Exemplo n.º 1
class ContinuousRotationTrajectory(RotationTrajectory):
    A trajectory with constant rotational velocity.

    def __init__(self, rotationalVelocity, initialRotation=None):
        self.initialRotation = Quaternion() \
            if initialRotation is None else initialRotation
        self._rotationalVelocity = rotationalVelocity
        w = rotationalVelocity
        W = np.asmatrix([[ 0,      -w[2,0],  w[1,0]],
                         [ w[2,0],  0,      -w[0,0]],
                         [-w[1,0],  w[0,0],  0     ]])
        self.qW = Quaternion()

    def rotation(self, t):
        if np.ndim(t) == 0:
            return self.qW ** t
            return QuaternionArray([self.qW ** ti for ti in t])

    def rotationalVelocity(self, t):
        omega = np.empty((3, len(np.atleast_1d(t))))
        omega[:] = self._rotationalVelocity
        return omega

    def rotationalAcceleration(self, t):
        return np.zeros((3, len(np.atleast_1d(t))))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def testTrajectories(self):
     position = vectors.vector(0, 0, 0)
     # Accelerometer test trajectories
     for angles in [
         (0, -90, 0),
         (0, 90, 0),  # X down, X up (pitch -/+90 deg)
         (0, 0, 90),
         (0, 0, -90),  # Y down, Y up (roll +/-90 deg)
         (0, 0, 0),
         (0, 0, 180)
     ]:  # Z down, Z up (roll 0/180 deg)
         rotation = Quaternion().setFromEuler(angles)
         yield StaticTrajectory(rotation=rotation)
     # Magnetometer test trajectories
     field = self.environment.magneticField(position, 0)
     N = field / vectors.norm(field)
     E = vectors.vector(-N[1, 0], N[0, 0], 0)
     E /= vectors.norm(E)
     D = vectors.cross(N, E)
     for vectorset in [
         (N, E, D),
         (-N, E, -D),  # X north, X south
         (E, -N, D),
         (-E, N, D),  # Y north, Y south
         (D, E, -N),
         (-D, E, N)
     ]:  # Z north, Z south
         rotation = Quaternion().setFromVectors(*vectorset)
         yield StaticTrajectory(rotation=rotation)
     # Gyro test trajectories
     for axis in range(3):
         omega = vectors.vector(0, 0, 0)
         omega[axis] = self.rotationalVelocity
         yield StaticContinuousRotationTrajectory(omega)
         yield StaticContinuousRotationTrajectory(-omega)
Exemplo n.º 3
def checkStaticConvergence(filterClass, performTest=True):
    Test that an orientation estimation algorithm converges within a reasonable
    number of samples
    gyro = np.zeros((3, 1))
    accel = -GRAVITY
    mag = NORTH
    SAMPLES = 500

    initialRotation = Quaternion.fromEuler((60, 45, 0))

    filter = filterClass(initialRotation=initialRotation,
                         initialRotationalVelocity=np.zeros((3, 1)),
                         **filterParameters.get(filterClass, {}))

    estimatedQuaternions = QuaternionArray(np.empty((SAMPLES, 4)))

    for i in range(SAMPLES):
        filter(accel, mag, gyro, dt * (1 + i))
        estimatedQuaternions[i] = filter.rotation.latestValue

    if performTest:
        assertMaximumErrorAngle(Quaternion(), filter.rotation.latestValue, 2)

    return estimatedQuaternions
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _update(self, accel, mag, gyro, dt, t):
        # Note: Measurement matrix H is equivalent to the identity matrix
        # so is left out to simplify calculations

        # Calculate Kalman gain
        K = self.P_minus * np.linalg.inv(self.P_minus + self.R)

        # Construct measurment vector z
        self.vo = self._vectorObservation(-accel, mag)
        if self.vo.dot(Quaternion(*self.xHat_minus[3:])) < 0:
        z = np.vstack((gyro, np.vstack(self.vo.components)))

        # Calculate state update
        xHat = self.xHat_minus + K * (z - self.xHat_minus)
        P = (np.eye(7) - K) * self.P_minus

        # Normalise quaternion component of state vector
        qHat = Quaternion(*xHat[3:]).normalise()
        xHat[3:] = np.vstack(qHat.components)

        # Calculate prediction
        self.xHat_minus = xHat + self.dotx(xHat) * dt
        Phi = self.Phi(xHat, dt)
        self.Q[[0,1,2],[0,1,2]] = \
            (self.D / (2 * self.tau)) * (1 - math.e**((-2 * dt) / self.tau))
        self.P_minus = Phi * P * Phi.T + self.Q

        self.rotation.add(t, qHat, P[3:, 3:])
        self.vectorObservation.add(t, self.vo)
        self.rotationalVelocity.add(t, xHat[:3], P[:3, :3])
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self):
     Initialise vector observation.
     alpha = np.radians(20)
     self.qAlpha = Quaternion(math.cos(alpha/2), 0, math.sin(alpha/2), 0)
     self.thetaThreshold = 0.1
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _process(self, *meas):

        meas = [m / vectors.norm(m) for m in meas]

