Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_keywords_with_colon(self):
        """Keywords and values with colons raise error messages

        # Colon in key
        kwd_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.keywords')
        keywords = {'with_a_colon:in_it': 'value'}  # This one is illegal

            write_keywords(keywords, kwd_filename)
        except AssertionError:
            msg = 'Colon in keywords key %s was not caught' % keywords
            raise Exception(msg)

        # Colon in value
        kwd_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.keywords')
        keywords = {'with_a_colon': 'take: that!'}  # This one is illegal

            write_keywords(keywords, kwd_filename)
        except AssertionError:
            msg = 'Colon in keywords value %s was not caught' % keywords
            raise Exception(msg)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_keywords_file(self):
        """Keywords can be written and read

        kwd_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.keywords')
        keywords = {'caption': 'Describing the layer',
                    'category': 'impact',
                    'subcategory': 'flood',
                    'layer': None,
                    'with spaces': 'trailing_ws '}

        write_keywords(keywords, kwd_filename)
        msg = 'Keywords file %s was not created' % kwd_filename
        assert os.path.isfile(kwd_filename), msg

        x = read_keywords(kwd_filename)

        assert isinstance(x, dict)

        # Check keyword names
        for key in x:
            msg = 'Read unexpected key %s' % key
            assert key in keywords, msg

        for key in keywords:
            msg = 'Expected key %s was not read from %s' % (key,
            assert key in x, msg

        # Check keyword values
        for key in keywords:
            refval = keywords[key]
            newval = x[key]

            if refval is None:
                assert newval is None
                msg = ('Expected value %s was not read from %s. '
                       'I got %s' % (refval, kwd_filename, newval))
                assert refval.strip() == newval, msg

        # Check catching of wrong extension
        kwd_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.xxxx')
            write_keywords(keywords, kwd_filename)
            msg = 'Should have raised assertion error for wrong extension'
            raise Exception(msg)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: core.py Projeto: AIFDR/riab
def calculate_impact(layers, impact_fcn,
    """Calculate impact levels as a function of list of input layers

        FIXME (Ole): For the moment we take only a list with two
        elements containing one hazard level one exposure level

        layers: List of Raster and Vector layer objects to be used for analysis

        impact_fcn: Function of the form f(layers)

        filename of resulting impact layer (GML). Comment is embedded as
        metadata. Filename is generated from input data and date.

        The admissible file types are tif and asc/prj for raster and
        gml or shp for vector data

        1. All layers are in WGS84 geographic coordinates
        2. Layers are equipped with metadata such as names and categories

    # Input checks

    # Get an instance of the passed impact_fcn
    impact_function = impact_fcn()

    # Pass input layers to plugin

    # FIXME (Ole): When issue #21 has been fully implemented, this
    #              return value should be a list of layers.
    F = impact_function.run(layers)

    # Write result and return filename
    if F.is_raster:
        extension = '.tif'
        # use default style for raster
        extension = '.shp'
        # use default style for vector

    output_filename = unique_filename(suffix=extension)

    # Generate style as defined by the impact_function
    style = impact_function.generate_style(F)
    f = open(output_filename.replace(extension, '.sld'), 'w')

    return output_filename
Exemplo n.º 4
def calculate_impact(layers, impact_fcn, comment=''):
    """Calculate impact levels as a function of list of input layers

        FIXME (Ole): For the moment we take only a list with two
        elements containing one hazard level one exposure level

        layers: List of Raster and Vector layer objects to be used for analysis

        impact_fcn: Function of the form f(layers)

        filename of resulting impact layer (GML). Comment is embedded as
        metadata. Filename is generated from input data and date.

        The admissible file types are tif and asc/prj for raster and
        gml or shp for vector data

        1. All layers are in WGS84 geographic coordinates
        2. Layers are equipped with metadata such as names and categories

    # Input checks

    # Get an instance of the passed impact_fcn
    impact_function = impact_fcn()

    # Pass input layers to plugin

    # FIXME (Ole): When issue #21 has been fully implemented, this
    #              return value should be a list of layers.
    F = impact_function.run(layers)

    # Write result and return filename
    if F.is_raster:
        extension = '.tif'
        # use default style for raster
        extension = '.shp'
        # use default style for vector

    output_filename = unique_filename(suffix=extension)

    # Generate style as defined by the impact_function
    style = impact_function.generate_style(F)
    f = open(output_filename.replace(extension, '.sld'), 'w')

    return output_filename
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_empty_keywords_file(self):
        """Empty keywords can be handled

        kwd_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.keywords')
        write_keywords({}, kwd_filename)

        msg = 'Keywords file %s was not created' % kwd_filename
        assert os.path.isfile(kwd_filename), msg

        x = read_keywords(kwd_filename)

        assert isinstance(x, dict)
        assert len(x) == 0
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_vector_class(self):
        """Consistency of vector class for point data

