Exemplo n.º 1
class ScanFile:

    def __init__(self, nifti_path, parent):

        self._nifti_path = nifti_path
        self._workspace_parent = parent
            self._nifti = nib.load(self._nifti_path)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print('Error in path %s' % nifti_path)
        self._array_data = self._nifti.get_data()

        # Nifti file does not show stable shape, sometimes as (num,x,y) and at times as (x,y,num) or (x,num,y)
        self._array_data = utils.shape_nifti_2_segtool(self._array_data)

        # normalize images
        self.frames = (self._array_data.astype(np.float64) / np.max(self._array_data)) * 255

        # TODO: perform in separate thread
        self._contrasted_frames = np.zeros((10, self.frames.shape[0], self.frames.shape[1], self.frames.shape[2]))
        for i in range(1, 11):
            self._contrasted_frames[i-1] = contrast_change(i, self.frames)

        # index of current frame displayed
        self.frame_displayed_index = 0

        # numpy array of frames with segmentation as binary images
        self._segmentation_array = None

        # perform segmentation algorithm in separate thread so that gui is not frozen
        self._segmentation_thread = Thread(target=self._workspace_parent.perform_segmentation)

        self.image_label = ImageLabel(self.frames, self._contrasted_frames, self._workspace_parent)

        # text representing scan's status: in Queue \ Processing \ Ready \ etc.
        self.status = ''

        # class which performs the segmentation process
        self._segment_worker = BrainSegment(self.frames)

        # what is currently displayed: USER MARKS / SEGMENTATION / CONVEX / BRAIN HALVES / CSF
        self.display_state = ''

        # volume calculated of different parts of the scan
        self._full_brain_volume = 0
        self._brain_halves_volume = [0, 0]
        self._csf_volume = 0

    def save_numpy_polygon(self, dest_dir):
        Save each marked point as a numpy array. All frames will be saved in a folder for this scan.
        :param dest_dir: folder to place sub-folder inside.
        polygon_numpy = self.image_label.points_to_image()
        self.save_numpy_files_handler(polygon_numpy, dest_dir)

    def save_numpy_slices(self, dest_dir):
        Save each frame as a numpy array. All frames will be saved in a folder for this scan.
        :param dest_dir: folder to place sub-folder inside.
        self.save_numpy_files_handler(self.frames, dest_dir)

    def save_numpy_files_handler(self, array_data, dest_dir):
        base_nifti_name = self._nifti_path[self._nifti_path.rfind('\\')+1:]
        base_nifti_name = base_nifti_name.rstrip('.gz').rstrip('.nii')
        a = self._nifti_path[:self._nifti_path.rfind('\\')]

        b = a[a.rfind('\\')+1:]
        extra = b[:b.rfind('_')]

        filename = os.path.join(dest_dir, base_nifti_name) + '_' + extra + '_frame' + '1'
        tmp_filename = filename
        suffix = 0
        while os.path.exists(tmp_filename + '.npz'):
            tmp_filename = filename + '_' + str(suffix)
            suffix += 1
        suffix = ('_' + tmp_filename[tmp_filename.rfind('_')+1:]) if tmp_filename != filename else ''

        for i in range(1, array_data.shape[0] - 1):
            filename = os.path.join(dest_dir, base_nifti_name) + '_' + extra + '_frame' + str(i) + suffix

            # if os.path.exists(filename + '.npz'):
            #     warning('{} was not saved, already exists.'.format(base_nifti_name))
            #     break
            np.savez(filename, array_data[i-1], array_data[i], array_data[i+1])
            print("Saved file at {}".format(filename))

    def load_image_label(self):

    def run_segmentation(self):
        # do not run if status is not initial, cannot start a thread more than once
        # TODO: solve for a case one wants to remark and reperform segmentation
        if self.status == '':
            self.status = PROCESSING

    def perform_segmentation(self):

