Exemplo n.º 1
    def NetrSessionEnum(self,
        returns information about sessions that are established on a server (info struct 502 only supported)

        :param UNICODE serverName: the NetBIOS name of the remote machine. '' would do the work as well
        :param UNICODE clientName: Unicode string that specifies the client machine users are connected from. Default value means all users will be returned instead of the client machine they are connecting from.
        :param UNICODE userName: Unicode string that specifies the specific username to check for connectivity. Default value means all users will be returned.
        :param INT preferedMaximumLength: specifies the preferred maximum length, in bytes, of the returned data. Default value is MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH
        :param INT resumeHandle: a value that contains a handle, which is used to continue an existing share search. First time it should be 0

        :return: returns a list of dictionaries for each session returned (strings in UNICODE). print the response to see its contents. On error it raises an exception
        sessionEnum = SRVSVCSessionEnum()
        sessionEnum['ServerName'] = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
        sessionEnum['ServerName']['Data'] = serverName + '\x00'.encode(
        sessionEnum['ServerName'].alignment = 4
        sessionEnum['ClientName'] = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
        sessionEnum['ClientName']['Data'] = clientName + '\x00'.encode(
        sessionEnum['ClientName'].alignment = 4
        sessionEnum['UserName'] = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
        sessionEnum['UserName']['Data'] = userName + '\x00'.encode('utf-16le')
        sessionEnum['UserName'].alignment = 4
        sessionEnum['InfoStruct'] = SESSION_ENUM_STRUCT()
        sessionEnum['InfoStruct']['Level'] = 502
        sessionEnum['InfoStruct']['SwitchIs'] = 502
        sessionEnum['InfoStruct']['pContainer'] = ndrutils.NDRPointerNew()
        sessionEnum['InfoStruct']['SessionInfo'] = SESSION_INFO_502_CONTAINER()
            'pBuffer'] = ndrutils.NDRPointerNew()
        sessionEnum['InfoStruct']['SessionInfo']['pBuffer']['RefId'] = 0
        sessionEnum['InfoStruct']['SessionInfo']['Buffer'] = ''
        sessionEnum['PreferedMaximumLength'] = preferedMaximumLength
        sessionEnum['pResumeHandle'] = ndrutils.NDRPointerNew()
        sessionEnum['ResumeHandle'] = resumeHandle

        data = self.doRequest(sessionEnum, checkReturn=1)
        ans = SRVSVCSessionEnumResponse(data)
        # Now let's return something useful
        sessionList = []
        for i in range(ans['InfoStruct']['SessionInfo']['EntriesRead']):
            item = ans['InfoStruct']['SessionInfo']['Buffer']['Item_%d' % i]
            entry = {}
            entry['Active'] = item['sesi502_time']
            entry['IDLE'] = item['sesi502_idle_time']
            entry['Type'] = item['cltype_name']['Data']
            entry['Transport'] = item['transport']['Data']
            entry['HostName'] = item['cname']['Data']
            entry['UserName'] = item['username']['Data']

        return sessionList
Exemplo n.º 2
    def CreateServiceW(self, handle, serviceName, displayName, binaryPathName, serviceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS):
        creates a service

        :param HANDLE handle: a valid HANDLE to the SCM database (see OpenSCManagerW)
        :param UNICODE serviceName: the name of the service to create
        :param UNICODE displayName: the display name of the service to create
        :param UNICODE binaryPathName: the pathname for the binary to be executed when starting the service
        :param INT serviceType: the type of service to be created. See service types within this file or [MS-SCMR] section

        :return: returns an SVCCTLRCreateServiceWResponse structure with the service handle. Call dump() method to see its contents. On error it raises an exception
        # We MUST receive Unicode data here
        createService = SVCCTLRCreateServiceW()
        createService['SCManager']      = handle
        createService['ServiceName']    = ndrutils.NDRStringW()
        createService['ServiceName']['Data']    = (serviceName+'\x00'.encode('utf-16le'))
        createService['DisplayName']    = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
        createService['DisplayName']['Data']    = (displayName+'\x00'.encode('utf-16le'))
        createService['DesiredAccess']  = SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS
        createService['ServiceType']    = serviceType
        createService['StartType']      = SERVICE_AUTO_START
        #createService['StartType']      = SERVICE_DEMAND_START
        createService['ErrorControl']   = SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE
        createService['BinaryPathName'] = ndrutils.NDRStringW()
        createService['BinaryPathName']['Data'] = (binaryPathName+'\x00'.encode('utf-16le'))
        createService['TagID'] = 0
        ans = self.doRequest(createService, checkReturn = 1)
        return SVCCTLRCreateServiceWResponse(ans)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def NetrShareGetInfo(self, serverName, netName):
        retrieves information about a particular shared resource on the server (info struct level 2 only supported)