        EPS = 1e-8

        # Rotate the frame as necessary to avoid singularities.
        # See Shuster 1979 eqs 74-76.

        # Note differences in quaternion permutations from Shuster's paper.
        # These ones work, why don't the ones given in the paper?
        p = self._apply(self.refs, meas)
        if abs(p[0]) < EPS:
            refs = [r*np.array([[1,-1,-1]]).T for r in self.refs]
            p = self._apply(refs, meas)
            if abs(p[0]) < EPS:
                refs = [r*np.array([[-1,1,-1]]).T for r in self.refs]
                p = self._apply(refs, meas)
                if abs(p[0]) < EPS:
                    refs = [r*np.array([[-1,-1,1]]).T for r in self.refs]
                    p = self._apply(refs, meas)
                    q = Quaternion(p[3], p[2], -p[1], -p[0])
                    q = Quaternion(p[2], -p[3], -p[0], p[1])
                q = Quaternion(-p[1], p[0], -p[3], p[2])
            q = Quaternion(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3])


        return q
Exemplo n.º 7
class ContinuousRotationTrajectory(RotationTrajectory):
    A trajectory with constant rotational velocity.
    def __init__(self, rotationalVelocity, initialRotation=None):
        self.initialRotation = Quaternion() \
            if initialRotation is None else initialRotation
        self._rotationalVelocity = rotationalVelocity
        w = rotationalVelocity
        W = np.asmatrix([[ 0,      -w[2,0],  w[1,0]],
                         [ w[2,0],  0,      -w[0,0]],
                         [-w[1,0],  w[0,0],  0     ]])
        self.qW = Quaternion()

    def rotation(self, t):
        if np.ndim(t) == 0:
            return self.qW ** t
            return QuaternionArray([self.qW ** ti for ti in t])

    def rotationalVelocity(self, t):
        omega = np.empty((3, len(np.atleast_1d(t))))
        omega[:] = self._rotationalVelocity
        return omega

    def rotationalAcceleration(self, t):
        return np.zeros((3, len(np.atleast_1d(t))))
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, rotationalVelocity, initialRotation=None):
     self.initialRotation = Quaternion() \
         if initialRotation is None else initialRotation
     self._rotationalVelocity = rotationalVelocity
     w = rotationalVelocity
     W = np.asmatrix([[0, -w[2, 0], w[1, 0]], [w[2, 0], 0, -w[0, 0]],
                      [-w[1, 0], w[0, 0], 0]])
     self.qW = Quaternion()
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _process(self, g, m):
        # Algorithm assumes that gravity vector is -z in default position
        # This is contrary to the other algorithm so we invert
        g = -g
        g /= vectors.norm(g)
        # Pitch
        sinTheta = g[0]
        cosTheta = math.sqrt(1 - sinTheta**2)

        flag = cosTheta <= self.thetaThreshold
        if flag:
            # If flag is set then theta is close to zero. Rotate coord frame 20
            # degrees to reduce errors
            g = self.qAlpha.rotateFrame(g)
            m =  self.qAlpha.rotateFrame(m)

            sinTheta = g[0]
            cosTheta = math.sqrt(1 - sinTheta**2)

        cosHalfTheta = self.cosHalfAngle(cosTheta)
        sinHalfTheta = self.sinHalfAngle(cosTheta, sinTheta)
        qp = Quaternion(cosHalfTheta, 0, sinHalfTheta, 0)

        # Roll
        cosPhi =  -g[2] / cosTheta
        sinPhi =  -g[1] / cosTheta
        cosHalfPhi = self.cosHalfAngle(cosPhi)
        sinHalfPhi = self.sinHalfAngle(cosPhi, sinPhi)
        qr = Quaternion(cosHalfPhi, sinHalfPhi, 0, 0)
        # Yaw
        m = qr.rotateVector(m)
        m = qp.rotateVector(m)
        Mx = m[0]
        My = m[1]
        scale = 1 / math.sqrt(Mx**2 + My**2)
        Mx *= scale
        My *= scale

        # From Yun paper
        #cosPsi = Mx * self.Nx + My * self.Ny
        #sinPsi = Mx * self.Ny - My * self.Nx
        # but we know that Ny is 0 so this simplifies to
        cosPsi = Mx
        sinPsi = -My
        cosHalfPsi = self.cosHalfAngle(cosPsi)
        sinHalfPsi = self.sinHalfAngle(cosPsi, sinPsi)
        qy = Quaternion(cosHalfPsi, 0, 0, sinHalfPsi)
        combined = qy * qp * qr

        if flag:
            return combined * self.qAlpha.conjugate
            return combined
Exemplo n.º 10
def testBVHInput():
    data = r"""HIERARCHY
ROOT root
    OFFSET 0.0 0.0 0.0
    CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
    JOINT j1
        OFFSET 10.0 0.0 0.0
        CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
        End Site
            OFFSET 0.0 10.0 0.0
Frames: 1
Frame Time: 0.1
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 90.0 0.0 0.0
    testFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t', encoding='utf-8')
    with testFile:
        model = loadBVHFile(testFile.name)

        assert len(list(model.points)) == 3

        assert model.name == 'root'
        assert len(model.channels) == 6
        assert len(model.children) == 1
        assert_almost_equal(model.position(0), vector(0, 0, 0))
                                    convertCGtoNED(Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)))

        j1 = model.getJoint('j1')
        assert j1.parent is model
        assert len(j1.channels) == 3
        assert len(j1.children) == 1
        assert_almost_equal(j1.positionOffset, vector(10, 0, 0))
        assert_almost_equal(j1.position(0), convertCGtoNED(vector(10, 0, 0)))
            convertCGtoNED(Quaternion.fromEuler((90, 0, 0), order='zxy')))

