Exemplo n.º 1
 def bbox(self, bbox):
     """Sets the bounding box of the drawing area where this drawer
     will draw."""
     if not isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox):
         self._bbox = BoundingBox(bbox)
         self._bbox = bbox
Exemplo n.º 2
    def add(self, obj, bbox=None, palette=None, opacity=1.0, *args, **kwds):
        """Adds an object to the plot.

        Arguments not specified here are stored and passed to the object's
        plotting function when necessary. Since you are most likely interested
        in the arguments acceptable by graphs, see L{Graph.__plot__} for more

        @param obj: the object to be added
        @param bbox: the bounding box of the object. If C{None}, the object
          will fill the entire area of the plot.
        @param palette: the color palette used for drawing the object. If the
          object tries to get a color assigned to a positive integer, it
          will use this palette. If C{None}, defaults to the global palette
          of the plot.
        @param opacity: the opacity of the object being plotted, in the range

        @see: Graph.__plot__
        if opacity < 0.0 or opacity > 1.0:
            raise ValueError("opacity must be between 0.0 and 1.0")
        if bbox is None:
            bbox = self.bbox
        if not isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox):
            bbox = BoundingBox(bbox)
        self._objects.append((obj, bbox, palette, opacity, args, kwds))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def bounding_box(self, border=0):
        """Returns the bounding box of the layout.

        The bounding box of the layout is the smallest box enclosing all the
        points in the layout.

        @param border: this value gets subtracted from the minimum bounds
          and gets added to the maximum bounds before returning the coordinates
          of the box. Defaults to zero.
        @return: the coordinates of the lower left and the upper right corner
          of the box. "Lower left" means the minimum coordinates and "upper right"
          means the maximum. These are encapsulated in a L{BoundingBox} object.
        if self._dim != 2:
            raise ValueError("Layout.boundary_box() supports 2D layouts only")

            (x0, y0), (x1, y1) = self.boundaries(border)
            return BoundingBox(x0, y0, x1, y1)
        except ValueError:
            return BoundingBox(0, 0, 0, 0)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, target=None, bbox=None, palette=None, background=None):
        """Creates a new plot.

        @param target: the target surface to write to. It can be one of the
          following types:

            - C{None} -- an appropriate surface will be created and the object
              will be plotted there.

            - C{cairo.Surface} -- the given Cairo surface will be used.

            - C{string} -- a file with the given name will be created and an
              appropriate Cairo surface will be attached to it.

        @param bbox: the bounding box of the surface. It is interpreted
          differently with different surfaces: PDF and PS surfaces will
          treat it as points (1 point = 1/72 inch). Image surfaces will
          treat it as pixels. SVG surfaces will treat it as an abstract
          unit, but it will mostly be interpreted as pixels when viewing
          the SVG file in Firefox.

        @param palette: the palette primarily used on the plot if the
          added objects do not specify a private palette. Must be either
          an L{igraph.drawing.colors.Palette} object or a string referring
          to a valid key of C{igraph.drawing.colors.palettes} (see module
          L{igraph.drawing.colors}) or C{None}. In the latter case, the default
          palette given by the configuration key C{plotting.palette} is used.

        @param background: the background color. If C{None}, the background
          will be transparent. You can use any color specification here that
          is understood by L{igraph.drawing.colors.color_name_to_rgba}.
        self._filename = None
        self._surface_was_created = not isinstance(target, cairo.Surface)
        self._need_tmpfile = False

