Exemplo n.º 1
def train_image_generator():

    global X_train, y_train

    # Probability that an image will be flipped
    flip_probability = 0.5

    # Initialise arrays for batch size
    batch_image = np.zeros((BATCH_SIZE, 66, 200, 3))
    batch_angle = np.zeros((BATCH_SIZE, ), )

    # Loops trhough data set until batch size fulfilled
    while True:
        X_train, y_train = shuffle(X_train, y_train)
        for i in range(BATCH_SIZE):

            # Pick a random index
            index = random.randint(0, len(X_train) - 1)

            # Adjusts the path for running on AWS instance
            if X_train[index].find('kanocarra') > -1:
                path = edit_path(X_train[index]).replace(' ', '')
                path = ('fine_tune_data/' + X_train[index]).replace(' ', '')

            # Crop out unimportant features
            cropped_image = image_aug.crop_image(mpimg.imread(path))

            # Resize image to fit NVIDIA model
            resized_image = image_aug.resize_image(cropped_image)

            # Convert to YUV
            yuv_image = image_aug.convert_to_yuv(resized_image)

            prob_value = random.random()

            # Determine whether to flip the image or not and save into batch
            if prob_value >= flip_probability:
                flipped_image = image_aug.flip_image(yuv_image)
                batch_image[i] = flipped_image
                batch_angle[i] = y_train[index] * -1
                batch_image[i] = yuv_image
                batch_angle[i] = y_train[index]

        yield batch_image, batch_angle
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_image_generator():

    global X_test, y_test

    # Initialise arrays for batch size
    batch_image = np.zeros((BATCH_SIZE, 66, 200, 3))
    batch_angle = np.zeros((BATCH_SIZE, ), )

    # Put random images into test batches
    while True:
        X_test, y_test = shuffle(X_test, y_test)
        for i in range(BATCH_SIZE):
            index = random.randint(0, len(X_test) - 1)
            path = ('fine_tune_data/' + X_test[index]).replace(' ', '')
            cropped_image = image_aug.crop_image(mpimg.imread(path))
            resized_image = image_aug.resize_image(cropped_image)
            batch_image[i] = resized_image
            batch_angle[i] = y_test[index]
        yield batch_image, batch_angle
Exemplo n.º 3
def telemetry(sid, data):
        global prev_angle
        # The current steering angle of the car
        steering_angle = data["steering_angle"]
        # The current throttle of the car
        throttle = data["throttle"]
        # The current speed of the car
        speed = data["speed"]
        # The current image from the center camera of the car
        imgString = data["image"]
        image = Image.open(BytesIO(base64.b64decode(imgString)))
        image_array = np.asarray(image)

        # Apply same augmentations as in traingin set
        cropped_image = image_aug.crop_image(image_array)
        resized_image = image_aug.resize_image(cropped_image)
        yuv_image = image_aug.convert_to_yuv(resized_image)
        transformed_image_array = yuv_image[None, :, :, :]
        steering_angle = float(model.predict(transformed_image_array, batch_size=1))

        # Applies smoothing 1st degree filter to angle
        next_angle = steering_angle * step_size_param + (1-step_size_param) * prev_angle

        # Get value for throttle linerally proportional to angle
        throttle = abs(next_angle) * -0.01 + 0.15
        prev_angle = next_angle
        print(next_angle, throttle)
        # Send control
        send_control(next_angle, throttle)

        # Save image for later use
        timestamp = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S_%f')[:-3]
        image_filename = os.path.join(image_folder, timestamp)

    except Exception as e:
    def __data_generation(self, x_data_slice):
        'Generates data containing batch_size samples'

        # Initialization
        X = np.empty((x_data_slice.shape[0], *self.dim, self.n_channels))
        # print("x_data_slice type:", type(x_data_slice))

        if self.Raven is True:
            X_meta = x_data_slice[:, 1:]

        # interesting bug in initialization where X np.empty was initialized
        # with batch size instead of the x_data_slice size
        # print("pic shape", X.shape, "meta shape", X_meta.shape)

        # Generate data
        for i, x_data in enumerate(x_data_slice):
            # print("x_data 0", x_data[0], "type", type(x_data[0]))
            # ID:
            # ../data/stage1_imgs/flip_116297_85.jpg

            ### Load raw test image ###

            if self.Raven is True:
                # For some reason CV2 loads as BGR instead of RGB
                temp_img = cv2.imread(x_data[0])
                temp_img = cv2.imread(x_data)

            b, g, r = cv2.split(temp_img)      # get b,g,r
            temp_img = cv2.merge([r, g, b])    # switch it to rgb

            # basic center crop
            temp_img = crop_image(temp_img)

            # recreate stage3_imgs training data
            temp_img = cv2.resize(temp_img, self.dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)

            # for normal training with augmentation
            if self.augment is True:

                # roll the dice on augmentation, 2 because not inclusive like lists
                _flip = np.random.randint(0, 2)

                # pre_flip = temp_img.copy()

                if _flip is 1:
                    temp_img = temp_img[:, ::-1, :]  # flip image over vertical axis

                # rotate?
                _rot = np.random.randint(0, 2)
                # trying to measure how changes to augmentation... change things
                # _rot = 0

                # pre_rot = temp_img.copy()

                if _rot is 1:
                    # figure out how much rotation (should be about -15 to 15 degrees
                    # but a normal distribution centered on 0)
                    _rotation = np.random.normal(0, 1.0)

                    # rotate and THEN also crop so there's not a lot of black on the
                    # edges
                    temp_img = rotate_bound(temp_img, _rotation)