        j1end = model.getPoint('j1_end')
        assert j1end.parent is j1
        assert len(j1end.channels) == 0
        assert not j1end.isJoint
        assert_almost_equal(j1end.positionOffset, vector(0, 10, 0))
        assert_almost_equal(j1end.position(0), vector(0, 0, 0))
Exemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self):
     Initialise vector observation.
     alpha = np.radians(20)
     self.qAlpha = Quaternion(math.cos(alpha/2), 0, math.sin(alpha/2), 0)
     self.thetaThreshold = 0.1
Exemplo n.º 12
def checkStaticConvergence(filterClass, performTest=True):
    Test that an orientation estimation algorithm converges within a reasonable
    number of samples
    gyro = np.zeros((3,1))
    accel = -GRAVITY
    mag = NORTH
    SAMPLES = 500

    initialRotation = Quaternion.fromEuler((60,45,0))

    filter = filterClass(initialRotation = initialRotation,
            initialRotationalVelocity = np.zeros((3,1)),
            **filterParameters.get(filterClass, {}))

    estimatedQuaternions = QuaternionArray(np.empty((SAMPLES,4)))

    for i in range(SAMPLES):
        filter(accel, mag, gyro, dt*(1+i))
        estimatedQuaternions[i] = filter.rotation.latestValue

    if performTest:
            filter.rotation.latestValue, 2)

    return estimatedQuaternions
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _process(self, g, m):
        z = g / vectors.norm(g)
        x = m - (z * vectors.dot(m, z))
        x /= vectors.norm(x)
        y = vectors.cross(z, x)

        return Quaternion.fromVectors(x, y, z)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, initialTime, initialRotation, k, joint, offset,
        @param joint: The L{Joint} the IMU is attached to.
        @param offset: The offset of the IMU in the joint's co-ordinate frame
            (3x1 L{np.ndarray})
        OrientationFilter.__init__(self, initialTime, initialRotation)
        self.rotation.add(initialTime, initialRotation)
        self.qHat = initialRotation.copy()
        self.k = k
        self.joint = joint
        self.offset = offset

        self._vectorObservation = vector_observation.GramSchmidt()
        self.qMeas = Quaternion.nan()
        self.jointAccel = vectors.nan()

        self.gyroFIFO = collections.deque([], maxlen=3)
        self.accelFIFO = collections.deque([], maxlen=2)
        self.magFIFO = collections.deque([], maxlen=2)

        self.isRoot = not joint.hasParent
        self.children = joint.childJoints

        self.vectorObservation = TimeSeries()
        self.jointAcceleration = TimeSeries()
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _update(self, accel, mag, gyro, dt, t):
        dotq = 0.5 * self.qHat * Quaternion(0, *gyro)
        self.qHat += dotq * dt

        if abs(vectors.norm(accel) - 1) < self._aT:
            qMeas = self._vectorObservation(-accel, mag)
            if self.qHat.dot(qMeas) < 0:
            qError = qMeas - self.qHat
            self.qHat += (1 / self._k) * dt * qError
            qMeas = Quaternion.nan()
        self.vectorObservation.add(t, qMeas)

        self.rotation.add(t, self.qHat)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, rotation=None):
        Initialise the trajectory.

        @param rotation: the constant rotation of the object (L{Quaternion})
        self.staticRotation = Quaternion() if rotation is None else rotation
Exemplo n.º 17
def transform_trajectory(trajectory, R, p):
    """Create new trajectory relative the given transformation

    If R1(t) and p1(t) is the rotation and translation given by inout trajectory, then
    this function returns a new trajectory that fulfills the following.

    Let X1 = R1(t).T[X - p1(t)] be the coordinate of point X in input trajectory coordinates.
    Then X2 = R X1 + p is the same point in the coordinate frame of the new trajectory
    Since X2 = R2(t).T [X - p2(t)] then we have
    R2(t) = R1(t)R and p2(t) = p1(t) + R1(t)p
    ts_q1 = trajectory.sampled.rotationKeyFrames
    q1 = ts_q1.values
    ts_p1 = trajectory.sampled.positionKeyFrames
    p1 = ts_p1.values

    # Rotation
    Q = Quaternion.fromMatrix(R)
    q2 = q1 * Q
    ts_q2 = TimeSeries(ts_q1.timestamps, q2)

    # Translation
    p2 = p1 + q1.rotateVector(p)
    ts_p2 = TimeSeries(ts_p1.timestamps, p2)

    sampled = SampledTrajectory(positionKeyFrames=ts_p2,
    smoothen = False  # MUST be the same as used in Dataset class
    splined = SplinedTrajectory(sampled, smoothRotations=smoothen)
    return splined
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _process(self, g, m):
        z = g / vectors.norm(g)
        x = m - (z * vectors.dot(m, z))
        x /= vectors.norm(x)
        y = vectors.cross(z, x)

        return Quaternion.fromVectors(x, y, z)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _process(self, *meas):
        Estimate the orientation Quaternion from the observed vectors.

