Exemplo n.º 1
def apply(ea, st):
    '''Apply the structure ``st`` to the address at ``ea``.'''
    ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
    ti, fl = idaapi.opinfo_t(), database.type.flags(ea)
    res = idaapi.get_opinfo(ea, 0, fl, ti)
    ti.tid = st.id
    return idaapi.set_opinfo(ea, 0, fl | idaapi.struflag(), ti)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def yacheck_reference_views(self):
     addr = yaunit.load('reference_view_addr')
     ti = idaapi.opinfo_t()
     f = idc.GetFlags(addr)
     self.assertTrue(idaapi.get_opinfo(addr, self.operand, f, ti))
     self.assertEqual(ti.ri.base, self.reference_addr)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def yacheck_apply_struct(self):
        addrs = yaunit.load('apply_struct')
        for k in range(-1, 4):
            # retrieve struct id
            addr = addrs[k + 1]
            sid = idc.GetStrucIdByName('apply_struct_%x' % (k + 1))
            self.assertNotEqual(sid, idaapi.BADADDR)

            # begin to check if something is applied
            flags = idaapi.get_flags_novalue(addr)
            self.assertTrue(idaapi.isStroff(flags, 1))
            ti = idaapi.opinfo_t()
            flags = idc.GetFlags(addr)
            self.assertTrue(idaapi.get_opinfo(addr, 1, flags, ti))

            # apply struct only
            if k == -1:
                # check struct is applied
                self.assertEqual(ti.path.ids[0], sid)

            # check union is selected & applied at target address
            uid = idc.GetStrucIdByName('apply_union_%x' % (k + 1))
            self.assertNotEqual(uid, idaapi.BADADDR)
            fid = idc.GetMemberId(uid, k)
            self.assertNotEqual(fid, -1)

            # check union is applied
            self.assertEqual([x for x in ti.path.ids if x], [sid, fid])
Exemplo n.º 4
 def apply(ea, st):
     """Apply the structure ``st`` to the address at ``ea``"""
     ti = idaapi.opinfo_t()
     res = idaapi.get_opinfo(ea, 0, idaapi.getFlags(ea), ti)
     ti.tid = st.id
     return idaapi.set_opinfo(ea, 0,
                              idaapi.getFlags(ea) | idaapi.struflag(),
Exemplo n.º 5
 def id(ea):
     """Return the identifier of the structure at address ``ea``"""
     assert type(
     ) == idaapi.FF_STRU, 'Specified IDA Type is not an FF_STRU(%x) : %x' % (
         idaapi.FF_STRU, type(ea))
     ti = idaapi.opinfo_t()
     res = idaapi.get_opinfo(ea, 0, idaapi.getFlags(ea), ti)
     assert res, 'idaapi.get_opinfo returned %x at %x' % (res, ea)
     return ti.tid
Exemplo n.º 6
def applied_structs():
    dataseg = sark.Segment(name='seg004')

    for line in dataseg.lines:
        ti = idaapi.opinfo_t()
        f = idaapi.getFlags(line.ea)
        if idaapi.get_opinfo(line.ea, 0, f, ti):
            struct_name = idaapi.get_struc_name(ti.tid)
            if struct_name:
                print (line.ea - dataseg.ea, struct_name)
                yield line.ea - dataseg.ea, struct_name
Exemplo n.º 7
 def yacheck_reference_views(self):
     eas = yaunit.load('reference_views')
     idx = 0
     for ea in eas:
         (operand, is_num, reference) = tests[idx]
         idx += 1
         ti = idaapi.opinfo_t()
         f = idc.GetFlags(ea)
         self.assertTrue(idaapi.get_opinfo(ea, operand, f, ti))
         self.assertEqual(ti.ri.base, reference)
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_reference_xrefs_at_ea(base_address, ea, references):
    # we consider we have 2 operands max
    for op_index in xrange(0, 2):
        ti = idaapi.opinfo_t()
        f = idc.GetFlags(ea)
        if idaapi.get_opinfo(ea, op_index, f, ti):
            if ti.ri.type() != 0 and ti.ri.base != 0:
                if ea - base_address not in references:
                    references[ea - base_address] = list()
                s = {'flags': ti.ri.flags}
                references[ea - base_address].append((op_index, s, ti.ri.base))
Exemplo n.º 9
def _f1(idx, ctx):
    import idc
    import ida_bytes
    obj = ctx.get_memref('stroff')
    print "%x" % obj.ea
    ti = idaapi.opinfo_t()
    f = idc.GetFlags(obj.ea)
    if idaapi.get_opinfo(obj.ea, 0, f, ti):
        print("tid=%08x - %s" % (ti.tid, idaapi.get_struc_name(ti.tid)))
    print "Offset: {}".format(obj.offset)
    import ida_struct
    obj2 = ctx.get_obj('fcn')
    print "%x" % obj2.addr
    name_str = ida_name.get_name(obj2.addr)
    print "Name {}".format(name_str)
    ida_struct.set_member_name(ida_struct.get_struc(ti.tid), obj.offset, name_str)
Exemplo n.º 10
def getOperandView(ea):
    operands = list()
    fl = idaapi.get_flags_novalue(ea)
    flags = [idaapi.get_optype_flags0(fl), idaapi.get_optype_flags1(fl) >> 4]
    for i in xrange(0, len(flags)):
        if flags[i] != 0:
            if (flags[i] & idaapi.FF_0STRO) != idaapi.FF_0STRO:
                # Offset property is independent : handle it first
                if flags[i] == idaapi.FF_0OFF:
                    ti = idaapi.opinfo_t()
                    if idaapi.get_opinfo(ea, i, fl, ti):
                            offset_name = "-" + OFFSET_TYPE_MAP_NAMES[ti.ri.flags]
                        except KeyError:
                                "OperandView at 0x%08X : no valid offset found for flags 0x%08X" % (ea, ti.ri.flags))
                            offset_name = ""
                        operands.append((i, "offset" + offset_name))
                elif flags[i] == idaapi.FF_0NUMD:
                    value = ""
                    operand = i
                    if idaapi.is_invsign(ea, fl, i):
                        value = "signeddecimal"
                        value = "unsigneddecimal"
                    operands.append((operand, value))
                elif flags[i] == idaapi.FF_0NUMH:
                    if idaapi.is_invsign(ea, fl, i):
                        operands.append((i, "signedhexadecimal"))
                        operands.append((i, "unsignedhexadecimal"))
                elif flags[i] == idaapi.FF_0CHAR:
                    operands.append((i, "char"))
                elif flags[i] == idaapi.FF_0NUMB:
                    operands.append((i, "binary"))
                elif flags[i] == idaapi.FF_0NUMO:
                    operands.append((i, "octal"))

