Exemplo n.º 1
def _init_logging( parsed_args ):
    from ilastik.ilastik_logging import default_config, startUpdateInterval
    if ilastik_config.getboolean('ilastik', 'debug') or parsed_args.headless:
        startUpdateInterval(10) # 10 second periodic refresh
Exemplo n.º 2
def _init_logging( parsed_args ):
    from ilastik.ilastik_logging import default_config, startUpdateInterval
    if ilastik_config.getboolean('ilastik', 'debug') or parsed_args.headless:
        startUpdateInterval(10) # 10 second periodic refresh
    if parsed_args.redirect_output:
        logger.info( "All console output is being redirected to: {}"
                     .format( parsed_args.redirect_output ) )
Exemplo n.º 3
def _init_logging(parsed_args):
    from ilastik.ilastik_logging import default_config, startUpdateInterval, DEFAULT_LOGFILE_PATH

    logfile_path = parsed_args.logfile or DEFAULT_LOGFILE_PATH
    process_name = ""
    if parsed_args.process_name:
        process_name = parsed_args.process_name + " "

    if ilastik_config.getboolean("ilastik", "debug") or parsed_args.headless:
        default_config.init(process_name, default_config.OutputMode.BOTH, logfile_path)
        default_config.init(process_name, default_config.OutputMode.LOGFILE_WITH_CONSOLE_ERRORS, logfile_path)
        startUpdateInterval(10)  # 10 second periodic refresh

    if parsed_args.redirect_output:
        logger.info("All console output is being redirected to: {}".format(parsed_args.redirect_output))
Exemplo n.º 4
def _init_logging( parsed_args ):
    from ilastik.ilastik_logging import default_config, startUpdateInterval, DEFAULT_LOGFILE_PATH

    logfile_path = parsed_args.logfile or DEFAULT_LOGFILE_PATH
    process_name = ""
    if parsed_args.process_name:
        process_name = parsed_args.process_name + " "

    if ilastik_config.getboolean('ilastik', 'debug') or parsed_args.headless:
        default_config.init(process_name, default_config.OutputMode.BOTH, logfile_path)
        default_config.init(process_name, default_config.OutputMode.LOGFILE_WITH_CONSOLE_ERRORS, logfile_path)
        startUpdateInterval(10) # 10 second periodic refresh
    if parsed_args.redirect_output:
        logger.info( "All console output is being redirected to: {}"
                     .format( parsed_args.redirect_output ) )
Exemplo n.º 5
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Standard
import sys
import argparse
import threading
import logging
from functools import partial

# Third-party
from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication
from ilastik.config import cfg as ilastik_config

# Initialize logging before anything else
from ilastik.ilastik_logging import default_config

# Ilastik
from ilastik.utility.pathHelpers import PathComponents
from ilastik.utility.gui.eventRecorder import EventPlayer
from ilastik.shell.gui.startShellGui import startShellGui

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def install_thread_excepthook():
    # This function was copied from: http://bugs.python.org/issue1230540
    # It is necessary because sys.excepthook doesn't work for unhandled exceptions in other threads.
    Workaround for sys.excepthook thread bug
    Call once from __main__ before creating any threads.
def _init_logging(logfile_path, process_name):
    from ilastik.ilastik_logging import default_config
    default_config.init(process_name + " ", default_config.OutputMode.BOTH, logfile_path)
import threading
import traceback
import atexit
import platform
from functools import partial

from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt, QEvent, QPoint, QTimer
from PyQt4.QtGui import QMouseEvent, QApplication, QPixmap, qApp

import ilastik.config
from ilastik.shell.gui.startShellGui import launchShell
from ilastik.utility.gui.threadRouter import ThreadRouter
from mainThreadHelpers import wait_for_main_func, run_in_main_thread

from ilastik.ilastik_logging import default_config

def quitApp():
    if qApp is not None:

def run_shell_nosetest(filename):
    Launch nosetests from a separate thread, and pause this thread while the test runs the GUI in it.
    # This only works from the main thread.
    assert threading.current_thread().getName() == "MainThread"

    def run_nose():
        sys.argv.append("--nocapture")    # Don't steal stdout.  Show it on the console as usual.
Exemplo n.º 8
# Examples:
# python ilastik.py --headless --project=MyProject.ilp --output_format=hdf5 raw_input.h5/volumes/data
# python ilastik.py --playback_speed=2.0 --exit_on_failure --exit_on_success --debug --playback_script=my_recording.py

parsed_args, workflow_cmdline_args = parser.parse_known_args()
init_funcs = []

# Force debug mode
if parsed_args.debug or parsed_args.start_recording or parsed_args.playback_script:
    ilastik_config.set('ilastik', 'debug', 'true')
    parsed_args.debug = True

# Initialize logging before anything else
from ilastik.ilastik_logging import default_config
if ilastik_config.getboolean('ilastik', 'debug') or parsed_args.headless:
    ilastik.ilastik_logging.startUpdateInterval(10) # 10 second periodic refresh
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Monkey-patch thread starts if this special logger is active
thread_start_logger = logging.getLogger("thread_start")
if thread_start_logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
    import threading
    ordinary_start = threading.Thread.start
    def logged_start(self):
        thread_start_logger.debug( "Started thread: id={:x}, name={}".format( self.ident, self.name ) )
    threading.Thread.start = logged_start
Exemplo n.º 9
from functools import partial

import pytest

from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QEvent, QPoint, QTimer
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap, QMouseEvent
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, qApp

import ilastik.config
from ilastik.shell.gui.startShellGui import launchShell
from ilastik.utility.gui.threadRouter import ThreadRouter
from .mainThreadHelpers import wait_for_main_func, run_in_main_thread

from ilastik.ilastik_logging import default_config


def quitApp():
    if qApp is not None:

class MainThreadException(Exception):
    """Raised if GUI tests are run from main thread. Can't start QT app."""

def run_shell_test(filename):
    # This only works from the main thread.
Exemplo n.º 10
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Standard
import sys
import argparse
import threading
import logging
from functools import partial

# Third-party
from ilastik.config import cfg as ilastik_config

# Initialize logging before anything else
from ilastik.ilastik_logging import default_config

# Ilastik
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def install_thread_excepthook():
    # This function was copied from: http://bugs.python.org/issue1230540
    # It is necessary because sys.excepthook doesn't work for unhandled exceptions in other threads.
    Workaround for sys.excepthook thread bug
    Call once from __main__ before creating any threads.
    If using psyco, call psycho.cannotcompile(threading.Thread.run)
    since this replaces a new-style class method.
    run_old = threading.Thread.run
    def run(*args, **kwargs):