Exemplo n.º 1
def push_comms():
    global skel_conn
    commBL = [
        "size_t", "int", "LPSTR", "char", "char *", "lpString", "unsigned int",
        "void *", "indirect table for switch statement", "this",
        "jump table for switch statement", "switch jump"
    for i in range(idc.MinEA(), idc.MaxEA()):
        if idc.GetCommentEx(
                i, 0) is not None and not idc.GetCommentEx(i, 0) in commBL:
            if not skel_conn.push_comment(i, idc.GetCommentEx(i, 0)):
                return -1
        elif idc.GetCommentEx(
                i, 1) is not None and not idc.GetCommentEx(i, 1) in commBL:
            if not skel_conn.push_comment(i, idc.GetCommentEx(i, 1)):
                return -1
    for function_ea in idautils.Functions(idc.MinEA(), idc.MaxEA()):
        fName = idc.GetFunctionName(function_ea)
        if hasSubNoppedPrefix(fName) is False:
            if not skel_conn.push_name(function_ea, fName):
                g_logger.error("Error sending function name %s" % (fName))
        # if idc.GetFunctionCmt(function_ea,0) != "":
        #    push_change("idc.SetFunctionCmt",shex(function_ea),idc.GetFunctionCmt(i,0))
        # elif idc.GetFunctionCmt(function_ea,1) != "":
        #    push_change("idc.SetFunctionCmt",shex(function_ea),idc.GetFunctionCmt(function_ea,1))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def GetDyn():
     phoff = idc.Dword(idc.MinEA() + 0x1c) + idc.MinEA()
     phnum = idc.Word(idc.MinEA() + 0x2c)
     phentsize = idc.Word(idc.MinEA() + 0x2a)
     for i in range(phnum):
         p_type = idc.Dword(phoff + phentsize * i)
         if p_type == 2:  # PY_DYNAMIC
             dyn_addr = idc.Dword(phoff + phentsize * i + 8)
             return dyn_addr
Exemplo n.º 3
 def find_interesting_xors(self):
     next_xor = idc.FindText(idc.MinEA(), idc.SEARCH_DOWN | idc.SEARCH_NEXT,
                             0, 0, "xor")
     while next_xor != idc.BADADDR:
         if idc.GetOpnd(next_xor, 0) != idc.GetOpnd(next_xor, 1):
             entry = {
                 "func": "",
                 "addr": next_xor,
                 "loop": False,
                 "disasm": idc.GetDisasm(next_xor)
             func = idaapi.get_func(next_xor)
             if func:
                 entry["func"] = idaapi.get_name(idc.BADADDR, func.startEA)
                 heads = idautils.Heads(next_xor, func.endEA)
                 lxors = []
                 for head in heads:
                     if idc.GetMnem(head).startswith('j'):
                         jmp_addr = idc.GetOperandValue(head, 0)
                         if jmp_addr < next_xor and jmp_addr > func.startEA:
                             entry["loop"] = True
         next_xor = idc.FindText(idc.NextHead(next_xor),
                                 idc.SEARCH_DOWN | idc.SEARCH_NEXT, 0, 0,
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():
    if _IN_IDA:
        # # get dyld_shared_cache path from IDA's openFile dialog
        print "[+] Please choose the original dyld_shared_cache_arm64"
        dsc_path = idc.AskFile(0, "*.*", "dyld shared cache file")
        dsc_path = sys.argv[1]

    if not dsc_path or not os.path.exists(dsc_path):
        raise RuntimeError("Couldn't find the dyld shared cache file..")