        :param UNICODE serverName: the NetBIOS name of the remote machine. '' would do the work as well
        :param UNICODE netName: Unicode string that specifies the name of the share to return information for

        :return: a SHARE_INFO_2 like structure (strings in UNICODE). For the meaning of each field see [MS-SRVS] Section

        shareGetInfo = SRVSVCShareGetInfo()
        shareGetInfo['ServerName'] = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
        shareGetInfo['ServerName']['Data'] = serverName + '\x00'.encode(
        shareGetInfo['ServerName'].alignment = 4
        shareGetInfo['NetName'] = ndrutils.NDRStringW()
        shareGetInfo['NetName']['Data'] = netName + '\x00'.encode('utf-16le')
        shareGetInfo['NetName'].alignment = 4
        shareGetInfo['Level'] = 2

        data = self.doRequest(shareGetInfo, checkReturn=1)
        ans = SRVSVCShareGetInfoResponse(data)

        entry = {}
        entry['Type'] = ans['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo2']['shi2_type']
        entry['NetName'] = ans['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo2']['netname']['Data']
        entry['Remark'] = ans['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo2']['remark']['Data']
        entry['Permissions'] = ans['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo2'][
        entry['MaxUses'] = ans['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo2']['shi2_max_uses']
        entry['CurrentUses'] = ans['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo2'][
        entry['Path'] = ans['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo2']['path']['Data']

        return entry
Exemplo n.º 4
 def NetrJobDel(self, serverName, minJobId, maxJobId):
     jobDel = ATSVCNetrJobDel()
     jobDel['ServerName'] = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
     jobDel['ServerName']['Data'] = (serverName + '\x00').encode('utf-16le')
     jobDel['MinJobId'] = minJobId
     jobDel['MaxJobId'] = maxJobId
     packet = self.doRequest(jobDel, checkReturn=1)
     return packet
Exemplo n.º 5
 def NetrJobEnum(self, serverName, resumeHandle = 0x0 ):
      jobEnum = ATSVCNetrJobEnum()
      jobEnum['ServerName']         = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
      jobEnum['ServerName']['Data'] = (serverName+'\x00').encode('utf-16le')
      jobEnum['ResumeHandle']       = resumeHandle
      packet = self.doRequest(jobEnum, checkReturn = 1)
      ans = ATSVCNetrJobEnumResponse(packet) 
      return ans
Exemplo n.º 6
    def OpenSCManagerW(self):
        openSCManager = SVCCTLROpenSCManagerW()
        openSCManager['MachineName'] = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
        openSCManager['MachineName']['Data'] = 'DUMMY\x00'.encode('utf-16le')

        ans = self.doRequest(openSCManager, checkReturn=1)
        return SVCCTLROpenSCManagerAResponse(ans)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def NetrJobAdd(self, serverName, atInfo):
         jobAdd = ATSVCNetrJobAdd()
         jobAdd['ServerName']         = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
         jobAdd['ServerName']['Data'] = (serverName+'\x00').encode('utf-16le')

         jobAdd['pAtInfo'] = atInfo

         ans = self.doRequest(jobAdd, checkReturn = 1)
         return ans
Exemplo n.º 8
 def LsarOpenPolicy2(self, server_name, access_mask=0x00020801):
     open_policy = LSARPCOpenPolicy2()
     open_policy['ServerName'] = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
     open_policy['ServerName']['Data'] = (server_name +
     #TODO: Implement ObjectAtributes structure
         'ObjectAttributes'] = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
     open_policy['AccessMask'] = access_mask
     data = self.doRequest(open_policy)
     ans = LSARPCOpenPolicy2Response(data)
     return ans
Exemplo n.º 9
    def doStuff(self, rpctransport):
        dce = dcerpc.DCERPC_v5(rpctransport)

        user, pwd, domain, _, _ = rpctransport.get_credentials()
        at = atsvc.DCERPCAtSvc(dce)