        # Several Windows-specific hacks will be used from now on, thanks
        # to Dale Hunscher for debugging and fixing all that stuff
        self._windows_hacks = "Windows" in platform.platform()

        if bbox is None:
            self.bbox = BoundingBox(600, 600)
        elif isinstance(bbox, tuple) or isinstance(bbox, list):
            self.bbox = BoundingBox(bbox)
            self.bbox = bbox

        if palette is None:
            config = Configuration.instance()
            palette = config["plotting.palette"]
        if not isinstance(palette, Palette):
            palette = palettes[palette]
        self._palette = palette

        if target is None:
            self._need_tmpfile = True
            self._surface = cairo.ImageSurface(
                cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, int(self.bbox.width), int(self.bbox.height)
        elif isinstance(target, cairo.Surface):
            self._surface = target
            self._filename = target
            _, ext = os.path.splitext(target)
            ext = ext.lower()
            if ext == ".pdf":
                self._surface = cairo.PDFSurface(
                    target, self.bbox.width, self.bbox.height
            elif ext == ".ps" or ext == ".eps":
                self._surface = cairo.PSSurface(
                    target, self.bbox.width, self.bbox.height
            elif ext == ".png":
                self._surface = cairo.ImageSurface(
                    cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, int(self.bbox.width), int(self.bbox.height)
            elif ext == ".svg":
                self._surface = cairo.SVGSurface(
                    target, self.bbox.width, self.bbox.height
                raise ValueError("image format not handled by Cairo: %s" % ext)

        self._ctx = cairo.Context(self._surface)
        self._objects = []
        self._is_dirty = False

        self.background = background
Exemplo n.º 5
def plot(obj, target=None, bbox=(0, 0, 600, 600), *args, **kwds):
    """Plots the given object to the given target.

    Positional and keyword arguments not explicitly mentioned here will be
    passed down to the C{__plot__} method of the object being plotted.
    Since you are most likely interested in the keyword arguments available
    for graph plots, see L{Graph.__plot__} as well.

    @param obj: the object to be plotted
    @param target: the target where the object should be plotted. It can be one
      of the following types:

        - C{matplotib.axes.Axes} -- a matplotlib/pyplot axes in which the
          graph will be plotted. Drawing is delegated to the chosen matplotlib
          backend, and you can use interactive backends and matplotlib
          functions to save to file as well.

        - C{string} -- a file with the given name will be created and an
          appropriate Cairo surface will be attached to it. The supported image
          formats are: PNG, PDF, SVG and PostScript.

        - C{cairo.Surface} -- the given Cairo surface will be used. This can
          refer to a PNG image, an arbitrary window, an SVG file, anything that
          Cairo can handle.

        - C{None} -- a temporary file will be created and the object will be
          plotted there. igraph will attempt to open an image viewer and show
          the temporary file. This feature is deprecated from python-igraph
          version 0.9.1 and will be removed in 0.10.0.

    @param bbox: the bounding box of the plot. It must be a tuple with either
      two or four integers, or a L{BoundingBox} object. If this is a tuple
      with two integers, it is interpreted as the width and height of the plot
      (in pixels for PNG images and on-screen plots, or in points for PDF,
      SVG and PostScript plots, where 72 pt = 1 inch = 2.54 cm). If this is
      a tuple with four integers, the first two denotes the X and Y coordinates
      of a corner and the latter two denoting the X and Y coordinates of the
      opposite corner.

    @keyword opacity: the opacity of the object being plotted. It can be
      used to overlap several plots of the same graph if you use the same
      layout for them -- for instance, you might plot a graph with opacity
      0.5 and then plot its spanning tree over it with opacity 0.1. To
      achieve this, you'll need to modify the L{Plot} object returned with

    @keyword palette: the palette primarily used on the plot if the
      added objects do not specify a private palette. Must be either
      an L{igraph.drawing.colors.Palette} object or a string referring
      to a valid key of C{igraph.drawing.colors.palettes} (see module
      L{igraph.drawing.colors}) or C{None}. In the latter case, the default
      palette given by the configuration key C{plotting.palette} is used.

    @keyword margin: the top, right, bottom, left margins as a 4-tuple.
      If it has less than 4 elements or is a single float, the elements
      will be re-used until the length is at least 4. The default margin
      is 20 on each side.

    @keyword inline: whether to try and show the plot object inline in the
      current IPython notebook. Passing C{None} here or omitting this keyword
      argument will look up the preferred behaviour from the
      C{shell.ipython.inlining.Plot} configuration key.  Note that this keyword
      argument has an effect only if igraph is run inside IPython and C{target}
      is C{None}.

