Exemplo n.º 1
	def datify(self):
		n = 0
		ea = self.get_start_ea(self.DATA)

		print "\nLooking for possible strings starting at: %s:0x%X" % (idc.SegName(ea), ea)

		for s in idautils.Strings():
			if s.ea > ea:
				if not idc.isASCII(idc.GetFlags(s.ea)) and idc.MakeStr(s.ea, idc.BADADDR):
					n += 1

		print "Created %d new ASCII strings" % n
		print "Converting remaining data to DWORDs...",
		while ea != idc.BADADDR:
			flags = idc.GetFlags(ea)
			if idc.isUnknown(flags) or idc.isByte(flags):
				idc.OpOff(ea, 0, 0)

			ea = idc.NextAddr(ea)

		print "done.\n"
Exemplo n.º 2
 def disassemble_new_targets(self, enabled):
     for value in self.results.values:
         flag = idc.GetFlags(value)
         if not idc.isCode(flag) and idc.isUnknown(flag):
             res = idc.MakeCode(value)
             if res == 0:
                 print "Try disassemble at:" + hex(value) + " KO"
                 #TODO: Rollback ?
                 print "Try disassemble at:" + hex(value) + " Success !"
Exemplo n.º 3
 def type_to_string(self, t):
     if idc.isCode(t):
         return "C"
     elif idc.isData(t):
         return "D"
     elif idc.isTail(t):
         return "T"
     elif idc.isUnknown(t):
         return "Ukn"
         return "Err"
Exemplo n.º 4
def unk2ArrRng(start_ea, end_ea):
    converts all completely unknowns to byte arrays
    d = Data.Data(start_ea)
    while d.ea < end_ea:
        if d.getName() and idc.isUnknown(idc.GetFlags(d.ea)):
            name = d.getName()
            if unk2Arr(d.ea): print('%s -> %s' % (name, d.getName()))
            d = Data.Data(d.ea)
        d = Data.Data(d.ea + d.getSize())
Exemplo n.º 5
    def renameDword(self):
        proc_addr = self._import_table.item(self._import_table.currentRow(), 3).text()
        proc_name = str(self._import_table.item(self._import_table.currentRow(), 2).text())
        renamed = 0
        if proc_addr:
                proc_addr = int(proc_addr, 16)
                proc_bin_str = " ".join([x.encode("hex") for x in struct.pack("<I", proc_addr)])
                next_dword = idc.FindBinary(idc.MinEA(), idc.SEARCH_DOWN | idc.SEARCH_NEXT, proc_bin_str)
                while next_dword != idc.BADADDR:
                    log.debug("Trying to fix-up 0x{:08x}".format(next_dword))
                    # DWORDs can be "inaccessible" for many reasons and it requires "breaking up" the data blobs
                    # and manually fixing them

                    # Reason 1: In a dword array in an unknown section
                    if idc.isUnknown(next_dword):
                        idc.MakeUnkn(next_dword, idc.DOUNK_EXPAND)
                    # Reason 2: In a dword array in a data section
                    elif idc.isData(next_dword):
                        hd = idc.ItemHead(next_dword)
                    # Reason 3: In a dword array in a code section (validate via "dd <dword>,")
                    elif idc.isCode(next_dword) and idc.GetDisasm(next_dword).startswith("dd "):
                        hd = idc.ItemHead(next_dword)

                    # Only perform
                    if idc.Name(next_dword).startswith(("off_", "dword_")) or idc.Name(next_dword) == "":
                        success = idc.MakeNameEx(next_dword, proc_name, idc.SN_NOWARN | idc.SN_NON_AUTO)
                        i = 0
                        new_proc_name = proc_name
                        while not success and i < 10:
                            new_proc_name = "{}{}".format(proc_name, i)
                            success = idc.MakeNameEx(next_dword, new_proc_name, idc.SN_NOWARN | idc.SN_NON_AUTO)
                            i += 1
                        if success:
                            renamed += 1
                            item = self._import_table.item(self._import_table.currentRow(), 5)
                            item.setText("{}, {}".format(str(item.text()), new_proc_name))
                            log.debug("DWORD @ 0x{:08x} now has name {}".format(next_dword, new_proc_name))
                            log.error("Unable to auto-rename successfully, terminating search")
                        log.debug("Value at 0x{:08x} does not meet renaming requirements".format(next_dword))
                    next_dword = idc.FindBinary(next_dword + 4, idc.SEARCH_DOWN | idc.SEARCH_NEXT, proc_bin_str)
            except Exception, e:
                log.error("Error encountered: {}".format(e))
            log.debug("Renamed {:d} instances of {}".format(renamed, proc_name))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def renameDword(self):
        proc_addr = self._import_table.item(self._import_table.currentRow(), 3).text()
        proc_name = str(self._import_table.item(self._import_table.currentRow(), 2).text())
        renamed = 0
        if proc_addr:
                proc_addr = int(proc_addr, 16)
                proc_bin_str = " ".join([x.encode("hex") for x in struct.pack("<I", proc_addr)])
                next_dword = idc.FindBinary(idc.MinEA(), idc.SEARCH_DOWN|idc.SEARCH_NEXT, proc_bin_str)
                while next_dword != idc.BADADDR:
                    log.debug("Trying to fix-up 0x{:08x}".format(next_dword))
                    # DWORDs can be "inaccessible" for many reasons and it requires "breaking up" the data blobs
                    # and manually fixing them