        @param meas: The observed vectors (3x1 L{np.ndarray})
        @return: The least squares optimal L{Quaternion}
        B = sum([
            a * np.dot(b, r.T)
            for a, b, r in zip(self.weights, meas, self.refs)
        S = B + B.T
        z = sum([
            a * vectors.cross(b, r)
            for a, b, r in zip(self.weights, meas, self.refs)

        sigma = np.trace(B)
        K = np.empty((4, 4))
        K[0:3, 0:3] = S - sigma * np.identity(3)
        K[0:3, 3] = z[:, 0]
        K[3, 0:3] = z[:, 0]
        K[3, 3] = sigma

        eigenValues, eigenVectors = np.linalg.eig(K)
        q = np.asarray(eigenVectors[:, np.argmax(eigenValues)])

        return Quaternion(q[3], q[0], q[1], q[2]).normalise()
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _update(self, accel, mag, gyro, dt, t):
        # Store measurements in queues for processing

        # save current qHat for drift correction
        self.qHat_minus_1 = copy.copy(self.qHat)

        # Inertial update
        dotq = 0.5 * self.qHat * Quaternion(0, *gyro)
        self.qHat += dotq * dt

        if self.isRoot and len(self.accelFIFO) >= 2:
            # Root can't receive acceleration data so must estimate it.
            measuredAccel = self.qHat_minus_1.rotateVector(self.accelFIFO[1])
            # Assume root joint acceleration was zero.
            self.jointAccel = np.zeros((3, 1))
            # Calculate tangential acceleration for root joint IMU offset.
            linAccel = self.childAcceleration(self.offset, dt)
            if linAccel is not None:
                # Calculate expected measurement.
                expectedAccel = linAccel - self.GRAVITY_VECTOR
                # Set root joint acceleration to the residual.
                self.jointAccel = measuredAccel - expectedAccel
                self.handleLinearAcceleration(self.jointAccel, dt)

        self.rotation.add(t, self.qHat)
        self.vectorObservation.add(t, self.qMeas)
        self.jointAcceleration.add(t, self.jointAccel)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def handleLinearAcceleration(self, jointAcceleration, dt):
        Perform drift correction based on incoming joint acceleration estimate.

        @param jointAcceleration: Acceleration estimate (3x1 L{np.ndarray}).
        self.jointAccel = jointAcceleration

        if len(self.gyroFIFO) < 3:

        # Estimate linear acceleration
        o = self.offset
        w = self.gyroFIFO
        q = self.qHat_minus_1
        a = (w[0] - w[2]) / (2 * dt)
        lt = vectors.cross(a, o)
        lr = vectors.dot(w[1], o) * w[1] - o * vectors.norm(w[1])**2
        l = (q.rotateFrame(self.jointAccel) + lt + lr)

        # Apply drift correction
        self.qMeas = self._vectorObservation(-(self.accelFIFO[1] - l),
        if q.dot(self.qMeas) < 0:
        q = q + 1.0 / self.k * dt * (self.qMeas - q)
        dotq = 0.5 * self.qHat * Quaternion(0, *w[0])
        self.qHat = q + dotq * dt
Exemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, initialTime, initialRotation, k, joint, offset,
        @param joint: The L{Joint} the IMU is attached to.
        @param offset: The offset of the IMU in the joint's co-ordinate frame
            (3x1 L{np.ndarray})
        OrientationFilter.__init__(self, initialTime, initialRotation)
        self.rotation.add(initialTime, initialRotation)
        self.qHat = initialRotation.copy()
        self.k = k
        self.joint = joint
        self.offset = offset

        self._vectorObservation = vector_observation.GramSchmidt()
        self.qMeas = Quaternion.nan()
        self.jointAccel = vectors.nan()

        self.gyroFIFO = collections.deque([], maxlen=3)
        self.accelFIFO = collections.deque([], maxlen=2)
        self.magFIFO = collections.deque([], maxlen=2)

        self.isRoot = not joint.hasParent
        self.children = joint.childJoints

        self.vectorObservation = TimeSeries()
        self.jointAcceleration = TimeSeries()
Exemplo n.º 23
 def rotation(self, t):
     if len(self.rotationKeyFrames) == 0:
         if np.ndim(t) == 0:
             return Quaternion.nan()
             return QuaternionArray.nan(len(t))
         return self.rotationKeyFrames(t)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def __init__(self, rotationalVelocity, initialRotation=None):
     self.initialRotation = Quaternion() \
         if initialRotation is None else initialRotation
     self._rotationalVelocity = rotationalVelocity
     w = rotationalVelocity
     W = np.asmatrix([[ 0,      -w[2,0],  w[1,0]],
                      [ w[2,0],  0,      -w[0,0]],
                      [-w[1,0],  w[0,0],  0     ]])
     self.qW = Quaternion()
Exemplo n.º 25
    def __call__(self, *measurements):
        Estimate the orientation Quaternion from the observed vectors.

        @param measurements: The observed vectors (3x1 L{np.ndarray})
        @return: The estimated orientation L{Quaternion}
        if any(map(lambda a: np.any(np.isnan(a)), measurements)):
            return Quaternion(np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan)
            return self._process(*measurements)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def _readMotionData(self):
        Read the motion data from the BVH file.
        # update joint tree with new data.
        frame = 0
        lastRotation = {}
        for frame in range(self.frameCount):
            time = frame * self.framePeriod
            channelData = self._readFrame()
            for joint in self.model.joints:
                for chan in joint.channels:
                    chanData = channelData.pop(0)
                    if chan == "Xposition":
                        xPos = chanData
                    elif chan == "Yposition":
                        yPos = chanData
                    elif chan == "Zposition":
                        zPos = chanData
                    elif chan == "Xrotation":
                        xRot = chanData
                    elif chan == "Yrotation":
                        yRot = chanData
                    elif chan == "Zrotation":
                        zRot = chanData
                        raise RuntimeError('Unknown channel: ' + chan)

