def reconstruct_npz(inname, outname): """ Recontruct a 3D shape by deforming a template :param inname: input path :return: None (but save reconstruction) """ if os.path.exists(outname): return with np.load(inname) as npl: V, F = npl['V'], npl['F'] V = pca_whiten(V) max_axis = np.argmax((np.max(V, axis=0) - np.min(V, axis=0))) V = V[:, np.roll(np.arange(3), 1 - max_axis)] # 1 means Y V *= 1.7 assert (np.max(V, axis=0) - np.min(V, axis=0))[1] > 1.69 while V.shape[0] < 1e4: eV, eF = p2e(V), p2e(F) NV, NF = igl.eigen.MatrixXd(), igl.eigen.MatrixXi() igl.upsample(eV, eF, NV, NF) V, F = e2p(NV), e2p(NF) input = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=V, faces=F, process=False) scalefactor = 1.0 if global_variables.opt.scale: input, scalefactor = scale( input, global_variables.mesh_ref_LR ) #scale input to have the same volume as mesh_ref_LR if global_variables.opt.clean: input = clean(input) #remove points that doesn't belong to any edges test_orientation(input) inp_V = input.vertices if inp_V.shape[0] > 1e5: inp_V = inp_V[ np.random.choice(inp_V.shape[0], int(1e5), replace=False), :] final_points, final_loss = run(inp_V, scalefactor) npz_path = os.path.dirname(outname) if not os.path.exists(npz_path): os.makedirs(npz_path) np.savez(outname, V=final_points, l=final_loss)
def query(self, queries): """Returns numpy array of SDF values for each point in queries""" queryV = iglhelpers.p2e(queries) S = igl.eigen.MatrixXd() B = igl.eigen.MatrixXd() I = igl.eigen.MatrixXi() C = igl.eigen.MatrixXd() N = igl.eigen.MatrixXd() if self._precomputed and self._signType == igl.SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_FAST_WINDING_NUMBER: # generate samples from precomputed bvh's print("[INFO] Generating SDFs") igl.signed_distance_fast_winding_number(queryV, self._V, self._F, self._tree, self._fwn_bvh, S) print("[INFO] SDFs done") else: igl.signed_distance(queryV, self._V, self._F, self._signType, S, I, C, N) return iglhelpers.e2p(S)
class Geom(): def __init__(self, s=None): self.V = igl.eigen.MatrixXd() self.F = igl.eigen.MatrixXi() if s is not None: igl.read_triangle_mesh(s, self.V, self.F) # Picking Largest Component from scipy import stats for path in scans: Inmodel = Geom(path) C = igl.eigen.MatrixXi() igl.facet_components(Inmodel.F, C) C = (e2p(C)).flatten() modeC, mode_count = stats.mode(C) if mode_count == Inmodel.F.rows(): print(f"Already Fit {path[-15:-12]}") igl.write_triangle_mesh(path[:-12] + '_single.obj', Inmodel.V, Inmodel.F) else: Fid = p2e(np.where(C == modeC)[0]) F = igl.slice(Inmodel.F, Fid, 1) Outmodel = Geom() I, J = igl.eigen.MatrixXi(), igl.eigen.MatrixXi() igl.remove_unreferenced(Inmodel.V, F, Outmodel.V, Outmodel.F, I, J) igl.write_triangle_mesh(path[:-12] + '_single.obj', Outmodel.V, Outmodel.F) print(f'Written { path[-15:-12]}')
def setup_deformation_transfer(source, target, use_normals=False): rows = np.zeros(3 * target.v.shape[0]) cols = np.zeros(3 * target.v.shape[0]) coeffs_v = np.zeros(3 * target.v.shape[0]) coeffs_n = np.zeros(3 * target.v.shape[0]) print("Computing nearest vertices") P = p2e(target.v) V = p2e(source.v) F = p2e(source.f) sqrD = igl.eigen.MatrixXd() nearest_faces = igl.eigen.MatrixXi() nearest_vertices = igl.eigen.MatrixXd() igl.point_mesh_squared_distance(P, V, F, sqrD, nearest_faces, nearest_vertices) print("Computing barycentric coordinates") coeffs_v = igl.eigen.MatrixXd() Va, Vb, Vc = igl.eigen.MatrixXd(), igl.eigen.MatrixXd( ), igl.eigen.MatrixXd() F2 = igl.eigen.MatrixXi() xyz = p2e(np.array([0, 1, 2])) igl.slice(F, nearest_faces, xyz, F2) igl.slice(V, F2.col(0), xyz, Va) igl.slice(V, F2.col(1), xyz, Vb) igl.slice(V, F2.col(2), xyz, Vc) igl.barycentric_coordinates(nearest_vertices, Va, Vb, Vc, coeffs_v) nearest_faces = e2p(nearest_faces) coeffs_v = e2p(coeffs_v).ravel() rows = np.array([i for i in range(target.v.shape[0]) for _ in range(3)]) cols = source.f[nearest_faces].ravel() """ nearest_faces, nearest_parts, nearest_vertices = source.compute_aabb_tree().nearest(target.v, True) nearest_faces = nearest_faces.ravel().astype(np.int64) nearest_parts = nearest_parts.ravel().astype(np.int64) nearest_vertices = nearest_vertices.ravel() for i in range(target.v.shape[0]): # Closest triangle index f_id = nearest_faces[i] # Closest triangle vertex ids nearest_f = source.f[f_id] # Closest surface point nearest_v = nearest_vertices[3 * i:3 * i + 3] # Distance vector to the closest surface point dist_vec = target.v[i] - nearest_v rows[3 * i:3 * i + 3] = i * np.ones(3) cols[3 * i:3 * i + 3] = nearest_f n_id = nearest_parts[i] if n_id == 0: # Closest surface point in triangle A = np.vstack((source.v[nearest_f])).T coeffs_v[3 * i:3 * i + 3] = np.linalg.lstsq(A, nearest_v)[0] elif n_id > 0 and n_id <= 3: # Closest surface point on edge A = np.vstack((source.v[nearest_f[n_id - 1]], source.v[nearest_f[n_id % 3]])).T tmp_coeffs = np.linalg.lstsq(A, target.v[i])[0] coeffs_v[3 * i + n_id - 1] = tmp_coeffs[0] coeffs_v[3 * i + n_id % 3] = tmp_coeffs[1] else: # Closest surface point a vertex coeffs_v[3 * i + n_id - 4] = 1.0 """ # if use_normals: # A = np.vstack((vn[nearest_f])).T # coeffs_n[3 * i:3 * i + 3] = np.linalg.lstsq(A, dist_vec)[0] #coeffs = np.hstack((coeffs_v, coeffs_n)) #rows = np.hstack((rows, rows)) #cols = np.hstack((cols, source.v.shape[0] + cols)) matrix = sp.csc_matrix((coeffs_v, (rows, cols)), shape=(target.v.shape[0], source.v.shape[0])) return matrix
import numpy as np import pygraphcut import sys, os sys.path.append(os.path.expanduser('~/Workspace/libigl/python')) import pyigl as igl from iglhelpers import e2p, p2e with np.load( '/home/zhongshi/data/sig17_seg_benchmark/full_dump0/shrec/' ) as npl: print(dict(npl).keys()) V, F = npl['V'], npl['F'] new_label = np.asarray(pygraphcut.sdf_values(V, F)) import pdb pdb.set_trace() vw = igl.glfw.Viewer(), p2e(F)) vw.launch() print(new_label)
import pymmgs import numpy as np import sys, os sys.path.insert(0, os.path.expanduser('~/Workspace/libigl/python')) import pyigl as igl import pyigl.eigen as Eigen from iglhelpers import p2e, e2p V = igl.eigen.MatrixXd() F = igl.eigen.MatrixXi() igl.read_triangle_mesh('/Users/zhongshi/1399_standing_clap_000010.obj', V, F) # SV, SVI, SVJ, SF = igl.eigen.MatrixXd(), igl.eigen.MatrixXi(), igl.eigen.MatrixXi(), igl.eigen.MatrixXi() # igl.remove_duplicate_vertices(V,F,1e-10, SV, SVI, SVJ, SF) M = igl.eigen.MatrixXd() igl.doublearea(V, F, M) M = e2p(M).flatten() # F0 = e2p(F)[np.where(M > 1e-9)[0],:] # npl = np.load('/Users/zhongshi/1006_jump_from_wall_000003.obj.npz') V0, F0 = e2p(V), e2p(F) # igl.writeOBJ('1399.obj',V, F) V, F = pymmgs.MMGS(V0, F0, 0.005) vw = igl.glfw.Viewer(), p2e(F)) vw.launch()
def march(self, pts, sdf): res = round(pts.shape[0]**(1 / 3)) v = iglhelpers.p2e(pts) s = iglhelpers.p2e(sdf) igl.copyleft.marching_cubes(s, v, res, res, res, self._rV, self._rF) self.hasMarched = True
def main(): global verts_sample initial_verts, initial_faces = get_initial_verts_and_faces() numpy_base_verts = e2p(initial_verts).flatten() start = time.time() num_samples = 250 numpy_verts_sample = load_samples(num_samples) numpy_displacements_sample = numpy_verts_sample - initial_verts num_verts = len(numpy_verts_sample[0]) print(num_verts) print('Loading...') verts_sample = [p2e(m) for m in numpy_verts_sample] displacements_sample = [p2e(m) for m in numpy_displacements_sample] print("Took:", time.time() - start) use_pca = False if use_pca: ### PCA Version print("Doing PCA...") train_size = num_samples test_size = num_samples test_data = numpy_displacements_sample[:test_size] * 1.0 test_data_eigen = verts_sample[:test_size] numpy.random.shuffle(numpy_displacements_sample) # train_data = numpy_verts_sample[test_size:test_size+train_size] train_data = numpy_displacements_sample[0:train_size] pca = PCA(n_components=3), 3 * num_verts))) # def encode(q): # return pca.transform(numpy.array([q.flatten() - numpy_base_verts]))[0] # def decode(z): # return (numpy_base_verts + pca.inverse_transform(numpy.array([z]))[0]).reshape((num_verts, 3)) # print(numpy.equal(test_data[0].flatten().reshape((len(test_data[0]),3)), test_data[0])) # print(encode(test_data[0])) test_data_encoded = pca.transform( test_data.reshape(test_size, 3 * num_verts)) test_data_decoded = (numpy_base_verts + pca.inverse_transform(test_data_encoded)).reshape( test_size, num_verts, 3) test_data_decoded_eigen = [p2e(m) for m in test_data_decoded] ### End of PCA version else: ### Autoencoder import keras from keras.layers import Input, Dense from keras.models import Model, load_model import datetime start_time = time.time() train_size = num_samples test_size = num_samples test_data = numpy_displacements_sample[:test_size].reshape( test_size, 3 * num_verts) test_data_eigen = verts_sample[:test_size] # numpy.random.shuffle(numpy_displacements_sample) # train_data = numpy_verts_sample[test_size:test_size+train_size] train_data = numpy_displacements_sample[0:train_size].reshape( (train_size, 3 * num_verts)) mean = numpy.mean(train_data, axis=0) std = numpy.std(train_data, axis=0) mean = numpy.mean(train_data) std = numpy.std(train_data) s_min = numpy.min(train_data) s_max = numpy.max(train_data) def normalize(data): return numpy.nan_to_num((data - mean) / std) # return numpy.nan_to_num((train_data - s_min) / (s_max - s_min)) def denormalize(data): return data * std + mean # return data * (s_max - s_min) + s_min train_data = normalize(train_data) test_data = normalize(test_data) # print(train_data) # print(mean) # print(std) # exit() # this is the size of our encoded representations encoded_dim = 3 # Single autoencoder # initializer = keras.initializers.RandomUniform(minval=0.0, maxval=0.01, seed=5) # bias_initializer = initializer activation = keras.layers.advanced_activations.LeakyReLU( alpha=0.3) #'relu' input = Input(shape=(len(train_data[0]), )) output = input output = Dense(30, activation=activation)(input) output = Dense(512, activation=activation)(output) output = Dense(64, activation=activation)(output) output = Dense(encoded_dim, activation=activation, name="encoded")(output) output = Dense(64, activation=activation)(output) output = Dense(512, activation=activation)(output) output = Dense(30, activation=activation)(output) output = Dense(len(train_data[0]), activation='linear')( output ) #'linear',)(output) # First test seems to indicate no change on output with linear autoencoder = Model(input, output) optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=0.001, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08, decay=0) autoencoder.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss='mean_squared_error') model_start_time = time.time(), train_data, epochs=1000, batch_size=num_samples, shuffle=True, validation_data=(test_data, test_data)) # output_path = 'trained_models/' +"%I %M%p %B %d %Y") + '.h5' # print("Total model time: ", time.time() - model_start_time) # Display decoded_samples = denormalize(autoencoder.predict(test_data)) #decoded_samples = autoencoder.predict(test_data) * std + mean test_data_decoded = (numpy_base_verts + decoded_samples).reshape( test_size, num_verts, 3) test_data_decoded_eigen = [p2e(m) for m in test_data_decoded] ### End of Autoencoder # Error colours error = numpy.sum((test_data_decoded - numpy_verts_sample)**2, axis=2) colours = [igl.eigen.MatrixXd() for _ in range(num_samples)] for i in range(num_samples): igl.jet(p2e(error[i]), True, colours[i]) # Set up viewer = igl.viewer.Viewer(), initial_faces) def pre_draw(viewer): global current_frame, verts_sample, show_decoded if viewer.core.is_animating: print(current_frame) print(show_decoded) if show_decoded: test_data_decoded_eigen[current_frame])[current_frame]) else:[current_frame]) current_frame = (current_frame + 1) % test_size return False viewer.callback_pre_draw = pre_draw viewer.callback_key_down = key_down viewer.core.is_animating = False # viewer.core.camera_zoom = 2.5 viewer.core.animation_max_fps = 30.0 viewer.launch()