Exemplo n.º 1
def BinBBDims(binNum):
    lW =  0.035 
    wW = 0.03
    wH = 0.075
    lH = 0.04
    bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr()
    bin_cnstr_offset =  [[0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
    new_bin_cnstr = (np.array(bin_cnstr) + np.array(bin_cnstr_offset)).tolist()
    nrows = len(new_bin_cnstr)
    minHeight = new_bin_cnstr[binNum][4] + wH+lH
    maxHeight = new_bin_cnstr[binNum][5] - wH  
    leftWall  = new_bin_cnstr[binNum][1] - wW
    rightWall = new_bin_cnstr[binNum][0] + wW
    return( minHeight, maxHeight, leftWall, rightWall)
Exemplo n.º 2
def getSides(objX,listener):
    bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr()
    print X_list
    #AdjustedX_list=[-0.42926+.045,-0.1494,0.1554,0.42926-.045] #adjust for the lips on far right/left sides
    print AdjustedX_list
    objXVec = [0,objX,0] 
    newObjXVec = coordinateFrameTransform(objXVec, 'map', 'shelf', listener)
    newObjX = newObjXVec.pose.position.x

    for i in range(0, len(X_list)-1):
        if (X_list[i]<=newObjX) and (newObjX<=X_list[i+1]):
            newShelfXVec=coordinateFrameTransform(shelfXVec, 'shelf', 'map', listener)
            return (newShelfXVec.pose.position.y-shelf_gap,newShelfXVec.pose.position.y)
    return 'failed'
Exemplo n.º 3
def BinBBDims(binNum):
    lW =  0.035 # side lip width
    wW = 0.045  # wrist width
    wH = 0.075 # wrist height
    lH = 0.04  # bottom lip height
    bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr()
    bin_cnstr_offset =  [[0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
    new_bin_cnstr = (np.array(bin_cnstr) + np.array(bin_cnstr_offset)).tolist()
    nrows = len(new_bin_cnstr)
    minHeight = new_bin_cnstr[binNum][4] + wH+lH
    maxHeight = new_bin_cnstr[binNum][5] - wH  
    leftWall  = new_bin_cnstr[binNum][1] - wW
    rightWall = new_bin_cnstr[binNum][0] + wW
    return( minHeight, maxHeight, leftWall, rightWall)
Exemplo n.º 4
def getCeilHeight(objHeight, listener):

    bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr()

    height_list = [
        bin_cnstr[11][4], bin_cnstr[8][5], bin_cnstr[5][5], bin_cnstr[2][5],

    print '[SucSide] height_list:', height_list

    objHeightVec = [0, 0,
                    objHeight]  # define over the lip distance in shelf frame
    newObjHeightVec = coordinateFrameTransform(objHeightVec, 'map', 'shelf',
    newObjHeight = newObjHeightVec.pose.position.z

    print '[SucSide] objHeight:', objHeight
    for i in range(0, len(height_list) - 1):
        if (height_list[i] <= newObjHeight) and (newObjHeight <=
                                                 height_list[i + 1]):
            shelf_gap = height_list[i + 1] - height_list[i]
            shelfHeightVec = [0, 0, height_list[i + 1]]
            newShelfHeightVec = coordinateFrameTransform(
                shelfHeightVec, 'shelf', 'map', listener)
            return (newShelfHeightVec.pose.position.z - shelf_gap,
    return '[SucSide] getCeilHeight failed'
def getSides(binNum,listener):
    bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr()
    print 'AdjustedX_list:', AdjustedX_list
    newShelfXVec=coordinateFrameTransform(shelfXVec, 'shelf', 'map', listener)
    return (newShelfXVec.pose.position.y-shelf_gap,newShelfXVec.pose.position.y)
Exemplo n.º 6
def getBinSideWalls(FirstBin):
    bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr()
    lW = 0
    bin_cnstr_offset = [[0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                        [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                        [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
    new_bin_cnstr = (np.array(bin_cnstr) + np.array(bin_cnstr_offset)).tolist()

    leftWall = new_bin_cnstr[FirstBin][1]
    rightWall = new_bin_cnstr[FirstBin][0]

    return leftWall, rightWall
Exemplo n.º 7
def getSides(binNum, listener):

    bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr()