                    # Reason 1: In a dword array in an unknown section
                    if idc.isUnknown(next_dword):
                        idc.MakeUnkn(next_dword, idc.DOUNK_EXPAND)
                    # Reason 2: In a dword array in a data section
                    elif idc.isData(next_dword):
                        hd = idc.ItemHead(next_dword)
                    # Reason 3: In a dword array in a code section (validate via "dd <dword>,")
                    elif idc.isCode(next_dword) and idc.GetDisasm(next_dword).startswith("dd "):
                        hd = idc.ItemHead(next_dword)

                    # Only perform
                    if idc.Name(next_dword).startswith(("off_", "dword_")) or idc.Name(next_dword) == "":
                        success = idc.MakeNameEx(next_dword, proc_name, idc.SN_NOWARN|idc.SN_NON_AUTO)
                        i = 0
                        new_proc_name = proc_name
                        while not success and i < 10:
                            new_proc_name = "{}{}".format(proc_name, i)
                            success = idc.MakeNameEx(next_dword, new_proc_name, idc.SN_NOWARN|idc.SN_NON_AUTO)
                            i += 1
                        if success:
                            renamed += 1
                            item = self._import_table.item(self._import_table.currentRow(), 5)
                            item.setText("{}, {}".format(str(item.text()), new_proc_name))
                            log.debug("DWORD @ 0x{:08x} now has name {}".format(next_dword, new_proc_name))
                            log.error("Unable to auto-rename successfully, terminating search")
                    else: log.debug("Value at 0x{:08x} does not meet renaming requirements".format(next_dword))
                    next_dword = idc.FindBinary(next_dword+4, idc.SEARCH_DOWN|idc.SEARCH_NEXT, proc_bin_str)
            except Exception, e:
                log.error("Error encountered: {}".format(e))
            log.debug("Renamed {:d} instances of {}".format(renamed, proc_name))
Exemplo n.º 7
def collapseUnknowns(start_ea, end_ea, verbose=True):
    Changes all initial unknown heads into byte arrays until the next defined reference or next label
    :param state_ea: range start for collapsing
    :param end_ea: range end for collapsing
    :param verbose: if True, print all changes
    :return: Fix status
    ea = start_ea
    ea = next.byDataElement(ea,
                            lambda ea: idc.isUnknown(idc.GetFlags(ea)),
    if ea >= end_ea:
        return False

    while ea < end_ea:
        if verbose:
            print('%07X: make array till reference/name' % ea)
        ea = next.byDataElement(ea,
                                lambda ea: idc.isUnknown(idc.GetFlags(ea)),
    return True
Exemplo n.º 8
def unksToArrs(start_ea, end_ea):
    linear addresses to pointers of the unks to turn to arrays
    ea = start_ea
    while ea < end_ea:
        d = Data.Data(ea)
        ea += d.getSize()
        content = d.getContent()
        if type(content) == list or not idc.isUnknown(
                idc.GetFlags(content)) or not d.isPointer(content):
        print('%07X' % content)
Exemplo n.º 9
def unk2Arr(ea):
    start_ea = ea
    d = Data.Data(ea)
    if not d.getName() or not d.isPointer(d.ea):
        return False
    # ensure that it's all unknowns till next name
    allUnks = True
    while True:
        allUnks = idc.isUnknown(idc.GetFlags(ea))
        ea += 1
        if idc.Name(ea) or not allUnks: break
    if not allUnks:
        return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 10
    def testNoUnknowns(self):
        for seg_ea in idautils.Segments():
            prevHead = seg_ea-1
            for head in idautils.Heads(seg_ea, idc_bc695.SegEnd(seg_ea)):
                # confirm not unknown
                f = idc.GetFlags(head)
                if idc.isUnknown(f):
                    Test.fail("Detected Unknown @ %08X" % head)