    @return: an appropriate L{Plot} object.

    @see: Graph.__plot__
    _, plt = find_matplotlib()

    if hasattr(plt, "Axes") and isinstance(target, plt.Axes):
        result = MatplotlibGraphDrawer(ax=target)
        result.draw(obj, *args, **kwds)

    if not isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox):
        bbox = BoundingBox(bbox)

    result = Plot(target, bbox, background=kwds.get("background", "white"))

    if "margin" in kwds:
        bbox = bbox.contract(kwds["margin"])
        del kwds["margin"]
        bbox = bbox.contract(20)
    result.add(obj, bbox, *args, **kwds)

    if target is None and _is_running_in_ipython():
        # Get the default value of the `inline` argument from the configuration if
        # needed
        inline = kwds.get("inline")
        if inline is None:
            config = Configuration.instance()
            inline = config["shell.ipython.inlining.Plot"]

        # If we requested an inline plot, just return the result and IPython will
        # call its _repr_svg_ method. If we requested a non-inline plot, show the
        # plot in a separate window and return nothing
        if inline:
            return result

    # We are either not in IPython or the user specified an explicit plot target,
    # so just show or save the result
    if target is None:
    elif isinstance(target, str):

    # Also return the plot itself
    return result
Exemplo n.º 6
 def bounding_box(self):
     """Returns the bounding box of the Cairo surface as a
     L{BoundingBox} object"""
     return BoundingBox(self.bbox)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def bounds(self, bounds):
     """Sets the lower and upper bounds of the X and Y values"""
     self._bounds = BoundingBox(bounds)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def bbox(self):
     """Returns the bounding box of the coordinate system"""
     return BoundingBox(self._bbox.coords)
Exemplo n.º 9
def plot(obj, target=None, bbox=(0, 0, 600, 600), *args, **kwds):
    """Plots the given object to the given target.

    Positional and keyword arguments not explicitly mentioned here will be
    passed down to the C{__plot__} method of the object being plotted.
    Since you are most likely interested in the keyword arguments available
    for graph plots, see L{Graph.__plot__} as well.

    @param obj: the object to be plotted
    @param target: the target where the object should be plotted. It can be one
      of the following types:
        - C{None} -- an appropriate surface will be created and the object will
          be plotted there.

        - C{cairo.Surface} -- the given Cairo surface will be used. This can
          refer to a PNG image, an arbitrary window, an SVG file, anything that
          Cairo can handle.

        - C{string} -- a file with the given name will be created and an
          appropriate Cairo surface will be attached to it. The supported image
          formats are: PNG, PDF, SVG and PostScript.
    @param bbox: the bounding box of the plot. It must be a tuple with either
      two or four integers, or a L{BoundingBox} object. If this is a tuple
      with two integers, it is interpreted as the width and height of the plot
      (in pixels for PNG images and on-screen plots, or in points for PDF,
      SVG and PostScript plots, where 72 pt = 1 inch = 2.54 cm). If this is
      a tuple with four integers, the first two denotes the X and Y coordinates
      of a corner and the latter two denoting the X and Y coordinates of the
      opposite corner.

    @keyword opacity: the opacity of the object being plotted. It can be
      used to overlap several plots of the same graph if you use the same
      layout for them -- for instance, you might plot a graph with opacity
      0.5 and then plot its spanning tree over it with opacity 0.1. To
      achieve this, you'll need to modify the L{Plot} object returned with

    @keyword palette: the palette primarily used on the plot if the
      added objects do not specify a private palette. Must be either
      an L{igraph.drawing.colors.Palette} object or a string referring
      to a valid key of C{igraph.drawing.colors.palettes} (see module
      L{igraph.drawing.colors}) or C{None}. In the latter case, the default
      palette given by the configuration key C{plotting.palette} is used.

    @keyword margin: the top, right, bottom, left margins as a 4-tuple.
      If it has less than 4 elements or is a single float, the elements
      will be re-used until the length is at least 4. The default margin
      is 20 on each side.

