Exemplo n.º 1
	def startConstruction(self, tran, obj, techID, quantity, targetID, isShip, reportFinished,
		if len(obj.prodQueue) > Rules.maxProdQueueLen:
			raise GameException('Queue is full.')
		if quantity < 1:
			raise GameException("Quantity must be greater than 0")
		player = tran.db[obj.owner]
		if not player.techs.has_key(techID) and isShip == 0:
			raise GameException('You do not own this kind of technology.')
		if not player.shipDesigns.has_key(techID) and isShip == 1:
			raise GameException('You do not own this ship design.')
		if targetID not in tran.db[obj.compOf].planets:
			raise GameException('You can build only in the same system.')
		if isShip:
			tech = player.shipDesigns[techID]
			if tech.upgradeTo:
				raise GameException("You cannot build obsolete ship design.")
			tech = Rules.techs[techID]
			if not (tech.isStructure or tech.isProject):
				raise GameException('You cannot construct this technology.')
			if not tech.validateConstrHandler(tran, obj, tran.db[targetID], tech):
				raise GameException('Conditions for construction are not satisfied.')
		neededSR = {}
		for sr in tech.buildSRes:
			if player.stratRes.get(sr, 0) < neededSR.get(sr, 0) + quantity:
				raise GameException("You do not own required strategic resource(s)")
			neededSR[sr] = neededSR.get(sr, 0) + quantity
		# consume strategic resources
		for sr in neededSR:
			player.stratRes[sr] -= neededSR[sr]
		# start construction
		item = IDataHolder()
		item.techID = techID
		item.currProd = 0
		item.currTurn = 0
		item.quantity = int(quantity)
		item.targetID = targetID
		item.changePerc = 0
		item.isShip = bool(isShip)
		item.reportFin = bool(reportFinished)
		item.demolishStruct = demolishStruct
		item.type = T_TASK
		return obj.prodQueue, player.stratRes