        # Check [MS-TSCH] Section 2.3.4
        atInfo = atsvc.AT_INFO()
        atInfo['JobTime']            = 0
        atInfo['DaysOfMonth']        = 0
        atInfo['DaysOfWeek']         = 0
        atInfo['Flags']              = 0
        atInfo['Command']            = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
        atInfo['Command']['Data']    = ('calc.exe\x00').encode('utf-16le')

        # Remember to remove it on the target server ;)
        resp = at.NetrJobAdd(('\\\\%s'% rpctransport.get_dip()),atInfo)

        resp = at.NetrJobEnum(rpctransport.get_dip())
        # ToDo: Parse this struct, should be easy
        # Switching context to TSS
        dce = dce.alter_ctx(atsvc.MSRPC_UUID_TSS)
        # Now atsvc should use that new context
        at = atsvc.DCERPCAtSvc(dce)
        #path = '\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Media Center'
        path = '\\'
        resp = at.SchRpcEnumTasks(path)
        if resp['Count'] == 1:
            print resp['TaskName']['Data']
            if resp['ErrorCode'] == atsvc.S_FALSE:
                i = 1
                done = False
                while done is not True:
                    # More items
                        resp = at.SchRpcEnumTasks(path,startIndex=i)
                    if resp['Count'] == 1:
                         print resp['TaskName']['Data'] 
                         i += 1
                    elif resp['ErrorCode'] != atsvc.S_FALSE:
                        done = True

Exemplo n.º 10
    def OpenSCManagerW(self):
        opens the SCM database on the specified server.

        :return: returns an SVCCTLROpenSCManagerAResponse structure with the SCM handle. Call dump() method to see its contents. On error it raises an exception
        openSCManager = SVCCTLROpenSCManagerW()
        openSCManager['MachineName'] = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
        openSCManager['MachineName']['Data'] = 'DUMMY\x00'.encode('utf-16le')

        ans = self.doRequest(openSCManager, checkReturn = 1)
        return SVCCTLROpenSCManagerAResponse(ans)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def NetrShareEnum(self,
        retrieves information about each shared resource on a server (only level1 supported)

        :param UNICODE serverName: the NetBIOS name of the remote machine. '' would do the work as well
        :param INT preferedMaximumLength: specifies the preferred maximum length, in bytes, of the returned data. Default value is MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH
        :param INT resumeHandle: a value that contains a handle, which is used to continue an existing share search. First time it should be 0

        :return: returns a list of dictionaries for each shares returned (strings in UNICODE). print the response to see its contents. On error it raises an exception
        shareEnum = SRVSVCShareEnum()
        shareEnum['ServerName'] = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
        shareEnum['ServerName']['Data'] = serverName + '\x00'.encode(
        shareEnum['ServerName'].alignment = 4
        shareEnum['InfoStruct'] = SHARE_ENUM_STRUCT()
        shareEnum['InfoStruct']['Level'] = 1
        shareEnum['InfoStruct']['SwitchIs'] = 1
        shareEnum['InfoStruct']['pContainer'] = ndrutils.NDRPointerNew()
        shareEnum['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo'] = SHARE_INFO_1_CONTAINER()
            'pBuffer'] = ndrutils.NDRPointerNew()
        shareEnum['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo']['pBuffer']['RefId'] = 0
        shareEnum['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo']['Buffer'] = ''
        shareEnum['PreferedMaximumLength'] = preferedMaximumLength
        shareEnum['pResumeHandle'] = ndrutils.NDRPointerNew()
        shareEnum['ResumeHandle'] = resumeHandle

        data = self.doRequest(shareEnum, checkReturn=1)
        ans = SRVSVCShareEnumResponse(data)
        # Now let's return something useful
        shareList = []
        for i in range(ans['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo']['EntriesRead']):
            item = ans['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo']['Buffer']['Item_%d' % i]
            entry = {}
            entry['Type'] = item['shi1_type']
            entry['NetName'] = item['netname']['Data']
            entry['Remark'] = item['remark']['Data']

        return shareList
Exemplo n.º 12
    def LsarOpenPolicy2(self, systemName, desiredAccess=0x00020801):
        opens a context handle to the RPC server

