def process(self, images: Sequence[Image]) -> Dict[str, Image]: # Based on: # outputs = {} if len(images) != 2: raise Exception("Stitching requires 2 images, not " + str(len(images))) img1 = images[0].get(ImageType.OPENCV) img2 = images[1].get(ImageType.OPENCV) stitched, vis = self.stitch(img1, img2) if stitched is not None: outputs["stitched"] = Image(stitched, opencv=True) if vis is not None: outputs["vis"] = Image(stitched, opencv=True) return outputs
def process(self, images: Sequence[Image]) -> Dict[str, Image]: outputs = {} for (i, image) in enumerate(images): if image is not None: img = image.get(ImageType.OPENCV) img_bw = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) img_bil = cv2.bilateralFilter(img_bw, 7, 50, 50) img_out = cv2.Canny(img_bil, self.thr1, self.thr2) outputs[str(i)] = Image(img_out, opencv=True) return outputs
def process(self, images: Sequence[Image], count=[0]) -> Dict[str, Image]: # Based on: # outputs = {} for (i, image) in enumerate(images): key = str(i) if image is not None: img = image.get(ImageType.OPENCV) img_grey = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # on first image since reset, init if key not in self.img_prev: self.img_prev[key] = img_grey self.mask[key] = np.zeros_like(img) self.points_prev[key] = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack( img_grey, mask=None, **OpticalFlow.FEATURE_PARAMS) # track on all future frames else: points, status, err = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK( self.img_prev[key], img_grey, self.points_prev[key], None, **OpticalFlow.LK_PARAMS) if points is not None: points_good_curr = points[status == 1] points_good_prev = self.points_prev[key][status == 1] # draw for j, (curr, prev) in enumerate( zip(points_good_curr, points_good_prev)): a, b = curr.ravel() c, d = prev.ravel() self.mask[key] = cv2.line( self.mask[key], (a, b), (c, d), OpticalFlow.COLOURS[j % 100].tolist(), 2) img = img, (a, b), 5, OpticalFlow.COLOURS[j % 100].tolist(), -1) img = cv2.add(img, self.mask[key]) # update for next frame self.points_prev[key] = points_good_curr.reshape( -1, 1, 2) self.img_prev[key] = img_grey outputs[key] = Image(img, opencv=True) return outputs
def process(self, images: Sequence[Image]) -> Dict[str, Image]: outputs = {} for (i, image) in enumerate(images): if image is not None: img = image.get(ImageType.OPENCV) img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # detect faces = Faces.FACE_CASCADE.detectMultiScale(img_gray, 1.3, 5) # draw for x, y, w, h in faces: img = cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), Faces.BOX_COLOUR, 2) outputs[str(i)] = Image(img, opencv=True) return outputs
def process( self, image: Image, short=512, max_size=640, mean=(0.485, 0.456, 0.406), std=(0.229, 0.224, 0.225) ) -> Dict[str, Any]: if not self.model: raise RuntimeError( "[mxnet] No model has been loaded. Run load() first.") # preprocess np_img = image.asnumpy() mx_img = mx.nd.array(np_img).astype('uint8') mx_img = mx_img, short=short, max_size=max_size, mult_base=32) ts_img = mx.nd.image.to_tensor(mx_img).copyto(self.ctx) ts_img = mx.nd.image.normalize(ts_img, mean=mean, std=std).expand_dims(0) # run model if hasattr(self.model, "predict"): # Some models have this method (i.e., segmentation models), some don't outputs = self.model.predict(ts_img) else: outputs = self.model(ts_img) if self.model_type is ModelType.CLASSIFICATION: return {"class_ids": outputs} elif self.model_type is ModelType.DETECTION: return { "class_ids": outputs[0], "scores": outputs[1], "bounding_boxes": outputs[2] } elif self.model_type is ModelType.SEGMENTATION: return {"mask": outputs} else: return {"outputs": outputs}
def load(self, info): info['apiRoot'].images = Image()
