def robotCode(self): self.path = np.array([[0.2, 0.2, -0.2, -0.2], [0.4, -0.4, -0.4, 0.4], [15, 15, 15, 15]]) # dash = IDash(framerate=0.1) # plt.plot(self.path[0,:], self.path[1,:]) # dash.add(plt) #k=0.0345 # ball model: d(t) = vmot*k*(1-exp(-t/T)) goal = (0.0, 0.0) self.path, status = passPath(self.getRobotConf(, self.ballEngine.getBallPose(), goal, kick=True) print self.path dash = IDash(framerate=0.1) dash.add(lambda: plt.plot(-self.path[1, :], self.path[0, :], 'b-*') and plt.xlim([-0.7, 0.7]) and plt.ylim([-0.7, 0.7])) dash.plotframe() print 'estimated time path' print calculatePathTime(self.path) t = self.ballEngine.getSimTime() # time in seconds # while (self.ballEngine.getSimTime()-t)<10: #End program after 30sec cc = 1 while cc: robotConf = self.getRobotConf( cc = self.followPath(robotConf, status, rb=0.05) self.ballEngine.update() nextBallPos = self.ballEngine.getNextRestPos() # robotConf = self.getRobotConf( # ballPos = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() # (x, y) # vRobot = v2Pos(robotConf, ballPos) self.setMotorVelocities(0, 0) print 'real time path' print(self.ballEngine.getSimTime() - t)
def robotCode(self): self.path = np.array([[0.2, 0.2, -0.2, -0.2], [0.4, -0.4, -0.4, 0.4], [15, 15, 15, 15]]) # dash = IDash(framerate=0.1) # plt.plot(self.path[0,:], self.path[1,:]) # dash.add(plt) #k=0.0345 # ball model: d(t) = vmot*k*(1-exp(-t/T)) goal = (0.0, 0.0) self.path, status = passPath(self.getRobotConf(, self.ballEngine.getBallPose(), goal, kick=True) print self.path dash = IDash(framerate=0.1) dash.add(lambda: plt.plot(-self.path[1,:], self.path[0,:], 'b-*') and plt.xlim([-0.7, 0.7]) and plt.ylim([-0.7, 0.7])) dash.plotframe() print 'estimated time path' print calculatePathTime(self.path) t = self.ballEngine.getSimTime() # time in seconds # while (self.ballEngine.getSimTime()-t)<10: #End program after 30sec cc=1 while cc: robotConf = self.getRobotConf( cc = self.followPath(robotConf, status, rb=0.05) self.ballEngine.update() nextBallPos = self.ballEngine.getNextRestPos() # robotConf = self.getRobotConf( # ballPos = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() # (x, y) # vRobot = v2Pos(robotConf, ballPos) self.setMotorVelocities(0,0) print 'real time path' print (self.ballEngine.getSimTime()-t)
#SOM visualization of MNIST digits image_template = np.zeros((28,28)) map_image = np.tile(image_template, map_shape) map_image_w = map_image.copy() lattice_predictions = np.zeros(map_size) for node_count in range(map_size): m_row, n_col = idx1D_to_idx2D(node_count, map_shape) closest_x_idx = np.argmin(cdist(w[:,node_count].reshape(1, -1), trX)) image_of_closest_x = trX[closest_x_idx].reshape((28,28)) lattice_predictions[node_count] = trY[closest_x_idx] # prediction mapping image_of_w = w[:,node_count].reshape((28,28)) map_image[m_row*28:(m_row+1)*28, n_col*28:(n_col+1)*28] = image_of_closest_x map_image_w[m_row*28:(m_row+1)*28, n_col*28:(n_col+1)*28] = image_of_w dash.add(lambda: plt.imshow(map_image, cmap='gray')) dash.add(lambda: plt.imshow(map_image_w, cmap='gray')) # predictions def predict(X, w, lattice_predictions): n_examples = X.shape[0] Ypred = np.zeros(n_examples) for row in range(n_examples): closest_w_idx = np.argmin(cdist(X[row].reshape(1,-1), w.T)) Ypred[row] = lattice_predictions[closest_w_idx] return Ypred trYpred = predict(trX, w, lattice_predictions) teYpred = predict(teX, w, lattice_predictions) # evaluate train_acc = accuracy_score(trY, trYpred)
class MyRobotRunner(base_robot.BaseRobotRunner): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MyRobotRunner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.idash = IDash(0.005) def robotCode(self): #waypoint = [(0.2, 0.4), (0, 0.4), (-0.2, 0.4),(-0.2, 0.2), (-0.2, 0),(0, 0), (0.2, 0),(0.2, -0.2), (0.2, -0.4),(0, -0.4), (-0.2, -0.4)] waypoint = [(0, 0.4), (-0.2, 0.4),(-0.2, 0.2), (-0.2, 0),(0, 0), (0.2, 0),(0.2, -0.2), (0.2, -0.4), (0, -0.4),(-0.05, -0.4), (-0.1, -0.4), (-0.15, -0.4), (-0.2, -0.4), (-0.2, -0.4)] # waypoint = [] # r = 0.2 # increments = 5 # xCenter = 0 # yCenter = 0.2 # for i in range(increments-1): # # circle center: (0, 0.2) # x = r*math.sin(i*math.pi/increments) + xCenter # y = r*math.cos(i*math.pi/increments) + yCenter # waypoint.append((x,y)) # xCenter = 0 # yCenter = -0.2 # for i in range(increments): # # circle center: (0, -0.2) # x = -r*math.sin(i*math.pi/increments) + xCenter # y = r*math.cos(i*math.pi/increments) + yCenter # waypoint.append((x,y)) # for i in range(3): # waypoint.append((-0.2/4*i,-0.4)) #k=0.0345 # ball model: d(t) = vmot*k*(1-exp(-t/T)) for i in range(len(waypoint)): p0 = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() curr_bot_pose = list(self.getRobotConf( curr_bot_pose[1] -= 0.05 self.path, status = passPath(curr_bot_pose, p0, waypoint[i],vmax=10,vr=7, kq= 0.0035) print self.path # dash = IDash(framerate=0.1) # dash.add(lambda: plt.plot(-self.path[1,:], self.path[0,:], 'b-*') and # plt.xlim([-0.7, 0.7]) and plt.ylim([-0.7, 0.7])) # dash.plotframe() print 'estimated time path' # print calculatePathTime(self.path) t = self.ballEngine.getSimTime() t = self.ballEngine.getSimTime() # time in seconds while (self.ballEngine.getSimTime()-t)<10: #End program after 30sec # cc=1 # while cc: def vizBots(): actx, acty = self.getRobotConf()[:2] ballx, bally = self.ballEngine.getBallPose()[:2] plt.hold('on') plt.plot(-waypoint[i][1], waypoint[i][0], 'k*') plt.plot(-bally, ballx, 'b.') plt.plot(-acty, actx, 'g+') plt.plot(-self.path[1,:], self.path[0,:], 'r.') plt.xlim([-0.9, 0.9]) # y axis in the field plt.ylim([-0.65, 0.65]) # x axis in the field plt.xlabel('active path length: {}'.format(self.path.shape[1])) self.idash.add(vizBots) robotConf = self.getRobotConf( cc = self.followPath(robotConf, rb=0.05) self.ballEngine.update() p1 = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() p3 = self.ballEngine.getNextRestPos() dist_from_start = np.sqrt((p1[0] - p0[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p0[1])**2) velocity_measure = np.sqrt((p1[0] - p3[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p3[1])**2) #self.idash.plotframe() if dist_from_start > 0.01: # the ball has been touched if velocity_measure < 0.003: break# wait til velocity reaches zero # robotConf = self.getRobotConf( # ballPos = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() # (x, y) # vRobot = v2Pos(robotConf, ballPos) self.setMotorVelocities(0,0) print 'real time path' print (self.ballEngine.getSimTime()-t)
class Lab2Program: def __init__(self): self.initialize_vrep_client() self.initilize_vrep_api() self.define_constants() self.killer = GracefulKiller() self.idash = IDash(framerate=0.05) def initialize_vrep_client(self): #Initialisation for Python to connect to VREP print 'Python program started' count = 0 num_tries = 10 while count < num_tries: vrep.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections self.clientID=vrep.simxStart('',19999,True,True,5000,5) #Timeout=5000ms, Threadcycle=5ms if self.clientID!=-1: print 'Connected to V-REP' break else: "Trying again in a few moments..." time.sleep(3) count += 1 if count >= num_tries: print 'Failed connecting to V-REP' vrep.simxFinish(self.clientID) def initilize_vrep_api(self): # initialize ePuck handles and variables _, self.bodyelements=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, 'ePuck_bodyElements', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.leftMotor=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, 'ePuck_leftJoint', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.rightMotor=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, 'ePuck_rightJoint', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.ePuck=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, 'ePuck', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.ePuckBase=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, 'ePuck_base', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # proxSens = prox_sens_initialize(self.clientID) # initialize odom of ePuck _, = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, self.ePuck, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, self.eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, self.ePuck, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # initialize overhead cam _, self.overheadCam=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, 'Global_Vision', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.resolution, self.image = vrep.simxGetVisionSensorImage( self.clientID,self.overheadCam,0,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # initialize goal handle + odom _, self.goalHandle=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, 'Goal_Position', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.goalPose = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, self.goalHandle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # STOP Motor Velocities. Not sure if this is necessary _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID,self.leftMotor,0,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID,self.rightMotor,0,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) def define_constants(self): self.map_side_length = 2.55 # FIMXE: hard coded goals # self.GOALS = [(40+2,6), (40, 6+2), (40,21), (35, 19), (30,22), (29,10), (27,5), (20,8), (20,33), (20, 48), (5,55)] self.GOALS = None self.worldNorthTheta = None self.maxVelocity = 2.0 self.history_length = 5 self.theta_history = RingBuffer(self.history_length) self.e_theta_h = RingBuffer(self.history_length) self.blurred_paths = None self.path_skip = 8 def global_map_preprocess(self, resolution, image): im = format_vrep_image(resolution, image) # original image im = image_vert_flip(im) resize_length = int(im.shape[0]/2) im = skimage.transform.resize(im, (resize_length, resize_length, 3)) return im def global_map_process(self, im): walls = im[:,:,0] > 0.25 paths = walls < 0.15 if self.blurred_paths is None: print "Computed" blurred_map = skimage.filters.gaussian_filter(walls, sigma=2) blurred_paths = blurred_map < 0.15 #'binary_grid.npy', blurred_paths) return paths, blurred_paths else: return paths, self.blurred_paths def robot_pose_get(self): _, xyz = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, self.ePuck, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) _, eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, self.ePuck, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) x, y, z = xyz theta = eulerAngles[2] self.theta_history.append(theta) return (x, y, theta) def lidar_scan_get(self, window_size=21): """ gets lidar scan range values """ fr = (window_size - 1) / 2 # fire range lidarValues = pseudoLidarSensor(self.paths, self.pose[0], self.pose[1], fr, original_four=False) return lidarValues def repulsion_vectors_compute(self, lidarValues, k_repulse=10.0): numLidarValues = len(lidarValues) lidarAngles = [np.pi / numLidarValues * index for index in range(numLidarValues)] repulsionVectors = [np.array(pol2cart(force_repulsion(k_repulse, np.sqrt(val), 2), angle)) for val, angle in zip(lidarValues, lidarAngles)] return repulsionVectors def attraction_vector_compute(self, k_attract=100.0): self.attractionVal, self.attractionAngle = cart2pol( self.goal_pose_pixel[1] - self.pose_pixel[1], # cols counts same to normal horz axes self.pose_pixel[0] - self.goal_pose_pixel[0] # rows counts opposite to normal vert axes ) attractionVector = np.array(pol2cart(k_attract*self.attractionVal, self.attractionAngle)) return attractionVector def robot_code(self): t = time.time() self.curr_goal = 0 while (time.time() - t) < 200: # global map _,resolution,image = vrep.simxGetVisionSensorImage(self.clientID,self.overheadCam,0,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # Get image im = self.global_map_preprocess(resolution, image) self.pose = self.robot_pose_get() x, y, theta = self.pose # theta = self.theta_history.weighted_average(scheme='last', mathfunc=lambda x: np.exp(x)) # initialize worldNorthTheta for the first time if self.worldNorthTheta is None: self.worldNorthTheta = self.pose[2] _ = [self.theta_history.append(self.pose[2]) for _ in range(self.history_length)] self.pose_pixel = np.array(odom2pixelmap(x, y, self.map_side_length, im.shape[0])) m, n = self.pose_pixel self.paths, self.blurred_paths = self.global_map_process(im) # calculate intermediate goals once if self.GOALS is None: raw_input("") # acquire pixel location of goal _, finishPose = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, self.goalHandle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) self.finish_pixel = odom2pixelmap(finishPose[0], finishPose[1], self.map_side_length, im.shape[0]) contiguousPath = AStarBinaryGrid(self.blurred_paths).calculate_path(self.pose_pixel, self.finish_pixel) self.GOALS = contiguousPath[::self.path_skip] # SKIP THIS FIRST LOOP AND CONTINUE continue else: self.goal_pose_pixel = np.array(self.GOALS[self.curr_goal]) goal_m, goal_n = self.goal_pose_pixel lidarValues = self.lidar_scan_get(window_size=21) ############################# # Potential Field Algorithm # ############################# repulsionVectors = self.repulsion_vectors_compute(lidarValues, k_repulse=10.0) attractionVector = self.attraction_vector_compute(k_attract=100.0) finalVector = np.sum(np.vstack((repulsionVectors, attractionVector)), axis=0) finalUnitVector = finalVector / np.linalg.norm(finalVector) print "finalUnitVector: ", finalUnitVector # TODO: do we use the unit vector (for direction) only, or the finalVector? finalValue, finalAngle = cart2pol(finalUnitVector[0], finalUnitVector[1]) error_theta = angle_diff(mapTheta2worldTheta(finalAngle, self.worldNorthTheta), theta) self.e_theta_h.append(error_theta) k_angular_p = 2.0 * self.maxVelocity k_angular_D = 0.25 k_angular_S = 1.0 k_angular_I = 2.5 omega = k_angular_p * ( error_theta + k_angular_D / k_angular_S * (self.e_theta_h[-1] - self.e_theta_h[-2]) + k_angular_S / k_angular_I * sum(self.e_theta_h) ) print "Omega: ", round(omega,1) ############################# # StateController Algorithm # ############################# # if desired heading is not directly in front if np.abs(error_theta) > np.pi / 3: # turn in place forward_vel = self.maxVelocity # omega *= 0.25 else: # Direct yourself to the goal goal_distance = np.linalg.norm(self.goal_pose_pixel - self.pose_pixel) print "distance_from_goal: ", goal_distance if goal_distance <= 4: # Achieved Goal! forward_vel = self.maxVelocity * 0.25 # Slow down to prepare for the next one self.curr_goal += 1 else: forward_vel = self.maxVelocity # control the motors ctrl_sig_left, ctrl_sig_right = vomega2bytecodes(forward_vel, omega, g=1) _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID,self.leftMotor,ctrl_sig_left,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set left wheel velocity _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID,self.rightMotor,ctrl_sig_right,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set right wheel velocity self.idash.add(lambda: self.plot_maze(self.blurred_paths*1.0, m, n, goal_m, goal_n)) self.idash.add(lambda: self.plot_maze(im, m, n, goal_m, goal_n)) def plot_current_and_desired_heading(): self.plot_unit_quiver(finalUnitVector, 'r') self.plot_unit_quiver(pol2cart(1, worldTheta2mapTheta(theta, self.worldNorthTheta)), 'k') plt.title("Error Theta: %f" % error_theta) self.idash.add(plot_current_and_desired_heading) self.idash.add(self.plot_theta_history) self.idash.plotframe() if self.killer.kill_now: self.clean_exit() def plot_maze(self, im, m, n, goal_m, goal_n): """ plots the maze, with robot pose and goal pose visualized """ if len(im.shape) == 3: goal_pixel_values = np.array((1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) robot_pixel_values = np.array((255.0/255.0,192/255.0,203/255.0)) elif len(im.shape) == 2: goal_pixel_values = 0.5 robot_pixel_values = 0.5 im[goal_m,goal_n] = goal_pixel_values im[m,n] = robot_pixel_values plt.imshow(im) def plot_unit_quiver(self, vector, color): X, Y = (0, 0) U, V = (vector[0], vector[1]) plt.quiver(X,Y,U,V,angles='xy',scale_units='xy',scale=1,color=color) plt.xlim([-1.1,1.1]) plt.ylim([-1.1,1.1]) def plot_theta_history(self, expansion=5): plt.plot([theta for theta in self.theta_history]) if len(self.theta_history) < expansion: plt.xlim([0, expansion]) else: plt.xlim([0, len(self.theta_history)]) ylim = np.pi + 0.5 plt.ylim([-ylim, ylim]) def plot_all_goals(self, im): # display all goals for goal_idx in range(len(self.GOALS)): im[self.GOALS[goal_idx][0], self.GOALS[goal_idx][1]] = np.array((1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) def clean_exit(self): _ = vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.clientID,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) vrep.simxFinish(self.clientID) print 'Program ended' sys.exit(0) def run(self): if self.clientID!=-1: _ = vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.clientID,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) self.robot_code() self.clean_exit()
