cantons ON cantons_pop.abbr = cantons.abbr
        WHERE pop_year = ?""", (year,))
    # Note that in a Sqlite query the placeholder for a variable value is ?
    # (it would be %s in Postgres)
    return pop_dens
Exemplo n.º 2
def measurements(time=None, time_window=30):
    Returns all available measurements at a given time (None means latest
    measurements), plus/minus a time window (30 minutes by default).
    if time is None:    # Query the database to get time of latest measurement
        time = db.query('SELECT MAX(time) FROM measurements').fetchone()[0]
    from_time = time - timedelta(minutes=time_window)
    to_time = time + timedelta(minutes=time_window)
    measurements = db.dict_query('''SELECT sensor_id, time, 
        AVG(temperature) AS t FROM measurements WHERE time > ? AND time < ?
        GROUP BY sensor_id''', [from_time, to_time])
    return measurements
Exemplo n.º 3
def run_model():
    # Get the information about the sensors
    sens = sensors.sensors()
    # Find the latest measurement time in the database
    max_time = db.query('SELECT MAX(time) FROM measurements').fetchone()[0]
    t = i2maps.datestring_to_datetime(str(max_time))
    # Define the time step, in our case 1 hour
    dt = datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
    # Run the model for each time step for one week
    # This is of course not very efficient, as we should rather first check
    # if we have already computed the time step. But it is enough for 
    # illustration purposes.
    for i in range(0, 24*7):
        m = sensors.measurements(t)
        t -= dt
        data = [[sens[id]['geometry'].x, sens[id]['geometry'].y, sens[id]['elevation'], m[id]['t']] for id in m]
        model.update(data, str(t))
        print '%i of %i hours computed' % (i+1, 24*7)