Exemplo n.º 1
    df_cal2.FIN[i] = date_fin.strftime('%H:%M:%S')

print df_cal2[0:10]

rep = '0'    #Lis obligatoirement une carte
liste_etu = []
liste_rep = ['o', 'O', '0']
d = -1
f = 1

while rep in liste_rep:

    dict_etu = ical_lire_carte.lecture()
    heure = dict_etu['h']
    grp = dict_etu['grp']
    etu = dict_etu['etu']

    #Compare heure passage
    for a in enumerate(df_cal2['DEBUT']):
        for b in enumerate(df_cal2['FIN']):
            if a[1] <= heure <= b[1] and a[0] == b[0]:
                d = a[0]
    f = f+d

    #Compare Groupe et demi-groupe
    ajout = 0
    vide = []
    if grp[:7] == df_cal2.GROUPE[d][:7] and (df_cal2.GROUPE[d][7:] == vide or grp[7:] == df_cal2.GROUPE[d][7:]):
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    basepath = '.'

    filename = os.path.join(basepath, "requests_cache")
    requests_cache.install_cache(filename, backend='sqlite', expire_after=300) #expiration seconds
    with open("codes_salles.yml") as fd:
        codes = yaml.load(fd)
    code_salle = codes[DEPARTEMENT][NOM_DE_LA_SALLE]
    #jour = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime())
    params = {
        #mettre la variable jour à la place de la date (**** voir BUG ****)
        'code' : code_salle

    r = requests.get(config['ical_url'], params=params)
    dat = r.text
    cal = Calendar.from_ical(dat)

    #Conversion du calendar en dataframe
    df_cal = vevents_to_dataframe(cal)

    #Selection des colonnes
    df_cal2 = df_cal[['DTSTART', 'DTEND', 'DESCRIPTION', 'SUMMARY', 'LOCATION']]

    desc = df_cal['DESCRIPTION']
    #for elt in desc.index:
        #vt = desc.get_value(elt)
        #vtl = vt.to_ical()

    #s = desc.get_value(0)

    #ds = df_cal.DESCRIPTION[0:10].to_string

    #ll = s.to_ical()


    df_cal2['JOUR'] = ''
    df_cal2['DEBUT'] = ''
    df_cal2['FIN'] = ''
    df_cal2['GROUPE'] = ''
    df_cal2['ENSEIGNANT'] = ''
    df_cal2['ETUDIANTS'] = ''
    df_cal2['EFFECTIF'] = ''

    #Colonne Groupe et Enseignant
    for i, elt in enumerate(desc):
        cours = elt.to_ical().split('\\n')
        df_cal2.GROUPE[i] = cours[1]
        df_cal2.ENSEIGNANT[i] = cours[2]

    #Heure Debut cours et jour
    for i, x in enumerate(df_cal['DTSTART']):
        hd = x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        utc = datetime.datetime.now()-datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        date_select = datetime.datetime.strptime(hd, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
        delta = timedelta(seconds=utc.seconds+1)
        date_debut = date_select + delta
        df_cal2.DEBUT[i] = date_debut.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
        df_cal2.JOUR[i] = date_debut.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    #Heure Fin cours
    for i, x in enumerate(df_cal['DTEND']):
        hf = x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        utc = datetime.datetime.now()-datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        date_select = datetime.datetime.strptime(hf, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
        delta = timedelta(seconds =utc.seconds+1)
        date_fin = date_select + delta
        df_cal2.FIN[i] = date_fin.strftime('%H:%M:%S')

    print df_cal2[0:10]

    rep = '0'    #Lis obligatoirement une carte
    liste_etu = []
    liste_rep = ['o', 'O', '0']
    d = -1
    f = 1

    while rep in liste_rep:

        dict_etu = ical_lire_carte.lecture()
        heure = dict_etu['h']
        grp = dict_etu['grp']
        etu = dict_etu['etu']

        #Compare heure passage
        for a in enumerate(df_cal2['DEBUT']):
            for b in enumerate(df_cal2['FIN']):
                if a[1] <= heure <= b[1] and a[0] == b[0]:
                    d = a[0]
        f = f+d

        #Compare Groupe et demi-groupe
        ajout = 0
        vide = []
        if grp[:7] == df_cal2.GROUPE[d][:7] and (df_cal2.GROUPE[d][7:] == vide or grp[7:] == df_cal2.GROUPE[d][7:]):
            if liste_etu == []:
                ajout = 1
            for x in liste_etu:
                if x == etu:
                    ajout = 0
                    ajout = 1

        if ajout == 1:

        #Ajout etudiants présents et effectif
        df_cal2.ETUDIANTS[d] = '\n'.join(liste_etu)
        df_cal2.EFFECTIF[d] = len(liste_etu)
        print '\n', df_cal2[d:f]

        heure_rap = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime())
        if heure_rap >= df_cal2.FIN[d]:

        rep = raw_input("\nLire une autre carte ?(O:oui/N:non)")

    while heure_rap < df_cal2.FIN[d]:    #Boucle si arret lecture
        heure_rap = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime())

    df_cal2[d:f].to_excel('rapport.xls', sheet_name='Sheet1')
    print "\nRapport généré en excel"