class FinalProjectProgram(): def __init__(self, color, number): # parameter init self.bot_name = '%s%d' % (color, number) self.bot_nameStriker = 'Red1' # run startup methods self.initializeVrepClient() self.initializeVrepApi() # self.killer = GracefulKiller() self.idash = IDash(framerate=0.05) def initializeVrepClient(self): #Initialisation for Python to connect to VREP print 'Python program started' count = 0 num_tries = 10 while count < num_tries: vrep.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections self.clientID = vrep.simxStart('', 19999, True, True, 5000, 5) #Timeout=5000ms, Threadcycle=5ms if self.clientID != -1: print 'Connected to V-REP' break else: "Trying again in a few moments..." time.sleep(3) count += 1 if count >= num_tries: print 'Failed connecting to V-REP' vrep.simxFinish(self.clientID) def initializeVrepApi(self): # initialize bot handles and variables _, self.leftMotor = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_leftJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.rightMotor = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_rightJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.clientID, self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # proxSens = prox_sens_initialize(self.clientID) # initialize odom of bot _, = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID,, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, self.eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID,, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # # initialize overhead cam # _, self.overheadCam=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( # self.clientID, 'Global_Vision', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # _, self.resolution, self.image = vrep.simxGetVisionSensorImage( # self.clientID,self.overheadCam,0,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # # initialize goal handle + odom # _, self.goalHandle=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( # self.clientID, 'Goal_Position', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # _, self.goalPose = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( # self.clientID, self.goalHandle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # initialize bot handles and variables for Red1 _, self.leftMotorStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_leftJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.rightMotorStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_rightJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.botStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, self.bot_nameStriker, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, xyzStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID, self.botStriker, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, eulerAnglesStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, self.botStriker, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) def robotCode(self): """ OUR ROBOT CODE GOES HERE """ # count = 0 # while True: # self.unittestTurnSideways(count) # count += 1 xGoalie = self.getRobotPose([0] yGoalie = self.getRobotPose([1] thetaGoalie = self.getRobotPose([2] thetaStriker = self.getRobotPose(self.botStriker)[2] # ball pose ballPose = (0, 0) # (x, y) goalie2Ball = abs(yGoalie - ballPose[1]) # distance between ball and goalkeeper goalieDistance = abs(goalie2Ball * math.tan(thetaStriker)) if thetaStriker < 0: xSaving = xGoalie + goalieDistance else: xSaving = xGoalie - goalieDistance savingPosition = [xSaving, yGoalie, z] # position in which the the goalie saves the ball # desiredHeading = -math.pi/2 # tolerance = 5*math.pi/360 # error = [] # Kp = 2 # Tdiff = 0.01 # Tint = 0.1 # Tsample = 0.02 # i = 0 # # while ((thetaGoalie < (desiredHeading - tolerance) or thetaGoalie > (desiredHeading + tolerance))) and i <= 20: # error.append(abs(thetaGoalie - desiredHeading)) # if i == 0: # vDiff = Kp*error[i] # else: # errorSum = 0 # for j in range(i): # errorSum += error[j] # vDiff = Kp*(error[i] + Tdiff/Tsample*(error[i] - error[i-1]) + Tsample*Tint*errorSum) # _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( # self.clientID,self.leftMotor,-vDiff,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set left wheel velocity # _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( # self.clientID,self.rightMotor,vDiff,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set right wheel velocity # time.sleep(Tsample) # thetaGoalie = self.getRobotPose([2] # #print thetaGoalie # i += 1 # # xTolerance = 0.0001 # error = [] # i = 0 # Kp = 100 # Tint = 1 # Tsample = 0.01 # # while ((xGoalie < (xSaving - xTolerance) or xGoalie > (xSaving + xTolerance))) and i <= 25: # error.append(xGoalie - xSaving) # if i == 0: # vComm = Kp*error[i] # else: # errorSum = 0 # for j in range(i): # errorSum += error[j] # vComm = Kp*(error[i] + Tdiff/Tsample*(error[i] - error[i-1]) + Tsample*Tint*errorSum) # _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( # self.clientID,self.leftMotor,-vComm,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set left wheel velocity # _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( # self.clientID,self.rightMotor,-vComm,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set right wheel velocity # time.sleep(Tsample) # xGoalie = self.getRobotPose([0] # #print xGoalie # i += 1 while 1: robotConf = self.getRobotConf( print('robotConf.x=%f' % robotConf[0]) print('robotConf.y=%f' % robotConf[1]) print('robotConf.theta=%f' % robotConf[2]) print('savingPosition.x=%f' % savingPosition[0]) print('savingPosition.y=%f' % savingPosition[1]) print('savingPosition.theta=%f' % savingPosition[2]) vRobot = v2Pos(robotConf, savingPosition) print('vRobot.x=%f' % vRobot[0]) print('vRobot.y=%f' % vRobot[1]) self.setMotorVelocities(vRobot[0], vRobot[1]) #self.setDriveVelocities(0, 0) time.sleep(3) def getRobotConf(self, robot_handle): _, xyz = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) _, eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) x, y, z = xyz theta = eulerAngles[2] return (x, y, theta) def getRobotPose(self, robot_handle): _, xyz = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) _, eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) x, y, z = xyz theta = eulerAngles[2] return (x, y, theta) def setMotorVelocities(self, forward_vel, omega): ctrl_sig_left, ctrl_sig_right = vomega2bytecodes(forward_vel, omega, g=1) _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID, self.leftMotor, ctrl_sig_left, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set left wheel velocity _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID, self.rightMotor, ctrl_sig_right, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set right wheel velocity def unittestMoveForward(self): self.setMotorVelocities(forward_vel=1, omega=0) def unittestTurnSideways(self, not_first_time): x, y, theta = self.getRobotPose() if not_first_time: goal_theta = self.first_theta + np.pi / 2 print goal_theta error_theta = ThetaRange.angleDiff(theta, goal_theta) # control omega = 10 * error_theta print omega self.setMotorVelocities(0, omega) # visualization def plotCurrentDesiredHeadings(): plotVector(ThetaRange.pol2cart(1, theta), 'k') plotVector(ThetaRange.pol2cart(1, goal_theta), 'r') self.idash.add(plotCurrentDesiredHeadings) self.idash.plotframe() else: self.first_theta = theta def clean_exit(self): _ = vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.clientID, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) vrep.simxFinish(self.clientID) print 'Program ended' def run(self): if self.clientID != -1: _ = vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.clientID, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) self.robotCode() self.clean_exit()
class Lab2Program: def __init__(self): self.initialize_vrep_client() self.initilize_vrep_api() self.define_constants() self.killer = GracefulKiller() self.idash = IDash(framerate=0.05) def initialize_vrep_client(self): #Initialisation for Python to connect to VREP print 'Python program started' count = 0 num_tries = 10 while count < num_tries: vrep.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections self.clientID = vrep.simxStart('', 19999, True, True, 5000, 5) #Timeout=5000ms, Threadcycle=5ms if self.clientID != -1: print 'Connected to V-REP' break else: "Trying again in a few moments..." time.sleep(3) count += 1 if count >= num_tries: print 'Failed connecting to V-REP' vrep.simxFinish(self.clientID) def initilize_vrep_api(self): # initialize ePuck handles and variables _, self.bodyelements = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, 'ePuck_bodyElements', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.leftMotor = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, 'ePuck_leftJoint', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.rightMotor = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, 'ePuck_rightJoint', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.ePuck = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.clientID, 'ePuck', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.ePuckBase = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, 'ePuck_base', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # proxSens = prox_sens_initialize(self.clientID) # initialize odom of ePuck _, = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID, self.ePuck, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, self.eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, self.ePuck, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # initialize overhead cam _, self.overheadCam = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, 'Global_Vision', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.resolution, self.image = vrep.simxGetVisionSensorImage( self.clientID, self.overheadCam, 0, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # initialize goal handle + odom _, self.goalHandle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, 'Goal_Position', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.goalPose = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, self.goalHandle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # STOP Motor Velocities. Not sure if this is necessary _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(self.clientID, self.leftMotor, 0, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(self.clientID, self.rightMotor, 0, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) def define_constants(self): self.map_side_length = 2.55 # FIMXE: hard coded goals # self.GOALS = [(40+2,6), (40, 6+2), (40,21), (35, 19), (30,22), (29,10), (27,5), (20,8), (20,33), (20, 48), (5,55)] self.GOALS = None self.worldNorthTheta = None self.maxVelocity = 2.0 self.history_length = 5 self.theta_history = RingBuffer(self.history_length) self.e_theta_h = RingBuffer(self.history_length) self.blurred_paths = None self.path_skip = 8 def global_map_preprocess(self, resolution, image): im = format_vrep_image(resolution, image) # original image im = image_vert_flip(im) resize_length = int(im.shape[0] / 2) im = skimage.transform.resize(im, (resize_length, resize_length, 3)) return im def global_map_process(self, im): walls = im[:, :, 0] > 0.25 paths = walls < 0.15 if self.blurred_paths is None: print "Computed" blurred_map = skimage.filters.gaussian_filter(walls, sigma=2) blurred_paths = blurred_map < 0.15 #'binary_grid.npy', blurred_paths) return paths, blurred_paths else: return paths, self.blurred_paths def robot_pose_get(self): _, xyz = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID, self.ePuck, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) _, eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(self.clientID, self.ePuck, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) x, y, z = xyz theta = eulerAngles[2] self.theta_history.append(theta) return (x, y, theta) def lidar_scan_get(self, window_size=21): """ gets lidar scan range values """ fr = (window_size - 1) / 2 # fire range lidarValues = pseudoLidarSensor(self.paths, self.pose[0], self.pose[1], fr, original_four=False) return lidarValues def repulsion_vectors_compute(self, lidarValues, k_repulse=10.0): numLidarValues = len(lidarValues) lidarAngles = [ np.pi / numLidarValues * index for index in range(numLidarValues) ] repulsionVectors = [ np.array( pol2cart(force_repulsion(k_repulse, np.sqrt(val), 2), angle)) for val, angle in zip(lidarValues, lidarAngles) ] return repulsionVectors def attraction_vector_compute(self, k_attract=100.0): self.attractionVal, self.attractionAngle = cart2pol( self.goal_pose_pixel[1] - self.pose_pixel[1], # cols counts same to normal horz axes self.pose_pixel[0] - self.goal_pose_pixel[0] # rows counts opposite to normal vert axes ) attractionVector = np.array( pol2cart(k_attract * self.attractionVal, self.attractionAngle)) return attractionVector def robot_code(self): t = time.time() self.curr_goal = 0 while (time.time() - t) < 200: # global map _, resolution, image = vrep.simxGetVisionSensorImage( self.clientID, self.overheadCam, 0, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # Get image im = self.global_map_preprocess(resolution, image) self.pose = self.robot_pose_get() x, y, theta = self.pose # theta = self.theta_history.weighted_average(scheme='last', mathfunc=lambda x: np.exp(x)) # initialize worldNorthTheta for the first time if self.worldNorthTheta is None: self.worldNorthTheta = self.pose[2] _ = [ self.theta_history.append(self.pose[2]) for _ in range(self.history_length) ] self.pose_pixel = np.array( odom2pixelmap(x, y, self.map_side_length, im.shape[0])) m, n = self.pose_pixel self.paths, self.blurred_paths = self.global_map_process(im) # calculate intermediate goals once if self.GOALS is None: raw_input("") # acquire pixel location of goal _, finishPose = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, self.goalHandle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) self.finish_pixel = odom2pixelmap(finishPose[0], finishPose[1], self.map_side_length, im.shape[0]) contiguousPath = AStarBinaryGrid( self.blurred_paths).calculate_path(self.pose_pixel, self.finish_pixel) self.GOALS = contiguousPath[::self.path_skip] # SKIP THIS FIRST LOOP AND CONTINUE continue else: self.goal_pose_pixel = np.array(self.GOALS[self.curr_goal]) goal_m, goal_n = self.goal_pose_pixel lidarValues = self.lidar_scan_get(window_size=21) ############################# # Potential Field Algorithm # ############################# repulsionVectors = self.repulsion_vectors_compute(lidarValues, k_repulse=10.0) attractionVector = self.attraction_vector_compute(k_attract=100.0) finalVector = np.sum(np.vstack( (repulsionVectors, attractionVector)), axis=0) finalUnitVector = finalVector / np.linalg.norm(finalVector) print "finalUnitVector: ", finalUnitVector # TODO: do we use the unit vector (for direction) only, or the finalVector? finalValue, finalAngle = cart2pol(finalUnitVector[0], finalUnitVector[1]) error_theta = angle_diff( mapTheta2worldTheta(finalAngle, self.worldNorthTheta), theta) self.e_theta_h.append(error_theta) k_angular_p = 2.0 * self.maxVelocity k_angular_D = 0.25 k_angular_S = 1.0 k_angular_I = 2.5 omega = k_angular_p * ( error_theta + k_angular_D / k_angular_S * (self.e_theta_h[-1] - self.e_theta_h[-2]) + k_angular_S / k_angular_I * sum(self.e_theta_h)) print "Omega: ", round(omega, 1) ############################# # StateController Algorithm # ############################# # if