    print "[+] about to parse %s.." % (dsc_path)
    dsc_file = open(dsc_path, "rb")
    adrfind = AddrFinder(dsc_file, cache_symbols=False)
    map_shared_bridges(dsc_file, adrfind)
    if _IN_IDA:
        addresses = sorted(set(get_bad_addresses()))
        addresses = sorted(set(eval(open("addrs.txt", "rb").read())))

    segments, exports = get_segments_and_exports_for_addresses(
        addresses, adrfind)
    # segments = join_neighbors(segments, threshold=0x1000)
    if _IN_IDA:
        map_segments(segments, dsc_file)
        idaapi.analyze_area(idc.MinEA(), idc.MaxEA())
Exemplo n.º 5
def msr_parse():
	start = idc.MinEA()
	stop = idc.MaxEA()
	rdmsr_addr = idaapi.find_binary(start, stop, "0F 32", 0, 0) 
	wrmsr_addr = idaapi.find_binary(start, stop, "0F 30", 0, 0)
	cpuid_addr = idaapi.find_binary(start, stop, "0F A2", 0, 0)
    def find_function_epilogue_bxlr(self, makecode=False):
        Find opcode bytes corresponding to BX LR.
        This is a common way to return from a function call.
        Using the IDA API, convert these opcodes to code. This kicks off IDA analysis.
        EAstart = idc.MinEA()
        EAend = idc.MaxEA()

        ea = EAstart
        length = 2  # this code isn't tolerant to values other than 2 right now

        fmt_string = "Possible BX LR 0x%08x == "
        for i in range(length):
            fmt_string += "%02x "

        while ea < EAend:
            instructions = []
            for i in range(length):
                instructions.append(idc.Byte(ea + i))

            if not ida_bytes.isCode(ida_bytes.getFlags(ea)) and instructions[
                    0] == 0x70 and instructions[1] == 0x47:
                if self.printflag:
                    print fmt_string % (ea, instructions[0], instructions[1])
                if makecode:
            ea = ea + length
Exemplo n.º 7
def sample_dest():
    global x
    src_hashes = {}
    for i in x.split("|"):
        z = i.split(":")
        if src_hashes.has_key(z):
            src_hashes[z] = "baadf00d"
            src_hashes[i[1]] = i[0]
    dst_hashes = {}
    for addr in idautils.Functions(idc.MinEA(), idc.MaxEA()):
        fname = idc.GetFunctionName(addr)
        if fname.startswith("sub_"):
            z = calc_hash(addr)
            if dst_hashes.has_key(z):
                src_hashes[z] = "baadf00d"
                src_hashes[z] = addr
    for x in dst_hashes:
        if dst_hashes[x] == "baadf00d":
        if src_hashes.has_key(x):
            if src_hashes[x] != "baadf00d":
                idc.MakeNameEx(dst_hashes[x], src_hashes[x], SN_NOWARN)
    print full_hash
Exemplo n.º 8
 def find_all_switch_jumps(self):
     self._switch_dict = defaultdict(list)
     next_switch = idc.FindBinary(idc.MinEA(), idc.SEARCH_DOWN|idc.SEARCH_NEXT, "ff 24")
     while next_switch != idc.BADADDR:
         sw = idaapi.get_switch_info_ex(next_switch)
         if idc.GetMnem(next_switch).startswith("jmp") and sw:
             ic = self.get_jlocs(sw)
             self._switch_dict[idaapi.get_func_name(next_switch)].append((next_switch, sw.ncases, ic))
         next_switch = idc.FindBinary(idc.NextHead(next_switch), idc.SEARCH_DOWN|idc.SEARCH_NEXT, "ff 24")
Exemplo n.º 9
 def activate(self, ctx):
     arch = idc.Word(idc.MinEA() + 0x12)
     if arch == 0x3E:  # EM_X86_64
     elif arch == 0x3:  # EM_386
         print '[-] Only support EM_X86_64 and EM_386'
     return 1
Exemplo n.º 10
def getAddressOfFirstLine(root_path):

    with open(root_path + 'first_address.txt', 'w') as f:

            address_of_first_line = str(hex(idc.MinEA()))
            address_of_first_line = "error"