        # collect points marked by user
        all_points = self.image_label.shapes.all_points()

        # do not attempt segmentation if user did not mark enough frames
        frames_marked = 0
        for items_list in all_points.values():
            if items_list:
                frames_marked += 1
        if frames_marked < 3:
            return None

        seeds = []
        for frame_idx, frame_points in all_points.items():
            if frame_points:
                for pos in frame_points:
                    translated_pos = self.image_label.label_to_image_pos(pos)
                    seeds.append((frame_idx, translated_pos.y(), translated_pos.x()))
        segmentation_array = self._segment_worker.segmentation_3d(self.frames, seeds)

        if segmentation_array is None:
            self.status = ''
            # store marks aside before setting segmentation

            segmentation_array *= 255

        return segmentation_array

    def volume(self, segmentation_array=None):
        Calculate volume of segmentation, based on the voxel spacing of the nifti file.
        :param segmentation_array [numpy.ndarray] to calculate volume
        :return: [float] volume in mm.
        if segmentation_array is None:
            segmentation_array = self.image_label.points_to_image()
        pixel_dims = self._nifti._header['pixdim']
        if len(pixel_dims) == 8:
            num_pixels = np.sum(segmentation_array)
            return (num_pixels * pixel_dims[1] * pixel_dims[2] * pixel_dims[3]) / 1000
            print('Error in calculating volume from Nifti Header.')
            return 0

    def show_brain_halves(self):
        if self._segment_worker:
            if self.display_state == SEGMENTATION:
                # TODO maybe wasteful and unnecessary to calculate this each time? think about it
                self._segmentation_array = self.image_label.points_to_image()
                left_half, right_half = self._segment_worker.separate_to_two_brains(self._segmentation_array)
                self.image_label.set_brain_halves(left_half, right_half)
                left_brain, right_brain = self.image_label.points_to_image(True)
                left_volume, right_volume = self.volume(left_brain), self.volume(right_brain)
                self._workspace_parent.set_brain_halves_volume(left_volume, right_volume)
                self._brain_halves_volume = [left_volume, right_volume]
                self.display_state = HALVES
            except Exception as ex:
                print('error in separate_to_two_brains', ex)

    def show_segmentation(self):
        '''Show current segmentation over image label.'''
        if self.display_state == MARKS:
        if self.display_state == SEGMENTATION:
            self._segmentation_array = self.image_label.points_to_image()
        if self.status == SEGMENTED:
            self.display_state = SEGMENTATION

    def show_convex(self):
        Calculate convex for given segmentation of brain, and display it.
        # save aside the given segmentation as the most updated one
        if self._segment_worker:
            if self.display_state == SEGMENTATION:
                self._segmentation_array = self.image_label.points_to_image()
            convex = self._segment_worker.flood_fill_hull(self._segmentation_array)
            self.display_state = CONVEX

    def show_csf(self):
        Display segmentation of brain CSF only.
        if self._segment_worker:
            if self.display_state == SEGMENTATION:
                self._segmentation_array = self.image_label.points_to_image()
                # todo need to send copy so that _segmentation_array is not changed?
                csf = self._segment_worker.get_csf_seg(self._segmentation_array)
            except Exception as ex:
                print("CSF computation error", ex)
                self._csf_volume = self.volume(csf)
                self.display_state = CSF

    def show_quantization_segmentation(self, level):
        Get segmentation after applying quantization stage with different quantum values, and display it.
        :param level: [int] the quantum value to be used, in proportion.
        if self.display_state == SEGMENTATION:
            updated_seg = self.image_label.points_to_image()
            segmentation_array = self._segment_worker.get_quant_segment(level, updated_seg)

    def set_segmentation(self, segmentation_array):
        self.display_state = SEGMENTATION
        self.status = SEGMENTED
        self._segmentation_array = segmentation_array
        self._full_brain_volume = self.volume()

    def __str__(self):
        return self._nifti_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]

    def brain_volume(self):
        return self._full_brain_volume