desired heading is not directly in front if np.abs(error_theta) > np.pi / 3: # turn in place forward_vel = self.maxVelocity # omega *= 0.25 else: # Direct yourself to the goal goal_distance = np.linalg.norm(self.goal_pose_pixel - self.pose_pixel) print "distance_from_goal: ", goal_distance if goal_distance <= 4: # Achieved Goal! forward_vel = self.maxVelocity * 0.25 # Slow down to prepare for the next one self.curr_goal += 1 else: forward_vel = self.maxVelocity # control the motors ctrl_sig_left, ctrl_sig_right = vomega2bytecodes(forward_vel, omega, g=1) _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID, self.leftMotor, ctrl_sig_left, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set left wheel velocity _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID, self.rightMotor, ctrl_sig_right, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set right wheel velocity self.idash.add(lambda: self.plot_maze(self.blurred_paths * 1.0, m, n, goal_m, goal_n)) self.idash.add(lambda: self.plot_maze(im, m, n, goal_m, goal_n)) def plot_current_and_desired_heading(): self.plot_unit_quiver(finalUnitVector, 'r') self.plot_unit_quiver( pol2cart(1, worldTheta2mapTheta(theta, self.worldNorthTheta)), 'k') plt.title("Error Theta: %f" % error_theta) self.idash.add(plot_current_and_desired_heading) self.idash.add(self.plot_theta_history) self.idash.plotframe() if self.killer.kill_now: self.clean_exit() def plot_maze(self, im, m, n, goal_m, goal_n): """ plots the maze, with robot pose and goal pose visualized """ if len(im.shape) == 3: goal_pixel_values = np.array((1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) robot_pixel_values = np.array( (255.0 / 255.0, 192 / 255.0, 203 / 255.0)) elif len(im.shape) == 2: goal_pixel_values = 0.5 robot_pixel_values = 0.5 im[goal_m, goal_n] = goal_pixel_values im[m, n] = robot_pixel_values plt.imshow(im) def plot_unit_quiver(self, vector, color): X, Y = (0, 0) U, V = (vector[0], vector[1]) plt.quiver(X, Y, U, V, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, color=color) plt.xlim([-1.1, 1.1]) plt.ylim([-1.1, 1.1]) def plot_theta_history(self, expansion=5): plt.plot([theta for theta in self.theta_history]) if len(self.theta_history) < expansion: plt.xlim([0, expansion]) else: plt.xlim([0, len(self.theta_history)]) ylim = np.pi + 0.5 plt.ylim([-ylim, ylim]) def plot_all_goals(self, im): # display all goals for goal_idx in range(len(self.GOALS)): im[self.GOALS[goal_idx][0], self.GOALS[goal_idx][1]] = np.array( (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) def clean_exit(self): _ = vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.clientID, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) vrep.simxFinish(self.clientID) print 'Program ended' sys.exit(0) def run(self): if self.clientID != -1: _ = vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.clientID, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) self.robot_code() self.clean_exit()
image_template = np.zeros((28, 28)) map_image = np.tile(image_template, map_shape) map_image_w = map_image.copy() lattice_predictions = np.zeros(map_size) for node_count in range(map_size): m_row, n_col = idx1D_to_idx2D(node_count, map_shape) closest_x_idx = np.argmin(cdist(w[:, node_count].reshape(1, -1), trX)) image_of_closest_x = trX[closest_x_idx].reshape((28, 28)) lattice_predictions[node_count] = trY[closest_x_idx] # prediction mapping image_of_w = w[:, node_count].reshape((28, 28)) map_image[m_row * 28:(m_row + 1) * 28, n_col * 28:(n_col + 1) * 28] = image_of_closest_x map_image_w[m_row * 28:(m_row + 1) * 28, n_col * 28:(n_col + 1) * 28] = image_of_w dash.add(lambda: plt.imshow(map_image, cmap='gray')) dash.add(lambda: plt.imshow(map_image_w, cmap='gray')) # predictions def predict(X, w, lattice_predictions): n_examples = X.shape[0] Ypred = np.zeros(n_examples) for row in range(n_examples): closest_w_idx = np.argmin(cdist(X[row].reshape(1, -1), w.T)) Ypred[row] = lattice_predictions[closest_w_idx] return Ypred trYpred = predict(trX, w, lattice_predictions) teYpred = predict(teX, w, lattice_predictions)
class FinalProjectProgram(): def __init__(self, color, number): # parameter init self.bot_name = '%s%d' % (color, number) self.bot_player2 = 'Blue2' self.bot_nameStriker = 'Red1' self.bot_nameGoalie = 'Red3' self.bot_nameBall = 'Ball' # run startup methods self.initializeVrepClient() self.initializeVrepApi() self.killer = GracefulKiller() self.idash = IDash(framerate=0.05) def initializeVrepClient(self): #Initialisation for Python to connect to VREP print 'Python program started' count = 0 num_tries = 10 while count < num_tries: vrep.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections self.clientID = vrep.simxStart('', 19999, True, True, 5000, 5) #Timeout=5000ms, Threadcycle=5ms if self.clientID != -1: print 'Connected to V-REP' break else: "Trying again in a few moments..." time.sleep(3) count += 1 if count >= num_tries: print 'Failed connecting to V-REP' vrep.simxFinish(self.clientID) def initializeVrepApi(self): # initialize bot handles and variables _, self.leftMotor = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_leftJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.rightMotor = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_rightJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.clientID, self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # proxSens = prox_sens_initialize(self.clientID) # initialize odom of bot _, = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID,, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, self.eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID,, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, self.player2 = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, self.bot_player2, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # proxSens = prox_sens_initialize(self.clientID) # initialize odom of bot _, self.xyzPlayer2 = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, self.player2, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, self.eulerAnglesPlayer2 = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, self.player2, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # # initialize overhead cam # _, self.overheadCam=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( # self.clientID, 'Global_Vision', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # _, self.resolution, self.image = vrep.simxGetVisionSensorImage( # self.clientID,self.overheadCam,0,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # # initialize goal handle + odom # _, self.goalHandle=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( # self.clientID, 'Goal_Position', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # _, self.goalPose = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( # self.clientID, self.goalHandle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # initialize bot handles and variables for Red1 _, self.leftMotorStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_leftJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.rightMotorStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_rightJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.botStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, self.bot_nameStriker, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, xyzStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID, self.botStriker, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, eulerAnglesStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, self.botStriker, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, self.leftMotorGoalie = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_leftJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.rightMotorGoalie = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_rightJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.botGoalie = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, self.bot_nameGoalie, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, xyzGoalie = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID, self.botGoalie, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, eulerAnglesGoalie = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, self.botGoalie, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, self.ball = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.clientID, self.bot_nameBall, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, xyzBall = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID, self.ball, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, eulerAnglesBall = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, self.ball, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) def robotCode(self): """ OUR ROBOT CODE GOES HERE """ # Shooting Test vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(self.clientID, self.ball, -1, [0, -0.35], vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) target = self.aim() vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(self.clientID, self.player2, -1, target, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) position = [] position = self.kickingPose(target) kickingPosition = [position[0], position[1], z] vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(self.clientID,, -1, kickingPosition, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation( self.clientID,, -1, [self.eulerAngles[0], self.eulerAngles[1], position[2]], vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) time.sleep(2) # Testing kicking Positions # vrep.simxSetObjectPosition( # self.clientID, self.ball,-1,[0, 0], vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # # maximum = 36 # for i in range (0,maximum): # print i # radius = 0.3 # angle = 2*math.pi/maximum*i # target = [radius*math.sin(angle), radius*math.cos(angle)] # # vrep.simxSetObjectPosition( # self.clientID, self.player2, -1, target, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # # position = [] # position = self.kickingPose(target) # kickingPosition = [position[0], position[1], z] # vrep.simxSetObjectPosition( # self.clientID,, -1, kickingPosition, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation( # self.clientID,, -1, [self.eulerAngles[0], self.eulerAngles[1], position[2]], vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # # time.sleep(1) def getRobotConf(self, robot_handle): _, xyz = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) _, eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) x, y, z = xyz theta = eulerAngles[2] return (x, y, theta) def getRobotPose(self, robot_handle): _, xyz = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) _, eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) x, y, z = xyz theta = eulerAngles[2] return (x, y, theta) def setMotorVelocities(self, forward_vel, omega): ctrl_sig_left, ctrl_sig_right = vomega2bytecodes(forward_vel, omega, g=1) _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID, self.leftMotor, ctrl_sig_left, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set left wheel velocity _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID, self.rightMotor, ctrl_sig_right, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set right wheel velocity def getBallPose(self): _, xyz = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID, self.ball, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) x, y, z = xyz return (x, y) def aim(self, goaliePosition): # assuming: robot is already in perfect position # assuming: ball has velocity of zero ballRadius = 0.05 leftGoalPost = [0.2, -0.75] # position of left goal post rightGoalPost = [-0.2, 0.75] # position of right goal post tolerance = 0.01 # if goalieOrientation <= .. : # goalieHeading = # different variable name # else: # goalieHeading = # different variable name # # predicGoaliePos = goaliePosition + goalieHeading gapRight = abs(goaliePosition[0] - rightGoalPost[0]) gapLeft = abs(goaliePosition[0] - leftGoalPost[0]) if gapRight >= gapLeft: xAim = rightGoalPost[0] + ballRadius + tolerance else: xAim = leftGoalPost[0] - ballRadius - tolerance return [xAim, goaliePosition[1], z] def kickingPose(self, target): # CHANGE TO ACTUAL POSITION IF NOT TESTING ballPositionX, ballPositionY = (0, -0.35) #self.getBallPose() distance2ball = 0.08 deltaX = target[0] - ballPositionX deltaY = target[1] - ballPositionY if deltaY != 0: gamma = math.atan(deltaX / deltaY) else: gamma = math.pi / 2 # transform gamma into theta orientation # CHECK FOR POINTS IN BETWEEN if ballPositionX <= target[0]: if ballPositionY <= target[1]: print '1' theta = -gamma xOffset = -distance2ball * math.sin(gamma) yOffset = -distance2ball * math.cos(gamma) else: # CHECK THIS ONE! print '2' theta = -gamma + math.pi xOffset = distance2ball * math.sin(gamma) yOffset = distance2ball * math.cos(gamma) else: if ballPositionY <= target[1]: print '3' theta = -gamma xOffset = -distance2ball * math.sin(gamma) yOffset = -distance2ball * math.cos(gamma) print xOffset print yOffset else: print '4' print gamma theta = -gamma + math.pi xOffset = distance2ball * math.sin(gamma) yOffset = distance2ball * math.cos(gamma) xPosition = ballPositionX + xOffset yPosition = ballPositionY + yOffset pose = [xPosition, yPosition, theta] return pose def kick(self, speed): self.setMotorVelocities(speed, speed) time.sleep(0.5) self.setMotorVelocities(0, 0) def unittestMoveForward(self): self.setMotorVelocities(forward_vel=1, omega=0) def unittestTurnSideways(self, not_first_time): x, y, theta = self.getRobotPose() if not_first_time: goal_theta = self.first_theta + np.pi / 2 print goal_theta error_theta = ThetaRange.angleDiff(theta, goal_theta) # control omega = 10 * error_theta print omega self.setMotorVelocities(0, omega) # visualization def plotCurrentDesiredHeadings(): plotVector(ThetaRange.pol2cart(1, theta), 'k') plotVector(ThetaRange.pol2cart(1, goal_theta), 'r') self.idash.add(plotCurrentDesiredHeadings) self.idash.plotframe() else: self.first_theta = theta def clean_exit(self): _ = vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.clientID, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) vrep.simxFinish(self.clientID) print 'Program ended' def run(self): if self.clientID != -1: _ = vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.clientID, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) self.robotCode() self.clean_exit()
class MyRobotRunner(base_robot.BaseRobotRunner): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MyRobotRunner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.idash = IDash(0.005) def robotCode(self): #waypoint = [(0.2, 0.4), (0, 0.4), (-0.2, 0.4),(-0.2, 0.2), (-0.2, 0),(0, 0), (0.2, 0),(0.2, -0.2), (0.2, -0.4),(0, -0.4), (-0.2, -0.4)] waypoint = [(0, 0.4), (-0.2, 0.4), (-0.2, 0.2), (-0.2, 0), (0, 0), (0.2, 0), (0.2, -0.2), (0.2, -0.4), (0, -0.4), (-0.05, -0.4), (-0.1, -0.4), (-0.15, -0.4), (-0.2, -0.4), (-0.2, -0.4)] # waypoint = [] # r = 0.2 # increments = 5 # xCenter = 0 # yCenter = 0.2 # for i in range(increments-1): # # circle center: (0, 0.2) # x = r*math.sin(i*math.pi/increments) + xCenter # y = r*math.cos(i*math.pi/increments) + yCenter # waypoint.append((x,y)) # xCenter = 0 # yCenter = -0.2 # for i in range(increments): # # circle center: (0, -0.2) # x = -r*math.sin(i*math.pi/increments) + xCenter # y = r*math.cos(i*math.pi/increments) + yCenter # waypoint.append((x,y)) # for i in range(3): # waypoint.append((-0.2/4*i,-0.4)) #k=0.0345 # ball model: d(t) = vmot*k*(1-exp(-t/T)) for i in range(len(waypoint)): p0 = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() curr_bot_pose = list(self.getRobotConf( curr_bot_pose[1] -= 0.05 self.path, status = passPath(curr_bot_pose, p0, waypoint[i], vmax=10, vr=7, kq=0.0035) print self.path # dash = IDash(framerate=0.1) # dash.add(lambda: plt.plot(-self.path[1,:], self.path[0,:], 'b-*') and # plt.xlim([-0.7, 0.7]) and plt.ylim([-0.7, 0.7])) # dash.plotframe() print 'estimated time path' # print calculatePathTime(self.path) t = self.ballEngine.getSimTime() t = self.ballEngine.getSimTime() # time in seconds while (self.ballEngine.getSimTime() - t) < 10: #End program after 30sec # cc=1 # while cc: def vizBots(): actx, acty = self.getRobotConf()[:2] ballx, bally = self.ballEngine.getBallPose()[:2] plt.hold('on') plt.plot(-waypoint[i][1], waypoint[i][0], 'k*') plt.plot(-bally, ballx, 'b.') plt.plot(-acty, actx, 'g+') plt.plot(-self.path[1, :], self.path[0, :], 'r.') plt.xlim([-0.9, 0.9]) # y axis in the field plt.ylim([-0.65, 0.65]) # x axis in the field plt.xlabel('active path length: {}'.format( self.path.shape[1])) self.idash.add(vizBots) robotConf = self.getRobotConf( cc = self.followPath(robotConf, rb=0.05) self.ballEngine.update() p1 = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() p3 = self.ballEngine.getNextRestPos() dist_from_start = np.sqrt((p1[0] - p0[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p0[1])**2) velocity_measure = np.sqrt((p1[0] - p3[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p3[1])**2) #self.idash.plotframe() if dist_from_start > 0.01: # the ball has been touched if velocity_measure < 0.003: break # wait til velocity reaches zero # robotConf = self.getRobotConf( # ballPos = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() # (x, y) # vRobot = v2Pos(robotConf, ballPos) self.setMotorVelocities(0, 0) print 'real time path' print(self.ballEngine.getSimTime() - t)