                # make sure that the next head is always 1 byte before the previous
                Test.assertEquals(head, prevHead+1, "Non-continuous heads: %08X -> %08X"
                                  % (prevHead, head))

                # remember curr state for next iteration
                prevHead = head
Exemplo n.º 11
 def getDisasm(self):
     :return: transformed disassembly so that it's functional with the gcc assembler
     disasm = self.getOrigDisasm()
     flags = idc.GetFlags(self.ea)
     if idc.isAlign(flags):
         disasm = self._convertAlignDisasm(disasm)
     elif idc.isData(flags) or idc.isUnknown(flags):
         disasm = self._convertData(disasm)
     elif idc.isCode(flags):
         disasm = self._convertCode(self.ea, disasm)
         # make code small case
         disasm = self._lowerCode(disasm)
     disasm = self._convertTabs(disasm)
     return disasm
Exemplo n.º 12
    def datify(self):
        ea = self.get_start_ea(self.DATA)
        if ea == idc.BADADDR:
            ea = idc.FirstSeg()

        print "Converting remaining data to DWORDs...",

        while ea != idc.BADADDR:
            flags = idc.GetFlags(ea)

            if idc.isUnknown(flags) or idc.isByte(flags):
                idc.OpOff(ea, 0, 0)

            ea = idc.NextAddr(ea)

        print "done."
Exemplo n.º 13
    def datify(self):
        ea = self.get_start_ea(self.DATA)
        if ea == idc.BADADDR:
            ea = idc.FirstSeg()

        print "Converting remaining data to DWORDs...",

        while ea != idc.BADADDR:
            flags = idc.GetFlags(ea)

            if (idc.isUnknown(flags) or idc.isByte(flags)) and ((ea % 4) == 0):
                idc.OpOff(ea, 0, 0)

            ea = idc.NextAddr(ea)

        print "done."
Exemplo n.º 14
 def nextknown(self, ea, ui=True):
     Finds the next ea with which a name exists
     :param ea: ea to start searching from
     :param ui: if True, jump to address automatically
     :return: hex formatted ea of next name
     # don't count this item
     ea = Data.Data(ea).ea + Data.Data(ea).getSize()
     output = idaapi.BADADDR
     while ea < self.end_ea:
         d = Data.Data(ea)
         if not idc.isUnknown(d._getFlags()):
             output = ea
         ea += d.getSize()
     if ui: idaapi.jumpto(ea)
     return '%07X' % output
Exemplo n.º 15
    def datify(self):
        ea = self.get_start_ea(self.DATA)
        if ea == idc.BADADDR:
            ea = idc.FirstSeg()

        self.say("Converting remaining data to DWORDs...", )

        while ea != idc.BADADDR:
            flags = idc.GetFlags(ea)

            if (idc.isUnknown(flags) or idc.isByte(flags)) and ((ea % 4) == 0):
                idc.OpOff(ea, 0, 0)

            ea = idc.NextAddr(ea)


Exemplo n.º 16
 def getTypeName(self):
     # type: () -> str
     :return: the type of the data item, if it's a struct/enum/const, the name of it.
     a number of stars can follow, indicating that it's a pointer.
     type = idc.get_type(self.ea)
     flags = idc.GetFlags(self.ea)
     typeName = "INVALID"
     if idc.isCode(flags):
         typeName = "code"
     elif idc.isData(flags):
         if idc.is_byte(flags) and self.getSize() == 1:
             typeName = "u8"
         elif idc.is_word(flags) and self.getSize() == 2:
             typeName = "u16"
         elif idc.is_dword(flags) and self.getSize() == 4:
             if self.isPointer(self.getContent()):
                 typeName = "void*"
                 typeName = "u32"
         else:  # The weird case... an array. I don't know why it's weird. IDA doesn't like it!
             # It is assumed this is an array, but the type is unknown. Imply type based on disasm of first line!
             firstLineSplitDisasm = list(
                 filter(None, re.split('[ ,]', idc.GetDisasm(self.ea))))
             dataType = firstLineSplitDisasm[0]
             if dataType == "DCB":
                 typeName = "u8[%d]" % (self.getSize())
             if dataType == "DCW":
                 typeName = "u16[%d]" % (self.getSize() / 2)
             if dataType == "DCD":
                 if self.hasPointer():
                     typeName = "void*[%d]" % (self.getSize() / 4)
                     typeName = "u32[%d]" % (self.getSize() / 4)
     elif idc.isUnknown(flags):
         typeName = "u8"
     elif idc.isStruct(flags):
         typeName = idc.GetStrucName
     return typeName
Exemplo n.º 17
 def isUnknown(self):
     return idc.isUnknown(idc.GetFlags(self.ea))
Exemplo n.º 18
def is_unknown(va):
    return idc.isUnknown(idc.GetFlags(va))
Exemplo n.º 19
        print hex(cur_addr), idc.GetDisasm(cur_addr)
        cur_addr = idc.NextHead(cur_addr)