Exemplo n.º 11
def find_wdf_callback_through_immediate(mnemonic, operand, val):
    for i in range(10):
        addr, operand_ = idc.FindImmediate(idc.MinEA(), idc.SEARCH_DOWN|idc.SEARCH_NEXT, val)
        if addr != idc.BADADDR:
            #print hex(addr), idc.GetDisasm(addr), "Operand ", operand_
            if operand_ == operand and idc.GetMnem(addr) == mnemonic:
                return addr
    return None
Exemplo n.º 12
    def AnalyzeAllSections(self):
        BlockData = {}
        Map = []
        CurrentAddress = idc.MinEA()

        i = 0
        while i < idaapi.get_segm_qty():
            seg = idaapi.getnseg(i)
            self.AnalyzeRange(seg.startEA, seg.endEA)
            i += 1
Exemplo n.º 13
def save_call_graph():
    cur = idc.MinEA()
    end = idc.MaxEA()
    i64_file = idc.GetIdbPath()
    first_dot = i64_file.find('.')
    no_dot_file = i64_file[:first_dot]
    gdl_path = no_dot_file + '.gdl'
    idc.GenCallGdl(gdl_path, 'Call Gdl', idc.CHART_GEN_GDL)
Exemplo n.º 14
def push_functions_names():
        Push the defined function names
    global skel_conn

    for addr in idautils.Functions(idc.MinEA(), idc.MaxEA()):
        fname = GetFunctionName(addr)
        if fname != "" and not hasSubNoppedPrefix(fname):
            if skel_conn.push_name(addr, fname) == -1:
                return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 15
def is_valid_ea(ea):
        Returns true for valid EAs, False for invalid ones.

        ea - The EA to check

        True if the EA is valid, False if it is not
    return ea not in [INVALID, UNUSED, idc.BADADDR] and idc.MinEA() <= ea <= idc.MaxEA()
Exemplo n.º 16
def pushFunctionsNames():
        update les noms de fonctions depuis l'idb actuel
    global sample_id

    for addr in idautils.Functions(idc.MinEA(), idc.MaxEA()):
        fname = GetFunctionName(addr)
        if fname != "" and not hasSubNoppedPrefix(fname):
            if skel_conn.push_name(addr, fname) == -1:
                return -1
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 17
    def renameDword(self):
        proc_addr = self._import_table.item(self._import_table.currentRow(), 3).text()
        proc_name = str(self._import_table.item(self._import_table.currentRow(), 2).text())
        renamed = 0
        if proc_addr:
                proc_addr = int(proc_addr, 16)
                proc_bin_str = " ".join([x.encode("hex") for x in struct.pack("<I", proc_addr)])
                next_dword = idc.FindBinary(idc.MinEA(), idc.SEARCH_DOWN|idc.SEARCH_NEXT, proc_bin_str)
                while next_dword != idc.BADADDR:
                    log.debug("Trying to fix-up 0x{:08x}".format(next_dword))
                    # DWORDs can be "inaccessible" for many reasons and it requires "breaking up" the data blobs
                    # and manually fixing them

                    # Reason 1: In a dword array in an unknown section
                    if idc.isUnknown(next_dword):
                        idc.MakeUnkn(next_dword, idc.DOUNK_EXPAND)
                    # Reason 2: In a dword array in a data section
                    elif idc.isData(next_dword):
                        hd = idc.ItemHead(next_dword)
                    # Reason 3: In a dword array in a code section (validate via "dd <dword>,")
                    elif idc.isCode(next_dword) and idc.GetDisasm(next_dword).startswith("dd "):
                        hd = idc.ItemHead(next_dword)

                    # Only perform
                    if idc.Name(next_dword).startswith(("off_", "dword_")) or idc.Name(next_dword) == "":
                        success = idc.MakeNameEx(next_dword, proc_name, idc.SN_NOWARN|idc.SN_NON_AUTO)
                        i = 0
                        new_proc_name = proc_name
                        while not success and i < 10:
                            new_proc_name = "{}{}".format(proc_name, i)
                            success = idc.MakeNameEx(next_dword, new_proc_name, idc.SN_NOWARN|idc.SN_NON_AUTO)
                            i += 1
                        if success:
                            renamed += 1
                            item = self._import_table.item(self._import_table.currentRow(), 5)
                            item.setText("{}, {}".format(str(item.text()), new_proc_name))
                            log.debug("DWORD @ 0x{:08x} now has name {}".format(next_dword, new_proc_name))
                            log.error("Unable to auto-rename successfully, terminating search")
                    else: log.debug("Value at 0x{:08x} does not meet renaming requirements".format(next_dword))
                    next_dword = idc.FindBinary(next_dword+4, idc.SEARCH_DOWN|idc.SEARCH_NEXT, proc_bin_str)
            except Exception, e:
                log.error("Error encountered: {}".format(e))
            log.debug("Renamed {:d} instances of {}".format(renamed, proc_name))
Exemplo n.º 18
        def renamed(self, *args):
            g_logger.debug("[IDP Hook] Something is renamed")
            ea, new_name, is_local_name = args
            if ea >= idc.MinEA() and ea <= idc.MaxEA():
                if is_local_name:
                    g_logger.warning("Local names are unimplemented")
                    if not SkelUtils.name_blacklist(new_name):
                        self.skel_conn.push_name(ea, new_name)
                g_logger.warning("ea outside program...")

