Exemplo n.º 1
def test_logsoftmax():
    x = torch.tensor([[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [0.0, 2.0, 4.0]])
    print('x: ', x)
    print('F.logsoftmax(x, dim=0): ', F.log_softmax(x, dim=0))
    x_ibp = ibp.IntervalBoundedTensor(x, x, x)
    ls = ibp.log_softmax(x_ibp, dim=0)
    print('ibp.log_softmax(x, lb=x, ub=x): ', ls.val, ls.lb, ls.ub)

    lb = x - torch.tensor(0.1)
    ub = x + torch.tensor(0.1)
    print('lb: ', lb)
    print('ub: ', lb)
    x_ibp = ibp.IntervalBoundedTensor(x, lb, ub)
    ls = ibp.log_softmax(x_ibp, dim=0)
    print('ibp.log_softmax(x, lb, ub): ', ls.val, ls.lb, ls.ub)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def attend_on(self, source, target, attention):
   - source: (bXsXe)
   - target: (bXtXe)
   - attention: (bXtXs)
     attention_logsoftmax = ibp.log_softmax(attention, 1)
     attention_normalized = ibp.activation(torch.exp, attention_logsoftmax)
     attended_target = ibp.matmul_nneg(attention_normalized,
                                       source)  # (bXtXe)
     return ibp.cat([target, attended_target], dim=-1)
Exemplo n.º 3
def attention_pool(x, mask, layer):
    """Attention pooling

    x: batch of inputs, shape (B, n, h)
    mask: binary mask, shape (B, n)
    layer: Linear layer mapping h -> 1
    pooled version of x, shape (B, h)
    attn_raw = layer(x).squeeze(2)  # B, n, 1 -> B, n
    attn_raw = ibp.add(attn_raw, (1 - mask) * -1e20)
    attn_logsoftmax = ibp.log_softmax(attn_raw, 1)
    attn_probs = ibp.activation(torch.exp, attn_logsoftmax)  # B, n
    return ibp.bmm(attn_probs.unsqueeze(1),
                   x).squeeze(1)  # B, 1, n x B, n, h -> B, h