def _find_frame_vectors(self):
        if self.get_image1_luminance() and self.get_image2_luminance():

            klog("Evaluating image with size: %dx%d" %(self.get_image1_luminance().width(), self.get_image2_luminance().height() ))
            comp = ImageComparator(self.image_1_luminance)

            start_time = time.time()

            self.vectors = comp.get_motion_vectors(self.image_2_luminance, self.searcher())

            elasped_time = time.time() - start_time
            self.ui.searchElapsedTimeLabel.setText("%.2f seconds" %elasped_time)

    def compared_frames_statuses(self, motion_threshold, MAD_threshold):

        holden_frames = [0] #start with the first frame
        discarded_frames = []

        i = 0
        j = 1

        while i < self._video.frames_count()-2 and j < self._video.frames_count()-1:

            #controllo il frame successivo per vedere se sono sotto la soglia
                #si lo sono, posso aggiungere il frame alla lista di quelli da non considerare
                #no non lo sono, il frame e necessario

            if i is j:
                print "CYCLE COMPARISON ERROR"

            print "\nComparing frame #%d with frame #%d" %(i, j)

            frame_1 = self._video.frames[i].grayscaled_image()
            frame_2 = self._video.frames[j].grayscaled_image()

            comp = ImageComparator(frame_1)
            vectors = comp.get_motion_vectors(frame_2, self._searcher, MAD_threshold)

            longest_vector, max_distance = ImageComparator.longest_motion_vector(vectors)

            print "Max distance found: %f" %max_distance
            print "Longest vector is: "+ str(longest_vector)

            if max_distance < motion_threshold:
                print "Frame #%d discared.. :-) " %j
                discarded_frames.append(j) #the compared frame contains only short motion vectors, so I can discard that frame
                j += 1 #the I frame is same, the frame to be compared is the j+1 so the search continue
                print "Frame #%d holden... :-(" %j
                holden_frames.append(j) #the compared frame contains a very long motion vector, so the frame will be rendered as frame I
                i = j
                j = i+1

        holden_frames.append(self._video.frames_count()-1) #keep the last frame

        return holden_frames, discarded_frames
    def interpolate(self, discarded_frames, searcher, block_size, MAD_threshold):

        new_video_path = "/tmp/%s.interpolated/" % self._oldvideo.videoname()

        if os.path.exists(new_video_path):


        while i < self._oldvideo.frames_count():
            if not i in discarded_frames:
                #The frame must me copied in the folder
                frame = self._oldvideo.frames[i]

                shutil.copyfile(frame.path(), "%s/Frame_%07d.png" %(new_video_path, i))

                #the frame must be interpolated

                #check which other adiacent frames must me interpolated
                new_frames = [i]

                for j in range(i+1, self._oldvideo.frames_count()):
                    if j in discarded_frames:
                        #The adiacent frame is an I frame, so stop searching
                        i = j

                #interpolate the frames
                print "I have to interpolate these frames: "+ str(new_frames)

                left_frame_index = new_frames[0] - 1
                right_frame_index = new_frames[-1] + 1

                print "Left I frame: %s" %self._oldvideo.frames[left_frame_index].path()
                print "Right I frame: %s" %self._oldvideo.frames[right_frame_index].path()

                frame_1 = self._oldvideo.frames[left_frame_index]  #the frame on the LEFT of the first frame to be interpolated
                frame_2 = self._oldvideo.frames[right_frame_index] #the frame on the RIGHT of the last frame to be interpolated

                comp = ImageComparator(frame_1.grayscaled_image())
                vectors = comp.get_motion_vectors(frame_2.grayscaled_image(), searcher, MAD_threshold)

                subvectors = VideoInterpolator.sub_motion_vectors(vectors, len(new_frames))

                #TODO: check len(subvectors) MUST be equal to len(new_frames)
                for k in range(len(new_frames)):
                    frame_num = new_frames[k]
                    frame_path = "%s/Frame_%07d.png" % (new_video_path, frame_num)
                    print "Devo interpolare %d" % frame_num

                    image1 = frame_1.image()

                    image_new = image1.copy()

                    #First copy the background from the frame_2 to the image_new
                    #image2 = frame_2.image()
                    #for v in subvectors[k]:
                    #    background_block_image = image2.crop( (v["x"], v["y"], v["x"]+block_size, v["y"]+block_size) )
                    #    image_new.paste(background_block_image, (v["x"], v["y"], v["x"]+block_size, v["y"]+block_size) )

                    #Then copy the moved blocks
                    print "------------"
                    for v in subvectors[k]:
                        #print "Copying the block (%d, %d) from frame: %d to (%d, %d) to the new frame %d" %(v["x"], v["y"], left_frame_index, v["to_x"], v["to_y"], frame_num)
                        moved_block_image = image1.crop( (v["x"], v["y"], v["x"]+block_size, v["y"]+block_size) )
                        image_new.paste(moved_block_image, (v["to_x"], v["to_y"], v["to_x"]+block_size, v["to_y"]+block_size) )
                        #image_new.paste((255, 0, 0), (v["to_x"], v["to_y"], v["to_x"]+block_size, v["to_y"]+block_size) )

                    #print "Saved new frame: "+ frame_path

                #print "---"
        return new_video_path[:len(new_video_path)-1] #remove the trailing slash