                if not joint.hasParent:
                        p = np.array([[xPos,yPos,zPos]]).T * \
                        p = convertCGtoNED(p)
                        del xPos, yPos, zPos
                        joint.positionKeyFrames.add(time, p)
                    except UnboundLocalError:
                        raise SyntaxError("No position data for root joint")

                    if joint.hasChildren:
                        q = Quaternion.fromEuler((zRot, xRot, yRot),
                        q = convertCGtoNED(q)
                        del xRot, yRot, zRot
                        # Rotation in BVH is relative to parent joint so
                        # combine the rotations
                        if joint.hasParent:
                            q = lastRotation[joint.parent] * q
                        joint.rotationKeyFrames.add(time, q)
                        lastRotation[joint] = q
                except UnboundLocalError:
                    raise SyntaxError("No rotation data for a joint that "
                                      "is not an end effector")
Exemplo n.º 27
    def _process(self, *meas):

        meas = [m / vectors.norm(m) for m in meas]

        EPS = 1e-8

        # Rotate the frame as necessary to avoid singularities.
        # See Shuster 1979 eqs 74-76.

        # Note differences in quaternion permutations from Shuster's paper.
        # These ones work, why don't the ones given in the paper?
        p = self._apply(self.refs, meas)
        if abs(p[0]) < EPS:
            refs = [r*np.array([[1,-1,-1]]).T for r in self.refs]
            p = self._apply(refs, meas)
            if abs(p[0]) < EPS:
                refs = [r*np.array([[-1,1,-1]]).T for r in self.refs]
                p = self._apply(refs, meas)
                if abs(p[0]) < EPS:
                    refs = [r*np.array([[-1,-1,1]]).T for r in self.refs]
                    p = self._apply(refs, meas)
                    q = Quaternion(p[3], p[2], -p[1], -p[0])
                    q = Quaternion(p[2], -p[3], -p[0], p[1])
                q = Quaternion(-p[1], p[0], -p[3], p[2])
            q = Quaternion(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3])


        return q
def checkVectorObservation(vectorObservationMethod, eulerAngles, inclination):
    if issubclass(vectorObservationMethod,
        vo = vectorObservationMethod(inclinationAngle=inclination)
        vo = vectorObservationMethod()
    q = Quaternion.fromEuler(eulerAngles)
    inclination = math.radians(inclination)
    m = np.array([[math.cos(inclination)], [0], [math.sin(inclination)]])
    g = np.array([[0, 0, 1]], dtype=float).T
    g = q.rotateFrame(g)
    m = q.rotateFrame(m)
    assertQuaternionAlmostEqual(q, vo(g, m))
Exemplo n.º 29
def testBVHInput():
    data = r"""HIERARCHY
ROOT root
    OFFSET 0.0 0.0 0.0
    CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
    JOINT j1
        OFFSET 10.0 0.0 0.0
        CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
        End Site
            OFFSET 0.0 10.0 0.0
Frames: 1
Frame Time: 0.1
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 90.0 0.0 0.0
    testFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    with testFile:
        model = loadBVHFile(testFile.name)

        assert len(list(model.points)) == 3

        assert model.name == 'root'
        assert len(model.channels) == 6
        assert len(model.children) == 1

        j1 = model.getJoint('j1')
        assert j1.parent is model
        assert len(j1.channels) == 3
        assert len(j1.children) == 1
        assert_almost_equal(j1.positionOffset, vector(10,0,0))
        assert_almost_equal(j1.position(0), convertCGtoNED(vector(10,0,0)))
               convertCGtoNED(Quaternion.fromEuler((90, 0, 0), order='zxy')))

        j1end = model.getPoint('j1_end')
        assert j1end.parent is j1
        assert len(j1end.channels) == 0
        assert not j1end.isJoint
        assert_almost_equal(j1end.positionOffset, vector(0,10,0))
        assert_almost_equal(j1end.position(0), vector(0,0,0))
Exemplo n.º 30
    def _process(self, g, m):
        # Algorithm assumes that gravity vector is -z in default position
        # This is contrary to the other algorithm so we invert
        g = -g
        g /= vectors.norm(g)
        # Pitch
        sinTheta = g[0]
        cosTheta = math.sqrt(1 - sinTheta**2)

        flag = cosTheta <= self.thetaThreshold
        if flag:
            # If flag is set then theta is close to zero. Rotate coord frame 20
            # degrees to reduce errors
            g = self.qAlpha.rotateFrame(g)
            m =  self.qAlpha.rotateFrame(m)

            sinTheta = g[0]
            cosTheta = math.sqrt(1 - sinTheta**2)

        cosHalfTheta = self.cosHalfAngle(cosTheta)
        sinHalfTheta = self.sinHalfAngle(cosTheta, sinTheta)
        qp = Quaternion(cosHalfTheta, 0, sinHalfTheta, 0)

        # Roll
        cosPhi =  -g[2] / cosTheta
        sinPhi =  -g[1] / cosTheta
        cosHalfPhi = self.cosHalfAngle(cosPhi)
        sinHalfPhi = self.sinHalfAngle(cosPhi, sinPhi)
        qr = Quaternion(cosHalfPhi, sinHalfPhi, 0, 0)
        # Yaw
        m = qr.rotateVector(m)
        m = qp.rotateVector(m)
        Mx = m[0]
        My = m[1]
        scale = 1 / math.sqrt(Mx**2 + My**2)
        Mx *= scale
        My *= scale

        # From Yun paper
        #cosPsi = Mx * self.Nx + My * self.Ny
        #sinPsi = Mx * self.Ny - My * self.Nx
        # but we know that Ny is 0 so this simplifies to
        cosPsi = Mx
        sinPsi = -My
        cosHalfPsi = self.cosHalfAngle(cosPsi)
        sinHalfPsi = self.sinHalfAngle(cosPsi, sinPsi)
        qy = Quaternion(cosHalfPsi, 0, 0, sinHalfPsi)
        combined = qy * qp * qr

        if flag:
            return combined * self.qAlpha.conjugate
            return combined
Exemplo n.º 31
    def _process(self, g, m):
        Estimate the orientation Quaternion from the observed vectors.