        # Read data file
        layername = 'lembang_schools.shp'
        filename = '%s/%s' % (TESTDATA, layername)
        V = read_layer(filename)

        # Make a smaller dataset
        V_ref = V.get_topN('FLOOR_AREA', 5)

        geometry = V_ref.get_geometry()
        data = V_ref.get_data()
        projection = V_ref.get_projection()

        # Create new object from test data
        V_new = Vector(data=data, projection=projection, geometry=geometry)

        # Check
        assert V_new == V_ref
        assert not V_new != V_ref

        # Write this new object, read it again and check
        tmp_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')

        V_tmp = read_layer(tmp_filename)
        assert V_tmp == V_ref
        assert not V_tmp != V_ref

        # Check that equality raises exception when type is wrong
            V_tmp == Raster()
        except TypeError:
            msg = 'Should have raised TypeError'
            raise Exception(msg)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_metadata_twice(self):
        """Layer metadata can be correctly uploaded multiple times

        # This test reproduces ticket #99 by creating new data,
        # uploading twice and verifying metadata

        # Base test data
        filenames = ['Lembang_Earthquake_Scenario.asc',

        for org_filename in filenames:
            org_basename, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(TESTDATA,

            # Copy data to temporary unique name
            basename = unique_filename(dir='/tmp')

            cmd = '/bin/cp %s.keywords %s.keywords' % (org_basename, basename)

            cmd = '/bin/cp %s.prj %s.prj' % (org_basename, basename)

            if ext == '.asc':
                layer_type = 'raster'
                filename = '%s.asc' % basename
                cmd = '/bin/cp %s.asc %s' % (org_basename, filename)
            elif ext == '.shp':
                layer_type = 'vector'
                filename = '%s.shp' % basename
                for e in ['shp', 'shx', 'sbx', 'sbn', 'dbf']:
                    cmd = '/bin/cp %s.%s %s.%s' % (org_basename, e,
                                                   basename, e)
                msg = ('Unknown layer extension in %s. '
                       'Expected .shp or .asc' % filename)
                raise Exception(msg)

            # Repeat multiple times
            for i in range(3):

                # Upload
                layer = save_to_geonode(filename, user=self.user,

                # Get metadata
                layer_name = '%s:%s' % (layer.workspace, layer.name)
                metadata = get_metadata(INTERNAL_SERVER_URL,

                # Verify
                assert 'id' in metadata
                assert 'title' in metadata
                assert 'layer_type' in metadata
                assert 'keywords' in metadata
                assert 'bounding_box' in metadata
                assert len(metadata['bounding_box']) == 4

                # Check integrity between Django layer and file
                assert_bounding_box_matches(layer, filename)

                # Check integrity between file and OWS metadata
                ref_bbox = get_bounding_box(filename)
                msg = ('Bounding box from OWS did not match bounding box '
                       'from file. They are\n'
                       'From file %s: %s\n'
                       'From OWS: %s' % (filename,

                assert numpy.allclose(metadata['bounding_box'],
                                      ref_bbox), msg
                assert layer.name == metadata['title']
                assert layer_name == metadata['id']
                assert layer_type == metadata['layer_type']

                # Check keywords
                if layer_type == 'raster':
                    category = 'hazard'
                    subcategory = 'earthquake'
                elif layer_type == 'vector':
                    category = 'exposure'
                    subcategory = 'building'
                    msg = 'Unknown layer type %s' % layer_type
                    raise Exception(msg)

                keywords = metadata['keywords']

                msg = 'Did not find key "category" in keywords: %s' % keywords
                assert 'category' in keywords, msg

                msg = ('Did not find key "subcategory" in keywords: %s'
                       % keywords)
                assert 'subcategory' in keywords, msg

                msg = ('Category keyword %s did not match expected %s'
                       % (keywords['category'], category))
                assert category == keywords['category'], msg

                msg = ('Subcategory keyword %s did not match expected %s'
                       % (keywords['subcategory'], category))
                assert subcategory == keywords['subcategory'], msg
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: io.py Projeto: uniomni/riab
def save_file_to_geonode(filename, user=None, title=None,
                         overwrite=True, check_metadata=True,
    """Save a single layer file to local Risiko GeoNode

        filename: Layer filename of type as defined in LAYER_TYPES
        user: Django User object
        title: String describing the layer.
               If None or '' the filename will be used.
        overwrite: Boolean variable controlling whether existing layers
                   can be overwritten by this operation. Default is True
        check_metadata: Flag controlling whether metadata is verified.
                        If True (default), an exception will be raised
                        if metada is not available after a number of retries.
                        If False, no check is done making the function faster.
        layer object

    if ignore is not None and filename == ignore:
        return None

    # Extract fully qualified basename and extension
    basename, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)

    if extension not in LAYER_TYPES:
        msg = ('Invalid file extension in file %s. Valid extensions are '
               '%s' % (filename, str(LAYER_TYPES)))
        raise RisikoException(msg)