            return idaapi.IDP_Hooks.renamed(self, *args)
Exemplo n.º 19
        def renamed(self, *args):
            g_logger.debug("[IDB Hook] Something is renamed")
            ea, new_name, is_local_name = args
            if ea > idc.MinEA() and ea < idc.MaxEA():
                if is_local_name:
                    # XXX push_new_local_name(ea, new_name)
                    if not SkelUtils.name_blacklist(new_name):
                        self.skel_conn.push_name(ea, new_name)
                print "ea outside program..."

            return idaapi.IDP_Hooks.renamed(self, *args)
Exemplo n.º 20
def autoCode(hex_value):
  start = idc.MinEA();
  flag = False
  for x in range(len):
    addr = idc.FindBinary(addr, SEARCH_DOWN|SEARCH_CASE|SEARCH_NEXT, hex_value)
    if addr != idc.BADADDR:
      print "{:>8X} {:<32}".format(addr,idc.GetDisasm(addr))
      flag = False
  return 0
Exemplo n.º 21
def find_string_table_refs(string_table_start, string_table_end, mark=False):
    image_start = idc.MinEA()
    image_end = idc.MaxEA()
    image_size = image_end - image_start

    print "Analyzing image from %.8x-%.8x of size %.8x" % (
        image_start, image_end, image_size)

    for cur_ea in xrange(image_start, image_end, 4):
        cur_long = Dword(cur_ea)
        if cur_long >= string_table_start and cur_long < string_table_end:
            if mark:
                SetType(cur_ea, "char *ptr;")

            print "Found string table ref at 0x%.8x to 0x%.8x (%s)" % (
                cur_ea, cur_long, GetDisasm(cur_ea))
    def nonfunction_first_instruction_heuristic(self, makefunction=False):
        EAstart = idc.MinEA()
        EAend = idc.MaxEA()
        ea = EAstart

        flag_code_outside_function = False
        self.printflag = False

        while ea < EAend:

            # skip functions, next instruction will be the target to inspect
            function_name = idc.GetFunctionName(ea)
            if function_name != "":

                flag_code_outside_function = False

                # skip to end of function and keep going
                # ea = idc.FindFuncEnd(ea)
                #if self.printflag:
                #    print "Skipping function %s" % (function_name)

                ea = ida_search.find_not_func(ea, 1)

            elif ida_bytes.isCode(ida_bytes.getFlags(ea)):

                # code that is not a function
                # get mnemonic to see if this is a push
                mnem = idc.GetMnem(ea)

                if makefunction and (mnem == "PUSH" or mnem == "PUSH.W"
                                     or mnem == "STM" or mnem == "MOV"):
                    if self.printflag:
                        print "nonfunction_first_instruction_heuristic() making function %08x" % ea
                    flag_code_outside_function = False
                    ea = ida_search.find_not_func(ea, 1)

                    if self.printflag:
                        print "nonfunction_first_instruction_heuristic() other instruction %08x\t'%s'" % (
                            ea, mnem)
                    ea = idc.NextFunction(ea)

