Exemplo n.º 1
def iagradm(f, Bdil=None, Bero=None):
    from ia870 import iasubm,iadil,iaero,iasecross

    if Bdil is None: Bdil = iasecross()
    if Bero is None: Bero = iasecross()

    y = iasubm( iadil(f,Bdil),iaero(f,Bero))
    return y
Exemplo n.º 2
def iasedisk(r=3, DIM="2D", METRIC="EUCLIDEAN", FLAT="FLAT", h=0):
    from ia870 import iabinary, iasecross, iasedil, iasesum
    from ia870 import iasebox, iaseintersec, iagray

    METRIC = METRIC.upper()
    FLAT = FLAT.upper()
    assert DIM == '2D', 'Supports only 2D structuring elements'
    if FLAT == 'FLAT': y = iabinary([1])
    else: y = int32([h])
    if r == 0: return y
    if METRIC == 'CITY-BLOCK':
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            b = iasecross(1)
            b = int32([[-2147483647, 0, -2147483647], [0, 1, 0],
                       [-2147483647, 0, -2147483647]])
        return iasedil(y, iasesum(b, r))
    elif METRIC == 'CHESSBOARD':
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            b = iasebox(1)
            b = int32([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
        return iasedil(y, iasesum(b, r))
    elif METRIC == 'OCTAGON':
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            b1, b2 = iasebox(1), iasecross(1)
            b1 = int32([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
            b2 = int32([[-2147483647, 0, -2147483647], [0, 1, 0],
                        [-2147483647, 0, -2147483647]])
        if r == 1: return b1
            return iasedil(iasedil(y, iasesum(b1, r // 2)),
                           iasesum(b2, (r + 1) // 2))
    elif METRIC == 'EUCLIDEAN':
        v = arange(-r, r + 1)
        x = resize(v, (len(v), len(v)))
        y = transpose(x)
        Be = iabinary(sqrt(x * x + y * y) <= (r + 0.5))
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            return Be
        be = h + int32(
            sqrt(maximum((r + 0.5) * (r + 0.5) - (x * x) - (y * y), 0)))
        be = iaintersec(iagray(Be, 'int32'), be)
        return be
        assert 0, 'Non valid metric'

    return B
Exemplo n.º 3
def iadil(f, b=None):
    from ia870 import iamat2set, ialimits, iaisbinary
    from ia870 import iaintersec, iagray, iaadd4dil, iasecross

    if b is None: b = iasecross()

    if len(f.shape) == 1: f = f[newaxis, :]
    h, w = f.shape
    x, v = iamat2set(b)
    if len(x) == 0:
        y = (ones((h, w)) * ialimits(f)[0]).astype(f.dtype)
        if iaisbinary(v):
            v = iaintersec(iagray(v, 'int32'), 0)
        mh, mw = max(abs(x)[:, 0]), max(abs(x)[:, 1])
        y = (ones((h + 2 * mh, w + 2 * mw)) * ialimits(f)[0]).astype(f.dtype)
        for i in range(x.shape[0]):
            if v[i] > -2147483647:
                y[mh + x[i, 0]:mh + x[i, 0] + h,
                  mw + x[i, 1]:mw + x[i, 1] + w] = maximum(
                      y[mh + x[i, 0]:mh + x[i, 0] + h,
                        mw + x[i, 1]:mw + x[i, 1] + w], iaadd4dil(f, v[i]))
        y = y[mh:mh + h, mw:mw + w]

    return y
Exemplo n.º 4
def iabshow(f1, f2=None, f3=None, factor=17):
    from ia870 import iabinary, iaframe, iadil, iaunion
    from ia870 import iasedisk, iaserot, iasecross, iasesum

    assert f1.dtype == bool, 'f1 must be boolean image'
    factor = max(factor, 9)
    hfactor = factor // 2
    if size(f1.shape) == 1:
        f1 = f1[newaxis, :]
        if f2 != None: f2 = f2[newaxis, :]
        if f3 != None: f3 = f3[newaxis, :]
    bz = zeros(factor * array(f1.shape)).astype(bool)
    b0 = asarray(bz)
    b0[hfactor::factor, hfactor::factor] = f1
    fr1 = iaframe(zeros((factor, factor), bool))
    fr1 = iadil(b0, fr1)