    # Use file name to derive title if not specified
    if title is None or title == '':
        title = os.path.split(basename)[-1]

    # Try to find a file with a .keywords extension
    # and create a keywords list from there.
    # It is assumed that the keywords are separated
    # by new lines.
    # Empty keyword lines are ignored (as this causes issues downstream)
    keyword_list = []
    keyword_file = basename + '.keywords'
    if os.path.exists(keyword_file):
        f = open(keyword_file, 'r')
        for line in f.readlines():

            # Ignore blank lines
            raw_keyword = line.strip()
            if raw_keyword == '':

            # Strip any spaces after or before the colons if present
            if ':' in raw_keyword:
                keyword = ':'.join([x.strip() for x in raw_keyword.split(':')])

            # Store keyword

    # Take care of file types
    if extension == '.asc':
        # We assume this is an AAIGrid ASCII file such as those generated by
        # ESRI and convert it to Geotiff before uploading.

        # Create temporary tif file for upload and check that the road is clear
        prefix = os.path.split(basename)[-1]
        upload_filename = unique_filename(prefix=prefix, suffix='.tif')
        upload_basename, extension = os.path.splitext(upload_filename)

        # Copy any metadata files to unique filename
        for ext in ['.sld', '.keywords']:
            if os.path.exists(basename + ext):
                cmd = 'cp %s%s %s%s' % (basename, ext, upload_basename, ext)

        # Check that projection file exists
        prjname = basename + '.prj'
        if not os.path.isfile(prjname):
            msg = ('File %s must have a projection file named '
                   '%s' % (filename, prjname))
            raise RisikoException(msg)

        # Convert ASCII file to GeoTIFF
        R = read_layer(filename)
        # The specified file is the one to upload
        upload_filename = filename

    # Attempt to upload the layer
        # Upload
        layer = file_upload(upload_filename,

        # FIXME (Ole): This is some kind of hack that should be revisited.
        layer.keywords = ' '.join(keyword_list)
    except GeoNodeException, e:
        # Layer did not upload. Convert GeoNodeException to RisikoException
        raise RisikoException(e)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_riab_interpolation(self):
        """Interpolation using Raster and Vector objects

        # Create test data
        lon_ul = 100  # Longitude of upper left corner
        lat_ul = 10   # Latitude of upper left corner
        numlon = 8    # Number of longitudes
        numlat = 5    # Number of latitudes
        dlon = 1
        dlat = -1

        # Define array where latitudes are rows and longitude columns
        A = numpy.zeros((numlat, numlon))

        # Establish coordinates for lower left corner
        lat_ll = lat_ul - numlat
        lon_ll = lon_ul

        # Define pixel centers along each direction
        longitudes = numpy.linspace(lon_ll + 0.5,
                                    lon_ll + numlon - 0.5,
        latitudes = numpy.linspace(lat_ll + 0.5,
                                   lat_ll + numlat - 0.5,

        # Define raster with latitudes going bottom-up (south to north).
        # Longitudes go left-right (west to east)
        for i in range(numlat):
            for j in range(numlon):
                A[numlat - 1 - i, j] = linear_function(longitudes[j],

        # Write array to a raster file
        geotransform = (lon_ul, dlon, 0, lat_ul, 0, dlat)
        projection = ('GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",'

        raster_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.tif')

        # Write test interpolation point to a vector file
        coordinates = []
        for xi in longitudes:
            for eta in latitudes:
                coordinates.append((xi, eta))

        vector_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')

        # Read both datasets back in
        R = read_layer(raster_filename)
        V = read_layer(vector_filename)

        # Then test that axes and data returned by R are correct
        x, y = R.get_geometry()
        msg = 'X axes was %s, should have been %s' % (longitudes, x)
        assert numpy.allclose(longitudes, x), msg
        msg = 'Y axes was %s, should have been %s' % (latitudes, y)
        assert numpy.allclose(latitudes, y), msg
        AA = R.get_data()
        msg = 'Raster data was %s, should have been %s' % (AA, A)
        assert numpy.allclose(AA, A), msg

        # Test riab's interpolation function
        I = R.interpolate(V, name='value')
        Icoordinates = I.get_geometry()
        Iattributes = I.get_data()

        assert numpy.allclose(Icoordinates, coordinates)

        # Test that interpolated points are correct
        for i, (xi, eta) in enumerate(Icoordinates):

            z = Iattributes[i]['value']
            #print xi, eta, z, linear_function(xi, eta)
            assert numpy.allclose(z, linear_function(xi, eta),