#0x100001f77L mov     rbx, rsi
ea = here()
print hex(ea), idc.GetDisasm(ea)
print idc.isCode(idc.GetFlags(ea))

# idc.FindCode(ea, flag) 该函数用于寻找被标记为代码的下一个地址. 对于想要查找数据块的尾部很有帮助
#0x1000013c0L text "UTF-16LE", '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}',0
#0x1000014f8L xor     r11d, r11d
ea = here()
print hex(ea), idc.GetDisasm(ea)
Exemplo n.º 20
def isUnknown(ea):
    '''True if ea marked unknown'''
    return idc.isUnknown( idc.GetFlags(ea) )
Exemplo n.º 21
    def getContent(self, bin=False):
        reads bytes at the EA of the data item and constructs its content representation based on its type
        :param bin: if True, array of bytes is always passed back
        flags = idc.GetFlags(self.ea)
        output = -1

        if idc.isCode(flags):
            # an instruction is also data, its bytes are gathered and combined into one integer
            bytes = []
            for char in idc.get_bytes(self.ea, self.getSize()):
            # either return one discrete instruction int, or an array of bytes representing it
            if bin:
                output = bytes
                output = self._combineBytes(bytes, self.getSize())[0]

        elif idc.isStruct(flags):
        elif idc.isData(flags):
            # normal case, build up a u8, u16, or u32
            if idc.is_data(flags) and (
                    idc.is_byte(flags) and self.getSize() == 1
                    or idc.is_word(flags) and self.getSize() == 2
                    or idc.is_dword(flags) and self.getSize() == 4):
                bytes = []
                for char in idc.get_bytes(self.ea, self.getSize()):
                # either return one discrete primitive, or the array of bytes representing it
                if bin:
                    output = bytes
                    output = self._combineBytes(bytes, self.getSize())[0]
            # The weird case... an array. I don't know why it's weird. IDA doesn't like it!
                # It is assumed this is an array, but the type is unknown. Imply type based on disasm of first line!
                firstLineSplitDisasm = list(
                    filter(None, re.split('[ ,]', idc.GetDisasm(self.ea))))
                dataType = firstLineSplitDisasm[0]
                elemsPerLine = len(
                ) - 1  # don't include type, ex: DCB 0, 4, 5, 0x02, 0

                # Grab all of the bytes in the array
                bytes = []
                for char in idc.get_bytes(self.ea, idc.get_item_size(self.ea)):

                # figure out datatype to convert the array to be of
                bytesPerElem = dataType == 'DCB' and 1 \
                               or dataType == 'DCW' and 2 \
                               or dataType == 'DCD' and 4 \
                               or 1  # if type unknown, just show it as a an array of bytes

                # create new array with correct type, or just return the bytes
                if bin:
                    output = bytes
                    output = self._combineBytes(bytes, bytesPerElem)
        elif idc.isUnknown(flags):
            # unknown data elements are always 1 byte in size!
            output = ord(idc.get_bytes(self.ea, 1))
            if bin: output = [output]
        return output
Exemplo n.º 22
def InsIsUnknown(i):
    return idc.isUnknown(idaapi.getFlags(i))
Exemplo n.º 23
def isUnknown(ea):
    '''True if ea marked unknown'''
    return idc.isUnknown(idc.GetFlags(ea))
Exemplo n.º 24
Arquivo: elt.py Projeto: hakril/midap
 def is_unknow(self):
     """True if current object type is unknow """
     return idc.isUnknown(self.flags)