Exemplo n.º 1
def test_ecdh(tmpdir):
    Test and ECDH key exchange
    :param tmpdir:
    alicedir = os.path.join(tmpdir.strpath, "alice")

    alicepriv = identity.get_priv_keyfilename(alicedir)
    aliceprivkey = identity.load(alicepriv)

    bobdir = os.path.join(tmpdir.strpath, "bob")

    bobpriv = identity.get_priv_keyfilename(bobdir)
    bobprivkey = identity.load(bobpriv)

    alicepub = identity.loadpub(identity.get_pub_keyfilename(alicedir))
    bobpub = identity.loadpub(identity.get_pub_keyfilename(bobdir))

    shared_bob = identity.ecdh(bobprivkey, alicepub)
    shared_alice = identity.ecdh(aliceprivkey, bobpub)

    assert shared_alice == shared_bob
Exemplo n.º 2
def server_handshake_begin(server_priv, message):
    Receive the handshake
    :param server_priv: server private key
    :param message: message data (decoded)
    :return: secret aes key, client's pubkey, handshake response to send
    assert server_priv.curve.openssl_name == message["keytype"]
    signature = message["signature"]

    client_pub = identity.loadpubstr(message["pub"])  # client long term key
    session_pub = identity.loadpubstr(message["session"])  # client session ecc key

    verify_msg = message["session"] + message["kdf"] + message["keytype"]

    assert identity.verify_string(client_pub, signature, verify_msg) is True

    shared = identity.ecdh(server_priv, session_pub)
    secret = derive_key(message["kdf"], shared)

    challenge_plain = str(uuid.uuid4())

    challenge, iv = aes_encrypt_str(secret, challenge_plain)
    response = {"challenge": challenge, "iv": iv}
    return secret, client_pub, response, challenge_plain
Exemplo n.º 3
def client_handshake_begin(ecdsa_priv, ecdh_priv, server_pub, curve=identity.DEFAULT_KEYTYPE, kdf=DEFAULT_KDF):
    Start the handshake
    :param ecdsa_priv: long term signing privkey
    :param ecdh_priv: temporary session ecc privkey
    :param server_pub: server long term pub key
    :param curve: EC Curve name
    :param kdf: Key derivation mechanism
    :return: secret aes key, handshake message to send

    session_pub_str = ecdh_priv.get_verifying_key().to_pem()

    # sign our session key
    signature = identity.sign_string(ecdsa_priv, session_pub_str + kdf + curve.openssl_name)

    message = {
        "pub": ecdsa_priv.get_verifying_key().to_pem(),
        "session": session_pub_str,
        "signature": signature,
        "keytype": curve.openssl_name,
        "kdf": kdf,

    shared = identity.ecdh(ecdh_priv, server_pub)
    secret = derive_key(kdf, shared)

    return secret, message