Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):

        #super(GridLayout(0,1)) # 1 column, as many rows as necessary
        super(RoiGroupTable, self).__init__(GridLayout(
            0, 1))  # 1 column, as many rows as necessary

        ### Table Panel ###
        # Prepare table data
        headers = ["Group number", "Name"]
        listNames = Roi.getGroupNames().split(",")  # groupNames is a list then
        dataRows = [[item[0] + 1, item[1]] for item in enumerate(listNames)
                    ]  # +1 since the group actually start at 1
        #print dataRows

        # Make the table pane
        table = JTable(dataRows, headers)
        #table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize( Dimension(500, 70) )

        # Create the scroll pane and add the table to it.
        tablePane = JScrollPane(table)
        #tablePane = ScrollPane()

        # Add the scrollpane to the main panel.
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):

        if IJ.getFullVersion() < "1.53b":
            message = "ImageJ with at least version 1.53b required. Update with Help > Update ImageJ..."
            raise Exception(message)

        super(TableModel, self).__init__()
        self.headers = ["Group", "Name"]
        groupNames = Roi.getGroupNames()  # groupNames can be None !
        groupNames = groupNames.split(",") if groupNames else [
            "ExampleName-doubleClick to edit"
        ]  # groupNames is a list
        self.nRows = len(groupNames)
        self.columns = [[], []]  # 2 columns
        self.columns[0] = range(1, len(groupNames) + 1)
        self.columns[1] = groupNames