    if f2 is not None:
        assert f1.shape == f2.shape, 'f1 and f2 must have same shape'
        b1 = asarray(bz)
        b1[hfactor::factor, hfactor::factor] = f2
        fr2 = iadil(b1, iasedisk(hfactor - 4))
        fr1 = iaunion(fr1, fr2)

        if f3 is not None:
            assert f1.shape == f3.shape, 'f1 and f3 must have same shape'
            bz[hfactor::factor, hfactor::factor] = f3
            fr3 = iadil(bz, iasesum(iaserot(iasecross(1), 45), hfactor - 1))
            fr1 = iaunion(fr1, fr3)
    return fr1
Exemplo n.º 5
def iaareaclose(f, a, Bc=None):
    from ia870 import ianeg,iaareaopen,iasecross

    if Bc is None:
        Bc = iasecross()
    y = ianeg( iaareaopen( ianeg(f),a,Bc))
    return y
Exemplo n.º 6
def iawatershed(f, Bc=iasecross(), option='LINES'):
    from ipdp import se2offset

    offset = se2offset(Bc)
    w = connectedComponents(f, offset)
    if option == 'LINES':
        w = iasubm(w, iaero(w))
        w = iabinary(w)
    return w
Exemplo n.º 7
def iaclose(f, b=None):
    from ia870 import iaero, iadil, iasecross

    if b is None:
        b = iasecross()

    y = iaero(iadil(f, b), b)

    return y
Exemplo n.º 8
def iawatershed(f, Bc=iasecross(), option='LINES'):
    from ipdp import se2offset

    offset = se2offset(Bc)
    w = connectedComponents(f, offset)
    if option == 'LINES':
        w = iasubm(w, iaero(w))
        w = iabinary(w)
    return w
Exemplo n.º 9
def iacwatershed(f, g, Bc=iasecross(), option='LINES'):
    from ia870.ipdp import se2offset

    if iaisbinary(g):
        g = ialabel(g, Bc)
    offset = se2offset(Bc)
    w = ift_m(f, offset, g)
    if option == 'LINES':
        w = iasubm(w, iaero(w))
        w = iabinary(w)
    return w
Exemplo n.º 10
def iacwatershed(f, g, Bc=iasecross(), option='LINES'):
    from ipdp import se2offset

    if iaisbinary(g):
        g = ialabel(g, Bc)
    offset = se2offset(Bc)
    w = ift_m(f, offset, g)
    if option == 'LINES':
        w = iasubm(w, iaero(w))
        w = iabinary(w)
    return w
Exemplo n.º 11
def iaero(f, b=None):
    from ia870 import ianeg, iadil, iasereflect, iasecross

    if b is None: b = iasecross()
    y = ianeg(iadil(ianeg(f), iasereflect(b)))
    return y
Exemplo n.º 12
def iablob(fr, measurement, option="image"):

    measurement = upper(measurement)
    option      = upper(option)
    if len(fr.shape) == 1: fr = fr[newaxis,:]
    n = fr.max()
    if   option      == 'DATA':        y = []
    elif measurement == 'CENTROID':    y = np.zeros(fr.shape,bool)
    elif measurement == 'BOUNDINGBOX': y = np.zeros(fr.shape,bool)
    elif measurement == 'PERIMETER':   y = np.zeros(fr.shape,np.int32)
    elif measurement == 'AREA':        y = np.zeros(fr.shape,np.int32)
    else:                              y = np.zeros(fr.shape)

    if measurement == 'AREA':
        area = np.bincount(fr.ravel())
        if option == 'DATA':
            y = area[1::]
            for i in xrange(1,n+1):
               y[fr==i] = area[i]

    elif measurement == 'CENTROID':
        for i in xrange(1,n+1):
            aux  = (fr==i)
            xind,yind = np.nonzero(aux)
            area = len(xind)
            centroid = [xind.sum()/area,yind.sum()/area]
            if option == 'DATA': y.append([centroid[1],centroid[0]])
            else               : y[centroid[0],centroid[1]] = 1

