Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    () -> NoneType
    Main Program that load image(s) from file(s) and performs transformations!

    #Loads the original image
    original_img = image.load_from_file('crayons.png')
    obamanation = image.load_from_file('obama.png')
    stopschild = image.load_from_file('stop_sign.png')
    blaetter = image.load_from_file('leaves.png')

    #Assign a bunch of variables and transforms more than Optimus Prime
    color_cycled = color_cycle(original_img)
    grayscaled = grayscale(original_img)
    negated = negative(original_img)
    brightered = brightness(original_img)
    contrasted = increase_contrast(original_img)
    posterized = posterize(original_img)
    obamafied = obamafy(obamanation)
    redded = key_out_red(stopschild, blaetter)

    #displays all images
    image.display_images(color_cycled, grayscaled, negated, brightered, contrasted, posterized)
    image.display_images(obamafied, redded)
Exemplo n.º 2
import image

img = image.load_from_file('crayons.png')
negative = image.copy_image(img)

w = img.width()
h = img.height()

for x in range(w):      # converts image to negative
    for y in range(h):
        r, g, b = img.get_rgb(x, y)
        negative.set_rgb(x, y, abs(r - 255), abs(g - 255), abs(b - 255))
image.save_to_file(negative, 'negative.png')
image.display_images(img, negative)
Exemplo n.º 3
import image

img = image.load_from_file('crayons.png')
posterize = image.copy_image(img)

w = img.width()
h = img.height()

for x in range(w):      # posterizes the image
    for y in range(h):
        r, g, b = img.get_rgb(x, y)
        posterize.set_rgb(x, y, (r/32)*32, (g/32)*32, (b/32)*32)
image.save_to_file(posterize, 'posterize.png')
image.display_images(img, posterize)
#Leo Ascenzi
import image
img = image.load_from_file('landmark_puzzle.png')

h = img.height()
w = img.width()
for x in range(w):
    for y in range(h):
        r, g, b = img.get_rgb(x,y)
        img.set_rgb(x, y,0,g*25,0)

Exemplo n.º 5
import image

# asks user for input
brightness_change = int(raw_input("Enter how much you want to change the brightness: "))

img = image.load_from_file('crayons.png')
brightness = image.copy_image(img)

w = img.width()
h = img.height()

for x in range(w):      # changes brightness by a factor determined by the user
    for y in range(h):
        r, g, b = img.get_rgb(x, y)
        brightness.set_rgb(x, y, max(min(r + brightness_change, 255), 0), max(min(g + brightness_change, 255), 0), max(min(b + brightness_change, 255), 0))

image.save_to_file(brightness, 'brightness.png')
image.display_images(img, brightness)
Exemplo n.º 6
import image

img = image.load_from_file('crayons.png')
color_cycle = image.copy_image(img)

w = img.width()
h = img.height()

for x in range(w):    # converts image through color cycling 
    for y in range(h):
        r, g, b = img.get_rgb(x, y)
        color_cycle.set_rgb(x, y, b, r, g)

image.save_to_file(color_cycle, 'color cycle.png')
image.display_images(img, color_cycle)
Exemplo n.º 7
import image

img = image.load_from_file('crayons.png')
grayscale = image.copy_image(img)

w = img.width()
h = img.height()

for x in range(w):       # converts image to grayscale
    for y in range(h):
        r, g, b = img.get_rgb(x, y)
        grayscale.set_rgb(x, y, (r + g + b)/3, (r + g + b)/3, (r + g + b)/3)

image.save_to_file(grayscale, 'grayscale.png')
image.display_images(img, grayscale)
Exemplo n.º 8
# save the new image to a file
image.save_to_file(red_only_img, 'red_crayons.png')

# -------------------------------
# -------------------------------

img = image.load_from_file('crayons.png')
img_copy = image.copy_image(img)

w = img.width()
h = img.height()

# loop over every x value...
for x in range(w):
    # ... but only loop over y values in top half
    for y in range(h/2):
        # get rgb from top half of original image
        r, g, b = img.get_rgb(x, y)
        # copy over rgb from top half to bottom half
        img_copy.set_rgb(x, y + h/2, r, g, b)

# save the new image to a file
image.save_to_file(img_copy, 'copy_top.png')

# create window that displays both the original and modified images
image.display_images(img, red_only_img, img_copy)
Exemplo n.º 9
        if (r + g + b)/3 < 60:                # if the grayscale value is less than 60, make the pixel dark blue 
            obamafy.set_rgb(x, y, 0, 51, 76)

        elif (r + g + b)/3 < 121:             # if the grayscale is 60 <= value < 121, make the pixel red
            obamafy.set_rgb(x, y, 217,26,33)

        elif (r + g + b)/3 <= 182:                # if the grayscale is 121 <= value < 182, make the pixel light blue
            obamafy.set_rgb(x, y, 112, 150, 158)

        else:                                       # if the grayscale value is greater than or equal to 182, make the pixel yellow
            obamafy.set_rgb(x, y, 252, 227, 166)
image.save_to_file(obamafy, 'obamafy.png')
# -------------------------------
# 8.  Challenge problem 
# -------------------------------

# -------------------------------
# Lastly, display everything.  One call
# to image.display_images will do it.  Just
# pass all your image objects as parameters
# to that function.
# -------------------------------
# image.display_images(  )

image.display_images(img, grayscale, color_cycle, negative)     # NOTE: the user must quit out of each set of images for the next set to be displayed
image.display_images(brightness, contrast, posterize)            
image.display_images(imgtwo, obamafy)

Exemplo n.º 10
import image

img = image.load_from_file('obama.png')
obamafy = image.copy_image(img)

w = img.width()
h = img.height()

for x in range(w):     # obamafies the image 
    for y in range(h):
        r, g, b = img.get_rgb(x, y)
        if (r + g + b)/3 < 60:
            obamafy.set_rgb(x, y, 0, 51, 76)
        elif (r + g + b)/3 < 121:
            obamafy.set_rgb(x, y, 217,26,33)
        elif (r + g + b)/3 <= 182:
            obamafy.set_rgb(x, y, 112, 150, 158)
            obamafy.set_rgb(x, y, 252, 227, 166)
image.save_to_file(obamafy, 'obamafy.png')
image.display_images(img, obamafy)