    AdjustedX_list = [
        bin_cnstr[2][0] + .045, bin_cnstr[2][1], bin_cnstr[1][1],
        bin_cnstr[0][1] - .045
    print '[SucDown] AdjustedX_list:', AdjustedX_list

    i = 2 - (binNum % 3)
    shelf_gap = AdjustedX_list[i + 1] - AdjustedX_list[i]
    shelfXVec = [AdjustedX_list[i + 1], 0, 0]

    newShelfXVec = coordinateFrameTransform(shelfXVec, 'shelf', 'map',

    return (newShelfXVec.pose.position.y - shelf_gap,
def getBinSideWalls(FirstBin):
    bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr()
    lW = 0
    bin_cnstr_offset =  [[0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                         [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
    new_bin_cnstr = (np.array(bin_cnstr) + np.array(bin_cnstr_offset)).tolist()
    leftWall  = new_bin_cnstr[FirstBin][1]
    rightWall = new_bin_cnstr[FirstBin][0]
    return leftWall, rightWall
def getCeilHeight(objHeight,listener):
    bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr()
    print height_list
    objHeightVec = [0,0,objHeight] # define over the lip distance in shelf frame
    newObjHeightVec = coordinateFrameTransform(objHeightVec, 'map', 'shelf', listener)
    newObjHeight = newObjHeightVec.pose.position.z
    print objHeight
    for i in range(0, len(height_list)-1):
        if (height_list[i]<=newObjHeight) and (newObjHeight<=height_list[i+1]):
            newShelfHeightVec=coordinateFrameTransform(shelfHeightVec, 'shelf', 'map', listener)
            return (newShelfHeightVec.pose.position.z-shelf_gap,newShelfHeightVec.pose.position.z)
    return 'failed'
Exemplo n.º 10
def BinBBDims(binNum):
    lW = 0.035  # side lip width
    wW = 0.045  # wrist width
    wH = 0.075  # wrist height
    lH = 0.04  # bottom lip height

    bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr()
    bin_cnstr_offset = [[0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                        [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                        [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, -lW, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [+lW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]

    new_bin_cnstr = (np.array(bin_cnstr) + np.array(bin_cnstr_offset)).tolist()

    nrows = len(new_bin_cnstr)
    minHeight = new_bin_cnstr[binNum][4] + wH + lH
    maxHeight = new_bin_cnstr[binNum][5] - wH
    leftWall = new_bin_cnstr[binNum][1] - wW
    rightWall = new_bin_cnstr[binNum][0] + wW
    return (minHeight, maxHeight, leftWall, rightWall)
Exemplo n.º 11
def _detectOneObject(obj_id, bin_num, kinect_num):
    global _detect_one_object_srv
    global br
    print 'In', bcolors.WARNING, '_detectOneObject', bcolors.ENDC, 'obj_ids:', obj_id, 'bin_num:', bin_num
    # filter the point cloud
    pc, foreground_mask = get_filtered_pointcloud([obj_id], bin_num, kinect_num)
    if pc is None:
        return (None, None)
    # string[] model_names
    # sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud   # Note: this must be an organized point cloud (e.g., 640x480)
    # bool[] foreground_mask
    # bool find_exact_object_list     # Set to true if you only want to consider scene hypotheses that contain exactly the objects in 'model_names'
    # ObjectConstraint[] constraints  # These apply to all objects
    # ---
    # SceneHypothesis[] detections
    # 2. prepare constraints
    bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr()[bin_num] # a list of right \ # left \ # back \  # front  \ # bottom \ # top
    ccnstr = []
    tol = 0.9  # larger is more strict
    (trans,rot) = lookupTransform(pc.header.frame_id, '/shelf', _tflistener)
    # 2.1 right
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([1,0,0], [bin_cnstr[0],0,0], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.2 left
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([-1,0,0], [bin_cnstr[1],0,0], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.3 back
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0,1,0], [0,bin_cnstr[2],0], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.4 front
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0,-1,0], [0,bin_cnstr[3],0], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.5 floor
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0,0,1], [0,0,bin_cnstr[4]], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.6 top
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0,0,-1], [0,0,bin_cnstr[5]], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.7 on floor
    floor_thick = 0.03
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.SUPPORTING_PLANE, transformPlane([0,0,1], [0,0, bin_cnstr[4]-floor_thick/2], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # string model_name
    # sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud   # Note: this must be an organized point cloud (e.g., 640x480)
    # bool[] foreground_mask
    # ObjectConstraint[] constraints
    # geometry_msgs/Pose true_pose    # for testing
    # ---
    # ObjectHypothesis[] detections

