def generate_presigned_url(self, url, date_less_than=None, policy=None):
        """Creates a signed CloudFront URL based on given parameters.

        :type url: str
        :param url: The URL of the protected object

        :type date_less_than: datetime
        :param date_less_than: The URL will expire after that date and time

        :type policy: str
        :param policy: The custom policy, possibly built by self.build_policy()

        :rtype: str
        :return: The signed URL.
        if (date_less_than is not None and policy is not None
                or date_less_than is None and policy is None):
            e = 'Need to provide either date_less_than or policy, but not both'
            raise ValueError(e)
        if date_less_than is not None:
            # We still need to build a canned policy for signing purpose
            policy = self.build_policy(url, date_less_than)
        if isinstance(policy, six.text_type):
            policy = policy.encode('utf8')
        if date_less_than is not None:
            params = ['Expires=%s' % int(datetime2timestamp(date_less_than))]
            params = ['Policy=%s' % self._url_b64encode(policy).decode('utf8')]
        signature = self.rsa_signer(policy)
            'Signature=%s' % self._url_b64encode(signature).decode('utf8'),
            'Key-Pair-Id=%s' % self.key_id,
        return self._build_url(url, params)
    def test_sso_source_profile(self):
        token_cache_key = 'f395038c92f1828cbb3991d2d6152d326b895606'
        cached_token = {
            'accessToken': 'a.token',
            'expiresAt': self.some_future_time(),
        temp_cache = JSONFileCache(self.tempdir)
        temp_cache[token_cache_key] = cached_token

        config = ('[profile A]\n'
                  'role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/RoleA\n'
                  'source_profile = B\n'
                  '[profile B]\n'
                  'sso_region = us-east-1\n'
                  'sso_start_url = https://test.url/start\n'
                  'sso_role_name = SSORole\n'
                  'sso_account_id = 1234567890\n')

        session, sts_stubber = self.create_session(profile='A')
        client_config = Config(
        sso_stubber = session.stub('sso', config=client_config)
        # The expiration needs to be in milliseconds
        expiration = datetime2timestamp(self.some_future_time()) * 1000
        sso_role_creds = self.create_random_credentials()
        sso_role_response = {
            'roleCredentials': {
                'accessKeyId': sso_role_creds.access_key,
                'secretAccessKey': sso_role_creds.secret_key,
                'sessionToken': sso_role_creds.token,
                'expiration': int(expiration),
        sso_stubber.add_response('get_role_credentials', sso_role_response)

        expected_creds = self.create_random_credentials()
        assume_role_response = self.create_assume_role_response(expected_creds)
        sts_stubber.add_response('assume_role', assume_role_response)

        actual_creds = session.get_credentials()
        self.assert_creds_equal(actual_creds, expected_creds)
        # Assert that the client was created with the credentials from the
        # SSO get role credentials response
        self.assertEqual(self.mock_client_creator.call_count, 1)
        _, kwargs = self.mock_client_creator.call_args_list[0]
        expected_kwargs = {
            'aws_access_key_id': sso_role_creds.access_key,
            'aws_secret_access_key': sso_role_creds.secret_key,
            'aws_session_token': sso_role_creds.token,
        self.assertEqual(kwargs, expected_kwargs)
    def build_policy(self,
        """A helper to build policy.

        :type resource: str
        :param resource: The URL or the stream filename of the protected object

        :type date_less_than: datetime
        :param date_less_than: The URL will expire after the time has passed

        :type date_greater_than: datetime
        :param date_greater_than: The URL will not be valid until this time

        :type ip_address: str
        :param ip_address: Use 'x.x.x.x' for an IP, or 'x.x.x.x/x' for a subnet

        :rtype: str
        :return: The policy in a compact string.
        # Note:
        # 1. Order in canned policy is significant. Special care has been taken
        #    to ensure the output will match the order defined by the document.
        #    There is also a test case to ensure that order.
        #    SEE:
        # 2. Albeit the order in custom policy is not required by CloudFront,
        #    we still use OrderedDict internally to ensure the result is stable
        #    and also matches canned policy requirement.
        #    SEE:
        moment = int(datetime2timestamp(date_less_than))
        condition = OrderedDict({"DateLessThan": {"AWS:EpochTime": moment}})
        if ip_address:
            if '/' not in ip_address:
                ip_address += '/32'
            condition["IpAddress"] = {"AWS:SourceIp": ip_address}
        if date_greater_than:
            moment = int(datetime2timestamp(date_greater_than))
            condition["DateGreaterThan"] = {"AWS:EpochTime": moment}
        ordered_payload = [('Resource', resource), ('Condition', condition)]
        custom_policy = {"Statement": [OrderedDict(ordered_payload)]}
        return json.dumps(custom_policy, separators=(',', ':'))