    @keyword inline: whether to try and show the plot object inline in the
      current IPython notebook. Passing ``None`` here or omitting this keyword
      argument will look up the preferred behaviour from the
      C{shell.ipython.inlining.Plot} configuration key.  Note that this keyword
      argument has an effect only if igraph is run inside IPython and C{target}
      is C{None}.

    @return: an appropriate L{Plot} object.

    @see: Graph.__plot__
    if not isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox):
        bbox = BoundingBox(bbox)

    result = Plot(target, bbox, background="white")

    if "margin" in kwds:
        bbox = bbox.contract(kwds["margin"])
        del kwds["margin"]
        bbox = bbox.contract(20)
    result.add(obj, bbox, *args, **kwds)

    if IN_IPYTHON and target is None:
        # Get the default value of the `inline` argument from the configuration if
        # needed
        inline = kwds.get("inline")
        if inline is None:
            config = Configuration.instance()
            inline = config["shell.ipython.inlining.Plot"]

        # If we requested an inline plot, just return the result and IPython will
        # call its _repr_svg_ method. If we requested a non-inline plot, show the
        # plot in a separate window and return nothing
        if inline:
            return result

    # We are either not in IPython or the user specified an explicit plot target,
    # so just show or save the result
    if target is None:
    elif isinstance(target, basestring):

    # Also return the plot itself
    return result
Exemplo n.º 10
def plot(obj, target=None, bbox=(0, 0, 600, 600), *args, **kwds):
    """Plots the given object to the given target.

    Positional and keyword arguments not explicitly mentioned here will be
    passed down to the C{__plot__} method of the object being plotted.
    Since you are most likely interested in the keyword arguments available
    for graph plots, see L{Graph.__plot__} as well.

    @param obj: the object to be plotted
    @param target: the target where the object should be plotted. It can be one
      of the following types:
        - C{None} -- an appropriate surface will be created and the object will
          be plotted there.

        - C{cairo.Surface} -- the given Cairo surface will be used. This can
          refer to a PNG image, an arbitrary window, an SVG file, anything that
          Cairo can handle.

        - C{string} -- a file with the given name will be created and an
          appropriate Cairo surface will be attached to it. The supported image
          formats are: PNG, PDF, SVG and PostScript.
    @param bbox: the bounding box of the plot. It must be a tuple with either
      two or four integers, or a L{BoundingBox} object. If this is a tuple
      with two integers, it is interpreted as the width and height of the plot
      (in pixels for PNG images and on-screen plots, or in points for PDF,
      SVG and PostScript plots, where 72 pt = 1 inch = 2.54 cm). If this is
      a tuple with four integers, the first two denotes the X and Y coordinates
      of a corner and the latter two denoting the X and Y coordinates of the
      opposite corner.

    @keyword opacity: the opacity of the object being plotted. It can be
      used to overlap several plots of the same graph if you use the same
      layout for them -- for instance, you might plot a graph with opacity
      0.5 and then plot its spanning tree over it with opacity 0.1. To
      achieve this, you'll need to modify the L{Plot} object returned with

    @keyword palette: the palette primarily used on the plot if the
      added objects do not specify a private palette. Must be either
      an L{igraph.drawing.colors.Palette} object or a string referring
      to a valid key of C{igraph.drawing.colors.palettes} (see module
      L{igraph.drawing.colors}) or C{None}. In the latter case, the default
      palette given by the configuration key C{plotting.palette} is used.

    @keyword margin: the top, right, bottom, left margins as a 4-tuple.
      If it has less than 4 elements or is a single float, the elements
      will be re-used until the length is at least 4. The default margin
      is 20 on each side.

    @return: an appropriate L{Plot} object.

    @see: Graph.__plot__
    if not isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox):
        bbox = BoundingBox(bbox)

    result = Plot(target, bbox, background="white")

    if "margin" in kwds:
        bbox = bbox.contract(kwds["margin"])
        del kwds["margin"]
        bbox = bbox.contract(20)
    result.add(obj, bbox, *args, **kwds)

    if target is None:

    if isinstance(target, basestring):

    return result