class FinalProjectProgram(): def __init__(self, color, number): # parameter init self.bot_name = '%s%d' % (color, number) self.bot_player2 = 'Blue2' self.bot_nameStriker = 'Red1' self.bot_nameGoalie = 'Red3' self.bot_nameBall = 'Ball' # run startup methods self.initializeVrepClient() self.initializeVrepApi() self.killer = GracefulKiller() self.idash = IDash(framerate=0.05) def initializeVrepClient(self): #Initialisation for Python to connect to VREP print 'Python program started' count = 0 num_tries = 10 while count < num_tries: vrep.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections self.clientID=vrep.simxStart('',19999,True,True,5000,5) #Timeout=5000ms, Threadcycle=5ms if self.clientID!=-1: print 'Connected to V-REP' break else: "Trying again in a few moments..." time.sleep(3) count += 1 if count >= num_tries: print 'Failed connecting to V-REP' vrep.simxFinish(self.clientID) def initializeVrepApi(self): # initialize bot handles and variables _, self.leftMotor=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_leftJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.rightMotor=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_rightJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.clientID, self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # proxSens = prox_sens_initialize(self.clientID) # initialize odom of bot _, = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID,, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, self.eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID,, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, self.player2=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, self.bot_player2, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # proxSens = prox_sens_initialize(self.clientID) # initialize odom of bot _, self.xyzPlayer2 = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, self.player2, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, self.eulerAnglesPlayer2 = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, self.player2, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # # initialize overhead cam # _, self.overheadCam=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( # self.clientID, 'Global_Vision', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # _, self.resolution, self.image = vrep.simxGetVisionSensorImage( # self.clientID,self.overheadCam,0,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # # initialize goal handle + odom # _, self.goalHandle=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( # self.clientID, 'Goal_Position', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # _, self.goalPose = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( # self.clientID, self.goalHandle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # initialize bot handles and variables for Red1 _, self.leftMotorStriker=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_leftJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.rightMotorStriker=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_rightJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.botStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, self.bot_nameStriker, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, xyzStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, self.botStriker, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, eulerAnglesStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, self.botStriker, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, self.leftMotorGoalie =vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_leftJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.rightMotorGoalie =vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_rightJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.botGoalie = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, self.bot_nameGoalie, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, xyzGoalie = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, self.botGoalie, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, eulerAnglesGoalie = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, self.botGoalie, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, self.ball = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, self.bot_nameBall, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, xyzBall = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, self.ball, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, eulerAnglesBall = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, self.ball, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) def robotCode(self): """ OUR ROBOT CODE GOES HERE """ # Shooting Test vrep.simxSetObjectPosition( self.clientID, self.ball,-1,[0, -0.35], vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) target = self.aim() vrep.simxSetObjectPosition( self.clientID, self.player2, -1, target, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) position = [] position = self.kickingPose(target) kickingPosition = [position[0], position[1], z] vrep.simxSetObjectPosition( self.clientID,, -1, kickingPosition, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation( self.clientID,, -1, [self.eulerAngles[0], self.eulerAngles[1], position[2]], vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) time.sleep(2) # Testing kicking Positions # vrep.simxSetObjectPosition( # self.clientID, self.ball,-1,[0, 0], vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # # maximum = 36 # for i in range (0,maximum): # print i # radius = 0.3 # angle = 2*math.pi/maximum*i # target = [radius*math.sin(angle), radius*math.cos(angle)] # # vrep.simxSetObjectPosition( # self.clientID, self.player2, -1, target, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # # position = [] # position = self.kickingPose(target) # kickingPosition = [position[0], position[1], z] # vrep.simxSetObjectPosition( # self.clientID,, -1, kickingPosition, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation( # self.clientID,, -1, [self.eulerAngles[0], self.eulerAngles[1], position[2]], vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # # time.sleep(1) def getRobotConf(self, robot_handle): _, xyz = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) _, eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) x, y, z = xyz theta = eulerAngles[2] return (x, y, theta) def getRobotPose(self, robot_handle): _, xyz = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) _, eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) x, y, z = xyz theta = eulerAngles[2] return (x, y, theta) def setMotorVelocities(self, forward_vel, omega): ctrl_sig_left, ctrl_sig_right = vomega2bytecodes(forward_vel, omega, g=1) _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID,self.leftMotor,ctrl_sig_left,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set left wheel velocity _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID,self.rightMotor,ctrl_sig_right,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set right wheel velocity def getBallPose(self): _, xyz = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, self.ball, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) x, y, z = xyz return (x, y) def aim(self, goaliePosition): # assuming: robot is already in perfect position # assuming: ball has velocity of zero ballRadius = 0.05 leftGoalPost = [0.2, -0.75] # position of left goal post rightGoalPost = [-0.2, 0.75]# position of right goal post tolerance = 0.01 # if goalieOrientation <= .. : # goalieHeading = # different variable name # else: # goalieHeading = # different variable name # # predicGoaliePos = goaliePosition + goalieHeading gapRight = abs(goaliePosition[0] - rightGoalPost[0]) gapLeft = abs(goaliePosition[0] - leftGoalPost[0]) if gapRight >= gapLeft: xAim = rightGoalPost[0] + ballRadius + tolerance else: xAim = leftGoalPost[0] - ballRadius - tolerance return [xAim, goaliePosition[1], z] def kickingPose(self, target): # CHANGE TO ACTUAL POSITION IF NOT TESTING ballPositionX, ballPositionY = (0,-0.35)#self.getBallPose() distance2ball = 0.08 deltaX = target[0] - ballPositionX deltaY = target[1] - ballPositionY if deltaY != 0: gamma = math.atan(deltaX/deltaY) else: gamma = math.pi/2 # transform gamma into theta orientation # CHECK FOR POINTS IN BETWEEN if ballPositionX <= target[0]: if ballPositionY <= target[1]: print '1' theta = - gamma xOffset = - distance2ball*math.sin(gamma) yOffset = - distance2ball*math.cos(gamma) else: # CHECK THIS ONE! print '2' theta = - gamma + math.pi xOffset = distance2ball*math.sin(gamma) yOffset = distance2ball*math.cos(gamma) else: if ballPositionY <= target[1]: print '3' theta = - gamma xOffset = - distance2ball*math.sin(gamma) yOffset = - distance2ball*math.cos(gamma) print xOffset print yOffset else: print '4' print gamma theta = - gamma + math.pi xOffset = distance2ball*math.sin(gamma) yOffset = distance2ball*math.cos(gamma) xPosition = ballPositionX + xOffset yPosition = ballPositionY + yOffset pose = [xPosition, yPosition, theta] return pose def kick(self, speed): self.setMotorVelocities(speed, speed) time.sleep(0.5) self.setMotorVelocities(0, 0) def unittestMoveForward(self): self.setMotorVelocities(forward_vel=1, omega=0) def unittestTurnSideways(self, not_first_time): x, y, theta = self.getRobotPose() if not_first_time: goal_theta = self.first_theta + np.pi / 2 print goal_theta error_theta = ThetaRange.angleDiff(theta, goal_theta) # control omega = 10 * error_theta print omega self.setMotorVelocities(0, omega) # visualization def plotCurrentDesiredHeadings(): plotVector(ThetaRange.pol2cart(1, theta), 'k') plotVector(ThetaRange.pol2cart(1, goal_theta), 'r') self.idash.add(plotCurrentDesiredHeadings) self.idash.plotframe() else: self.first_theta = theta def clean_exit(self): _ = vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.clientID,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) vrep.simxFinish(self.clientID) print 'Program ended' def run(self): if self.clientID!=-1: _ = vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.clientID,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) self.robotCode() self.clean_exit()
class Master(base_robot.MultiRobotCyclicExecutor): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Master, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.color = None self.idash = IDash(framerate=0.005) def getClosestZone(self, pose): """ Zones will be from downfield (0) to close to own goal (1) """ pose = np.array(pose[:2]) # x-y only assert pose.size == 2 # pose should be 2-D # 2 ZONES: 0 and 1 two_zone_boundary_y = 0.01 zone = pose[1] > two_zone_boundary_y if self.color == 'Red': zone = not zone return zone def run(self): if self.clientID!=-1: _ = vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.clientID,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # robots have been added self.color = self.bots[0].color self.originalRoles = ['attacker', 'midfielder', 'goalie'] self.roles = ['attacker', 'midfielder', 'goalie'] goalie = self.bots[2] activeidx = 0 # striker starts first t0 = time.time() while time.time() - t0 < 600: self.ballEngine.update() assert activeidx != 2 # now only have active 0,1 activebot = self.bots[activeidx] offense = self.originalRoles[activeidx] == 'attacker' if offense: if self.roles[1] != 'dumb': self.roles[1] = 'attacker' else: if self.roles[1] != 'dumb': self.roles[1] = 'midfielder' secondaryidx = not activeidx ballx, bally = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() robotX = np.zeros(2) robotY = np.zeros(2) robotX[0], robotY[0], _ = self.bots[0].getRobotConf() robotX[1], robotY[1], _ = self.bots[1].getRobotConf() distance2ball = 9999 for i in xrange(len(self.bots[:-1])): dist = np.sqrt((ballx - robotX[i])**2 + (bally- robotY[i])**2) if dist < distance2ball: distance2ball = dist closestRobot = i ballPosX, ballPosY = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() for idx in range(len(self.bots[:-1])): if offense: oppGoalieConf, oppGoalieIdx = self.findOppGoalieConf(return_index=True) oppGoalieIdx = self.convertOppBotsIdx2BotsIdx(oppGoalieIdx) if idx == closestRobot: self.bots[idx].robotCode( role=self.roles[idx], obstacleConfs=self.getObstacleConfs([idx, oppGoalieIdx]), # dont ignore yourself, or the oppGoalie goaliePosition = self.findOppGoalieConf()) else: # robot is not closest robot if True: # be a bitch passivePos = oppGoalieConf else: if ballPosX >= 0: passivePos = [-0.2, ballPosY, 0] else: # ballPosX < 0 passivePos = [0.2, ballPosY, 0] self.bots[idx].secondaryCode( role=self.roles[idx], obstacleConfs=self.getObstacleConfs([idx]), # attack the goalie passivePos=passivePos) # defense else: # secondary defender (original attacker being passive) if idx == secondaryidx: if self.bots[idx].color == 'Red': passivePos = [ballPosX, 0.2, 0] else: passivePos = [ballPosX, -0.2, 0] self.bots[idx].secondaryCode( role=self.roles[idx], obstacleConfs=self.getObstacleConfs(secondaryidx), passivePos=passivePos) # primary defender (original defender being active) else: self.bots[idx].robotCode( role=self.roles[idx], obstacleConfs=self.getObstacleConfs(activeidx), goaliePosition = self.findOppGoalieConf()) goalie.robotCode( role=self.roles[2], obstacleConfs=self.getObstacleConfs(activeidx), goaliePosition = self.findOppGoalieConf()) def vizBots(): actx, acty = activebot.getRobotConf()[:2] ballx, bally = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() plt.hold('on') try: plt.plot(-self.activebot.passPos[1], self.activebot.passPos, 'ro') except: pass plt.plot(-acty, actx, 'g+') try: plt.plot([1],[0], 'm*') except: pass plt.plot(-oppGoalieConf[1], oppGoalieConf[0], 'yo') plt.plot(-bally,ballx, 'ro') plt.plot(-self.bots[secondaryidx].path[1,:], self.bots[secondaryidx].path[0,:], 'b.') plt.plot(-activebot.path[1,:], activebot.path[0,:], 'g.') plt.xlim([-0.8, 0.8]) # y axis in the field plt.ylim([-0.7, 0.7]) # x axis in the field plt.title('Red = RCV, Green = Active') plt.xlabel('active path length: {}'.format(activebot.path.shape[1])) self.idash.add(vizBots) # if time.time() - activebot.time_started_2b_dumb > 2: # self.roles = self.originalRoles[:] # if activebot.path.shape[1] < 5: # self.roles[activeidx] = 'dumb' # activebot.time_started_2b_dumb = time.time() p0 = activebot.p0 p1 = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() p3 = self.ballEngine.getNextRestPos() dist_from_start = np.sqrt((p1[0] - p0[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p0[1])**2) velocity_measure = np.sqrt((p1[0] - p3[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p3[1])**2) closest_zone = self.getClosestZone(p1) if dist_from_start > 0.01: # the ball has been touched # if velocity_measure < 0.003: # wait til velocity reaches zero # if True: # if velocity_measure < 1.0: # start kicking while ball is moving... for bot in self.bots: bot.executing = False if closest_zone != activeidx: # success # increment what is the new active zone # self.setMotorVelocities(0, 0) activeidx = not activeidx