        :param string systemName: This parameter does not have any effect on message processing in any environment. It MUST be ignored on receipt.
        :param int desiredAccess: An ACCESS_MASK value that specifies the requested access rights that MUST be granted on the returned PolicyHandle if the request is successful. Check [MS-DTYP], section 2.4.3
        :return: a structure with a policy handle, call dump() to check its structure. Otherwise raises an error
        open_policy = LSARPCOpenPolicy2()
        open_policy['ServerName'] = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
        open_policy['ServerName']['Data'] = (systemName +
        #TODO: Implement ObjectAtributes structure
            'ObjectAttributes'] = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
        open_policy['AccessMask'] = desiredAccess
        data = self.doRequest(open_policy)
        ans = LSARPCOpenPolicy2Response(data)
        return ans
Exemplo n.º 13
 def CreateServiceW(self, handle, serviceName, displayName, binaryPathName):
     # We MUST receive Unicode data here
     createService = SVCCTLRCreateServiceW()
     createService['SCManager'] = handle
     createService['ServiceName'] = ndrutils.NDRStringW()
     createService['ServiceName']['Data'] = (serviceName +
     createService['DisplayName'] = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
     createService['DisplayName']['Data'] = (displayName +
     createService['DesiredAccess'] = SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS
     createService['StartType'] = SERVICE_AUTO_START
     #createService['StartType']      = SERVICE_DEMAND_START
     createService['ErrorControl'] = SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE
     createService['BinaryPathName'] = ndrutils.NDRStringW()
     createService['BinaryPathName']['Data'] = (binaryPathName +
     createService['TagID'] = 0
     ans = self.doRequest(createService, checkReturn=1)
     return SVCCTLRCreateServiceWResponse(ans)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def NetrWkstaTransportEnum( self, serverName ):
   transportEnum = WKSSVCNetrWkstaTransportEnum()
   transportEnum['ServerName'] = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
   transportEnum['ServerName']['Data'] = (serverName+'\x00').encode('utf-16le')
   transportEnum['TransportInfo'] = '\x00'*8 + '\x04\x00\x04\x00' + '\x00'*8
   data = self.doRequest(transportEnum, checkReturn = 1)
   ans = WKSSVCNetrWkstaTransportEnumResponse(data)
   data = ans['Array']
   transportList = []
   for i in range(ans['Count']):
      ll = WKSTA_TRANSPORT_INFO_0(data)
      data = data[len(ll):]
   for i in range(ans['Count']):
      transName = ndrutils.NDRStringW(data)
      transportList[i]['TransportName'] = transName
      data = data[len(transName):]
      transAddress = ndrutils.NDRStringW(data)
      transportList[i]['TransportAddress'] = transAddress
      data = data[len(transAddress):]
   ans['Array'] = transportList
   return ans
Exemplo n.º 15
    def doStuff(self, rpctransport):
        def output_callback(data):
            print data

        dce = rpctransport.get_dce_rpc()

        at = atsvc.DCERPCAtSvc(dce)
        tmpFileName = ''.join([random.choice(string.letters) for i in range(8)]) + '.tmp'

        # Check [MS-TSCH] Section 2.3.4
        atInfo = atsvc.AT_INFO()
        atInfo['JobTime']            = 0
        atInfo['DaysOfMonth']        = 0
        atInfo['DaysOfWeek']         = 0
        atInfo['Flags']              = 0
        atInfo['Command']            = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
        atInfo['Command']['Data']    = ('%%COMSPEC%% /C %s > %%SYSTEMROOT%%\\Temp\\%s\x00' % (self.__command, tmpFileName)).encode('utf-16le')

        resp = at.NetrJobAdd(('\\\\%s'% rpctransport.get_dip()),atInfo)
        jobId = resp['JobID']

        #resp = at.NetrJobEnum(rpctransport.get_dip())

        # Switching context to TSS
        dce2 = dce.alter_ctx(atsvc.MSRPC_UUID_TSS)
        # Now atsvc should use that new context
        at = atsvc.DCERPCAtSvc(dce2)

