Exemplo n.º 1
    'channel': None,

    # A python dictionary consists of masks for the traget CNN features,
    # arranged in pairs of layer name (key) and mask (value); the mask selects
    # units for each layer to be used in the loss function (1: using the uint;
    # 0: excluding the unit); mask can be 3D or 2D numpy array; use all the
    # units if some layer not in the dictionary; setting to None for using all
    #units for all layers;
    'mask': None,

# Save the optional parameters
save_name = 'options.pkl'
with open(os.path.join(save_path, save_name), 'w') as f:
    pickle.dump(opts, f)

# Reconstruction
recon_img, loss_list = reconstruct_image(features, net, net_gen, **opts)

# Save the results ------------------------------------------------------------

save_name = 'recon_img' + '.mat'
sio.savemat(os.path.join(save_path, save_name), {'recon_img': recon_img})

save_name = 'recon_img' + '.jpg'
    os.path.join(save_path, save_name))

save_name = 'loss_list' + '.mat'
sio.savemat(os.path.join(save_path, save_name), {'loss_list': loss_list})
    # Use the inverse of the squared norm of the CNN features as the weight for each layer
    weights = 1. / (feat_norm ** 2)

    # Normalise the weights such that the sum of the weights = 1
    weights = weights / weights.sum()
    layer_weight = dict(zip(layers, weights))

    opts.update({'layer_weight': layer_weight})

    # Reconstruction
    snapshots_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'snapshots', 'image-%s' % image_label)
    recon_img, loss_list = reconstruct_image(features, net,

    # Save the results

    # Save the raw reconstructed image
    save_name = 'recon_img' + '-' + image_label + '.mat'
    sio.savemat(os.path.join(save_dir, save_name), {'recon_img': recon_img})

    # To better display the image, clip pixels with extreme values (0.02% of
    # pixels with extreme low values and 0.02% of the pixels with extreme high
    # values). And then normalise the image by mapping the pixel value to be
    # within [0,255].
    save_name = 'recon_img_normalized' + '-' + image_label + '.jpg'
    PIL.Image.fromarray(normalise_img(clip_extreme_value(recon_img, pct=0.04))).save(os.path.join(save_dir, save_name))

    # for using all channels for all layers;
    'channel': None,

    # A python dictionary consists of masks for the traget CNN features,
    # arranged in pairs of layer name (key) and mask (value); the mask selects
    # units for each layer to be used in the loss function (1: using the uint;
    # 0: excluding the unit); mask can be 3D or 2D numpy array; use all the
    # units if some layer not in the dictionary; setting to None for using all
    #units for all layers;
    'mask': None,

# Save the optional parameters
save_name = 'options.pkl'
with open(os.path.join(save_path, save_name), 'w') as f:
    pickle.dump(opts, f)

# Reconstruction
recon_img, loss_list = reconstruct_image(features, net, **opts)

# Save the results ------------------------------------------------------------

save_name = 'recon_img' + '.mat'
sio.savemat(os.path.join(save_path, save_name), {'recon_img': recon_img})

save_name = 'recon_img' + '.jpg'
PIL.Image.fromarray(normalise_img(recon_img)).save(os.path.join(save_path, save_name))

save_name = 'loss_list' + '.mat'
sio.savemat(os.path.join(save_path, save_name), {'loss_list': loss_list})