                # pre_crop = temp_img.copy()

                # get the sub-crop of the bigger image
                temp_img = smart_crop(temp_img)

                # do fancy PCA color augmentation
                temp_img = fancy_pca(temp_img, alpha_std=0.10)

            # resize to 299 for proper prediction
                # image is just a square but not necessarily 299px x 299px
                # generalize to self.dim so other 'nets can be used, like VGG16
                resized = cv2.resize(temp_img, self.dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
                print("something went horribly wrong in LoaderBot _generate_data", x_data, "shape", temp_img.shape)
                # print("pre_flip", pre_flip.shape)
                # print("pre_rot", pre_rot.shape)
                # print("pre_crop", pre_crop.shape)
                print("new size:", temp_img.shape)

            ### Imagenet Stuff ###
            resized = resized / 255.0   # convert to float

            # remove imagenet means from values
            resized[..., 0] -= (103.939 / 255.0)    # red
            resized[..., 1] -= (116.779 / 255.0)    # green
            resized[..., 2] -= (123.68 / 255.0)     # blue

            X[i, ] = resized

        if self.Raven is True:
            return [X, X_meta]
            return X
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __data_generation(self, list_IDs_temp):
        'Generates data containing batch_size samples' # X : (n_samples, *dim, n_channels)
        # Initialization
        X = np.empty((self.batch_size, *self.dim, self.n_channels))
        y = np.empty((self.batch_size), dtype=int)

        # Generate data
        for i, ID in enumerate(list_IDs_temp):
            # Store sample
            # X[i,] = np.load(ID)

            # ID:
            # ../data/stage1_imgs/flip_116297_85.jpg
            # temp = cv2.imread(ID)

            # test model 2_5 on augmented images
            path = "../data/static_aug2/0_" + ID.split("/")[-1]

            # print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", ID, path)

            # For some reason CV2 loads as BGR instead of RGB
            temp = cv2.imread(path)

            # some pictures in /imgs have been removed because they were 1px x 1px
            # do a hack to fix that problem for this test
            if temp is None:
                # print(ID, path)
                temp_path = list_IDs_temp[i - 5]
                path = "../data/static_aug2/0_" + temp_path.split("/")[-1]
                temp = cv2.imread(path)

            # Store class
            # y[i] = self.labels[ID]
            y[i] = int(path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0].split("_")[-1]) - 1

            # do some error checking because some files suck
            # for example some files are shape(1, 1, 3)
            # if temp.shape[0] is 1 or temp.shape[1] is 1:
            #     print("shape", temp.shape)
            #     pass    # skip this one
            # else:

            b, g, r = cv2.split(temp)         # get b,g,r
            temp_img = cv2.merge([r, g, b])    # switch it to rgb

            # for normal training with augmentation
            if self.augment is True:

                # roll the dice on augmentation, 2 because not inclusive like lists
                _flip = np.random.randint(0, 2)

                pre_flip = temp_img.copy()

                if _flip is 1:
                    temp_img = temp_img[:, ::-1, :]  # flip image over vertical axis

                # rotate?
                _rot = np.random.randint(0, 2)
                # trying to measure how changes to augmentation... change things
                # _rot = 0

                pre_rot = temp_img.copy()

                if _rot is 1:
                    # figure out how much rotation (should be about -15 to 15 degrees
                    # but a normal distribution centered on 0)
                    _rotation = np.random.normal(0, 1.0)

                    # rotate and THEN also crop so there's not a lot of black on the
                    # edges
                    temp_img = rotate_bound(temp_img, _rotation)

                pre_crop = temp_img.copy()

                # get the sub-crop of the bigger image
                temp_img = smart_crop(temp_img)

                # do fancy PCA color augmentation
                temp_img = fancy_pca(temp_img, alpha_std=0.10)

                # just get the middle of the image, resized to 299^2
                temp_img = crop_image(temp_img)
                # print("ID:", ID, "Label:", y[i])

                # image is just a square but not necessarily 299px x 299px
                # generalize to self.dim so other 'nets can be used, like VGG16
                resized = cv2.resize(temp_img, self.dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
                print("something went horribly wrong in LoaderBot _generate_data", ID, "shape", temp.shape)
                print("pre_flip", pre_flip.shape)
                print("pre_rot", pre_rot.shape)
                print("pre_crop", pre_crop.shape)
                print("new size:", temp_img.shape)

            ### Furniture Pics Stats ###

            # resized = resized / 255.0   # convert to float

            # fixed_r_mean = 176.0038 / 255.0
            # fixed_g_mean = 166.2084 / 255.0
            # fixed_b_mean = 158.0920 / 255.0
            # fixed_r_std = 75.3496 / 255.0
            # fixed_g_std = 78.9376 / 255.0
            # fixed_b_std = 83.4740 / 255.0
            # # zero center color
            # resized[..., 0] -= fixed_r_mean     # red
            # resized[..., 1] -= fixed_g_mean     # green
            # resized[..., 2] -= fixed_b_mean     # blue
            # # normalize
            # resized[..., 0] /= fixed_r_std      # red
            # resized[..., 1] /= fixed_g_std      # green
            # resized[..., 2] /= fixed_b_std      # blue

            ### Imagenet Stuff ###
            resized = resized / 255.0   # convert to float

            # remove imagenet means from values
            resized[..., 0] -= (103.939 / 255.0)    # red
            resized[..., 1] -= (116.779 / 255.0)    # green
            resized[..., 2] -= (123.68 / 255.0)     # blue

            X[i, ] = resized

        # Inceptionv3 was trained on images that were processed so that color
        # values varied between [-1, 1] therefore we need to do the same:

        # X /= 255.0
        # X -= 0.5   # can probably remove this since we subtracted the imagenet means
        # X *= 2.0

        return X, keras.utils.to_categorical(y, num_classes=self.n_classes)