Exemplo n.º 1
def random_point_inside_fov(camera_info,
  Generates a random XYZ point inside the camera field of view
  @type  camera_info: sensor_msgs.CameraInfo
  @param camera_info: Message with the meta information for a camera
  @type  maxdist:     float
  @param maxdist:     distance from the camera ref frame in the z direction
  @type  mindist:     float
  @param mindist:     distance from the camera ref frame in the z direction
  @type  Tcamera:     np.array
  @param Tcamera:     homogeneous transformation for the camera ref frame
  @rtype: array
  @return: The random XYZ point
    cam_model = PinholeCameraModel()
    z = np.random.uniform(mindist, maxdist)
    delta_x = cam_model.getDeltaX(cam_model.width / 2, z)
    delta_y = cam_model.getDeltaY(cam_model.height / 2, z)
    point = np.array([0, 0, z, 1])
    point[:2] = np.array([delta_x, delta_y
                          ]) * (2 * np.random.random_sample(2) - 1.)
    return np.dot(Tcamera, point)[:3]
Exemplo n.º 2
def random_point_inside_fov(camera_info, maxdist, Tcamera=np.eye(4)):
  Generates a random XYZ point inside the camera field of view
  @type  camera_info: sensor_msgs.CameraInfo
  @param camera_info: Message with the meta information for a camera
  @type  maxdist:     float
  @param maxdist:     distance from the camera ref frame in the z direction
  @type  Tcamera:     np.array
  @param Tcamera:     homogeneous transformation for the camera ref frame
  @rtype: array
  @return: The random XYZ point
  cam_model = PinholeCameraModel()
  z = maxdist*np.random.random()
  delta_x = cam_model.getDeltaX(cam_model.width/2, z)
  delta_y = cam_model.getDeltaY(cam_model.height/2, z)
  point = np.array([0, 0, z, 1])
  point[:2] = np.array([delta_x, delta_y]) * (2*np.random.random_sample(2) - 1.)
  return np.dot(Tcamera, point)[:3]
Exemplo n.º 3
def camera_fov_corners(camera_info, zdist, Tcamera=np.eye(4)):
  Generates the 5 corners of the camera field of view
  @type  camera_info: sensor_msgs.CameraInfo
  @param camera_info: Message with the meta information for a camera
  @type  zdist:       float
  @param zdist:       distance from the camera ref frame in the z direction
  @type  Tcamera:     np.array
  @param Tcamera:     homogeneous transformation for the camera ref frame
  @rtype: list
  @return: The 5 corners of the camera field of view
    cam_model = PinholeCameraModel()
    delta_x = cam_model.getDeltaX(cam_model.width / 2, zdist)
    delta_y = cam_model.getDeltaY(cam_model.height / 2, zdist)
    corners = [Tcamera[:3, 3]]
    for k in itertools.product([-1, 1], [-1, 1]):
        point = np.array([0, 0, zdist, 1])
        point[:2] = np.array([delta_x, delta_y]) * np.array(k)
        corners.append(np.dot(Tcamera, point)[:3])
    return np.array(corners)
Exemplo n.º 4
def camera_fov_corners(camera_info, zdist, Tcamera=np.eye(4)):
  Generates the 5 corners of the camera field of view
  @type  camera_info: sensor_msgs.CameraInfo
  @param camera_info: Message with the meta information for a camera
  @type  zdist:       float
  @param zdist:       distance from the camera ref frame in the z direction
  @type  Tcamera:     np.array
  @param Tcamera:     homogeneous transformation for the camera ref frame
  @rtype: list
  @return: The 5 corners of the camera field of view
  cam_model = PinholeCameraModel()
  delta_x = cam_model.getDeltaX(cam_model.width/2, zdist)
  delta_y = cam_model.getDeltaY(cam_model.height/2, zdist)
  corners = [Tcamera[:3,3]]
  for k in itertools.product([-1,1],[-1,1]):
    point = np.array([0, 0, zdist, 1])
    point[:2] = np.array([delta_x, delta_y]) * np.array(k)
    corners.append( np.dot(Tcamera, point)[:3] )
  return np.array(corners)
Exemplo n.º 5
class CameraFOV(object):
  Base class for the field-of-view of a Pin hole camera.
  def __init__(self, camera_info, maxdist, transform=None):
    camera_info: sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
      Meta information of the camera. For more details check the
    maxdist: float
     Maximum distance the FOV covers in the Z direction of the camera frame.
    transform: array_like
     Homogenous transformation of the camera reference frame. If `None` then
     the identity matrix is used.
    if transform is None:
      transform = np.eye(4)
    self.maxdist = maxdist
    self.transform = np.array(transform)
    self.cam_model = PinholeCameraModel()
    # Compute FOV corners
    delta_x = self.cam_model.getDeltaX(self.cam_model.width/2, self.maxdist)
    delta_y = self.cam_model.getDeltaY(self.cam_model.height/2, self.maxdist)
    self.corners = np.zeros((5,3))
    self.corners[0,:] = transform[:3,3]
    idx = 1
    for k in itertools.product([-1,1],[-1,1]):
      point = np.array([0, 0, self.maxdist, 1])
      point[:2] = np.array([delta_x, delta_y]) * np.array(k)
      self.corners[idx,:] = np.dot(transform, point)[:3]
      idx += 1

  def get_corners(self):
    Get the five corners of the camera field of view

    corners: array_like
      A 5x3 array with the five corners of the camera field of view
    corners = np.array(self.corners)
    return corners

  def get_trimesh(self):
    Get the convex hull that representes the field of view as a trimesh

    vertices: array_like
      The trimesh vertices
    faces: array_like
      The trimesh faces

    See Also
    corners = self.get_corners()
    vertices, faces = ru.mesh.trimesh_from_point_cloud(corners)
    return vertices, faces

  def contains(self, points):
    Check if all the XYZ points are inside the camera field of view

    points: array_like
      List of XYZ points

    all_inside: bool
      True if all the points are inside the FOV. False otherwise.
    hull = ConvexHull(self.corners)
    triangulation = Delaunay(self.corners[hull.vertices])
    all_inside = np.alltrue(triangulation.find_simplex(points)>=0)
    return all_inside

  def random_point_inside(self):
    Generate a random XYZ point inside the camera field of view

    random_point: array_like
      The random XYZ point inside the camera field of view
    z = self.maxdist*np.random.random()
    delta_x = self.cam_model.getDeltaX(self.cam_model.width/2, z)
    delta_y = self.cam_model.getDeltaY(self.cam_model.height/2, z)
    point = np.array([0, 0, z, 1])
    point[:2] = np.array([delta_x,delta_y]) * (2*np.random.random_sample(2)-1.)
    random_point = np.dot(self.transform, point)[:3]
    return random_point