        @param g: the observed gravitational field vector (3x1 L{np.ndarray})
        @param m: the observed magnetic field vector (3x1 L{np.ndarray})
        @return: The estimated orientation L{Quaternion}
        z = g / vectors.norm(g)
        y = vectors.cross(z, m)
        y /= vectors.norm(y)
        x = vectors.cross(y, z)

        return Quaternion.fromVectors(x, y, z)
Exemplo n.º 32
    def __init__(self, platform, positionOffset=vector(0,0,0),
        Initialise sensor.

        @param platform: L{Platform} this sensor will be attached to.
        @param positionOffset: Position offset vector of this sensor
            in the local co-ordinate frame of its host platform.
        @param rotationOffset: Rotation offset quaternion of this sensor
            in the local co-ordinate frame of its host platform.
        self._positionOffset = positionOffset
        self._rotationOffset = rotationOffset
        Component.__init__(self, platform)
Exemplo n.º 33
def checkVectorObservation(vectorObservationMethod, eulerAngles, inclination):
    if issubclass(vectorObservationMethod,
        vo = vectorObservationMethod(inclinationAngle=inclination)
        vo = vectorObservationMethod()
    q = Quaternion.fromEuler(eulerAngles)
    inclination = math.radians(inclination)
    m = np.array([[math.cos(inclination)],[0],
    g = np.array([[0,0,1]],dtype=float).T
    g = q.rotateFrame(g)
    m = q.rotateFrame(m)
Exemplo n.º 34
    def _process(self, g, m):
        Estimate the orientation Quaternion from the observed vectors.

        @param g: the observed gravitational field vector (3x1 L{np.ndarray})
        @param m: the observed magnetic field vector (3x1 L{np.ndarray})
        @return: The estimated orientation L{Quaternion}
        z = g / vectors.norm(g)
        y = vectors.cross(z, m)
        y /= vectors.norm(y)
        x = vectors.cross(y, z)

        return Quaternion.fromVectors(x, y, z)
Exemplo n.º 35
    def __init__(self, rootdata):
        Construct a new ASFRoot.

        @param rootdata: The L{ParseResults} object representing the root
            segment data from the ASF file.
        TreeNode.__init__(self, None)
        self.name = 'root'
        self.childoffset = vector(0, 0, 0)
        self.isDummy = False
        axis = vector(*rootdata.axis)[::-1]
        rotOrder = rootdata.axisRotationOrder[::-1]
        self.rotationOffset = Quaternion.fromEuler(axis, rotOrder).conjugate
        self.channels = rootdata.channels
Exemplo n.º 36
    def __init__(self, rootdata):
        Construct a new ASFRoot.

        @param rootdata: The L{ParseResults} object representing the root
            segment data from the ASF file.
        TreeNode.__init__(self, None)
        self.name = 'root'
        self.childoffset = vector(0,0,0)
        self.isDummy = False
        axis = vector(*rootdata.axis)[::-1]
        rotOrder = rootdata.axisRotationOrder[::-1]
        self.rotationOffset = Quaternion.fromEuler(axis, rotOrder).conjugate
        self.channels = rootdata.channels
def geodesicQuaternionPath():
    Generate an array of quaternions following a geodesic path

    t : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        timestamps of quaternions
    quaternionPath : :class:`~imusim.maths.quaternions.QuaternionArray`
        array of quaternions following a geodesic path

    t = np.arange(0,10,0.1)
    q = Quaternion.fromEuler((45,0,0))

    return t, QuaternionArray([q**T for T in t])
Exemplo n.º 38
    def _update(self, accel, mag, gyro, dt, t):
        dotq = 0.5 * self.qHat * Quaternion(0,*gyro)
        self.qHat += dotq * dt

        if abs(vectors.norm(accel) - 1) < self._aT:
            qMeas = self._vectorObservation(-accel, mag)
            if self.qHat.dot(qMeas) < 0:
            qError = qMeas - self.qHat
            self.qHat += (1/self._k) * dt * qError
            qMeas = Quaternion.nan()
        self.vectorObservation.add(t, qMeas)

        self.rotation.add(t, self.qHat)
Exemplo n.º 39
    def __init__(self, parent, bonedata, scale):
        Consruct a new ASFBone.

        @param parent: The parent bone of this bone.
        @param bonedata: The L{ParseResults} object representing the bone
            data from the ASF file.
        TreeNode.__init__(self, parent)
        self.name = bonedata.name
        axis = vector(*bonedata.axis)[::-1]
        rotOrder = bonedata.axisRotationOrder[::-1]
        self.rotationOffset = Quaternion.fromEuler(axis, rotOrder).conjugate
        self.childoffset = self.rotationOffset.rotateVector(
                vector(*bonedata.direction) * bonedata.length * scale)
        self.isDummy = bonedata.channels is ''
        self.channels = bonedata.channels
Exemplo n.º 40
    def __init__(self, parent, bonedata, scale):
        Consruct a new ASFBone.