    with Timer('detect_one_object'):
        # detect using capsen
        service_name = '/detection_service/detect_one_object'
        req = DetectOneObjectRequest()
        req.model_name = obj_id
        req.cloud = pc
        req.constraints = ccnstr
        req.foreground_mask = foreground_mask
        #req.foreground_mask = [True for i in xrange(req.cloud.height*req.cloud.width)]
        print 'Waiting for service up: ', service_name
            print 'Calling service:', service_name
            ret = _detect_one_object_srv(req)
            # ret.detections is a list of capsen_vision/ObjectHypothesis
                # string name
                # geometry_msgs/Pose pose
                # float32 score
                # float32[] score_components
            if len(ret.detections)>0:
                print len(ret.detections), 'ObjectHypothesis returned, max score', ret.detections[0].score
                for i in range(len(ret.detections)):
                    poselist_capsen_world = poseTransform(pose2list(ret.detections[i].pose), pc.header.frame_id, 'map', _tflistener)
                    cap_T_our = get_obj_capsentf(obj_id) # x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw
                    poselist_world = transformBack(cap_T_our, poselist_capsen_world)    # transform to our desired pose
                    # check whether inside bin
                    poselist_shelf = poseTransform(poselist_world, 'map', 'shelf', _tflistener)
                    if inside_bin(poselist_shelf[0:3], bin_num):
                        #pubFrame(br, poselist_world, 'obj', 'map')
                        return (poselist_world, ret.detections[i].score)
                        print 'reject hypo', i, 'because it is outside the target bin'
                print 'No ObjectHypothesis satisfy hard bin constraint'
                return (None, None)
                print 'No ObjectHypothesis returned'
                return (None, None)
            print 'Calling service:', service_name, 'failed'
            print 'encounters errors:', traceback.format_exc()
            return (None, None)
Exemplo n.º 12
def _detectObjects(obj_ids, bin_num, kinect_num):
    # return pose, retScore
    global _detect_objects_srv
    global br
    global _tflistener
    print 'In', '_detectObjects', 'obj_ids:', obj_ids, 'bin_num:', bin_num
    # 1. filter the point cloud
    pc, foreground_mask = get_filtered_pointcloud(obj_ids, bin_num, kinect_num)  # need to pass in list
    if pc is None or foreground_mask is None:
        return (None, None)
    # 2. prepare constraints
    bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr()[bin_num] # a list of right \ # left \ # back \  # front  \ # bottom \ # top
    ccnstr = []
    tol = 0.9  # larger is more strict
    (trans,rot) = lookupTransform(pc.header.frame_id, '/shelf', _tflistener)
    # 2.1 right
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([1,0,0], [bin_cnstr[0],0,0], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.2 left
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([-1,0,0], [bin_cnstr[1],0,0], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.3 back
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0,1,0], [0,bin_cnstr[2],0], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.4 front
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0,-1,0], [0,bin_cnstr[3],0], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.5 floor
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0,0,1], [0,0,bin_cnstr[4]], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.6 top
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0,0,-1], [0,0,bin_cnstr[5]], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.7 on floor
    floor_thick = 0.03
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.SUPPORTING_PLANE, transformPlane([0,0,1], [0,0, bin_cnstr[4]+floor_thick*2], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    #visualizeConstraint(ccnstr[6], pc.header.frame_id)
    # 3. detect using capsen
    with Timer('detect_objects'):
        service_name = '/detection_service/detect_objects'
        req = DetectObjectsRequest()
        req.model_names = obj_ids
        req.constraints = ccnstr
        req.cloud = pc
        req.foreground_mask = foreground_mask
        sum_pt = sum(foreground_mask)
        if allFalse(foreground_mask, sum_pt):
            return (None, None)
        foreground_mask = subsample(foreground_mask, sum_pt)
        # outputfile = '/tmp/foreground_mask'
        # with open(outputfile, 'w') as outfile:
            # json.dump(foreground_mask, outfile)
        # pause()
        #req.foreground_mask = [True for i in xrange(req.cloud.height*req.cloud.width)]  # hack
        req.find_exact_object_list = True
        print '\tWaiting for service up: ', service_name
            print '\tCalling service:', service_name
            ret = _detect_objects_srv(req)
            # ret.detections is a list of capsen_vision/SceneHypothesis
            # [capsen_vision/SceneHypothesis]:
                # std_msgs/Header header
                  # uint32 seq
                  # time stamp
                  # string frame_id
                # capsen_vision/ObjectHypothesis[] objects
                  # string name
                  # geometry_msgs/Pose pose
                    # geometry_msgs/Point position
                      # float64 x
                      # float64 y
                      # float64 z
                    # geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
                      # float64 x
                      # float64 y
                      # float64 z
                      # float64 w
                  # float32 score
                  # float32[] score_components
                  # float32[2] errors
                # float32 score

