def _save_image_msg(img_msg, filename):
    pil_img = image_snappy_helper.imgmsg_to_pil(img_msg, rgba=False)

    if pil_img.mode in ('RGB', 'RGBA'):
        pil_img = pil_img.convert('RGB')
        pil_img = image_snappy_helper.pil_bgr2rgb(pil_img)
        pil_img = pil_img.convert('RGB')
 def set_image(self, image_msg, image_topic, image_stamp):
     self._image_msg = image_msg
     if image_msg:
         self._image = image_snappy_helper.imgmsg_to_pil(image_msg)
         self._image = None
     self._image_topic = image_topic
     self._image_stamp = image_stamp
    def set_image(self, image_msg, image_topic, image_stamp):
        with self._image_lock:
            self._image_msg = image_msg
            if image_msg:
                self._image = image_snappy_helper.imgmsg_to_pil(image_msg)
                self._image = None
            self._image_surface = None
            self._image_topic = image_topic
            self._image_stamp = image_stamp

    def _load_thumbnail(self, topic, stamp, thumbnail_details):
        Loads the thumbnail from the bag
        (thumbnail_height,) = thumbnail_details
        # Find position of stamp using index
        t = rospy.Time.from_sec(stamp)
        bag, entry = self.timeline.get_entry(t, topic)
        if not entry:
            return None, None
        pos = entry.position

        # Not in the cache; load from the bag file
        with self.timeline._bag_lock:
            msg_topic, msg, msg_stamp = bag._read_message(pos)
        # Convert from ROS image to PIL image
            pil_image = image_snappy_helper.imgmsg_to_pil(msg)
        except Exception, ex:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Error loading image on topic %s: %s' % (topic, str(ex)) 
            return None, None