        @param parent: The parent bone of this bone.
        @param bonedata: The L{ParseResults} object representing the bone
            data from the ASF file.
        TreeNode.__init__(self, parent)
        self.name = bonedata.name
        axis = vector(*bonedata.axis)[::-1]
        rotOrder = bonedata.axisRotationOrder[::-1]
        self.rotationOffset = Quaternion.fromEuler(axis, rotOrder).conjugate
        self.childoffset = self.rotationOffset.rotateVector(
            vector(*bonedata.direction) * bonedata.length * scale)
        self.isDummy = bonedata.channels is ''
        self.channels = bonedata.channels
Exemplo n.º 41
def testDynamicConvergence():
    for i in range(3):
        t = np.arange(0, 10, dt)
        trajectory = RandomRotationTrajectory(t)
        for imp in getImplementations(orientation,
            params = filterParameters.get(imp, {})
            filter = imp(initialRotation=Quaternion(),
            if imp not in [
                    orientation.GyroIntegrator, orientation.DistLinAccelCF
                yield checkDynamicConvergence, filter, trajectory
Exemplo n.º 42
    def __init__(self, parent, positionOffset=None, rotationOffset=None):
        Initialise trajectory.

        @param parent: the L{AbstractTrajectory} which this trajectory follows.
        @param positionOffset: the offset vector from the parent trajectory in the
            co-ordinate frame of the parent. (3x1 L{np.ndarray})
        @param rotationOffset: the rotational offset from the parent trajectory
        self.parent = parent
        if positionOffset is None:
            self.positionOffset = np.zeros((3,1))
            self.positionOffset = positionOffset
        if rotationOffset is None:
            self.rotationOffset = Quaternion()
            self.rotationOffset = rotationOffset
Exemplo n.º 43
class FQA(VectorObservation):
    Implementation of the Factored Quaternion Algorithm by Yun et al.

    The algorithm is designed to estimation the orientation based on
    observations of the Earth gravitational and magnetic fields based on the
    assumption of a (X,Y,Z) -> (North,East,Down) co-ordinate frame

    See X. Yun, E. Bachmann, and R. McGhee "A Simplified Quaternion-Based
    Algorithm for Orientation Estimation from Earth Gravity and Magnetic
    Field Measurements" In IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement
    v. 57 pp 638-650 2008
    def __init__(self):
        Initialise vector observation.
        alpha = np.radians(20)
        self.qAlpha = Quaternion(math.cos(alpha/2), 0, math.sin(alpha/2), 0)
        self.thetaThreshold = 0.1

    def cosHalfAngle(self, cosAngle):
        Compute the value of cos(angle/2) from cos(angle)

        @param cosAngle: cosine of angle (float)

        if -1.0001 < cosAngle <= -1:
            cosAngle = -1
        return math.sqrt((1+cosAngle)/2)

    def sinHalfAngle(self, cosAngle, sinAngle):
        Compute the value of sin(angle/2) from cos(angle) and sin(angle)

        @param cosAngle: cosine of angle (float)
        @param sinAngle: sine of angle (float)
        if 1 <= cosAngle < 1.0001:
            cosAngle = 1
        sign =  1 if sinAngle >= 0 else -1
        return sign * math.sqrt((1-cosAngle)/2)

    def _process(self, g, m):
        # Algorithm assumes that gravity vector is -z in default position
        # This is contrary to the other algorithm so we invert
        g = -g
        g /= vectors.norm(g)
        # Pitch
        sinTheta = g[0]
        cosTheta = math.sqrt(1 - sinTheta**2)

        flag = cosTheta <= self.thetaThreshold
        if flag:
            # If flag is set then theta is close to zero. Rotate coord frame 20
            # degrees to reduce errors
            g = self.qAlpha.rotateFrame(g)
            m =  self.qAlpha.rotateFrame(m)

            sinTheta = g[0]
            cosTheta = math.sqrt(1 - sinTheta**2)

        cosHalfTheta = self.cosHalfAngle(cosTheta)
        sinHalfTheta = self.sinHalfAngle(cosTheta, sinTheta)
        qp = Quaternion(cosHalfTheta, 0, sinHalfTheta, 0)

        # Roll
        cosPhi =  -g[2] / cosTheta
        sinPhi =  -g[1] / cosTheta
        cosHalfPhi = self.cosHalfAngle(cosPhi)
        sinHalfPhi = self.sinHalfAngle(cosPhi, sinPhi)
        qr = Quaternion(cosHalfPhi, sinHalfPhi, 0, 0)
        # Yaw
        m = qr.rotateVector(m)
        m = qp.rotateVector(m)
        Mx = m[0]
        My = m[1]
        scale = 1 / math.sqrt(Mx**2 + My**2)
        Mx *= scale
        My *= scale

        # From Yun paper
        #cosPsi = Mx * self.Nx + My * self.Ny
        #sinPsi = Mx * self.Ny - My * self.Nx
        # but we know that Ny is 0 so this simplifies to
        cosPsi = Mx
        sinPsi = -My
        cosHalfPsi = self.cosHalfAngle(cosPsi)
        sinHalfPsi = self.sinHalfAngle(cosPsi, sinPsi)
        qy = Quaternion(cosHalfPsi, 0, 0, sinHalfPsi)
        combined = qy * qp * qr

        if flag:
            return combined * self.qAlpha.conjugate
            return combined
Exemplo n.º 44
def loadQualisysTSVFile(filename):
    Load 3DOF or 6DOF marker data from a Qualisys Track Manager TSV file.