            if len(ret.detections)>0:
                print '\t', len(ret.detections), 'SceneHypothesis returned, max score', ret.detections[0].score
                #print ret.detections
                for i in range(len(ret.detections)):
                    scene = ret.detections[i]
                    nobj = len(scene.objects)
                    scene_desired = transformObjectsFromCapsenToDesiredFrame(scene, pc.header.frame_id)
                    if allObjectsInsideBin(scene_desired, bin_num):
                        return (scene_desired.objects, scene_desired.score)
                        #print 'reject scene hypo', i, 'because one object of it is outside the target bin'
                print '\tNo SceneHypothesis satisfy hard bin constraint'
                return (None, None)
                print '\tNo SceneHypothesis returned'
                return (None, None)
            print '\tCalling service:', service_name, 'failed'
            print '\tencounters errors:', traceback.format_exc()
            return (None, None)
Exemplo n.º 13
        req = GetObjectPointCloud2Request()
        req.bin_num = bin_num
        req.obj_id = obj_ids[0]   # peterkty: need to pass in a list
        print '\tWaiting for service up: ', service_name
            print '\tCalling service:', service_name
            response = _pointcloud2_service_srv[kinect_num-1](req)
            return response.pc2, response.foreground_mask
            print '\tCalling service:', service_name, 'failed'
            print '\tencounters errors:', traceback.format_exc()
            print '\tDid you call capsen.capsen.init()? Is camera connection good?'
            return None, None

bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr()

def inside_bin(point, bin_num):
    cnstr = bin_cnstr[bin_num]
    # return (
        # x > cnstr[0]+0.02 && x < cnstr[1]-0.02 &&
        # y > cnstr[2]+0.1 && y < cnstr[3]-0.01 &&
        # z > cnstr[4]+0.00 && z < cnstr[5]-0.02/* && z < cnstr[4]+obj_max_height*/);
    if  point[0] > cnstr[0]+0.015 and point[0] < cnstr[1]-0.015 and \
        point[1] > cnstr[2]+0.1 and point[1] < cnstr[3]-0.01 and \
        point[2] > cnstr[4]-0.02 and point[2] < cnstr[5]-0.02:
        return True
    # #todo: make the numbers out of python code
Exemplo n.º 14
def _detectOneObject(obj_id, bin_num, kinect_num):
    global _detect_one_object_srv
    global br

    print 'In', bcolors.WARNING, '_detectOneObject', bcolors.ENDC, 'obj_ids:', obj_id, 'bin_num:', bin_num
    # filter the point cloud
    pc, foreground_mask = get_filtered_pointcloud([obj_id], bin_num,
    if pc is None:
        return (None, None)

    # string[] model_names
    # sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud   # Note: this must be an organized point cloud (e.g., 640x480)
    # bool[] foreground_mask
    # bool find_exact_object_list     # Set to true if you only want to consider scene hypotheses that contain exactly the objects in 'model_names'
    # ObjectConstraint[] constraints  # These apply to all objects
    # ---
    # SceneHypothesis[] detections