class ZonePasserMasterCyclic(base_robot.MultiRobotCyclicExecutor): """After doing part A of Question 2, the ball will already be placed in Zone 4; so let's transport it there now""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ZonePasserMasterCyclic, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.idash = IDash(0.005) self.activezones = [] self.receivingzones = [] self.activeplayer = None self.receivingplayer = None self.zones = {( 1, 1): 1, ( 1, -1): 2, (-1, 1): 3, (-1, -1): 4} self.zonesigns = [( 1, 1), ( 1, -1), (-1, 1), (-1, -1)] self.zone_centers = np.array([[CENTER_X, CENTER_X, -CENTER_X, -CENTER_X], [CENTER_Y, -CENTER_Y, CENTER_Y, -CENTER_Y]]) self.zone_corners = np.array([[CORNER_X, CORNER_X, -CORNER_X, -CORNER_X], [CORNER_Y, -CORNER_Y, CORNER_Y, -CORNER_Y]]) # TODO: remove me since we're not allowed to set the ball pose # start ball at zone 4 - 1 (0 indexed) ball_start = self.zone_centers[:,3] ball_start[1] -= 0.05 # move closer to players center, but further distance q from player # self.ballEngine.setBallPose(ball_start) self.ballEngine.update() # FIXME: Hardcoded is good for drill, not good for game! self.zone_pass_plan = [4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2] # the locations between the 5 passes self.activebot_idx_plan = [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2] # which robot should take the active zone during the zone pass plan? def getClosestZone(self, pose): """ get zone which the current pose is closest to. This pose could be a ball, an opposing player, etc. """ pose = np.array(pose[:2]) # x-y only assert pose.size == 2 # pose should be 2-D dist_from_zones = cdist(np.expand_dims(pose, axis=0), self.zone_corners.T) return np.argmin(dist_from_zones) + 1 # zones are 1-indexed def getBotInZone(self, zone): """ Not using now Returns the index of the bot which is inside the zone, otherwise None if there is no bot inside this zone""" bot_zones = np.zeros(len(self.bots)) for bot_idx, bot in enumerate(self.bots): bot_zones[bot_idx] = self.getClosestZone(bot.getRobotConf( # we use [0][0] since return of np.where looks like (array([2]),) zone_as_array = np.where(bot_zones == zone)[0] if zone_as_array.size == 0: return None else: return zone_as_array[0] # the first, if there are multiple in that zone def getNearestBotToZone(self, zone, bot_to_ignore=None): """ Returns the index of the bot closest to the zone, even if the bot may not be directly inside the zone """ bot_poses = np.vstack([bot.getRobotConf() for bot in self.bots]) bot_poses = bot_poses[:, :2] assert bot_poses.shape == (len(self.bots), 2) zone_pose = self.zone_corners[:, zone - 1].reshape(1, 2) dist_from_bots = cdist(zone_pose, bot_poses, 'cityblock') if bot_to_ignore is None: return np.argmin(dist_from_bots) else: # the closest bot might be active, in which case we should return next closest sortedargs = np.argsort(dist_from_bots.flatten()) if sortedargs[0] == bot_to_ignore: # first closest is active, not valid to be receive return sortedargs[1] # return second closest else: return sortedargs[0] def planToMoveIntoReceivingPosition(self, idx, rcvzone=None, startSmoothPathConf=None, vel=15, r=0.01): """ Move into the corner, facing center Parameters ---------- idx: integer index of the robot (in self.bots) startSmoothPathConf: array-like, shape (3,) or None the start configuration of the robot to calculate the smooth path. Pass this if you are calculating a path from a future point. If None, then use current robot configuration. """ if startSmoothPathConf is None: startSmoothPathConf = self.bots[idx].getRobotConf() if rcvzone is None: rcvzone = self.zone_pass_plan[idx] final_x = self.bots[idx].zone_corners[0, rcvzone - 1] final_y = self.bots[idx].zone_corners[1, rcvzone - 1] # final theta will be facing towards center field _ , final_theta = ThetaRange.cart2pol(final_x, final_y) final_theta = ThetaRange.normalize_angle(final_theta + np.pi) # flip it towards center smooth_path, status = smoothPath( startSmoothPathConf, # robotConf [final_x, final_y, final_theta], # finalConf r=r ) v = vel*np.ones((1, np.size(smooth_path,1))) smooth_path = np.concatenate((smooth_path, v), axis=0) if self.bots[idx].path is None: self.bots[idx].add_to_path(smooth_path) elif self.bots[idx].path.shape[1] == 1: self.bots[idx].add_to_path(smooth_path) else: self.bots[idx].path = smooth_path def calculateReceivingDestination(self, xy1, xy2, k=0.2): """ receiving BallPos should be between rcvbot and next passing zone Parameters ---------- xy1: array-like, shape (2,) x-y position of receiving bot xy2: array-like, shape (2,) x-y position of next receiving zone k: float, between 0-1 multiplier to determine how much in between the rcv and nextrcv """ x1, y1 = xy1 x2, y2 = xy2 theta = np.arctan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2) hyp = np.sqrt((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2) rcvBallPos = [x1 - k*hyp*np.cos(theta), y1 - k*hyp*np.sin(theta)] return rcvBallPos def calculateShootingDestination(self): # TODO: Intelligently use position of moving opponenet goalie posToAim = [0, -1.0] # in the center of the goal return posToAim def run(self): if self.clientID!=-1: _ = vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.clientID,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set them up in the first 3 zones for idx in range(len(self.bots)): if self.zone_pass_plan[idx] == 2: # if False: # zone 2 has some robots blocking, so navigate to zone 2 # in a couple of steps # TOOD: may want to do this less hardcoded, more like planned path with obstacle avoidance # step 1. get to midfield passing the opposing team x_coord_zone = 0.3 self.bots[idx].add_to_path([x_coord_zone, 0, 20]) startSmoothPathConf = [x_coord_zone, 0, -np.pi/2] else: startSmoothPathConf = self.bots[idx].getRobotConf(self.bots[idx].bot) self.planToMoveIntoReceivingPosition(idx, startSmoothPathConf=startSmoothPathConf, vel=10) self.bots[idx].add_delay(1*idx) # delay each by one second # TODO: replace system time with vrep simxTime t0 = time.time() # get the bots into position while time.time() - t0 < 15: for bot in self.bots: if time.time() - t0 >= bot.delay: bot.robotCode() # follow the zone passing plan first_loop = True activezone_idx = 0 shoot_flag = False plan_length = len(self.zone_pass_plan) executing = [False] * len(self.bots) # TODO: maybe something like below with states for all bots? bot_states = [STATE_READY_POS] * len(self.bots) t1 = time.time() while time.time() - t1 < 1000: self.ballEngine.update() activezone = self.zone_pass_plan[activezone_idx] activebot_idx = self.activebot_idx_plan[activezone_idx] activebot = self.bots[activebot_idx] if plan_length > activezone_idx + 1: rcvzone = self.zone_pass_plan[activezone_idx + 1] rcvbot_idx = self.activebot_idx_plan[activezone_idx + 1] rcvbot = self.bots[rcvbot_idx] else: rcvzone = None rcvbot_idx = None rcvbot = None shoot_flag = True if plan_length > activezone_idx + 2: next_rcvzone = self.zone_pass_plan[activezone_idx + 2] else: next_rcvzone = None # def vizZones(): # zones = np.zeros(4) # zones[activezone-1] = 0.5 # if rcvzone: # zones[rcvzone-1] = 1.0 # plt.imshow(zones.reshape(2,2), interpolation='nearest') # plt.title('Red = RCV, Green = Active') # self.idash.add(vizZones) # -- STATE MACHINE UPDATE PARAMETERS if shoot_flag: bot_states[activebot_idx] = STATE_SHOOT else: bot_states[activebot_idx] = STATE_PASS if rcvbot_idx: bot_states[rcvbot_idx] = STATE_READY_POS # -- STATE MACHINE EXECUTE # _, proximitySensors = rcvbot.senseObstacles() # if bot_states[rcvbot_idx] == STATE_READY_POS: # rcvbot.receiveBall(proximitySensors) # rcvp1 = np.array(rcvbot.getRobotConf()[:2]) # rcvp2 = self.zone_corners[:, rcvzone - 1] # # not yet in position # if cdist(rcvp1.reshape(1,2), rcvp2.reshape(1,2))[0] > 0.001: # radius buffer # # FIXME: if receiving bot is moving at the same time as active bot, processing time increases by ~100ms # if not executing[rcvbot_idx]: # if next_rcvzone: # xy2 = self.zone_centers[:,next_rcvzone-1] # else: # xy2 = [0, -0.75] # self.planToMoveIntoReceivingPosition(rcvbot_idx, rcvzone, vel=10) # rcvbot.prunePath() # rcvbot.pause_before_kick = rcvbot.path.shape[1] > 2 # executing[rcvbot_idx] = True # rcvbot.robotCode(rb=0.05, pause_before_kick=rcvbot.pause_before_kick) # else: # executing[rcvbot_idx] = False if bot_states[activebot_idx] == STATE_PASS: if not executing[activebot_idx]: activeRobotConf = activebot.getRobotConf() p0 = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() # -- fancy calculation of finalBallPos, using info about where next xy1 = self.zone_centers[:,rcvzone-1] if next_rcvzone: xy2 = self.zone_centers[:,next_rcvzone-1] else: xy2 = [0, -0.75] finalBallPos = self.calculateReceivingDestination(xy1, xy2, k=0.15) # -- simple calculation of finalBallPos # mult_x, mult_y = self.zonesigns[rcvzone-1] # finalBallPos = [ np.abs(p0[0])*mult_x , np.abs(p0[1])*mult_y ] # slow mode (tested) # activebot.path, status = passPath(activeRobotConf, p0, finalBallPos, vmax=10, vr=7, kq=0.0035, hold=True) # fast mode (good luck!) activebot.path, status = passPath(activeRobotConf, p0, finalBallPos, vmax=20, vr=15, kq=0.0010, hold=False) # avoid all friendly and opposing robots obstacleConf = [self.oppBots[i].getRobotConf() for i in range(len(self.oppBots))] obstacleConf.extend([self.bots[i].getRobotConf() for i in range(len(self.bots)) if i != activebot_idx]) for i in xrange(len(obstacleConf)): activebot.obstacleAwarePath(obstacleConf[i],0.05) # avoid the wall boundaries activebot.prunePath() activebot.pause_before_kick = activebot.path.shape[1] > 2 p2 = self.ballEngine.getNextRestPos() # FIXME: if the path produced is invalid, i.e some part of it is off the field and invalid # prune that part of the path to make it valid # FIXME: if path is not long enough # backup to give more room. or bump the ball and get more room. def vizBots(): actx, acty = activebot.getRobotConf()[:2] rcvx, rcvy = rcvbot.getRobotConf()[:2] plt.hold('on') plt.plot(-acty, actx, 'g+') plt.plot(-activebot.path[1,:], activebot.path[0,:], 'g.') plt.plot(-rcvy, rcvx, 'r+') plt.plot(-rcvbot.path[1,:], rcvbot.path[0,:], 'r.') plt.plot(-p0[1], p0[0], 'bo') #plt.plot(-rcvp1[1], rcvp1[0], 'mx') #plt.plot(-rcvp2[1], rcvp2[0], 'kx') plt.xlim([-0.75, 0.75]) # y axis in the field plt.ylim([-0.5, 0.5]) # x axis in the field plt.title('Red = RCV, Green = Active') plt.xlabel('active path length: {}'.format(activebot.path.shape[1])) self.idash.add(vizBots) executing[activebot_idx] = True # Edit the path based on the ball movement # self.ballEngine.update() # deltaxy = np.array(self.ballEngine.getVelocity()) # print "deltaxy: ", deltaxy # for idx in range(activebot.path.shape[1]): # gamma = 1 # no decay # # gamma = 1 / idx # decay factor # activebot.path[:2,-(idx+1)] += gamma*deltaxy*10 # Follow the path activebot.robotCode(rb=0.05, pause_before_kick=activebot.pause_before_kick) # activebot.robotCode(rb=0.05, pause_before_kick=False) if bot_states[activebot_idx] == STATE_SHOOT: if not executing[activebot_idx]: activeRobotConf = activebot.getRobotConf( ballRestPos = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() finalBallPos = self.calculateShootingDestination() activebot.path, status = passPath(activeRobotConf, ballRestPos, finalBallPos, vmax=25, vr=15, kq=0.0010, hold=True) activebot.prunePath() obstacleConfs = self.getObstacleConfs([activebot_idx]) activebot.multiObstacleAwarePath(obstacleConfs, 0.05) activebot.prunePath() executing[activebot_idx] = True activebot.robotCode() def vizShooting(): actx, acty = activebot.getRobotConf()[:2] plt.hold('on') plt.plot(-acty, actx, 'g+') plt.plot(-activebot.path[1,:], activebot.path[0,:], 'g.') plt.xlim([-0.75, 0.75]) # y axis in the field plt.ylim([-0.5, 0.5]) # x axis in the field plt.title('SHOOT!!!!') self.idash.add(vizShooting) if first_loop: pass first_loop = False else: pass print "Elapsed (MS): ", (time.time() - time_start) * 1e3 # Do measurements, whether pass was successful and state changes time_start = time.time() p1 = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() p3 = self.ballEngine.getNextRestPos() dist_from_start = np.sqrt((p1[0] - p0[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p0[1])**2) # dist_from_goal = np.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2) # velocity_measure = np.sqrt((p1[0] - p3[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p3[1])**2) vx, vy = self.ballEngine.getVelocity() velocity_measure = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2) print velocity_measure # self.idash.add(lambda: plt.plot(velocity_measure)) closest_zone = self.getClosestZone(p1) if dist_from_start > 0.01: # the ball has been touched if velocity_measure < 0.003: # wait til velocity reaches zero # if dist_from_goal < 0.1: # wait til the ball has entered the predicted zone executing = [False] * len(self.bots) # everyone has new roles, plan next pass if closest_zone == rcvzone: # success # increment what is the new active zone activebot.setMotorVelocities(0,0) activezone_idx += 1 self.idash.plotframe() # ~100 ms shaved by removing this line # time.sleep(50*1e-3) self.clean_exit()
class BaseRobotRunner(object): __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self, color, number, clientID=None, ip='', port=19998): # ip='', '' """ color: i.e. 'Blue' number: i.e. 1 clientID: Default None; if provided as parameter, `vrep.simxStart` was called outside this class """ # parameter init self.ip = ip self.port=port self.color = color self.bot_name = '%s%d' % (color, number) self.bot_nameStriker = 'Red1' self.vm=self.v=0 # run startup methods if clientID is not None: # Use existing clientID (multi robot case) self.clientID = clientID self.multirobots = True print("ClientID obtained as parameter! (Probably doing Multirobots...)") else: # Make connection to VREP client (single robot case) self.initializeVrepClient() self.multirobots = False self.initializeVrepApi() #self.killer = GracefulKiller() self.idash = IDash(framerate=0.05) self.ballEngine = BallEngine(self.clientID) def exploreClassAttributes(self): for variable_name, variable_value in self.__dict__.iteritems(): locals()[self.bot_name + "_" + variable_name] = variable_value # delete so there are no duplicate variables in the variable explorer del(variable_name) del(variable_value) return # Place Spyder Breakpoint on this Line! def initializeVrepClient(self): """ Initialization for Python to connect to VREP. We obtain a clientID after connecting to VREP, which is saved to `self.clientID` This method is only called if we controlling one robot with the remote API """ print 'Python program started' count = 0 num_tries = 10 while count < num_tries: vrep.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections self.clientID=vrep.simxStart(self.ip,self.port,True,True,5000,5) #Timeout=5000ms, Threadcycle=5ms if self.clientID!=-1: print 'Connected to V-REP' break else: "Trying again in a few moments..." time.sleep(3) count += 1 if count >= num_tries: print 'Failed connecting to V-REP' vrep.simxFinish(self.clientID) def initializeVrepApi(self): # initialize bot handles and variables _, self.leftMotor=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_leftJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.rightMotor=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_rightJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.clientID, self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # initialize proximity sensors self.proxSensors = prox_sens_initialize(self.clientID, self.bot_name) # initialize odom of bot _, = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID,, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming ) _, self.eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID,, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming ) # FIXME: striker handles shouldn't be part of the default base class # FIXME: should be better way to have information regarding all the bots (Central Control?) (Publishers/Subscribers...)