        # FIXME (Ole): Need test for values outside grid.
        #              They should be NaN or something

        # Cleanup
        # FIXME (Ole): Shape files are a collection of files. How to remove?
Exemplo n.º 10
def save_file_to_geonode(filename,
    """Save a single layer file to local Risiko GeoNode

        filename: Layer filename of type as defined in LAYER_TYPES
        user: Django User object
        title: String describing the layer.
               If None or '' the filename will be used.
        overwrite: Boolean variable controlling whether existing layers
                   can be overwritten by this operation. Default is True
        check_metadata: Flag controlling whether metadata is verified.
                        If True (default), an exception will be raised
                        if metada is not available after a number of retries.
                        If False, no check is done making the function faster.
        layer object

    if ignore is not None and filename == ignore:
        return None

    # Extract fully qualified basename and extension
    basename, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)

    if extension not in LAYER_TYPES:
        msg = ('Invalid file extension in file %s. Valid extensions are '
               '%s' % (filename, str(LAYER_TYPES)))
        raise RisikoException(msg)

    # Use file name to derive title if not specified
    if title is None or title == '':
        title = os.path.split(basename)[-1]

    # Try to find a file with a .keywords extension
    # and create a keywords list from there.
    # It is assumed that the keywords are separated
    # by new lines.
    # Empty keyword lines are ignored (as this causes issues downstream)
    keyword_list = []
    keyword_file = basename + '.keywords'
    if os.path.exists(keyword_file):
        f = open(keyword_file, 'r')
        for line in f.readlines():

            # Ignore blank lines
            raw_keyword = line.strip()
            if raw_keyword == '':

            # Strip any spaces after or before the colons if present
            if ':' in raw_keyword:
                keyword = ':'.join([x.strip() for x in raw_keyword.split(':')])

            # FIXME (Ole): Replace spaces by underscores and store keyword.
            # See issue #148
            keyword_list.append(keyword.replace(' ', '_'))

    # Take care of file types
    if extension == '.asc':
        # We assume this is an AAIGrid ASCII file such as those generated by
        # ESRI and convert it to Geotiff before uploading.

        # Create temporary tif file for upload and check that the road is clear
        prefix = os.path.split(basename)[-1]
        upload_filename = unique_filename(prefix=prefix, suffix='.tif')
        upload_basename, extension = os.path.splitext(upload_filename)

        # Copy any metadata files to unique filename
        for ext in ['.sld', '.keywords']:
            if os.path.exists(basename + ext):
                cmd = 'cp %s%s %s%s' % (basename, ext, upload_basename, ext)

        # Check that projection file exists
        prjname = basename + '.prj'
        if not os.path.isfile(prjname):
            msg = ('File %s must have a projection file named '
                   '%s' % (filename, prjname))
            raise RisikoException(msg)

        # Convert ASCII file to GeoTIFF
        R = read_layer(filename)
        # The specified file is the one to upload
        upload_filename = filename

    # Attempt to upload the layer
        # Upload
        layer = file_upload(upload_filename,

        # FIXME (Ole): This workaround should be revisited.
        #              This fx means that keywords can't have spaces
        #              Really need a generic way of getting this kind of
        #              info in and out of GeoNode
        layer.keywords = ' '.join(keyword_list)
    except GeoNodeException, e:
        # Layer did not upload. Convert GeoNodeException to RisikoException
        raise RisikoException(e)
Exemplo n.º 11
def save_file_to_geonode(filename, user=None, title=None,
    """Save a single layer file to local Risiko GeoNode

        filename: Layer filename of type as defined in LAYER_TYPES
        user: Django User object
        title: String describing the layer.
               If None or '' the filename will be used.
        overwrite: Boolean variable controlling whether existing layers
                   can be overwritten by this operation. Default is False
        layer object

    # Extract fully qualified basename and extension
    basename, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)

    if extension not in LAYER_TYPES:
        msg = ('Invalid file extension in file %s. Valid extensions are '
               '%s' % (filename, str(LAYER_TYPES)))
        raise RisikoException(msg)

    # Use file name to derive title if not specified
    if title is None or title == '':
        title = os.path.split(basename)[-1]

    # Try to find a file with a .keywords extension
    # and create a keywords list from there.
    # It is assumed that the keywords are separated
    # by new lines.
    keyword_list = []
    keyword_file = basename + '.keywords'
    if os.path.exists(keyword_file):
        f = open(keyword_file, 'r')
        for line in f.readlines():
            # Strip any spaces after or before the colons if present
            raw_keyword = line.strip()
            if ':' in raw_keyword:
                keyword = ':'.join([x.strip() for x in raw_keyword.split(':')])

    # Take care of file types
    if extension == '.asc':
        # We assume this is an AAIGrid ASCII file such as those generated by
        # ESRI and convert it to Geotiff before uploading.

