Exemplo n.º 1
 def __calibrate(self):
     Calibrates camera
     (run in background)
     # check for correct image        
     if self._img != None:
         self.__calibrating = True
         self._gui.status("Calibrating ...")
         # get values
         x = int(str( self._gui.getObj("txtPatternX").text() ))
         y = int(str( self._gui.getObj("txtPatternY").text() ))
         n = int(str( self._gui.getObj("txtCalibrationFrames").text() ))
         square_size = float(str( self._gui.getObj("txtCalibrationSquareSize").text() ))
         # calculate distortion
         pattern_size = (x, y)
         ret = self.__calibrateCorners(pattern_size, n, square_size)
         if ret != None:
             camera_matrix, dist_coefs = ret
             self.__camera_matrix, self.__dist_coefs = camera_matrix, dist_coefs
         # undistort image
         img = self.undistortImage(self._img)
         self.__imgScene = img
         self._gui.status("Searching for boders to crop image ...")
         # get corners
         if ret != None:
             found = False
             frames = 0;
             tries = 0;
             while not found and frames < n and tries < 10:
                 img = self.undistortImage(self._img)
                 found, corners = getChessBoardCorners( img, pattern_size )
                 if found:
                     frames += 1
                 tries += 1
             if found:
                 self.__corners = getImageSizeFromCorners(corners)        
         # crop image
         self.__imgScene = self.cropImage(img)                    
         self.__calibrated = True    
     # set calibration flag
     self._gui.status("Calibration finished.")
     self.__calibrating = False 
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __calibrateCorners(self, pattern_size, n, square_size):
        Calibrates corners of chessboard
        @return: camera_matrix, dist_coefs
        pattern_points = zeros( (prod(pattern_size), 3), float32 )
        pattern_points[:,:2] = indices(pattern_size).T.reshape(-1, 2)
        pattern_points *= square_size

        obj_points = []
        img_points = []        
        frames = 0;
        tries = 0
        lastCount = self._imgCounter;
        # detect pattern
        while frames < n and tries < 10:
            img = self._img
            img = cvtColor(img, COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
            img = threshold(img, 40, 255, THRESH_BINARY)[1]
            img = cvtColor(img, COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
            self.__imgScene = img
            from time import sleep
            if lastCount != self._imgCounter:
                # get corners   
                print "getchessboardcorners"             
                found, corners = getChessBoardCorners( img, pattern_size )
                print "found", found
                # check if corners found
                if found:
                    frames += 1
                    # get more detailed points and add them to list
                    img_points.append( corners.reshape(-1, 2) )
                    obj_points.append( pattern_points )
                    # draw corners
                    drawChessboardCorners( img, pattern_size, corners, found )
                    self.__imgScene = img
                    tries = 0
                tries += 1
        # get cmera values
        if img != None and len(obj_points) > 0 and len(img_points) > 0:
            return getCalibrationData(img, obj_points, img_points )