? # initialize bot handles and variables for Red1 _, self.leftMotorStriker=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_leftJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.rightMotorStriker=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_rightJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.botStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, self.bot_nameStriker, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, xyzStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, self.botStriker, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming ) _, eulerAnglesStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, self.botStriker, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming ) @abc.abstractmethod def robotCode(self): """ OUR ROBOT CODE GOES HERE """ return def secondaryCode(self, role, obstacleConfs=None, passivePos=None): """inner while loop for when attacker is not active""" # FIXME: role does nothing, but maybe there should be different # modes of operation for passive roles if passivePos is None: passivePos = self.passivePos if not self.executing: self.status = 0 # for moving freely, without theta adjust self.path, self.status = smoothPath( self.getRobotConf(, passivePos, r=0.08) vf = 10 v = vf*np.ones((1, np.size(self.path,1))) self.path = np.concatenate((self.path, v), axis=0) self.path[-1, -1]=vf self.prunePath() self.multiObstacleAwarePath(obstacleConfs, 0.04) self.prunePath() self.followPath(self.getRobotConf(, self.status, rb=0.05) def getRobotConf(self, robot_handle=None): if robot_handle is None: robot_handle = _, xyz = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer ) _, eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer ) x, y, z = xyz theta = eulerAngles[2] return (x, y, theta) def senseObstacles(self): """ Returns ------- objectDetected: array-like, shape 4 whether an obstacle was detected for the 4 sensors objectDistances: array-like, shape 4 the distances detected """ out = prox_sens_read(self.clientID, self.proxSensors) objectDetected = np.zeros(4) objectDistances = 100*np.ones(4) for i, sens in enumerate(out): if sens['detectionState'] == 1: objectDetected[i] = 1 x, y, z = sens['detectedPoint'] a = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) distance = np.sqrt(a**2 + z**2) objectDistances[i] = distance return objectDetected, objectDistances def setMotorVelocities(self, forward_vel, omega): ctrl_sig_left, ctrl_sig_right = vomega2bytecodes(forward_vel, omega, g=1) self.driveMotor(ctrl_sig_left, ctrl_sig_right) def driveMotor(self, vl, vr): _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID,self.leftMotor,vl,vrep.simx_opmode_streaming ) # set left wheel velocity _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID,self.rightMotor,vr,vrep.simx_opmode_streaming ) # set right wheel velocity def repulsion_vectors_compute(self, lidarValues, k_repulse=10.0): numLidarValues = len(lidarValues) lidarAngles = [np.pi / numLidarValues * index for index in range(numLidarValues)] repulsionVectors = [np.array(pol2cart(force_repulsion(k_repulse, np.sqrt(val), 2), angle)) for val, angle in zip(lidarValues, lidarAngles)] return repulsionVectors def followPath(self, robotConf, status=0, rb=0.05, dtheta=0.001, k=3.5): """ radius of the buffer zone """ robotpos = np.array(robotConf)[0:2] if status==2 and self.path.shape[1]==2 and np.linalg.norm(robotpos - self.path[0:2,0])<rb: # print 'path' # print self.path theta = math.atan2(self.path[1,-1]-self.path[1,0], self.path[0,-1]-self.path[0,0]) finalConf = (self.path[0,0], self.path[1,0],theta) # print 'finalConf' # print finalConf vRobot = v2orientation(robotConf, finalConf) self.setMotorVelocities(vRobot[0], vRobot[1]) if vRobot[1]==0: self.path = self.path[:, 1:] return 2 while self.path.shape[1]>1 and np.linalg.norm(robotpos - self.path[0:2,0])<rb : self.path = self.path[:, 1:] # remove first node if self.path.shape[1]==1 and np.linalg.norm(robotpos - self.path[0:2,0])<rb : self.setMotorVelocities(0,0) return 0 else: vRobot = v2Pos(robotConf, self.path[0:2,0], self.path[2,0], k) self.setMotorVelocities(vRobot[0], vRobot[1]) return 1 def keepGoal(self,robotConf, y=0.7,vmax=30, goalLim=0.2): # 0.7 for left goal, -0.7 for right goal """ the robot keep the goal by staying on a line and focusing on ball displacement """ tol=0.0001 self.ballEngine.update() pm = self.ballEngine.posm2 # previous position p = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() # position if math.fabs(p[1]-pm[1])<tol: finalPos=[0,y] vRobot = v2PosB(robotConf, finalPos) self.setMotorVelocities(vRobot[0], vRobot[1]) return 1 if y*(p[1]-pm[1])<0: self.setMotorVelocities(0, 0) return 0 a = (y-pm[1])/(p[1]-pm[1]) # intersection: (x,y)^t = pm+a(p-pm) x = pm[0]+a*(p[0]-pm[0]) if (x>goalLim): x = goalLim if (x<-goalLim): x = -goalLim finalPos=[x,y] vRobot = v2PosB(robotConf, finalPos, vmax) self.setMotorVelocities(vRobot[0], vRobot[1]) return 0 def keepGoal2(self, robotConf, Gy=0.72, vmax=25, Ex=0.18, Ey=0.07): # 0.72 for left goal, -0.72 for right goal """ the robot keep the goal by staying on an ellipse and focusing on ball position configuration of the robot, princial axis of the ellipse, center of the goal """ # self.ballEngine.update() bp = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() # ball position a=math.atan2(bp[0],Gy-bp[1]) rp=(Ex*math.sin(a), Gy-Ey*math.cos(a)) # desired robot position vRobot = v2PosB(robotConf, rp, vmax) self.setMotorVelocities(vRobot[0], vRobot[1]) def keepGoalP(self, robotConf, Gy=0.72, vmax=40, Ex=0.18, Ey=0.07): # 0.72 for left goal, -0.72 for right goal """ the robot keep the goal with a P controller by staying on an ellipse and focusing on ball position configuration of the robot, princial axis of the ellipse, center of the goal """ # self.ballEngine.update() bp = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() # ball position a=math.atan2(bp[0],Gy-bp[1]) rp=(Ex*math.sin(a), Gy-Ey*math.cos(a)) # desired robot position vRobot = v2PosP(robotConf, rp, vmax) self.setMotorVelocities(vRobot[0], vRobot[1]) time.sleep(0.001) def v2PosA(self, robotConf, finalPos, vmax=40, k=2, kp=200, amax=100): """v2pos with acceleration bounded """ x = finalPos[0] - robotConf[0] y = finalPos[1] - robotConf[1] norm = (x**2 + y**2)**.5 # euclidian norm tv=self.ballEngine.getSimTime() v=kp*norm if v>vmax: v=vmax va=math.fabs(self.vm)+amax*(tv-self.tvm) print 'va' print va if v>va: v=va self.tvm=tv self.vm=v print 'v' print v return v2PosB(robotConf, finalPos, v, k, rb=0.01) def add_to_path(self, path_objective): """ path objective is array-like, shape (3,-1) """ path_objective = np.asarray(path_objective).reshape(3, -1) if self.path is not None: self.path = np.column_stack(( self.path, path_objective )) else: self.path = path_objective def prunePath(self, xlim=0.455, ylim=0.705): """ Removes elements in the path if they are not within the bounds. Changes the self.path attribute according to this pruning. Parameters ---------- xlim: number the magnitude of the bounds of the field in the x direction ylim: number the magnitude of the bounds of the field in the y direction """ xGoal = 0.18 yGoal = 0.07 tol = 0.0125 tol2 = 0.025 Ex = 0.18 + tol2 Ey = 0.07 + tol2 Gy = 0.72 if self.color == 'Red': Gy *= -1 for idx in range(self.path.shape[1]): exceededX = np.abs(self.path[0,idx]) > xlim exceededY = np.abs(self.path[1,idx]) > ylim # within the boundary if exceededX: if self.path[0,idx] >= 0: self.path[0,idx] = xlim - tol else: self.path[0,idx] = - (xlim - tol) if exceededY: if self.path[1,idx] >= 0: self.path[1,idx] = ylim - tol else: self.path[1,idx] = - (ylim - tol) insideEllipsis = (self.path[0,idx])**2/Ex**2 + (self.path[1,idx] - Gy)**2/Ey**2 <= 1 if insideEllipsis: theta = math.atan2(-self.path[1,idx] + Gy, self.path[0,idx]) xNew = Ex*math.cos(theta) yNew = -Ey*math.sin(theta) + Gy self.path[0,idx] = xNew self.path[1,idx] = yNew def obstacleAwarePath(self, obstacleConf, rb = 0.025): robotPosition = self.getRobotConf() obstaclePath = interpolatePath(self.path, robotPosition) index, distance = obstacleDetector(obstacleConf, obstaclePath, rb) self.path = avoidObstacle(obstaclePath, obstacleConf, index, distance, rb) def multiObstacleAwarePath(self, obstacleConfs, rb): if obstacleConfs: for conf in obstacleConfs: self.obstacleAwarePath(conf, 0.07) def receiveBall(self, proximitySensors, interceptVel = 17.5): robotPosition = self.getRobotConf() ballPosition = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() pathNew = np.zeros((3,1)) pathNew[0,0] = ballPosition[0] pathNew[1,0] = ballPosition[1] pathNew[2,0] = interceptVel self.path = pathNew self.followPath(robotPosition) proximity = min(proximitySensors) if proximity < 0.001: self.path = None def unittestMoveForward(self): self.setMotorVelocities(forward_vel=1, omega=0) def unittestTurnSideways(self, not_first_time): x, y, theta = self.getRobotPose() if not_first_time: goal_theta = self.first_theta + np.pi / 2 print goal_theta error_theta = ThetaRange.angleDiff(theta, goal_theta) # control omega = 10 * error_theta print omega self.setMotorVelocities(0, omega) # visualization def plotCurrentDesiredHeadings(): plotVector(ThetaRange.pol2cart(1, theta), 'k') plotVector(ThetaRange.pol2cart(1, goal_theta), 'r') self.idash.add(plotCurrentDesiredHeadings) self.idash.plotframe() else: self.first_theta = theta def clean_exit(self): vrep.simxFinish(self.clientID) print 'Program ended' def run(self): if self.clientID!=-1: if not self.multirobots: # Start simulation if MultiRobotRunner not already starting it _ = vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.clientID,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot) self.robotCode() if not self.multirobots: # Stop VREP simulation cleanly if MultiRobotRunner not already stopping it self.clean_exit() def displayPath(self): print('path=') for i in range(0, self.path.shape[1]): print('%f, %f' % (self.path[0, i], self.path[1, i]))
class Master(base_robot.MultiRobotCyclicExecutor): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Master, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.color = None self.idash = IDash(framerate=0.005) def getClosestZone(self, pose): """ Zones will be from downfield (0) to close to own goal (1) """ pose = np.array(pose[:2]) # x-y only assert pose.size == 2 # pose should be 2-D # 2 ZONES: 0 and 1 two_zone_boundary_y = 0.01 zone = pose[1] > two_zone_boundary_y if self.color == 'Red': zone = not zone return zone def run(self): if self.clientID != -1: _ = vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.clientID, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # robots have been added self.color = self.bots[0].color self.originalRoles = ['attacker', 'midfielder', 'goalie'] self.roles = ['attacker', 'midfielder', 'goalie'] goalie = self.bots[2] activeidx = 0 # striker starts first t0 = time.time() while time.time() - t0 < 600: self.ballEngine.update() assert activeidx != 2 # now only have active 0,1 activebot = self.bots[activeidx] offense = self.originalRoles[activeidx] == 'attacker' if offense: if self.roles[1] != 'dumb': self.roles[1] = 'attacker' else: if self.roles[1] != 'dumb': self.roles[1] = 'midfielder' secondaryidx = not activeidx ballx, bally = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() robotX = np.zeros(2) robotY = np.zeros(2) robotX[0], robotY[0], _ = self.bots[0].getRobotConf() robotX[1], robotY[1], _ = self.bots[1].getRobotConf() distance2ball = 9999 for i in xrange(len(self.bots[:-1])): dist = np.sqrt((ballx - robotX[i])**2 + (bally - robotY[i])**2) if dist < distance2ball: distance2ball = dist closestRobot = i ballPosX, ballPosY = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() for idx in range(len(self.bots[:-1])): if offense: oppGoalieConf, oppGoalieIdx = self.findOppGoalieConf( return_index=True) oppGoalieIdx = self.convertOppBotsIdx2BotsIdx( oppGoalieIdx) if idx == closestRobot: self.bots[idx].robotCode( role=self.roles[idx], obstacleConfs=self.getObstacleConfs([ idx, oppGoalieIdx ]), # dont ignore yourself, or the oppGoalie goaliePosition=self.findOppGoalieConf()) else: # robot is not closest robot if True: # be a bitch passivePos = oppGoalieConf else: if ballPosX >= 0: passivePos = [-0.2, ballPosY, 0] else: # ballPosX < 0 passivePos = [0.2, ballPosY, 0] self.bots[idx].secondaryCode( role=self.roles[idx], obstacleConfs=self.getObstacleConfs( [idx]), # attack the goalie passivePos=passivePos) # defense else: # secondary defender (original attacker being passive) if idx == secondaryidx: if self.bots[idx].color == 'Red': passivePos = [ballPosX, 0.2, 0] else: passivePos = [ballPosX, -0.2, 0] self.bots[idx].secondaryCode( role=self.roles[idx], obstacleConfs=self.getObstacleConfs( secondaryidx), passivePos=passivePos) # primary defender (original defender being active) else: self.bots[idx].robotCode( role=self.roles[idx], obstacleConfs=self.getObstacleConfs(activeidx), goaliePosition=self.findOppGoalieConf()) goalie.robotCode( role=self.roles[2], obstacleConfs=self.getObstacleConfs(activeidx), goaliePosition=self.findOppGoalieConf()) def vizBots(): actx, acty = activebot.getRobotConf()[:2] ballx, bally = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() plt.hold('on') try: plt.plot(-self.activebot.passPos[1], self.activebot.passPos, 'ro') except: pass plt.plot(-acty, actx, 'g+') try: plt.plot([1],[0], 'm*') except: pass plt.plot(-oppGoalieConf[1], oppGoalieConf[0], 'yo') plt.plot(-bally, ballx, 'ro') plt.plot(-self.bots[secondaryidx].path[1, :], self.bots[secondaryidx].path[0, :], 'b.') plt.plot(-activebot.path[1, :], activebot.path[0, :], 'g.') plt.xlim([-0.8, 0.8]) # y axis in the field plt.ylim([-0.7, 0.7]) # x axis in the field plt.title('Red = RCV, Green = Active') plt.xlabel('active path length: {}'.format( activebot.path.shape[1])) self.idash.add(vizBots) # if time.time() - activebot.time_started_2b_dumb > 2: # self.roles = self.originalRoles[:] # if activebot.path.shape[1] < 5: # self.roles[activeidx] = 'dumb' # activebot.time_started_2b_dumb = time.time() p0 = activebot.p0 p1 = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() p3 = self.ballEngine.getNextRestPos() dist_from_start = np.sqrt((p1[0] - p0[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p0[1])**2) velocity_measure = np.sqrt((p1[0] - p3[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p3[1])**2) closest_zone = self.getClosestZone(p1) if dist_from_start > 0.01: # the ball has been touched # if velocity_measure < 0.003: # wait til velocity reaches zero # if True: # if velocity_measure < 1.0: # start kicking while ball is moving... for bot in self.bots: bot.executing = False if closest_zone != activeidx: # success # increment what is the new active zone # self.setMotorVelocities(0, 0) activeidx = not activeidx