    # 2. prepare constraints

    bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr(
    )[bin_num]  # a list of right \ # left \ # back \  # front  \ # bottom \ # top
    ccnstr = []

    tol = 0.9  # larger is more strict
    (trans, rot) = lookupTransform(pc.header.frame_id, '/shelf', _tflistener)
    # 2.1 right
            transformPlane([1, 0, 0], [bin_cnstr[0], 0, 0], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.2 left
            transformPlane([-1, 0, 0], [bin_cnstr[1], 0, 0], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.3 back
            transformPlane([0, 1, 0], [0, bin_cnstr[2], 0], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.4 front
            transformPlane([0, -1, 0], [0, bin_cnstr[3], 0], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.5 floor
            transformPlane([0, 0, 1], [0, 0, bin_cnstr[4]], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.6 top
            transformPlane([0, 0, -1], [0, 0, bin_cnstr[5]], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.7 on floor
    floor_thick = 0.03
            transformPlane([0, 0, 1], [0, 0, bin_cnstr[4] - floor_thick / 2],
                           trans, rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # string model_name
    # sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud   # Note: this must be an organized point cloud (e.g., 640x480)
    # bool[] foreground_mask
    # ObjectConstraint[] constraints
    # geometry_msgs/Pose true_pose    # for testing
    # ---
    # ObjectHypothesis[] detections

    with Timer('detect_one_object'):
        # detect using capsen
        service_name = '/detection_service/detect_one_object'
        req = DetectOneObjectRequest()
        req.model_name = obj_id
        req.cloud = pc
        req.constraints = ccnstr
        req.foreground_mask = foreground_mask
        #req.foreground_mask = [True for i in xrange(req.cloud.height*req.cloud.width)]

        print 'Waiting for service up: ', service_name
            print 'Calling service:', service_name
            ret = _detect_one_object_srv(req)
            # ret.detections is a list of capsen_vision/ObjectHypothesis
            # string name
            # geometry_msgs/Pose pose
            # float32 score
            # float32[] score_components
            if len(ret.detections) > 0:
                print len(
                ), 'ObjectHypothesis returned, max score', ret.detections[
                for i in range(len(ret.detections)):
                    poselist_capsen_world = poseTransform(
                        pose2list(ret.detections[i].pose), pc.header.frame_id,
                        'map', _tflistener)

                    cap_T_our = get_obj_capsentf(obj_id)  # x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw
                    poselist_world = transformBack(
                        poselist_capsen_world)  # transform to our desired pose

                    # check whether inside bin
                    poselist_shelf = poseTransform(poselist_world, 'map',
                                                   'shelf', _tflistener)
                    if inside_bin(poselist_shelf[0:3], bin_num):
                        #pubFrame(br, poselist_world, 'obj', 'map')
                        return (poselist_world, ret.detections[i].score)
                        print 'reject hypo', i, 'because it is outside the target bin'
                print 'No ObjectHypothesis satisfy hard bin constraint'
                return (None, None)
                print 'No ObjectHypothesis returned'
                return (None, None)
            print 'Calling service:', service_name, 'failed'
            print 'encounters errors:', traceback.format_exc()
            return (None, None)
Exemplo n.º 15
def _detectObjects(obj_ids, bin_num, kinect_num):
    # return pose, retScore
    global _detect_objects_srv
    global br
    global _tflistener

    print 'In', '_detectObjects', 'obj_ids:', obj_ids, 'bin_num:', bin_num

    # 1. filter the point cloud
    pc, foreground_mask = get_filtered_pointcloud(
        obj_ids, bin_num, kinect_num)  # need to pass in list
    if pc is None or foreground_mask is None:
        return (None, None)