    return operands
Exemplo n.º 11
def get_struc_enum_xrefs_at_ea(base_address, ea, strucs, enums, stackframe, func):
    # structures
    # TODO: fix use a lot of CPU !!!! (call twice)
    if idaapi.decode_insn(ea) == 0:
        logger.warning("Invalid instruction at %x." % (ea))
        # TODO: check that it is a good thing not to exit
        Code Example :
.text:000000010003D73A E8 CD FB 01+                call    _CxxThrowException
.text:000000010003D73A 00          ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000000010003D73F CC                          db 0CCh
.text:000000010003D73F             sub_10003D6D8   endp
.text:000000010003D740 CC CC CC CC+                db 8 dup(0CCh)
.text:000000010003D748 90 90 90 90+                align 10h
        0xCC can be used as padding : it  is recognized as an illegal instruction by IDA
        The instruction should be just ignored, no need to exit
        # sys.exit(-1)
        # TODO: add 2 xrefs instead of one in struc operands
        following instruction :
        cmp     eax, struc_1.field_1
        should add 2 xrefs : (in XML format)
<xrefs offset="0x0000004A" operand="0x00000001" delta="X">UUID(struc_1)</xrefstrucs>
<xrefs offset="0x0000004A" operand="0x00000001">UUID(struc_1.field_1)</xrefstrucs>
        This way, if field_1 is moved inside struc_1 (between 2 different versions of
        binary), it will still be identified
        op_index = 0
        for op in idaapi.cmd.Operands:
            if op.type != idaapi.o_void:
                ti = idaapi.opinfo_t()
                f = idc.GetFlags(ea)
                if isEnum(f, op_index):
                    if idaapi.get_opinfo(ea, op_index, f, ti):
                        name = idc.GetEnumName(ti.ec.tid)
                        if name is not None:
                            # name can be None if the enum was deleted
                                ll = enums[ea - base_address]
                            except KeyError:
                                ll = list()
                                enums[ea - base_address] = ll
                            ll.append((op_index, ti.ec.tid, name))
                elif isStroff(f, op_index):
                    if idaapi.get_opinfo(ea, op_index, f, ti):
                        struc_path = ti.path.ids
                        struc_delta = ti.path.delta
                        path_len = ti.path.len

                            struc_xrefs = strucs[ea - base_address]
                        except KeyError:
                            struc_xrefs = list()
                            strucs[ea - base_address] = struc_xrefs

                        for path_idx in xrange(0, path_len):
                            field_id = struc_path[path_idx]
                            if path_len > 1:
                                logger.debug("adding path_idx=%d, id=0x%08X, name=%s" % (
                                    path_idx, field_id, idaapi.get_struc_name(field_id)))
                            struc_dict = None
                            if struc_delta != 0:
                                struc_dict = {'delta': "0x%08X" % struc_delta}
                            if path_idx != 0:
                                if struc_dict is None:
                                    struc_dict = {'path_idx': "0x%08X" % path_idx}
                                    struc_dict['path_idx'] = "0x%08X" % path_idx
                            struc_xrefs.append((op_index, struc_dict, field_id))
                # STACK VARIABLE
                # check if op if var stack
                if func is not None and (
                    ((op_index == 0) and idaapi.isStkvar0(f)) or
                    ((op_index == 1) and idaapi.isStkvar1(f))
                    t = idaapi.get_stkvar(op, op.addr)
                    if t is not None:
                        (member, actval) = t
                        if ea - base_address not in stackframe:
                            stackframe[ea - base_address] = list()
                        stackframe[ea - base_address].append((op_index, member, idaapi.get_spd(func, ea)))

                op_index += 1
Exemplo n.º 12
def getStructureId(ea):
    assert getType(ea) == idaapi.FF_STRU
    ti = idaapi.opinfo_t()
    res = idaapi.get_opinfo(ea, 0, idaapi.getFlags(ea), ti)
    assert res, 'idaapi.get_opinfo returned %x at %x' % (res, ea)
    return ti.tid
Exemplo n.º 13
def getStructureId(ea):
    assert getType(ea) == idaapi.FF_STRU
    ti = idaapi.opinfo_t()
    res = idaapi.get_opinfo(ea, 0, idaapi.getFlags(ea), ti)
    assert res, 'idaapi.get_opinfo returned %x at %x'% (res,ea)
    return ti.tid