class ZonePasserMasterCyclic(base_robot.MultiRobotCyclicExecutor): """After doing part A of Question 2, the ball will already be placed in Zone 4; so let's transport it there now""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ZonePasserMasterCyclic, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.idash = IDash(0.005) self.activezones = [] self.receivingzones = [] self.activeplayer = None self.receivingplayer = None self.zones = {(1, 1): 1, (1, -1): 2, (-1, 1): 3, (-1, -1): 4} self.zonesigns = [(1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (-1, -1)] self.zone_centers = np.array( [[CENTER_X, CENTER_X, -CENTER_X, -CENTER_X], [CENTER_Y, -CENTER_Y, CENTER_Y, -CENTER_Y]]) self.zone_corners = np.array( [[CORNER_X, CORNER_X, -CORNER_X, -CORNER_X], [CORNER_Y, -CORNER_Y, CORNER_Y, -CORNER_Y]]) # TODO: remove me since we're not allowed to set the ball pose # start ball at zone 4 - 1 (0 indexed) ball_start = self.zone_centers[:, 3] ball_start[ 1] -= 0.05 # move closer to players center, but further distance q from player # self.ballEngine.setBallPose(ball_start) self.ballEngine.update() # FIXME: Hardcoded is good for drill, not good for game! self.zone_pass_plan = [4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2] # the locations between the 5 passes self.activebot_idx_plan = [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2 ] # which robot should take the active zone during the zone pass plan? def getClosestZone(self, pose): """ get zone which the current pose is closest to. This pose could be a ball, an opposing player, etc. """ pose = np.array(pose[:2]) # x-y only assert pose.size == 2 # pose should be 2-D dist_from_zones = cdist(np.expand_dims(pose, axis=0), self.zone_corners.T) return np.argmin(dist_from_zones) + 1 # zones are 1-indexed def getBotInZone(self, zone): """ Not using now Returns the index of the bot which is inside the zone, otherwise None if there is no bot inside this zone""" bot_zones = np.zeros(len(self.bots)) for bot_idx, bot in enumerate(self.bots): bot_zones[bot_idx] = self.getClosestZone(bot.getRobotConf( # we use [0][0] since return of np.where looks like (array([2]),) zone_as_array = np.where(bot_zones == zone)[0] if zone_as_array.size == 0: return None else: return zone_as_array[ 0] # the first, if there are multiple in that zone def getNearestBotToZone(self, zone, bot_to_ignore=None): """ Returns the index of the bot closest to the zone, even if the bot may not be directly inside the zone """ bot_poses = np.vstack([bot.getRobotConf() for bot in self.bots]) bot_poses = bot_poses[:, :2] assert bot_poses.shape == (len(self.bots), 2) zone_pose = self.zone_corners[:, zone - 1].reshape(1, 2) dist_from_bots = cdist(zone_pose, bot_poses, 'cityblock') if bot_to_ignore is None: return np.argmin(dist_from_bots) else: # the closest bot might be active, in which case we should return next closest sortedargs = np.argsort(dist_from_bots.flatten()) if sortedargs[ 0] == bot_to_ignore: # first closest is active, not valid to be receive return sortedargs[1] # return second closest else: return sortedargs[0] def planToMoveIntoReceivingPosition(self, idx, rcvzone=None, startSmoothPathConf=None, vel=15, r=0.01): """ Move into the corner, facing center Parameters ---------- idx: integer index of the robot (in self.bots) startSmoothPathConf: array-like, shape (3,) or None the start configuration of the robot to calculate the smooth path. Pass this if you are calculating a path from a future point. If None, then use current robot configuration. """ if startSmoothPathConf is None: startSmoothPathConf = self.bots[idx].getRobotConf() if rcvzone is None: rcvzone = self.zone_pass_plan[idx] final_x = self.bots[idx].zone_corners[0, rcvzone - 1] final_y = self.bots[idx].zone_corners[1, rcvzone - 1] # final theta will be facing towards center field _, final_theta = ThetaRange.cart2pol(final_x, final_y) final_theta = ThetaRange.normalize_angle( final_theta + np.pi) # flip it towards center smooth_path, status = smoothPath( startSmoothPathConf, # robotConf [final_x, final_y, final_theta], # finalConf r=r) v = vel * np.ones((1, np.size(smooth_path, 1))) smooth_path = np.concatenate((smooth_path, v), axis=0) if self.bots[idx].path is None: self.bots[idx].add_to_path(smooth_path) elif self.bots[idx].path.shape[1] == 1: self.bots[idx].add_to_path(smooth_path) else: self.bots[idx].path = smooth_path def calculateReceivingDestination(self, xy1, xy2, k=0.2): """ receiving BallPos should be between rcvbot and next passing zone Parameters ---------- xy1: array-like, shape (2,) x-y position of receiving bot xy2: array-like, shape (2,) x-y position of next receiving zone k: float, between 0-1 multiplier to determine how much in between the rcv and nextrcv """ x1, y1 = xy1 x2, y2 = xy2 theta = np.arctan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2) hyp = np.sqrt((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2) rcvBallPos = [ x1 - k * hyp * np.cos(theta), y1 - k * hyp * np.sin(theta) ] return rcvBallPos def calculateShootingDestination(self): # TODO: Intelligently use position of moving opponenet goalie posToAim = [0, -1.0] # in the center of the goal return posToAim def run(self): if self.clientID != -1: _ = vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.clientID, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set them up in the first 3 zones for idx in range(len(self.bots)): if self.zone_pass_plan[idx] == 2: # if False: # zone 2 has some robots blocking, so navigate to zone 2 # in a couple of steps # TOOD: may want to do this less hardcoded, more like planned path with obstacle avoidance # step 1. get to midfield passing the opposing team x_coord_zone = 0.3 self.bots[idx].add_to_path([x_coord_zone, 0, 20]) startSmoothPathConf = [x_coord_zone, 0, -np.pi / 2] else: startSmoothPathConf = self.bots[idx].getRobotConf( self.bots[idx].bot) self.planToMoveIntoReceivingPosition( idx, startSmoothPathConf=startSmoothPathConf, vel=10) self.bots[idx].add_delay(1 * idx) # delay each by one second # TODO: replace system time with vrep simxTime t0 = time.time() # get the bots into position while time.time() - t0 < 15: for bot in self.bots: if time.time() - t0 >= bot.delay: bot.robotCode() # follow the zone passing plan first_loop = True activezone_idx = 0 shoot_flag = False plan_length = len(self.zone_pass_plan) executing = [False] * len(self.bots) # TODO: maybe something like below with states for all bots? bot_states = [STATE_READY_POS] * len(self.bots) t1 = time.time() while time.time() - t1 < 1000: self.ballEngine.update() activezone = self.zone_pass_plan[activezone_idx] activebot_idx = self.activebot_idx_plan[activezone_idx] activebot = self.bots[activebot_idx] if plan_length > activezone_idx + 1: rcvzone = self.zone_pass_plan[activezone_idx + 1] rcvbot_idx = self.activebot_idx_plan[activezone_idx + 1] rcvbot = self.bots[rcvbot_idx] else: rcvzone = None rcvbot_idx = None rcvbot = None shoot_flag = True if plan_length > activezone_idx + 2: next_rcvzone = self.zone_pass_plan[activezone_idx + 2] else: next_rcvzone = None # def vizZones(): # zones = np.zeros(4) # zones[activezone-1] = 0.5 # if rcvzone: # zones[rcvzone-1] = 1.0 # plt.imshow(zones.reshape(2,2), interpolation='nearest') # plt.title('Red = RCV, Green = Active') # self.idash.add(vizZones) # -- STATE MACHINE UPDATE PARAMETERS if shoot_flag: bot_states[activebot_idx] = STATE_SHOOT else: bot_states[activebot_idx] = STATE_PASS if rcvbot_idx: bot_states[rcvbot_idx] = STATE_READY_POS # -- STATE MACHINE EXECUTE # _, proximitySensors = rcvbot.senseObstacles() # if bot_states[rcvbot_idx] == STATE_READY_POS: # rcvbot.receiveBall(proximitySensors) # rcvp1 = np.array(rcvbot.getRobotConf()[:2]) # rcvp2 = self.zone_corners[:, rcvzone - 1] # # not yet in position # if cdist(rcvp1.reshape(1,2), rcvp2.reshape(1,2))[0] > 0.001: # radius buffer # # FIXME: if receiving bot is moving at the same time as active bot, processing time increases by ~100ms # if not executing[rcvbot_idx]: # if next_rcvzone: # xy2 = self.zone_centers[:,next_rcvzone-1] # else: # xy2 = [0, -0.75] # self.planToMoveIntoReceivingPosition(rcvbot_idx, rcvzone, vel=10) # rcvbot.prunePath() # rcvbot.pause_before_kick = rcvbot.path.shape[1] > 2 # executing[rcvbot_idx] = True # rcvbot.robotCode(rb=0.05, pause_before_kick=rcvbot.pause_before_kick) # else: # executing[rcvbot_idx] = False if bot_states[activebot_idx] == STATE_PASS: if not executing[activebot_idx]: activeRobotConf = activebot.getRobotConf() p0 = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() # -- fancy calculation of finalBallPos, using info about where next xy1 = self.zone_centers[:, rcvzone - 1] if next_rcvzone: xy2 = self.zone_centers[:, next_rcvzone - 1] else: xy2 = [0, -0.75] finalBallPos = self.calculateReceivingDestination( xy1, xy2, k=0.15) # -- simple calculation of finalBallPos # mult_x, mult_y = self.zonesigns[rcvzone-1] # finalBallPos = [ np.abs(p0[0])*mult_x , np.abs(p0[1])*mult_y ] # slow mode (tested) # activebot.path, status = passPath(activeRobotConf, p0, finalBallPos, vmax=10, vr=7, kq=0.0035, hold=True) # fast mode (good luck!) activebot.path, status = passPath(activeRobotConf, p0, finalBallPos, vmax=20, vr=15, kq=0.0010, hold=False) # avoid all friendly and opposing robots obstacleConf = [ self.oppBots[i].getRobotConf() for i in range(len(self.oppBots)) ] obstacleConf.extend([ self.bots[i].getRobotConf() for i in range(len(self.bots)) if i != activebot_idx ]) for i in xrange(len(obstacleConf)): activebot.obstacleAwarePath(obstacleConf[i], 0.05) # avoid the wall boundaries activebot.prunePath() activebot.pause_before_kick = activebot.path.shape[ 1] > 2 p2 = self.ballEngine.getNextRestPos() # FIXME: if the path produced is invalid, i.e some part of it is off the field and invalid # prune that part of the path to make it valid # FIXME: if path is not long enough # backup to give more room. or bump the ball and get more room. def vizBots(): actx, acty = activebot.getRobotConf()[:2] rcvx, rcvy = rcvbot.getRobotConf()[:2] plt.hold('on') plt.plot(-acty, actx, 'g+') plt.plot(-activebot.path[1, :], activebot.path[0, :], 'g.') plt.plot(-rcvy, rcvx, 'r+') plt.plot(-rcvbot.path[1, :], rcvbot.path[0, :], 'r.') plt.plot(-p0[1], p0[0], 'bo') #plt.plot(-rcvp1[1], rcvp1[0], 'mx') #plt.plot(-rcvp2[1], rcvp2[0], 'kx') plt.xlim([-0.75, 0.75]) # y axis in the field plt.ylim([-0.5, 0.5]) # x axis in the field plt.title('Red = RCV, Green = Active') plt.xlabel('active path length: {}'.format( activebot.path.shape[1])) self.idash.add(vizBots) executing[activebot_idx] = True # Edit the path based on the ball movement # self.ballEngine.update() # deltaxy = np.array(self.ballEngine.getVelocity()) # print "deltaxy: ", deltaxy # for idx in range(activebot.path.shape[1]): # gamma = 1 # no decay # # gamma = 1 / idx # decay factor # activebot.path[:2,-(idx+1)] += gamma*deltaxy*10 # Follow the path activebot.robotCode( rb=0.05, pause_before_kick=activebot.pause_before_kick) # activebot.robotCode(rb=0.05, pause_before_kick=False) if bot_states[activebot_idx] == STATE_SHOOT: if not executing[activebot_idx]: activeRobotConf = activebot.getRobotConf( ballRestPos = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() finalBallPos = self.calculateShootingDestination() activebot.path, status = passPath(activeRobotConf, ballRestPos, finalBallPos, vmax=25, vr=15, kq=0.0010, hold=True) activebot.prunePath() obstacleConfs = self.getObstacleConfs([activebot_idx]) activebot.multiObstacleAwarePath(obstacleConfs, 0.05) activebot.prunePath() executing[activebot_idx] = True activebot.robotCode() def vizShooting(): actx, acty = activebot.getRobotConf()[:2] plt.hold('on') plt.plot(-acty, actx, 'g+') plt.plot(-activebot.path[1, :], activebot.path[0, :], 'g.') plt.xlim([-0.75, 0.75]) # y axis in the field plt.ylim([-0.5, 0.5]) # x axis in the field plt.title('SHOOT!!!!') self.idash.add(vizShooting) if first_loop: pass first_loop = False else: pass print "Elapsed (MS): ", (time.time() - time_start) * 1e3 # Do measurements, whether pass was successful and state changes time_start = time.time() p1 = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() p3 = self.ballEngine.getNextRestPos() dist_from_start = np.sqrt((p1[0] - p0[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p0[1])**2) # dist_from_goal = np.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2) # velocity_measure = np.sqrt((p1[0] - p3[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p3[1])**2) vx, vy = self.ballEngine.getVelocity() velocity_measure = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2) print velocity_measure # self.idash.add(lambda: plt.plot(velocity_measure)) closest_zone = self.getClosestZone(p1) if dist_from_start > 0.01: # the ball has been touched if velocity_measure < 0.003: # wait til velocity reaches zero # if dist_from_goal < 0.1: # wait til the ball has entered the predicted zone executing = [False] * len( self.bots ) # everyone has new roles, plan next pass if closest_zone == rcvzone: # success # increment what is the new active zone activebot.setMotorVelocities(0, 0) activezone_idx += 1 self.idash.plotframe() # ~100 ms shaved by removing this line # time.sleep(50*1e-3) self.clean_exit()
class BaseRobotRunner(object): __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self, color, number, clientID=None, ip='', port=19998): # ip='', '' """ color: i.e. 'Blue' number: i.e. 1 clientID: Default None; if provided as parameter, `vrep.simxStart` was called outside this class """ # parameter init self.ip = ip self.port = port self.color = color self.bot_name = '%s%d' % (color, number) self.bot_nameStriker = 'Red1' self.vm = self.v = 0 = self.tvm = 0 # run startup methods if clientID is not None: # Use existing clientID (multi robot case) self.clientID = clientID self.multirobots = True print( "ClientID obtained as parameter! (Probably doing Multirobots...)" ) else: # Make connection to VREP client (single robot case) self.initializeVrepClient() self.multirobots = False self.initializeVrepApi() #self.killer = GracefulKiller() self.idash = IDash(framerate=0.05) self.ballEngine = BallEngine(self.clientID) def exploreClassAttributes(self): for variable_name, variable_value in self.__dict__.iteritems(): locals()[self.bot_name + "_" + variable_name] = variable_value # delete so there are no duplicate variables in the variable explorer del (variable_name) del (variable_value) return # Place Spyder Breakpoint on this Line! def initializeVrepClient(self): """ Initialization for Python to connect to VREP. We obtain a clientID after connecting to VREP, which is saved to `self.clientID` This method is only called if we controlling one robot with the remote API """ print 'Python program started' count = 0 num_tries = 10 while count < num_tries: vrep.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections self.clientID = vrep.simxStart(self.ip, self.port, True, True, 5000, 5) #Timeout=5000ms, Threadcycle=5ms if self.clientID != -1: print 'Connected to V-REP' break else: "Trying again in a few moments..." time.sleep(3) count += 1 if count >= num_tries: print 'Failed connecting to V-REP' vrep.simxFinish(self.clientID) def initializeVrepApi(self): # initialize bot handles and variables _, self.leftMotor = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_leftJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.rightMotor = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_rightJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.clientID, self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # initialize proximity sensors self.proxSensors = prox_sens_initialize(self.clientID, self.bot_name) # initialize odom of bot _, = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID,, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, self.eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID,, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # FIXME: striker handles shouldn't be part of the default base class # FIXME: should be better way to have information regarding all the bots (Central Control?) (Publishers/Subscribers...)