Exemplo n.º 1
def _curr_observations(query, result):
    """ Fetch latest weather observation data from weather station closest
        to the location associated with the query (i.e. either user location 
        coordinates or a specific placename) """
    loc = query.location

    # User asked about a specific location
    # Try to find a matching Icelandic placename
    if "location" in result and result.location != "Ísland":
        if result.location == "capital":
            loc = _RVK_COORDS
            result.subject = "Í Reykjavík"
            # First, check if it could be a location in Iceland
            if result.location not in ICE_PLACENAME_BLACKLIST:
                info = placename_lookup(result.location)
                if info:
                    i = info[0]
                    loc = (i.get("lat_wgs84"), i.get("long_wgs84"))
            # OK, could be a location abroad
            if not loc:
                # TODO: Finish this!
                return None
                # If it's a country name, get coordinates for capital city
                # and look that up
                # If not a country name, maybe a foreign city. Look up city
                # name and get coordinates

            # if loc within iceland:
            # talk to iceweather module
            #  else
            # fetch data from openweathermap api

    # Talk to weather API
        if loc:
            res = observation_for_closest(loc[0], loc[1])
            res = observation_for_station(_RVK_STATION_ID)  # Default to Reykjavík
            result.subject = "Í Reykjavík"
    except Exception as e:
        logging.warning("Failed to fetch weather info: {0}".format(str(e)))
        return None

    # Verify that response from server is sane
    if (
        not res
        or "results" not in res
        or not len(res["results"])
        or res["results"][0].get("err")
        return None

    return res["results"][0]
Exemplo n.º 2
def _curr_observations(query, result):
    """ Fetch latest weather observation data from weather station closest
        to the location associated with the query (i.e. either user location 
        coordinates or a specific placename) """
    loc = query.location

    # User asked about a specific location
    # Try to find a matching Icelandic placename
    if "location" in result and result.location != "Ísland":
        if result.location == "capital":
            loc = _RVK_COORDS
            result.subject = "Í Reykjavík"
            # Some strings should never be interpreted as Icelandic placenames
            if result.location in ICE_PLACENAME_BLACKLIST:
                return None

            # Unfortunately, many foreign country names are also Icelandic
            # placenames, so we automatically exclude country names.
            cc = isocode_for_country_name(result.location)
            if cc:
                return None

            info = placename_lookup(result.location)
            if info:
                i = info[0]
                loc = (i.get("lat_wgs84"), i.get("long_wgs84"))
                return None

    # Talk to weather API
        if loc:
            res = observation_for_closest(loc[0], loc[1])
            res = observation_for_station(
                _RVK_STATION_ID)  # Default to Reykjavík
            result.subject = "Í Reykjavík"
    except Exception as e:
        logging.warning("Failed to fetch weather info: {0}".format(str(e)))
        return None

    # Verify that response from server is sane
    if (not res or "results" not in res or not len(res["results"])
            or res["results"][0].get("err")):
        return None

    return res["results"][0]
Exemplo n.º 3
def location_info(name, kind, placename_hints=None):
    """ Returns dict with info about a location, given name and kind.
        Info includes ISO country and continent code, GPS coordinates, etc. """

    # Continents are marked as "lönd" in BÍN, so we set kind manually
    if name in CONTINENTS:
        kind = "continent"
    elif name in ALWAYS_STREET_ADDR:
        kind = "street"

    loc = dict(name=name, kind=kind)
    coords = None

    # Heimilisfang
    if kind == "address":
        # We currently assume all addresses are Icelandic ones
        loc["country"] = ICELAND_ISOCODE
        info = icelandic_addr_info(name, placename_hints=placename_hints)
        if info:
            coords = coords_from_addr_info(info)
        loc["data"] = info

    # Land
    elif kind == "country":
        code = isocode_for_country_name(name)
        if code:
            loc["country"] = code
            coords = coords_for_country(code)

    # Heimsálfa
    elif kind == "continent":
        # Get continent ISO code
        loc["continent"] = CONTINENTS.get(name)

    # Götuheiti
    elif kind == "street":
        # All street names in BÍN are Icelandic
        if name not in ICE_STREETNAME_BLACKLIST:
            loc["country"] = ICELAND_ISOCODE
            coords = coords_for_street_name(name,

    # Örnefni
    elif kind == "placename":
        info = None

        # Check if it's an Icelandic placename
        if name in ICE_REGIONS:
            loc["country"] = ICELAND_ISOCODE
        elif name not in ICE_PLACENAME_BLACKLIST:
            # Try to find a matching Icelandic placename
            info = placename_lookup(name)
            if info:
                loc["country"] = ICELAND_ISOCODE
                # Pick first matching placename
                coords = coords_from_addr_info(info[0])

        # OK, not Icelandic. Let's see if it's a foreign city
        if not info:
            cities = lookup_city_info(name)
            if cities:
                # Pick first match. Cityloc package should give us a match list
                # ordered by population, with capital cities given precedence
                c = cities[0]
                loc["country"] = c.get("country")
                coords = coords_from_addr_info(c)

    # Look up continent code for country
    if "country" in loc:
        loc["continent"] = continent_for_country(loc["country"])

    if coords:
        (loc["latitude"], loc["longitude"]) = coords

    return loc