            ea += 1
Exemplo n.º 23
def pci_analisys():
	# searching snippets:
	# ------------------- 
	# mov eax, 8000xxxxh ; optional line
	# mov dx, CF8h
	# out dx, eax
	# -------------------
	# mov dx, CF8h
	# mov eax, 8000xxxxh
	# out dx, eax
	# -------------------
	position_start = idc.MinEA()
	position_stop = idc.MaxEA()
	outdxeax = position_start
	while outdxeax :
		outdxeax = idaapi.find_binary(position_start, position_stop, "66 EF", 0, 0)
		if outdxeax:
			position_start = outdxeax + 1
    def make_new_functions_heuristic_push_regs(self, makefunction=False):
        After converting bytes to instructions, Look for PUSH instructions that are likely the beginning of functions.
        Convert these code areas to functions.
        EAstart = idc.MinEA()
        EAend = idc.MaxEA()
        ea = EAstart

        while ea < EAend:
            if self.printflag:
                print "EA %08x" % ea

            ea_function_start = idc.GetFunctionAttr(ea, idc.FUNCATTR_START)

            # If ea is inside a defined function, skip to end of function
            if ea_function_start != idc.BADADDR:
                ea = idc.FindFuncEnd(ea)

            # If current ea is code
            if ida_bytes.isCode(ida_bytes.getFlags(ea)):
                # Looking for prologues that do PUSH {register/s}
                mnem = idc.GetMnem(ea)

                if (mnem == "PUSH"):
                    if makefunction:
                        if self.printflag:
                            print "Converting code to function @ %08x" % ea

                    eanewfunction = idc.FindFuncEnd(ea)
                    if eanewfunction != idc.BADADDR:
                        ea = eanewfunction

            nextcode = ida_search.find_code(ea, idc.SEARCH_DOWN)

            if nextcode != idc.BADADDR:
                ea = nextcode
                ea += 1
    def find_pushpop_registers_arm(self, makecode=False):
        Find opcodes for PUSH/POP registers in ARM mode
        Using the IDA API, convert these opcodes to code. This kicks off IDA analysis.
        bigup jmitch
        ** ** 2d e9 and ** ** bd e8

        EAstart = idc.MinEA()
        EAend = idc.MaxEA()

        ea = EAstart
        length = 2  # this code isn't tolerant to values other than 2 right now

        fmt_string = "Possible %s {REGS} 0x%08x == "
        for i in range(length):
            fmt_string += "%02x "

        while ea < EAend:
            instructions = []
            for i in range(length):
                instructions.append(idc.Byte(ea + i))

            # print BX LR bytes
            if not ida_bytes.isCode(ida_bytes.getFlags(ea)) and      \
            (instructions[0] == 0xbd and instructions[1] == 0xe8):
                if self.printflag:
                    print fmt_string % ("POP ", ea, instructions[0],
                if makecode:

            if not ida_bytes.isCode(ida_bytes.getFlags(ea)) and      \
            (instructions[0] == 0x2d and instructions[1] == 0xe9)    \
                if self.printflag:
                    print fmt_string % ("PUSH", ea, instructions[0],
                if makecode:
            ea = ea + length
Exemplo n.º 26
def find_push_thumb(mark=False):
    def is_push(opcode):
        return (0xfffffe00 & opcode) == 0x0000b400

    image_start = idc.MinEA()
    image_end = idc.MaxEA()
    image_size = image_end - image_start

    print "Analyzing image from %.8x-%.8x of size %.8x" % (
        image_start, image_end, image_size)

    for cur_ea in xrange(image_start, image_end, 2):
        cur_word = Word(cur_ea)
        if is_push(cur_word) and "DCB" in GetDisasm(cur_ea):
            print "Found  candidate at 0x%.8x -> %s" % (cur_ea,
            if mark:
                print "Marked candidate at 0x%.8x -> %s" % (cur_ea,
Exemplo n.º 27
def find_nops(mark=False):
	Look for THUMB nops (0xbf00).
    def is_nop(opcode):
        return opcode == 0xbf00

    image_start = idc.MinEA()
    image_end = idc.MaxEA()
    image_size = image_end - image_start

    print "Analyzing image from %.8x-%.8x of size %.8x" % (
        image_start, image_end, image_size)