def visualise(self, image: Image, metadata: Dict[str, Any], blend=0.5, show_labels=True): np_img = image.asnumpy() mx_img = mx.nd.array(np_img).astype('uint8') img = None if all(key in metadata for key in ["bounding_boxes", "scores", "class_ids"]): # object detection results bounding_boxes = metadata["bounding_boxes"] scores = metadata["scores"] class_ids = metadata["class_ids"] img = gcv.utils.viz.cv_plot_bbox(mx_img, bounding_boxes[0], scores[0], class_ids[0], class_names=self.model.classes) elif "class_ids" in metadata: # classification results class_ids = metadata["class_ids"] scores = mx.nd.softmax(class_ids)[0].asnumpy() top_ids = mx.nd.topk(class_ids, k=3)[0].astype("int").asnumpy() captions = [ "{}: {:.3}".format(self.model.classes[id], scores[id]) for id in top_ids ] img = draw_captions(np_img, captions) if show_labels else np_img elif "mask" in metadata: # segmentation results mask = metadata["mask"] img_resized = mx_img, mask.shape[3], mask.shape[2]).asnumpy() predict = mx.nd.argmax(mask, 1)[0].astype("int").asnumpy() mask_colour = gcv.utils.viz.get_color_pallete( predict, "pascal_voc") mask_colour = np.array( mask_colour.convert("RGB")) # PIL with palette -> numpy RGB img = cv2.addWeighted(img_resized, 1 - blend, mask_colour, blend, 0) if show_labels: classfreqs = list(zip(*np.unique(predict, return_counts=True))) classfreqs = sorted(classfreqs, key=lambda cf: cf[1], reverse=True) # NOTE: a bug in gluoncv currently returns a property of a class, instead of an instance of the class, # for all Segmentation models; we need to obtain the property value (passing a bogus self) model_classes = self.model.classes.fget(0) captions = [ "{} ({}px)".format(model_classes[id], freq) for (id, freq) in classfreqs[1:5] ] img = draw_captions(img, captions) else: raise ValueError( "Don't know how to visualise metadata with keys " + ",".join(metadata.keys())) img_result = Image(img, opencv=False) return img_result
def get(self, latest=False): # Wait for next image frame = self.image_queue.get() return Image(frame, opencv=True)
def get(self, latest=False): # Wait for next image img = self.image_queue.get() return Image(img, opencv=True)
def process_calibration(self, images: Sequence[Image]): """ Calibrate 2+ images: find intrinsic + extrinsic matrices and R/T between the camera pairs """ outputs = {str(i): image for (i, image) in enumerate(images)} # step 1: press space to start if self.stage == StereoVision.STAGES["CALIBRATE_WAIT"]: print("[calibration] Grab your chessboard pattern, and press space to start taking snapshots.") print(" The chessboard needs to be fully visible in *all* images.") # step 2: take snapshots every 3s elif self.snapshot_count < 8: # step 2a: waiting for next snapshot if time.time() - self.last_snapshot < 3.000: # waiting for next snapshot moment outputs = {str(i): image for (i, image) in enumerate(images)} # step 2b: take snapshot (if delay passed and the pattern was found for all images) else: all_corners = {} all_snapshots = {} for i, image in enumerate(images): key = str(i) img = image.get(ImageType.OPENCV) print(i, img.shape) img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) ret, corners = cv2.findChessboardCornersSB( img_gray, StereoVision.CHESSBOARD_SIZE, None) if ret: all_corners[key] = corners all_snapshots[key] = img img = cv2.drawChessboardCorners( img, StereoVision.CHESSBOARD_SIZE, corners, ret) img = cv2.rectangle(img, (1, 1), (img.shape[1]-2, img.shape[0]-2), (0, 255, 0), 2) else: img = cv2.rectangle(img, (1, 1), (img.shape[1]-2, img.shape[0]-2), (0, 0, 255), 2) outputs[key] = Image(img, opencv=True) if len(all_corners) == len(images): # found corners in all images; saving self.snapshot_count += 1 self.last_snapshot = time.time() for key in all_corners: self.corners[key].append(all_corners[key]) self.snapshots[key].append(all_snapshots[key]) print("[calibration] Snapshot {}! Waiting 3s for the next snapshot..".format( self.snapshot_count)) # step 3: calculate calibration parameters elif self.snapshot_count >= 8: print("[calibration] Calculating calibration parameters") # calibrate individual cameras SIZEX, SIZEY = StereoVision.CHESSBOARD_SIZE world_points_frame = np.zeros((SIZEX*SIZEY, 3), np.float32) world_points_frame[:, :2] = np.mgrid[0:SIZEX, 0:SIZEY].T.reshape(-1, 2) * StereoVision.SQUARE_SIZE world_points = [world_points_frame] * 8 for key in self.corners: img_points = self.corners[key] img_size = self.snapshots[key][0].shape[1::-1] camparams = mvutils.calibrate_camera( world_points, img_points, img_size) self.camparams[key] = camparams pprint(camparams) # calibrate camera pairs (pairwise, chained in given order) for index_l, index_r in zip(range(0, len(images)-1), range(1, len(images))): key_l, key_r = str(index_l), str(index_r) camparams_img_l = self.camparams[key_l] camparams_img_r = self.camparams[key_r] img_size = self.snapshots[key_l][0].shape[1::-1] img_size_r = self.snapshots[key_r][0].shape[1::-1] if img_size != img_size_r: print("ERROR: images should be of the same size; current sizes:", img_size, img_size_r) pairparams = mvutils.calibrate_camera_pair( world_points, self.corners[key_l], self.corners[key_r], camparams_img_l, camparams_img_r, img_size) self.pairparams[(key_l, key_r)] = pairparams print((key_l, key_r)) pprint(pairparams) # save to disk self.save_params() self.stage = StereoVision.STAGES["RUNNING"] return outputs
def process_stereo(self, images: Sequence[Image]): outputs = {} if len(self.camparams.keys()) != len(images): print("Error: number of images doesn't match the number of saved parameters.") print("Recalibrate (touch 'c') if old parameters were loaded from the cache.") return {str(i): image for (i, image) in enumerate(images)} # return undistorted images for i, image in enumerate(images): key = str(i) img = image.get(ImageType.OPENCV) camparams = self.camparams[key] img_undistort = cv2.undistort( img, camparams["intrinsic"], camparams["distortion"], None, camparams["intrinsic_crop"]) #x, y, w, h = camparams["intrinsic_roi"] #img_undistort = img_undistort[y:y+h, x:x+w] outputs[key] = Image(img_undistort, opencv=True) # return depth image(s) if not self.stereo_matcher: if self.sgbm: self.stereo_matcher = cv2.StereoSGBM_create( minDisparity=5, numDisparities=64, blockSize=5, speckleRange=5, speckleWindowSize=15) else: self.stereo_matcher = cv2.StereoBM_create( numDisparities=64, blockSize=5) self.stereo_matcher.setMinDisparity(5) self.stereo_matcher.setSpeckleRange(9) self.stereo_matcher.setSpeckleWindowSize(21) # process camera pairs (pairwise, chained in given order) for index_l, index_r in zip(range(0, len(images)-1), range(1, len(images))): key_l, key_r = str(index_l), str(index_r) pairkey = "{}|{}".format(key_l, key_r) img_l = outputs[key_l].get(ImageType.OPENCV) img_r = outputs[key_r].get(ImageType.OPENCV) pairparams = self.pairparams[(key_l, key_r)] img_l_rect = cv2.remap( img_l, pairparams["map_x"][0], pairparams["map_y"][0], cv2.INTER_LINEAR) img_r_rect = cv2.remap( img_r, pairparams["map_x"][1], pairparams["map_y"][1], cv2.INTER_LINEAR) img_l_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_l_rect, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) img_r_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_r_rect, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) outputs[key_l + "_rect_" + pairkey] = Image(img_l_rect, opencv=True) outputs[key_r + "_rect_" + pairkey] = Image(img_r_rect, opencv=True) img_depth = self.stereo_matcher.compute(img_l_gray, img_r_gray) img_depth_8bit = (img_depth.astype(np.float64) / img_depth.max() * 255).astype(np.uint8) outputs["depth_" + pairkey] = Image(img_depth_8bit, opencv=True) img_depth_colour = cv2.applyColorMap(img_depth_8bit, cv2.COLORMAP_JET) # _AUTUMN/_JET outputs["depth_" + pairkey + "_colour"] = Image(img_depth_colour, opencv=True) return outputs
from images.image import Image from images.image_type import ImageType import cv2 from PIL import Image as PILImage from pprint import pprint def printcached(img): print("Cached results: ") pprint({key: img_pil.img[key] is not None for key in img_pil.img.keys()}) img_pil = Image( PILImage.fromarray(cv2.imread('../img/object_detection_yolo_mxnet.png'))) printcached(img_pil) img_pil.asnumpy() printcached(img_pil) img_pil.asopencv() printcached(img_pil) img_pil.asnumpy() printcached(img_pil) img_pil.asopencv() printcached(img_pil) img_pil.aspil() printcached(img_pil)
def __init__(self, identifier: int): super().__init__(identifier) self.image = Image(cv2.imread(identifier), opencv=True)