    elif measurement == 'BOUNDINGBOX':
        for i in xrange(1,n+1):
            aux = (fr==i)
            col, = np.nonzero(aux.any(0))
            row, = np.nonzero(aux.any(1))
            if option == 'DATA': y.append([col[0],row[0],col[-1],row[-1]])
                y[row[0]:row[-1],col[0] ] = 1
                y[row[0]:row[-1],col[-1]] = 1
                y[row[0], col[0]:col[-1]] = 1
                y[row[-1],col[0]:col[-1]] = 1

    elif measurement == 'PERIMETER':
        Bc = ia870.iasecross()
        for i in xrange(1,n+1):
           aux = fr == i
           grad = aux - ia870.iaero(aux,Bc)
           if option == 'DATA': y.append(grad.sum())
               y[aux] = grad.sum()

    elif measurement == 'CIRCULARITY':
        Bc = ia870.iasecross()
        area = np.bincount(fr.ravel())
        perim = []
        for i in xrange(1,n+1):
           aux = fr == i
           grad = aux - ia870.iaero(aux,Bc)
           if option != 'DATA':
               y[aux] = 4*np.pi*area[i]/(perim[i-1]**2)
        if option == 'DATA':
            perim = np.array(perim)
            y = 4*np.pi*area[1::]/(perim**2)

    elif measurement == 'ASPECTRATIO':
        for i in xrange(1,n+1):
            aux = (fr==i)
            col, = np.nonzero(aux.any(0))
            row, = np.nonzero(aux.any(1))
            if option == 'DATA': y.append(1.*(min(col[-1]-col[0],row[-1]-row[0])+1)/(max(col[-1]-col[0],row[-1]-row[0])+1))
                y[aux] = 1.*(min(col[-1]-col[0],row[-1]-row[0])+1)/(max(col[-1]-col[0],row[-1]-row[0])+1)

    elif measurement == 'COMPACTNESS':
        for i in xrange(1,n+1):
            aux  = (fr==i)
            xind,yind = np.nonzero(aux)
            area = len(xind)
            centroid = [xind.sum()/area,yind.sum()/area]
            m20 = ((1.*xind-centroid[0])**2).sum()/area
            m02 = ((1.*yind-centroid[1])**2).sum()/area
            compactness = area/(2*np.pi*(m20+m02))
            if option == 'DATA': y.append(compactness)
            else               : y[aux] = compactness

    elif measurement == 'ECCENTRICITY':
        for i in xrange(1,n+1):
            aux  = (fr==i)
            xind,yind = np.nonzero(aux)
            area = len(xind)
            centroid = [xind.sum()/area,yind.sum()/area]
            m11 = ((1.*xind-centroid[0])*(yind-centroid[1])).sum()/area
            m20 = ((1.*xind-centroid[0])**2).sum()/area
            m02 = ((1.*yind-centroid[1])**2).sum()/area
            eccentricity = sqrt((m20-m02)**2+4*m11**2)/(m20+m02)
            if option == 'DATA': y.append(eccentricity)
            else               : y[aux] = eccentricity

        print "Measurement option should be 'AREA','CENTROID', 'BOUNDINGBOX', 'PERIMETER', "

    return np.array(y)
Exemplo n.º 13
def iatz(f, Bc=iasecross()):
    from ipdp import se2offset

    offset = se2offset(Bc)
    return tieZone(f, offset)
Exemplo n.º 14
def iablob(fr, measurement, option="image"):

    measurement = upper(measurement)
    option = upper(option)
    if len(fr.shape) == 1: fr = fr[newaxis, :]
    n = fr.max()
    if option == 'DATA': y = []
    elif measurement == 'CENTROID': y = np.zeros(fr.shape, bool)
    elif measurement == 'BOUNDINGBOX': y = np.zeros(fr.shape, bool)
    elif measurement == 'PERIMETER': y = np.zeros(fr.shape, np.int32)
    elif measurement == 'AREA': y = np.zeros(fr.shape, np.int32)
    else: y = np.zeros(fr.shape)