    for cur_ea in xrange(image_start, image_end, 2):
        cur_word = Word(cur_ea)
        if is_nop(cur_word):
            print "Found candidate at 0x%.8x -> %s" % (cur_ea,
            if mark:
Exemplo n.º 28
def find_prologs():
    push_masks = [(0x0fff0000, 0x092d0000), (0x0fff0fff, 0x052d0004)]

    def is_push(opcode):
        for mask in push_masks:
            if (mask[0] & opcode) == mask[1]:
                return True

        return False

    image_start = idc.MinEA()
    image_end = idc.MaxEA()
    image_size = image_end - image_start

    print "Analyzing image from %.8x-%.8x of size %.8x" % (
        image_start, image_end, image_size)

    for cur_ea in xrange(image_start, image_end, 4):
        cur_long = Dword(cur_ea)
        if is_push(cur_long):
            print "Found candidate at 0x%.8x -> %s" % (cur_ea,
Exemplo n.º 29
def find_pairs():
    ea = idc.MinEA()
    movh = [None] * MAX_REGISTERS
    while ea < idc.MaxEA():
        insn = idautils.DecodeInstruction(ea)
        if insn:
            mnem = insn.get_canon_mnem()
            reg1 = insn.Op1.reg
            reg2 = insn.Op2.reg
            val1 = insn.Op2.value
            val2 = insn.Op3.value
            size = insn.size

            if mnem == "movh" and insn.Op2.type == o_imm:
                movh[reg1] = (val1, insn.ea)
            elif movh[reg1] is not None:
                other = movh[reg1]
                if mnem == "add3" and reg1 == reg2:
                    target = (other[0] << 16) + val2
                    print "Found a add3 pointer pair to ", hex(target), " at ", hex(insn.ea)
                    idc.add_dref(insn.ea, target, dr_O)
                    idc.add_dref(other[1], target, dr_O)
                    idaapi.set_refinfo(insn.ea, 2, REF_LOW16, target, 0, 0)
                    idaapi.set_refinfo(other[1], 1, REF_HIGH16, target, 0, 0)
                elif mnem == "or3" and reg1 == reg2:
                    target = (other[0] << 16) | val2
                    print "Found a or3 pointer pair to ", hex(target), " at ", hex(insn.ea)
                    idc.add_dref(insn.ea, target, dr_O)
                    idc.add_dref(other[1], target, dr_O)
                    idaapi.set_refinfo(insn.ea, 2, REF_LOW16, target, 0, 0)
                    idaapi.set_refinfo(other[1], 1, REF_HIGH16, target, 0, 0)
                movh[reg1] = None

            if insn.get_canon_feature() & (idaapi.CF_STOP | idaapi.CF_CALL):
                movh = [None] * MAX_REGISTERS
            size = 2
        ea += size
    def find_pushpop_registers_thumb(self, makecode=False):
        Look for opcodes that push registers onto the stack, which are indicators of function prologues.
        Using the IDA API, convert these opcodes to code. This kicks off IDA analysis.
        thumb register list from [email protected]

        thumb_reg_list = [
            0x00, 0x02, 0x08, 0x0b, 0x0e, 0x10, 0x1c, 0x1f, 0x30, 0x30, 0x38,
            0x3e, 0x4e, 0x55, 0x70, 0x72, 0x73, 0x7c, 0x7f, 0x80, 0x90, 0xb0,
            0xf0, 0xf3, 0xf7, 0xf8, 0xfe, 0xff

        EAstart = idc.MinEA()
        EAend = idc.MaxEA()

        ea = EAstart
        length = 2  # this code isn't tolerant to values other than 2 right now

        fmt_string = "Possible Function 0x%08x == "
        for i in range(length):
            fmt_string += "%02x "

        while ea < EAend:
            instructions = []
            for i in range(length):
                instructions.append(idc.Byte(ea + i))

            if not ida_bytes.isCode(ida_bytes.getFlags(
                    ea)) and instructions[0] in thumb_reg_list and (
                        instructions[1] == 0xb5 or instructions[1] == 0xbd):
                if self.printflag:
                    print fmt_string % (ea, instructions[0], instructions[1])
                if makecode:
            ea = ea + length