        # Leaving this code to show how to enumerate jobs
        #path = '\\'
        #resp = at.SchRpcEnumTasks(path)
        #if resp['Count'] == 1:
        #    print resp['TaskName']['Data']
        #    if resp['ErrorCode'] == atsvc.S_FALSE:
        #        i = 1
        #        done = False
        #        while done is not True:
        #            # More items
        #            try:
        #                resp = at.SchRpcEnumTasks(path,startIndex=i)
        #            except:
        #                break
        #            if resp['Count'] == 1:
        #                 print resp['TaskName']['Data'] 
        #                 i += 1
        #            elif resp['ErrorCode'] != atsvc.S_FALSE:
        #                done = True

        resp = at.SchRpcRun('\\At%d' % jobId)
        # On the first run, it takes a while the remote target to start executing the job
        # so I'm setting this sleep.. I don't like sleeps.. but this is just an example
        # Best way would be to check the task status before attempting to read the file
        # Switching back to the old ctx_id
        at = atsvc.DCERPCAtSvc(dce)
        resp = at.NetrJobDel('\\\\%s'% rpctransport.get_dip(), jobId, jobId)

        smbConnection = rpctransport.get_smb_connection()
        while True:
                smbConnection.getFile('ADMIN$', 'Temp\\%s' % tmpFileName, output_callback)
            except Exception, e:
                if str(e).find('SHARING') > 0:
Exemplo n.º 16
    def ChangeServiceConfigW(self,
        changes a service's configuration parameters in the SCM database

        :param HANDLE handle: a valid HANDLE to the service (see OpenServiceW)
        :param UNICODE displayName: the new display name of the service. None if you don't want to change this value.
        :param UNICODE binaryPathName: the new pathname for the binary to be executed when starting the service. None if you don't want to change this value
        :param UNICODE serviceType: the new type of the service. None if you don't want to change this value. See service types within this file or [MS-SCMR] section
        :param INT startType: the new startType of the service. None if you don't want to change this value. See [MS-SCMR] section for a list of possible values.
        :param UNICODE startStartName: the name of the account under which the service should run. None if you don't want to change this value. 
        :param BINARY password: a password value for the user. None if you don't want to change this value.
        :return: On error it raises an exception. Otherwise it was successful
        VERY IMPORTANT: If you dare to change the username and password, you need to 
        take care of the following:
        From [MS-SCMR], section

        The server MUST treat the lpPassword as a clear-text password if the client 
        is using RPC over TCP, ncacn_ip_tcp (as specified in [MS-RPCE]). 
        See section 2.1.2 Client.
        The server MUST treat the lpPassword as encrypted and decrypt it, if the 
        client is using a RPC over NP, ncacn_np (as specified in [MS-RPCE]). 
        The server MUST first retrieve a session key as specified in [MS-CIFS] 
        (section An RPC server application requests the session key of 
        a client and then uses the routine as specified in [MS-LSAD] (section 5.1.2) 
        to decrypt the password.

        It's your reponsibility to fill out the right password data in the password 
        changeConfig = SVCCTLRChangeServiceConfigW()
        changeConfig['ContextHandle'] = handle

        if startType is not None:
            changeConfig['StartType'] = startType

        if binaryPathName is not None:
            changeConfig['BinaryPathName'] = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
            changeConfig['BinaryPathName']['Data'] = (
                binaryPathName + '\x00'.encode('utf-16le'))
            changeConfig['BinaryPathName'] = '\x00' * 4

        if displayName is not None:
            changeConfig['DisplayName'] = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
            changeConfig['DisplayName']['Data'] = (displayName +
            changeConfig['DisplayName'] = '\x00' * 4

        if serviceType is not None:
            changeConfig['ServiceType'] = serviceType

        if serviceStartName is not None:
            if serviceStartName.find('\\') <= 0:
                # Local user, we gotta append .\
                serviceStartName = '.\\'.encode('utf-16le') + serviceStartName
            changeConfig['ServiceStartName'] = ndrutils.NDRUniqueStringW()
            changeConfig['ServiceStartName']['Data'] = (
                serviceStartName + '\x00'.encode('utf-16le'))
            changeConfig['ServiceStartName'] = '\x00' * 4

        if password is not None:
            data = password
            changeConfig['Password'] = pack('<L', random.randint(1, 65535))
            changeConfig['Password'] += pack('<L', len(password))
            changeConfig['Password'] += data
            changeConfig['PwSize'] = len(password)
            changeConfig['Password'] = '******' * 4

        ans = self.doRequest(changeConfig, checkReturn=1)
        return ans