        # Create temporary tif file for upload and check that the road is clear

        # FIXME (Ole): for some reason, these files tend to hang around
        # - especially after interrupts so we'll go for temporary filenames
        # for the time being.
        upload_filename = unique_filename(prefix=prefix, suffix='.tif')
        upload_basename, extension = os.path.splitext(upload_filename)

        # Copy any metadata files to unique filename
        for ext in ['.sld', '.keywords']:
            if os.path.exists(basename+ext):
                cmd = 'cp %s%s %s%s' % (basename, ext, upload_basename, ext)

        #msg = ('You have asked to upload the ASCII file "%s" and to do so I '
        #       'must first convert it to the TIF format. However, there is '
        #       'already a file named "%s" so you have to remove that first '
        #       'and try again. Sorry about that.' % (filename,
        #                                             upload_filename))
        #assert not os.path.exists(upload_filename), msg

        # Check that projection file exists
        prjname = basename + '.prj'
        if not os.path.isfile(prjname):
            msg = ('File %s must have a projection file named '
                   '%s' % (filename, prjname))
            raise RisikoException(msg)

        # Convert ASCII file to GeoTIFF
        cmd = ('gdal_translate -ot Float64 -of GTiff -co "PROFILE=GEOTIFF" '
               '%s %s' % (filename, upload_filename))

            stdout='%s_asc2tif_conversion.stdout' % basename,
            stderr='%s_asc2tif_conversion.stderr' % basename)
        # The specified file is the one to upload
        upload_filename = filename

    # Attempt to upload the layer
        # Upload
        layer = file_upload(upload_filename,
    except GeoNodeException, e:
        # Layer did not upload. Convert GeoNodeException to RisikoException
        raise RisikoException(e)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_reading_and_writing_of_vector_data(self):
        """Vector data can be read and written correctly

        # First test that some error conditions are caught
        filename = unique_filename(suffix='nshoe66u')
        except Exception:
            msg = 'Exception for unknown extension should have been raised'
            raise Exception(msg)

        filename = unique_filename(suffix='.gml')
        except IOError:
            msg = 'Exception for non-existing file should have been raised'
            raise Exception(msg)

        # Read and verify test data
        for vectorname in ['lembang_schools.shp',

            filename = '%s/%s' % (TESTDATA, vectorname)
            layer = read_layer(filename)
            coords = layer.get_geometry()
            attributes = layer.get_data()

            # Check basic data integrity
            N = len(layer)
            assert coords.shape[0] == N
            assert coords.shape[1] == 2
            assert len(layer) == N

            assert isinstance(layer.get_name(), basestring)

            # Check projection
            wkt = layer.get_projection(proj4=False)
            assert wkt.startswith('GEOGCS')

            assert layer.projection == Projection(DEFAULT_PROJECTION)

            # Check integrity of each feature
            field_names = None
            for i in range(N):
                # Consistency between of geometry and fields

                x1 = coords[i, 0]
                x2 = attributes[i]['LONGITUDE']
                assert x2 is not None
                msg = 'Inconsistent longitudes: %f != %f' % (x1, x2)
                assert numpy.allclose(x1, x2), msg

                x1 = coords[i, 1]
                x2 = attributes[i]['LATITUDE']
                assert x2 is not None
                msg = 'Inconsistent longitudes: %f != %f' % (x1, x2)
                assert numpy.allclose(x1, x2), msg

                # Verify that each feature has the same fields
                if field_names is None:
                    field_names = attributes[i].keys()
                    assert len(field_names) == len(attributes[i].keys())
                    assert field_names == attributes[i].keys()

            # Write data back to file
            # FIXME (Ole): I would like to use gml here, but OGR does not
            #              store the spatial reference!
            out_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')
            write_point_data(attributes, wkt, coords, out_filename)

            # Read again and check
            layer = read_layer(out_filename)
            coords = layer.get_geometry()
            attributes = layer.get_data()

            # Check basic data integrity
            N = len(layer)
            assert coords.shape[0] == N
            assert coords.shape[1] == 2

            # Check projection
            assert layer.projection == Projection(DEFAULT_PROJECTION)

            # Check integrity of each feature
            field_names = None
            for i in range(N):

                # Consistency between of geometry and fields
                x1 = coords[i, 0]
                x2 = attributes[i]['LONGITUDE']
                assert x2 is not None
                msg = 'Inconsistent longitudes: %f != %f' % (x1, x2)
                assert numpy.allclose(x1, x2), msg

                x1 = coords[i, 1]
                x2 = attributes[i]['LATITUDE']
                assert x2 is not None
                msg = 'Inconsistent longitudes: %f != %f' % (x1, x2)
                assert numpy.allclose(x1, x2), msg