? # initialize bot handles and variables for Red1 _, self.leftMotorStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_leftJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.rightMotorStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_rightJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.botStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, self.bot_nameStriker, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, xyzStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID, self.botStriker, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, eulerAnglesStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, self.botStriker, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) @abc.abstractmethod def robotCode(self): """ OUR ROBOT CODE GOES HERE """ return def secondaryCode(self, role, obstacleConfs=None, passivePos=None): """inner while loop for when attacker is not active""" # FIXME: role does nothing, but maybe there should be different # modes of operation for passive roles if passivePos is None: passivePos = self.passivePos if not self.executing: self.status = 0 # for moving freely, without theta adjust self.path, self.status = smoothPath(self.getRobotConf(, passivePos, r=0.08) vf = 10 v = vf * np.ones((1, np.size(self.path, 1))) self.path = np.concatenate((self.path, v), axis=0) self.path[-1, -1] = vf self.prunePath() self.multiObstacleAwarePath(obstacleConfs, 0.04) self.prunePath() self.followPath(self.getRobotConf(, self.status, rb=0.05) def getRobotConf(self, robot_handle=None): if robot_handle is None: robot_handle = _, xyz = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) _, eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) x, y, z = xyz theta = eulerAngles[2] return (x, y, theta) def senseObstacles(self): """ Returns ------- objectDetected: array-like, shape 4 whether an obstacle was detected for the 4 sensors objectDistances: array-like, shape 4 the distances detected """ out = prox_sens_read(self.clientID, self.proxSensors) objectDetected = np.zeros(4) objectDistances = 100 * np.ones(4) for i, sens in enumerate(out): if sens['detectionState'] == 1: objectDetected[i] = 1 x, y, z = sens['detectedPoint'] a = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) distance = np.sqrt(a**2 + z**2) objectDistances[i] = distance return objectDetected, objectDistances def setMotorVelocities(self, forward_vel, omega): ctrl_sig_left, ctrl_sig_right = vomega2bytecodes(forward_vel, omega, g=1) self.driveMotor(ctrl_sig_left, ctrl_sig_right) def driveMotor(self, vl, vr): _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID, self.leftMotor, vl, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # set left wheel velocity _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID, self.rightMotor, vr, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # set right wheel velocity def repulsion_vectors_compute(self, lidarValues, k_repulse=10.0): numLidarValues = len(lidarValues) lidarAngles = [ np.pi / numLidarValues * index for index in range(numLidarValues) ] repulsionVectors = [ np.array( pol2cart(force_repulsion(k_repulse, np.sqrt(val), 2), angle)) for val, angle in zip(lidarValues, lidarAngles) ] return repulsionVectors def followPath(self, robotConf, status=0, rb=0.05, dtheta=0.001, k=3.5): """ radius of the buffer zone """ robotpos = np.array(robotConf)[0:2] if status == 2 and self.path.shape[1] == 2 and np.linalg.norm( robotpos - self.path[0:2, 0]) < rb: # print 'path' # print self.path theta = math.atan2(self.path[1, -1] - self.path[1, 0], self.path[0, -1] - self.path[0, 0]) finalConf = (self.path[0, 0], self.path[1, 0], theta) # print 'finalConf' # print finalConf vRobot = v2orientation(robotConf, finalConf) self.setMotorVelocities(vRobot[0], vRobot[1]) if vRobot[1] == 0: self.path = self.path[:, 1:] return 2 while self.path.shape[1] > 1 and np.linalg.norm( robotpos - self.path[0:2, 0]) < rb: self.path = self.path[:, 1:] # remove first node if self.path.shape[1] == 1 and np.linalg.norm(robotpos - self.path[0:2, 0]) < rb: self.setMotorVelocities(0, 0) return 0 else: vRobot = v2Pos(robotConf, self.path[0:2, 0], self.path[2, 0], k) self.setMotorVelocities(vRobot[0], vRobot[1]) return 1 def keepGoal(self, robotConf, y=0.7, vmax=30, goalLim=0.2): # 0.7 for left goal, -0.7 for right goal """ the robot keep the goal by staying on a line and focusing on ball displacement """ tol = 0.0001 self.ballEngine.update() pm = self.ballEngine.posm2 # previous position p = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() # position if math.fabs(p[1] - pm[1]) < tol: finalPos = [0, y] vRobot = v2PosB(robotConf, finalPos) self.setMotorVelocities(vRobot[0], vRobot[1]) return 1 if y * (p[1] - pm[1]) < 0: self.setMotorVelocities(0, 0) return 0 a = (y - pm[1]) / (p[1] - pm[1]) # intersection: (x,y)^t = pm+a(p-pm) x = pm[0] + a * (p[0] - pm[0]) if (x > goalLim): x = goalLim if (x < -goalLim): x = -goalLim finalPos = [x, y] vRobot = v2PosB(robotConf, finalPos, vmax) self.setMotorVelocities(vRobot[0], vRobot[1]) return 0 def keepGoal2(self, robotConf, Gy=0.72, vmax=25, Ex=0.18, Ey=0.07): # 0.72 for left goal, -0.72 for right goal """ the robot keep the goal by staying on an ellipse and focusing on ball position configuration of the robot, princial axis of the ellipse, center of the goal """ # self.ballEngine.update() bp = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() # ball position a = math.atan2(bp[0], Gy - bp[1]) rp = (Ex * math.sin(a), Gy - Ey * math.cos(a) ) # desired robot position vRobot = v2PosB(robotConf, rp, vmax) self.setMotorVelocities(vRobot[0], vRobot[1]) def keepGoalP(self, robotConf, Gy=0.72, vmax=40, Ex=0.18, Ey=0.07): # 0.72 for left goal, -0.72 for right goal """ the robot keep the goal with a P controller by staying on an ellipse and focusing on ball position configuration of the robot, princial axis of the ellipse, center of the goal """ # self.ballEngine.update() bp = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() # ball position a = math.atan2(bp[0], Gy - bp[1]) rp = (Ex * math.sin(a), Gy - Ey * math.cos(a) ) # desired robot position vRobot = v2PosP(robotConf, rp, vmax) self.setMotorVelocities(vRobot[0], vRobot[1]) time.sleep(0.001) def v2PosA(self, robotConf, finalPos, vmax=40, k=2, kp=200, amax=100): """v2pos with acceleration bounded """ x = finalPos[0] - robotConf[0] y = finalPos[1] - robotConf[1] norm = (x**2 + y**2)**.5 # euclidian norm tv = self.ballEngine.getSimTime() v = kp * norm if v > vmax: v = vmax va = math.fabs(self.vm) + amax * (tv - self.tvm) print 'va' print va if v > va: v = va self.tvm = tv self.vm = v print 'v' print v return v2PosB(robotConf, finalPos, v, k, rb=0.01) def add_to_path(self, path_objective): """ path objective is array-like, shape (3,-1) """ path_objective = np.asarray(path_objective).reshape(3, -1) if self.path is not None: self.path = np.column_stack((self.path, path_objective)) else: self.path = path_objective def prunePath(self, xlim=0.455, ylim=0.705): """ Removes elements in the path if they are not within the bounds. Changes the self.path attribute according to this pruning. Parameters ---------- xlim: number the magnitude of the bounds of the field in the x direction ylim: number the magnitude of the bounds of the field in the y direction """ xGoal = 0.18 yGoal = 0.07 tol = 0.0125 tol2 = 0.025 Ex = 0.18 + tol2 Ey = 0.07 + tol2 Gy = 0.72 if self.color == 'Red': Gy *= -1 for idx in range(self.path.shape[1]): exceededX = np.abs(self.path[0, idx]) > xlim exceededY = np.abs(self.path[1, idx]) > ylim # within the boundary if exceededX: if self.path[0, idx] >= 0: self.path[0, idx] = xlim - tol else: self.path[0, idx] = -(xlim - tol) if exceededY: if self.path[1, idx] >= 0: self.path[1, idx] = ylim - tol else: self.path[1, idx] = -(ylim - tol) insideEllipsis = (self.path[0, idx])**2 / Ex**2 + ( self.path[1, idx] - Gy)**2 / Ey**2 <= 1 if insideEllipsis: theta = math.atan2(-self.path[1, idx] + Gy, self.path[0, idx]) xNew = Ex * math.cos(theta) yNew = -Ey * math.sin(theta) + Gy self.path[0, idx] = xNew self.path[1, idx] = yNew def obstacleAwarePath(self, obstacleConf, rb=0.025): robotPosition = self.getRobotConf() obstaclePath = interpolatePath(self.path, robotPosition) index, distance = obstacleDetector(obstacleConf, obstaclePath, rb) self.path = avoidObstacle(obstaclePath, obstacleConf, index, distance, rb) def multiObstacleAwarePath(self, obstacleConfs, rb): if obstacleConfs: for conf in obstacleConfs: self.obstacleAwarePath(conf, 0.07) def receiveBall(self, proximitySensors, interceptVel=17.5): robotPosition = self.getRobotConf() ballPosition = self.ballEngine.getBallPose() pathNew = np.zeros((3, 1)) pathNew[0, 0] = ballPosition[0] pathNew[1, 0] = ballPosition[1] pathNew[2, 0] = interceptVel self.path = pathNew self.followPath(robotPosition) proximity = min(proximitySensors) if proximity < 0.001: self.path = None def unittestMoveForward(self): self.setMotorVelocities(forward_vel=1, omega=0) def unittestTurnSideways(self, not_first_time): x, y, theta = self.getRobotPose() if not_first_time: goal_theta = self.first_theta + np.pi / 2 print goal_theta error_theta = ThetaRange.angleDiff(theta, goal_theta) # control omega = 10 * error_theta print omega self.setMotorVelocities(0, omega) # visualization def plotCurrentDesiredHeadings(): plotVector(ThetaRange.pol2cart(1, theta), 'k') plotVector(ThetaRange.pol2cart(1, goal_theta), 'r') self.idash.add(plotCurrentDesiredHeadings) self.idash.plotframe() else: self.first_theta = theta def clean_exit(self): vrep.simxFinish(self.clientID) print 'Program ended' def run(self): if self.clientID != -1: if not self.multirobots: # Start simulation if MultiRobotRunner not already starting it _ = vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.clientID, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot) self.robotCode() if not self.multirobots: # Stop VREP simulation cleanly if MultiRobotRunner not already stopping it self.clean_exit() def displayPath(self): print('path=') for i in range(0, self.path.shape[1]): print('%f, %f' % (self.path[0, i], self.path[1, i]))
class FinalProjectProgram(): def __init__(self, color, number): # parameter init self.bot_name = '%s%d' % (color, number) self.bot_nameStriker = 'Red1' # run startup methods self.initializeVrepClient() self.initializeVrepApi() # self.killer = GracefulKiller() self.idash = IDash(framerate=0.05) def initializeVrepClient(self): #Initialisation for Python to connect to VREP print 'Python program started' count = 0 num_tries = 10 while count < num_tries: vrep.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections self.clientID=vrep.simxStart('',19999,True,True,5000,5) #Timeout=5000ms, Threadcycle=5ms if self.clientID!=-1: print 'Connected to V-REP' break else: "Trying again in a few moments..." time.sleep(3) count += 1 if count >= num_tries: print 'Failed connecting to V-REP' vrep.simxFinish(self.clientID) def initializeVrepApi(self): # initialize bot handles and variables _, self.leftMotor=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_leftJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.rightMotor=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_rightJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.clientID, self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # proxSens = prox_sens_initialize(self.clientID) # initialize odom of bot _, = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID,, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, self.eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID,, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # # initialize overhead cam # _, self.overheadCam=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( # self.clientID, 'Global_Vision', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # _, self.resolution, self.image = vrep.simxGetVisionSensorImage( # self.clientID,self.overheadCam,0,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # # initialize goal handle + odom # _, self.goalHandle=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( # self.clientID, 'Goal_Position', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # _, self.goalPose = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( # self.clientID, self.goalHandle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) # initialize bot handles and variables for Red1 _, self.leftMotorStriker=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_leftJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.rightMotorStriker=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, '%s_rightJoint' % self.bot_name, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, self.botStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle( self.clientID, self.bot_nameStriker, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) _, xyzStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, self.botStriker, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) _, eulerAnglesStriker = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, self.botStriker, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) def robotCode(self): """ OUR ROBOT CODE GOES HERE """ # count = 0 # while True: # self.unittestTurnSideways(count) # count += 1 xGoalie = self.getRobotPose([0] yGoalie = self.getRobotPose([1] thetaGoalie = self.getRobotPose([2] thetaStriker = self.getRobotPose(self.botStriker)[2] # ball pose ballPose = (0, 0) # (x, y) goalie2Ball = abs(yGoalie - ballPose[1]) # distance between ball and goalkeeper goalieDistance = abs(goalie2Ball * math.tan(thetaStriker)) if thetaStriker < 0: xSaving = xGoalie + goalieDistance else: xSaving = xGoalie - goalieDistance savingPosition = [xSaving, yGoalie, z] # position in which the the goalie saves the ball # desiredHeading = -math.pi/2 # tolerance = 5*math.pi/360 # error = [] # Kp = 2 # Tdiff = 0.01 # Tint = 0.1 # Tsample = 0.02 # i = 0 # # while ((thetaGoalie < (desiredHeading - tolerance) or thetaGoalie > (desiredHeading + tolerance))) and i <= 20: # error.append(abs(thetaGoalie - desiredHeading)) # if i == 0: # vDiff = Kp*error[i] # else: # errorSum = 0 # for j in range(i): # errorSum += error[j] # vDiff = Kp*(error[i] + Tdiff/Tsample*(error[i] - error[i-1]) + Tsample*Tint*errorSum) # _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( # self.clientID,self.leftMotor,-vDiff,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set left wheel velocity # _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( # self.clientID,self.rightMotor,vDiff,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set right wheel velocity # time.sleep(Tsample) # thetaGoalie = self.getRobotPose([2] # #print thetaGoalie # i += 1 # # xTolerance = 0.0001 # error = [] # i = 0 # Kp = 100 # Tint = 1 # Tsample = 0.01 # # while ((xGoalie < (xSaving - xTolerance) or xGoalie > (xSaving + xTolerance))) and i <= 25: # error.append(xGoalie - xSaving) # if i == 0: # vComm = Kp*error[i] # else: # errorSum = 0 # for j in range(i): # errorSum += error[j] # vComm = Kp*(error[i] + Tdiff/Tsample*(error[i] - error[i-1]) + Tsample*Tint*errorSum) # _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( # self.clientID,self.leftMotor,-vComm,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set left wheel velocity # _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( # self.clientID,self.rightMotor,-vComm,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set right wheel velocity # time.sleep(Tsample) # xGoalie = self.getRobotPose([0] # #print xGoalie # i += 1 while 1: robotConf = self.getRobotConf( print('robotConf.x=%f' % robotConf[0]) print('robotConf.y=%f' % robotConf[1]) print('robotConf.theta=%f' % robotConf[2]) print('savingPosition.x=%f' % savingPosition[0]) print('savingPosition.y=%f' % savingPosition[1]) print('savingPosition.theta=%f' % savingPosition[2]) vRobot = v2Pos(robotConf, savingPosition) print('vRobot.x=%f' % vRobot[0]) print('vRobot.y=%f' % vRobot[1]) self.setMotorVelocities(vRobot[0], vRobot[1]) #self.setDriveVelocities(0, 0) time.sleep(3) def getRobotConf(self, robot_handle): _, xyz = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) _, eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) x, y, z = xyz theta = eulerAngles[2] return (x, y, theta) def getRobotPose(self, robot_handle): _, xyz = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition( self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) _, eulerAngles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.clientID, robot_handle, -1, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) x, y, z = xyz theta = eulerAngles[2] return (x, y, theta) def setMotorVelocities(self, forward_vel, omega): ctrl_sig_left, ctrl_sig_right = vomega2bytecodes(forward_vel, omega, g=1) _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID,self.leftMotor,ctrl_sig_left,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set left wheel velocity _ = vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity( self.clientID,self.rightMotor,ctrl_sig_right,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # set right wheel velocity def unittestMoveForward(self): self.setMotorVelocities(forward_vel=1, omega=0) def unittestTurnSideways(self, not_first_time): x, y, theta = self.getRobotPose() if not_first_time: goal_theta = self.first_theta + np.pi / 2 print goal_theta error_theta = ThetaRange.angleDiff(theta, goal_theta) # control omega = 10 * error_theta print omega self.setMotorVelocities(0, omega) # visualization def plotCurrentDesiredHeadings(): plotVector(ThetaRange.pol2cart(1, theta), 'k') plotVector(ThetaRange.pol2cart(1, goal_theta), 'r') self.idash.add(plotCurrentDesiredHeadings) self.idash.plotframe() else: self.first_theta = theta def clean_exit(self): _ = vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.clientID,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) vrep.simxFinish(self.clientID) print 'Program ended' def run(self): if self.clientID!=-1: _ = vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.clientID,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) self.robotCode() self.clean_exit()