Exemplo n.º 1
 def setUp(self):
   self.lexer = IDLLexer()
   cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
   self.filenames = [
       os.path.join(cur_dir, 'test_lexer/values.in'),
       os.path.join(cur_dir, 'test_lexer/keywords.in')
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(argv):
    nodes = []
    parser = IDLParser(IDLLexer())
    errors = 0
    for filename in argv:
        filenode = ParseFile(parser, filename)
        errors += filenode.GetProperty('ERRORS')

    ast = IDLNode('AST', '__AST__', 0, 0, nodes)

    print '\n'.join(ast.Tree(accept_props=['PROD']))
    if errors:
        print '\nFound %d errors.\n' % errors

    return errors
def TestErrors(filename, filenode):
    nodelist = filenode.GetChildren()

    lexer = IDLLexer()
    data = open(filename).read()
    lexer.SetData(filename, data)

    pass_comments = []
    fail_comments = []
    while True:
        tok = lexer.lexobj.token()
        if tok == None: break
        if tok.type == 'COMMENT':
            args = tok.value[3:-3].split()
            if args[0] == 'OK':
                pass_comments.append((tok.lineno, ' '.join(args[1:])))
                if args[0] == 'FAIL':
                    fail_comments.append((tok.lineno, ' '.join(args[1:])))
    obj_list = []
    for node in nodelist:

    errors = 0

    # Check for expected successes
    obj_cnt = len(obj_list)
    pass_cnt = len(pass_comments)
    if obj_cnt != pass_cnt:
        InfoOut.Log("Mismatched pass (%d) vs. nodes built (%d)." %
                    (pass_cnt, obj_cnt))
        InfoOut.Log("PASS: %s" % [x[1] for x in pass_comments])
        InfoOut.Log("OBJS: %s" % obj_list)
        errors += 1
        if pass_cnt > obj_cnt: pass_cnt = obj_cnt

    for i in range(pass_cnt):
        line, comment = pass_comments[i]
        if obj_list[i] != comment:
            ErrOut.LogLine(filename, line, None,
                           "OBJ %s : EXPECTED %s\n" % (obj_list[i], comment))
            errors += 1

    # Check for expected errors
    err_list = ErrOut.DrainLog()
    err_cnt = len(err_list)
    fail_cnt = len(fail_comments)
    if err_cnt != fail_cnt:
        InfoOut.Log("Mismatched fail (%d) vs. errors seen (%d)." %
                    (fail_cnt, err_cnt))
        InfoOut.Log("FAIL: %s" % [x[1] for x in fail_comments])
        InfoOut.Log("ERRS: %s" % err_list)
        errors += 1
        if fail_cnt > err_cnt: fail_cnt = err_cnt

    for i in range(fail_cnt):
        line, comment = fail_comments[i]
        err = err_list[i].strip()

        if err_list[i] != comment:
            ErrOut.Log("%s(%d) Error\n\tERROR : %s\n\tEXPECT: %s" %
                       (filename, line, err_list[i], comment))
            errors += 1

    # Clear the error list for the next run
    err_list = []
    return errors
Exemplo n.º 4
 def setUp(self):
   self.lexer = IDLLexer()
   self.filenames = [
Exemplo n.º 5
 def setUp(self):
   self.parser = IDLParser(IDLLexer(), mute_error=True)
   self.filenames = glob.glob('test_parser/*_web.idl')
Exemplo n.º 6
 def setUp(self):
     self.parser = IDLParser(IDLLexer(), mute_error=True)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def setUp(self):
   self.parser = IDLParser(IDLLexer(), mute_error=True)
   test_dir = os.path.abspath(
       os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_parser'))
   self.filenames = glob.glob('%s/*_web.idl' % test_dir)