                # Verify that each feature has the same fields
                if field_names is None:
                    field_names = attributes[i].keys()
                    assert len(field_names) == len(attributes[i].keys())
                    assert field_names == attributes[i].keys()

            # Test individual extraction
            lon = layer.get_data(attribute='LONGITUDE')
            assert numpy.allclose(lon, coords[:, 0])
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_rasters_and_arrays(self):
        """Consistency of rasters and associated arrays

        # Create test data
        lon_ul = 100  # Longitude of upper left corner
        lat_ul = 10   # Latitude of upper left corner
        numlon = 8    # Number of longitudes
        numlat = 5    # Number of latitudes
        dlon = 1
        dlat = -1

        # Define array where latitudes are rows and longitude columns
        A1 = numpy.zeros((numlat, numlon))

        # Establish coordinates for lower left corner
        lat_ll = lat_ul - numlat
        lon_ll = lon_ul

        # Define pixel centers along each direction
        lon = numpy.linspace(lon_ll + 0.5, lon_ll + numlon - 0.5, numlon)
        lat = numpy.linspace(lat_ll + 0.5, lat_ll + numlat - 0.5, numlat)

        # Define raster with latitudes going bottom-up (south to north).
        # Longitudes go left-right (west to east)
        for i in range(numlat):
            for j in range(numlon):
                A1[numlat - 1 - i, j] = linear_function(lon[j], lat[i])

        # Upper left corner
        assert A1[0, 0] == 105.25
        assert A1[0, 0] == linear_function(lon[0], lat[4])

        # Lower left corner
        assert A1[4, 0] == 103.25
        assert A1[4, 0] == linear_function(lon[0], lat[0])

        # Upper right corner
        assert A1[0, 7] == 112.25
        assert A1[0, 7] == linear_function(lon[7], lat[4])

        # Lower right corner
        assert A1[4, 7] == 110.25
        assert A1[4, 7] == linear_function(lon[7], lat[0])

        # Generate raster object and write
        projection = ('GEOGCS["WGS 84",'
                      'SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.2572235630016,'
        geotransform = (lon_ul, dlon, 0, lat_ul, 0, dlat)
        R1 = Raster(A1, projection, geotransform)

        msg = ('Dimensions of raster array do not match those of '
               'raster object')
        assert numlat == R1.rows, msg
        assert numlon == R1.columns, msg

        # Write back to new (tif) file
        out_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.tif')

        # Read again and check consistency
        R2 = read_layer(out_filename)

        msg = ('Dimensions of written raster array do not match those '
               'of input raster file\n')
        msg += ('    Dimensions of input file '
                '%s:  (%s, %s)\n' % (R1.filename, numlat, numlon))
        msg += ('    Dimensions of output file %s: '
                '(%s, %s)' % (R2.filename, R2.rows, R2.columns))

        assert numlat == R2.rows, msg
        assert numlon == R2.columns, msg

        A2 = R2.get_data()

        assert numpy.allclose(numpy.min(A1), numpy.min(A2))
        assert numpy.allclose(numpy.max(A1), numpy.max(A2))

        msg = 'Array values of written raster array were not as expected'
        assert numpy.allclose(A1, A2), msg

        msg = 'Geotransforms were different'
        assert R1.get_geotransform() == R2.get_geotransform(), msg

        p1 = R1.get_projection(proj4=True)
        p2 = R2.get_projection(proj4=True)
        msg = 'Projections were different: %s != %s' % (p1, p2)
        assert p1 == p1, msg

        # Exercise projection __eq__ method
        assert R1.projection == R2.projection

        # Check that equality raises exception when type is wrong
            R1.projection == 234
        except TypeError:
            msg = 'Should have raised TypeError'
            raise Exception(msg)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_metadata_twice(self):
        """Layer metadata can be correctly uploaded multiple times

        # This test reproduces ticket #99 by creating new data,
        # uploading twice and verifying metadata

        # Base test data
        filenames = ['Lembang_Earthquake_Scenario.asc', 'lembang_schools.shp']

        for org_filename in filenames:
            org_basename, ext = os.path.splitext(
                os.path.join(TESTDATA, org_filename))

            # Copy data to temporary unique name
            basename = unique_filename(dir='/tmp')

            cmd = '/bin/cp %s.keywords %s.keywords' % (org_basename, basename)

            cmd = '/bin/cp %s.prj %s.prj' % (org_basename, basename)

            if ext == '.asc':
                layer_type = 'raster'
                filename = '%s.asc' % basename
                cmd = '/bin/cp %s.asc %s' % (org_basename, filename)
            elif ext == '.shp':
                layer_type = 'vector'
                filename = '%s.shp' % basename
                for e in ['shp', 'shx', 'sbx', 'sbn', 'dbf']:
                    cmd = '/bin/cp %s.%s %s.%s' % (org_basename, e, basename,
                msg = ('Unknown layer extension in %s. '
                       'Expected .shp or .asc' % filename)
                raise Exception(msg)