    # 2. prepare constraints

    bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr(
    )[bin_num]  # a list of right \ # left \ # back \  # front  \ # bottom \ # top
    ccnstr = []

    tol = 0.9  # larger is more strict
    (trans, rot) = lookupTransform(pc.header.frame_id, '/shelf', _tflistener)
    # 2.1 right
            transformPlane([1, 0, 0], [bin_cnstr[0], 0, 0], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.2 left
            transformPlane([-1, 0, 0], [bin_cnstr[1], 0, 0], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.3 back
            transformPlane([0, 1, 0], [0, bin_cnstr[2], 0], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.4 front
            transformPlane([0, -1, 0], [0, bin_cnstr[3], 0], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.5 floor
            transformPlane([0, 0, 1], [0, 0, bin_cnstr[4]], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.6 top
            transformPlane([0, 0, -1], [0, 0, bin_cnstr[5]], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.7 on floor
    floor_thick = 0.03
            transformPlane([0, 0, 1], [0, 0, bin_cnstr[4] + floor_thick * 2],
                           trans, rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    #visualizeConstraint(ccnstr[6], pc.header.frame_id)

    # 3. detect using capsen
    with Timer('detect_objects'):
        service_name = '/detection_service/detect_objects'
        req = DetectObjectsRequest()
        req.model_names = obj_ids
        req.constraints = ccnstr
        req.cloud = pc
        req.foreground_mask = foreground_mask

        sum_pt = sum(foreground_mask)
        if allFalse(foreground_mask, sum_pt):
            return (None, None)
        foreground_mask = subsample(foreground_mask, sum_pt)

        # outputfile = '/tmp/foreground_mask'
        # with open(outputfile, 'w') as outfile:
        # json.dump(foreground_mask, outfile)
        # pause()
        #req.foreground_mask = [True for i in xrange(req.cloud.height*req.cloud.width)]  # hack
        req.find_exact_object_list = True

        print '\tWaiting for service up: ', service_name

            print '\tCalling service:', service_name
            ret = _detect_objects_srv(req)
            # ret.detections is a list of capsen_vision/SceneHypothesis
            # [capsen_vision/SceneHypothesis]:
            # std_msgs/Header header
            # uint32 seq
            # time stamp
            # string frame_id
            # capsen_vision/ObjectHypothesis[] objects
            # string name
            # geometry_msgs/Pose pose
            # geometry_msgs/Point position
            # float64 x
            # float64 y
            # float64 z
            # geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
            # float64 x
            # float64 y
            # float64 z
            # float64 w
            # float32 score
            # float32[] score_components
            # float32[2] errors
            # float32 score

            if len(ret.detections) > 0:
                print '\t', len(
                ), 'SceneHypothesis returned, max score', ret.detections[
                #print ret.detections
                for i in range(len(ret.detections)):
                    scene = ret.detections[i]
                    nobj = len(scene.objects)

                    scene_desired = transformObjectsFromCapsenToDesiredFrame(
                        scene, pc.header.frame_id)
                    if allObjectsInsideBin(scene_desired, bin_num):
                        return (scene_desired.objects, scene_desired.score)
                    #print 'reject scene hypo', i, 'because one object of it is outside the target bin'
                print '\tNo SceneHypothesis satisfy hard bin constraint'
                return (None, None)
                print '\tNo SceneHypothesis returned'
                return (None, None)
            print '\tCalling service:', service_name, 'failed'
            print '\tencounters errors:', traceback.format_exc()
            return (None, None)
Exemplo n.º 16
        req.bin_num = bin_num
        req.obj_id = obj_ids[0]  # peterkty: need to pass in a list
        print '\tWaiting for service up: ', service_name
            print '\tCalling service:', service_name
            response = _pointcloud2_service_srv[kinect_num - 1](req)
            return response.pc2, response.foreground_mask
            print '\tCalling service:', service_name, 'failed'
            print '\tencounters errors:', traceback.format_exc()
            print '\tDid you call capsen.capsen.init()? Is camera connection good?'
            return None, None

bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr()

def inside_bin(point, bin_num):
    cnstr = bin_cnstr[bin_num]

    # return (
    # x > cnstr[0]+0.02 && x < cnstr[1]-0.02 &&
    # y > cnstr[2]+0.1 && y < cnstr[3]-0.01 &&
    # z > cnstr[4]+0.00 && z < cnstr[5]-0.02/* && z < cnstr[4]+obj_max_height*/);

    if  point[0] > cnstr[0]+0.015 and point[0] < cnstr[1]-0.015 and \
        point[1] > cnstr[2]+0.1 and point[1] < cnstr[3]-0.01 and \
        point[2] > cnstr[4]-0.02 and point[2] < cnstr[5]-0.02:
        return True