    if measurement == 'AREA':
        area = np.bincount(fr.ravel())
        if option == 'DATA':
            y = area[1::]
            for i in xrange(1, n + 1):
                y[fr == i] = area[i]

    elif measurement == 'CENTROID':
        for i in xrange(1, n + 1):
            aux = (fr == i)
            xind, yind = np.nonzero(aux)
            area = len(xind)
            centroid = [xind.sum() / area, yind.sum() / area]
            if option == 'DATA': y.append([centroid[1], centroid[0]])
            else: y[centroid[0], centroid[1]] = 1

    elif measurement == 'BOUNDINGBOX':
        for i in xrange(1, n + 1):
            aux = (fr == i)
            col, = np.nonzero(aux.any(0))
            row, = np.nonzero(aux.any(1))
            if option == 'DATA': y.append([col[0], row[0], col[-1], row[-1]])
                y[row[0]:row[-1], col[0]] = 1
                y[row[0]:row[-1], col[-1]] = 1
                y[row[0], col[0]:col[-1]] = 1
                y[row[-1], col[0]:col[-1]] = 1

    elif measurement == 'PERIMETER':
        Bc = ia870.iasecross()
        for i in xrange(1, n + 1):
            aux = fr == i
            grad = aux - ia870.iaero(aux, Bc)
            if option == 'DATA': y.append(grad.sum())
                y[aux] = grad.sum()

    elif measurement == 'CIRCULARITY':
        Bc = ia870.iasecross()
        area = np.bincount(fr.ravel())
        perim = []
        for i in xrange(1, n + 1):
            aux = fr == i
            grad = aux - ia870.iaero(aux, Bc)
            if option != 'DATA':
                y[aux] = 4 * np.pi * area[i] / (perim[i - 1]**2)
        if option == 'DATA':
            perim = np.array(perim)
            y = 4 * np.pi * area[1::] / (perim**2)

    elif measurement == 'ASPECTRATIO':
        for i in xrange(1, n + 1):
            aux = (fr == i)
            col, = np.nonzero(aux.any(0))
            row, = np.nonzero(aux.any(1))
            if option == 'DATA':
                y.append(1. * (min(col[-1] - col[0], row[-1] - row[0]) + 1) /
                         (max(col[-1] - col[0], row[-1] - row[0]) + 1))
                y[aux] = 1. * (min(col[-1] - col[0], row[-1] - row[0]) + 1) / (
                    max(col[-1] - col[0], row[-1] - row[0]) + 1)

    elif measurement == 'COMPACTNESS':
        for i in xrange(1, n + 1):
            aux = (fr == i)
            xind, yind = np.nonzero(aux)
            area = len(xind)
            centroid = [xind.sum() / area, yind.sum() / area]
            m20 = ((1. * xind - centroid[0])**2).sum() / area
            m02 = ((1. * yind - centroid[1])**2).sum() / area
            compactness = area / (2 * np.pi * (m20 + m02))
            if option == 'DATA': y.append(compactness)
            else: y[aux] = compactness

    elif measurement == 'ECCENTRICITY':
        for i in xrange(1, n + 1):
            aux = (fr == i)
            xind, yind = np.nonzero(aux)
            area = len(xind)
            centroid = [xind.sum() / area, yind.sum() / area]
            m11 = ((1. * xind - centroid[0]) *
                   (yind - centroid[1])).sum() / area
            m20 = ((1. * xind - centroid[0])**2).sum() / area
            m02 = ((1. * yind - centroid[1])**2).sum() / area
            eccentricity = sqrt((m20 - m02)**2 + 4 * m11**2) / (m20 + m02)
            if option == 'DATA': y.append(eccentricity)
            else: y[aux] = eccentricity

        print "Measurement option should be 'AREA','CENTROID', 'BOUNDINGBOX', 'PERIMETER', "

    return np.array(y)
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: iatz.py Projeto: DiJei/ia870
def iatz(f, Bc=iasecross()):
    from ipdp import se2offset

    offset = se2offset(Bc)
    return tieZone(f, offset)