            # Repeat multiple times
            for i in range(3):

                # Upload
                layer = save_to_geonode(filename,

                # Get metadata
                layer_name = '%s:%s' % (layer.workspace, layer.name)
                metadata = get_metadata(INTERNAL_SERVER_URL, layer_name)

                # Verify
                assert 'id' in metadata
                assert 'title' in metadata
                assert 'layer_type' in metadata
                assert 'keywords' in metadata
                assert 'bounding_box' in metadata
                assert len(metadata['bounding_box']) == 4

                # Check integrity between Django layer and file
                assert_bounding_box_matches(layer, filename)

                # Check integrity between file and OWS metadata
                ref_bbox = get_bounding_box(filename)
                msg = ('Bounding box from OWS did not match bounding box '
                       'from file. They are\n'
                       'From file %s: %s\n'
                       'From OWS: %s' %
                       (filename, ref_bbox, metadata['bounding_box']))

                assert numpy.allclose(metadata['bounding_box'], ref_bbox), msg
                assert layer.name == metadata['title']
                assert layer_name == metadata['id']
                assert layer_type == metadata['layer_type']

                # Check keywords
                if layer_type == 'raster':
                    category = 'hazard'
                    subcategory = 'earthquake'
                elif layer_type == 'vector':
                    category = 'exposure'
                    subcategory = 'building'
                    msg = 'Unknown layer type %s' % layer_type
                    raise Exception(msg)

                keywords = metadata['keywords']

                msg = 'Did not find key "category" in keywords: %s' % keywords
                assert 'category' in keywords, msg

                msg = ('Did not find key "subcategory" in keywords: %s' %
                assert 'subcategory' in keywords, msg

                msg = ('Category keyword %s did not match expected %s' %
                       (keywords['category'], category))
                assert category == keywords['category'], msg

                msg = ('Subcategory keyword %s did not match expected %s' %
                       (keywords['subcategory'], category))
                assert subcategory == keywords['subcategory'], msg
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_reading_and_writing_of_real_rasters(self):
        """Rasters can be read and written correctly

        for rastername in ['Earthquake_Ground_Shaking_clip.tif',

            filename = '%s/%s' % (TESTDATA, rastername)
            R1 = read_layer(filename)

            # Check consistency of raster
            A1 = R1.get_data()
            M, N = A1.shape

            msg = ('Dimensions of raster array do not match those of '
                   'raster file %s' % R1.filename)
            assert M == R1.rows, msg
            assert N == R1.columns, msg

            # Write back to new (tif) file
            out_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.tif')

            # Read again and check consistency
            R2 = read_layer(out_filename)

            msg = ('Dimensions of written raster array do not match those '
                   'of input raster file\n')
            msg += ('    Dimensions of input file '
                    '%s:  (%s, %s)\n' % (R1.filename, M, N))
            msg += ('    Dimensions of output file %s: '
                    '(%s, %s)' % (R2.filename, R2.rows, R2.columns))

            assert M == R2.rows, msg
            assert N == R2.columns, msg

            A2 = R2.get_data()

            assert numpy.allclose(numpy.min(A1), numpy.min(A2))
            assert numpy.allclose(numpy.max(A1), numpy.max(A2))

            msg = 'Array values of written raster array were not as expected'
            assert numpy.allclose(A1, A2), msg

            msg = 'Geotransforms were different'
            assert R1.get_geotransform() == R2.get_geotransform(), msg

            p1 = R1.get_projection(proj4=True)
            p2 = R2.get_projection(proj4=True)
            msg = 'Projections were different: %s != %s' % (p1, p2)
            assert p1 == p1, msg

            # Use overridden == and != to verify
            assert R1 == R2
            assert not R1 != R2

            # Check that equality raises exception when type is wrong
                R1 == Vector()
            except TypeError:
                msg = 'Should have raised TypeError'
                raise Exception(msg)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_riab_interpolation(self):
        """Interpolation using Raster and Vector objects

        # Create test data
        lon_ul = 100  # Longitude of upper left corner
        lat_ul = 10   # Latitude of upper left corner
        numlon = 8    # Number of longitudes
        numlat = 5    # Number of latitudes
        dlon = 1
        dlat = -1

        # Define array where latitudes are rows and longitude columns
        A = numpy.zeros((numlat, numlon))

        # Establish coordinates for lower left corner
        lat_ll = lat_ul - numlat
        lon_ll = lon_ul

        # Define pixel centers along each direction
        longitudes = numpy.linspace(lon_ll + 0.5,
                                    lon_ll + numlon - 0.5,
        latitudes = numpy.linspace(lat_ll + 0.5,
                                   lat_ll + numlat - 0.5,

