Exemplo n.º 1
def iacolormap(type='gray'):
    from ianormalize import ianormalize
    from iacolormap import iacolormap

    if type == 'gray':
        ct = transpose(resize(arange(256), (3,256)))
    elif type == 'hsv':
        h = arange(256)/255.
        s = ones(256)
        v = ones(256)
        ct = ianormalize(reshape(map(colorsys.hsv_to_rgb, h, s, v), (256,3)), [0,255]).astype(uint8)
    elif type == 'hot':
        n = int(3./8*256)
        r = concatenate((arange(1,n+1)/n, ones(256-n)), 1)[:,newaxis]
        g = concatenate((zeros(n), arange(1,n+1)/n, ones(256-2*n)), 1)[:,newaxis]
        b = concatenate((zeros(2*n), arange(1,256-2*n+1)/(256-2*n)), 1)[:,newaxis]
        ct = ianormalize(concatenate((r,g,b), 1), [0,255]).astype(uint8)
    elif type == 'cool':
        r = (arange(256)/255.)[:,newaxis]
        ct = ianormalize(concatenate((r, 1-r, ones((256,1))), 1), [0,255]).astype(uint8)
    elif type == 'bone':
        ct = ianormalize((7*iacolormap('gray') + iacolormap('hot')[:,::-1]) / 8., [0,255]).astype(uint8)
    elif type == 'copper':
        ct = ianormalize(min(1, dot(iacolormap('gray')/255., [[1.25,0,0],[0,0.7812,0],[0,0,0.4975]])), [0,255]).astype(uint8)
    elif type == 'pink':
        ct = ianormalize(sqrt((2*iacolormap('gray') + iacolormap('hot')) / 3), [0,255]).astype(uint8)
        ct = zeros((256,3))
    return ct
Exemplo n.º 2
def iacolormap(type="gray"):
    from ianormalize import ianormalize
    from iacolormap import iacolormap

    if type == "gray":
        ct = transpose(resize(arange(256), (3, 256)))
    elif type == "hsv":
        h = arange(256) / 255.0
        s = ones(256)
        v = ones(256)
        ct = ianormalize(reshape(map(colorsys.hsv_to_rgb, h, s, v), (256, 3)), [0, 255]).astype(uint8)
    elif type == "hot":
        n = int(3.0 / 8 * 256)
        r = concatenate((arange(1, n + 1) / n, ones(256 - n)), 1)[:, newaxis]
        g = concatenate((zeros(n), arange(1, n + 1) / n, ones(256 - 2 * n)), 1)[:, newaxis]
        b = concatenate((zeros(2 * n), arange(1, 256 - 2 * n + 1) / (256 - 2 * n)), 1)[:, newaxis]
        ct = ianormalize(concatenate((r, g, b), 1), [0, 255]).astype(uint8)
    elif type == "cool":
        r = (arange(256) / 255.0)[:, newaxis]
        ct = ianormalize(concatenate((r, 1 - r, ones((256, 1))), 1), [0, 255]).astype(uint8)
    elif type == "bone":
        ct = ianormalize((7 * iacolormap("gray") + iacolormap("hot")[:, ::-1]) / 8.0, [0, 255]).astype(uint8)
    elif type == "copper":
        ct = ianormalize(
            min(1, dot(iacolormap("gray") / 255.0, [[1.25, 0, 0], [0, 0.7812, 0], [0, 0, 0.4975]])), [0, 255]
    elif type == "pink":
        ct = ianormalize(sqrt((2 * iacolormap("gray") + iacolormap("hot")) / 3), [0, 255]).astype(uint8)
        ct = zeros((256, 3))
    return ct
Exemplo n.º 3
def iadither(f, n):
    from ianormalize import ianormalize

    D = 1. * array([[0, 2], [3, 1]])
    d = 1 * D
    k = log(n / 2.) / log(2.)
    for i in range(k):
        u = ones(D.shape)
        d1 = 4 * D + d[0, 0] * u
        d2 = 4 * D + d[0, 1] * u
        d3 = 4 * D + d[1, 0] * u
        d4 = 4 * D + d[1, 1] * u
        D = concatenate((concatenate((d1, d2), 1), concatenate((d3, d4), 1)))
    D = 255 * abs(D / max(ravel(D)))
    g = tile(D.astype('b'), f.shape)
    g = ianormalize(f, [0, 255]) >= g
    return g
Exemplo n.º 4
def iadither(f, n):
    from ianormalize import ianormalize

    D = 1.*array([[0,2],[3,1]])
    d = 1*D
    k = log(n/2.)/log(2.)
    for i in range(k):
        u = ones(D.shape)
        d1 = 4*D + d[0,0]*u
        d2 = 4*D + d[0,1]*u
        d3 = 4*D + d[1,0]*u
        d4 = 4*D + d[1,1]*u
        D = concatenate((concatenate((d1,d2),1), concatenate((d3,d4),1)))
    D = 255*abs(D/max(ravel(D)))
    g = tile(D.astype('b'), f.shape)
    g = ianormalize(f,[0,255]) >= g
    return g
Exemplo n.º 5
def iafloyd(f):
    from ianormalize import ianormalize

    f_ = 1.*ianormalize(f, [0,255])
    g = zeros(f_.shape)
    for i in range(f_.shape[0]):
        for j in range(f_.shape[1]):
            if f_[i,j] >= 128:
                g[i,j] = 255
            erro = f_[i,j] - g[i,j]
            if j < f_.shape[1]-1:
                f_[i,j+1] = f_[i,j+1] + 7*erro/16.
            if i < f_.shape[0]-1 and j > 0:
                f_[i+1,j-1] = f_[i+1,j-1] + 3*erro/16.
            if i < f_.shape[0]-1:
                f_[i+1,j] = f_[i+1,j] + 5*erro/16.
            if i < f_.shape[0]-1 and j < f_.shape[1]-1:
                f_[i+1,j+1] = f_[i+1,j+1] + erro/16.
    g = g > 0
    return g
Exemplo n.º 6
def iafloyd(f):
    from ianormalize import ianormalize

    f_ = 1. * ianormalize(f, [0, 255])
    g = zeros(f_.shape)
    for i in range(f_.shape[0]):
        for j in range(f_.shape[1]):
            if f_[i, j] >= 128:
                g[i, j] = 255
            erro = f_[i, j] - g[i, j]
            if j < f_.shape[1] - 1:
                f_[i, j + 1] = f_[i, j + 1] + 7 * erro / 16.
            if i < f_.shape[0] - 1 and j > 0:
                f_[i + 1, j - 1] = f_[i + 1, j - 1] + 3 * erro / 16.
            if i < f_.shape[0] - 1:
                f_[i + 1, j] = f_[i + 1, j] + 5 * erro / 16.
            if i < f_.shape[0] - 1 and j < f_.shape[1] - 1:
                f_[i + 1, j + 1] = f_[i + 1, j + 1] + erro / 16.
    g = g > 0
    return g