        # Define raster with latitudes going bottom-up (south to north).
        # Longitudes go left-right (west to east)
        for i in range(numlat):
            for j in range(numlon):
                A[numlat - 1 - i, j] = linear_function(longitudes[j],

        # Create bilinear interpolation function
        F = raster_spline(longitudes, latitudes, A)

        # Write array to a raster file
        geotransform = (lon_ul, dlon, 0, lat_ul, 0, dlat)
        projection = ('GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",'

        raster_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.tif')

        # Write test interpolation point to a vector file
        coordinates = []
        for xi in longitudes:
            for eta in latitudes:
                coordinates.append((xi, eta))

        vector_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')

        # Read both datasets back in
        R = read_layer(raster_filename)
        V = read_layer(vector_filename)

        # Then test that axes and data returned by R are correct
        x, y = R.get_geometry()
        msg = 'X axes was %s, should have been %s' % (longitudes, x)
        assert numpy.allclose(longitudes, x), msg
        msg = 'Y axes was %s, should have been %s' % (latitudes, y)
        assert numpy.allclose(latitudes, y), msg
        AA = R.get_data()
        msg = 'Raster data was %s, should have been %s' % (AA, A)
        assert numpy.allclose(AA, A), msg

        # Test riab's interpolation function
        I = R.interpolate(V, name='value')
        Icoordinates = I.get_geometry()
        Iattributes = I.get_data()

        assert numpy.allclose(Icoordinates, coordinates)

        # Test that interpolated points are correct
        for i, (xi, eta) in enumerate(Icoordinates):

            z = Iattributes[i]['value']
            #print xi, eta, z, linear_function(xi, eta)
            assert numpy.allclose(z, linear_function(xi, eta),

        # FIXME (Ole): Need test for values outside grid.
        #              They should be NaN or something

        # Cleanup
        # FIXME (Ole): Shape files are a collection of files. How to remove?
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_reading_and_writing_of_vector_polygon_data(self):
        """Vector polygon data can be read and written correctly

        # Read and verify test data
        vectorname = 'kecamatan_geo.shp'

        filename = '%s/%s' % (TESTDATA, vectorname)
        layer = read_layer(filename)
        geometry = layer.get_geometry()
        attributes = layer.get_data()

        # Check basic data integrity
        N = len(layer)
        assert len(geometry) == N
        assert len(attributes) == N
        assert len(attributes[0]) == 8

        for i in range(N):
            assert geometry[i].shape[0] > 0
            assert geometry[i].shape[1] == 2

        assert isinstance(layer.get_name(), basestring)

        # Check projection
        wkt = layer.get_projection(proj4=False)
        assert wkt.startswith('GEOGCS')

        assert layer.projection == Projection(DEFAULT_PROJECTION)

        # Check integrity of each feature
        expected_features = {13: {'AREA': 28760732,
                                  'POP_2007': 255383,
                                  'KECAMATAN': 'kali deres',
                                  'KEPADATAN': 60,
                                  'PROPINSI': 'DKI JAKARTA'},
                             21: {'AREA': 13155073,
                                  'POP_2007': 247747,
                                  'KECAMATAN': 'kramat jati',
                                  'KEPADATAN': 150,
                                  'PROPINSI': 'DKI JAKARTA'},
                             35: {'AREA': 4346540,
                                  'POP_2007': 108274,
                                  'KECAMATAN': 'senen',
                                  'KEPADATAN': 246,
                                  'PROPINSI': 'DKI JAKARTA'}}

        field_names = None
        for i in range(N):
            # Consistency with attributes read manually with qgis

            if i in expected_features:
                att = attributes[i]
                exp = expected_features[i]

                for key in exp:
                    msg = ('Expected attribute %s was not found in feature %i'
                           % (key, i))
                    assert key in att, msg

                    a = att[key]
                    e = exp[key]
                    msg = 'Got %s: "%s" but expected "%s"' % (key, a, e)
                    assert a == e, msg

        # Write data back to file
        # FIXME (Ole): I would like to use gml here, but OGR does not
        #              store the spatial reference! Ticket #18
        out_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')
        write_vector_data(attributes, wkt, geometry, out_filename)

        # Read again and check
        layer = read_layer(out_filename)
        geometry_new = layer.get_geometry()
        attributes_new = layer.get_data()

        N = len(layer)
        assert len(geometry_new) == N
        assert len(attributes_new) == N

        for i in range(N):
            assert numpy.allclose(geometry[i],
                                  rtol=1.0e-6)  # OGR works in single precision

            assert len(attributes_new[i]) == 8
            for key in attributes_new[i]:
                assert attributes_new[i][key] == attributes[i][key]