    @param filename: Name of TSV file to load.

    @return: A L{MarkerCapture} instance.

    # Open file to read header.
    datafile = open(filename, 'r')

    # Count of header lines in file.
    headerLines = 0

    capture = MarkerCapture()

    markerIndices = dict()

    while True:

        # Read and count each file header line.
        line = datafile.readline().strip('\r\n')
        headerLines = headerLines + 1

        # Key and values are tab-separated.
        items = line.split('\t')
        key = items[0]
        values = items[1:]

        # Handle relevant fields.
        if key == 'FREQUENCY':
            # Frame rate.
            capture.frameRate = int(values[0])
            capture.framePeriod = 1/capture.frameRate
        elif key == 'DATA_INCLUDED':
            # 3D or 6D data.
            type = values[0]
            if (type == '3D'):
                # 3D data fields are implicitly XYZ co-ordinates.
                fieldNames = ['X', 'Y', 'Z']
        elif key == 'BODY_NAMES' or key == 'MARKER_NAMES':
            # List of markers or 6DOF body names.
            for i in range(len(values)):
                name = values[i]
                if type == '6D':
                    markerClass = Marker6DOF
                    markerClass = Marker3DOF
                markerIndices[markerClass(capture, name)] = i

            if (type == '6D'):
                # Field names are on a line after the body names, each
                # beginning with a space.
                fieldNames = [x.strip(' ') for x in
                headerLines = headerLines + 1

            # The above keys are always on the last line in the header.

    # Load values from file, skipping header.
    data = np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows = headerLines)
    capture.frameCount = len(data)
    capture.frameTimes = np.arange(0, capture.frameCount / capture.frameRate,

    # Find index in data array for a given marker and marker field name.
    def index(marker, name):
        offset = markerIndices[marker] * len(fieldNames)
        return offset + fieldNames.index(name)

    # Return data for a given marker and marker field names.
    def fields(marker, names):
        indices = [index(marker, name) for name in names]
        return data[:,indices[0]:indices[-1]+1]

    # Iterate through markers to fill in their data.
    for marker in capture.markers:
        # Get position data.
        positions = fields(marker, ['X', 'Y', 'Z']) / 1000
        if type == '6D':
            # Get rotation matrices.
            matrix_coeffs = fields(marker, ['Rot[%d]' % i for i in range(9)])
            # Mark invalid data (residual = -1) with NaNs.
            invalid = fields(marker, ['Residual'])[:,0] == -1.0
            matrix_coeffs[invalid] = np.nan
            positions[invalid] = np.nan
            # Convert to quaternions and unflip.
            quats = QuaternionArray(np.empty((capture.frameCount,4)))
            for i in range(len(quats)):
                q = Quaternion()
                quats[i] = q
            rotations = quats.unflipped()
            # Add rotation data to marker.
            for time, rotation in zip(capture.frameTimes, rotations):
                marker.rotationKeyFrames.add(time, rotation)
        # Add position data to marker.
        for time, position in zip(capture.frameTimes, positions):
            marker.positionKeyFrames.add(time, position.reshape(3,1))

    return capture
def testNED_to_CG_Quat():
        Quaternion(0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5).components)
def testCG_to_NED_Quat():
        Quaternion(0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5).components)
Exemplo n.º 47
def loadASFFile(asfFileName, amcFileName, scaleFactor, framePeriod):
    Load motion capture data from an ASF and AMC file pair.

    @param asfFileName: Name of the ASF file containing the description of
        the rigid body model
    @param amcFileName: Name of the AMC file containing the motion data
    @param scaleFactor: Scaling factor to convert lengths to m. For data
        from the CMU motion capture corpus this should be 2.54/100 to
        convert from inches to metres.

    @return: A {SampledBodyModel} representing the root of the rigid body
        model structure.
    with open(asfFileName, 'r') as asfFile:
        data = asfParser.parseFile(asfFile)
        scale = (1.0/data.units.get('length',1)) * scaleFactor

        bones = dict((bone.name,bone) for bone in data.bones)
        asfModel = ASFRoot(data.root)

        for entry in data.hierarchy:
            parent = asfModel.getBone(entry.parent)
            for childName in entry.children:
                ASFBone(parent, bones[childName], scale)

        imusimModel = SampledBodyModel('root')
        for subtree in asfModel.children:
            for bone in subtree:
                if not bone.isDummy:
                    offset = vector(0,0,0)
                    ancestors = bone.ascendTree()
                    while True:
                        ancestor = ancestors.next().parent
                        offset += ancestor.childoffset
                        if not ancestor.isDummy:

                if not bone.hasChildren:

        with open(amcFileName) as amcFile:
            motion = amcParser.parseFile(amcFile)
            t = 0
            for frame in motion.frames:
                for bone in frame.bones:
                    bonedata = asfModel.getBone(bone.name)
                    if bone.name == 'root':
                        data = dict((chan.lower(), v) for chan,v in
                        position = convertCGtoNED(scale * vector(data['tx'],
                        imusimModel.positionKeyFrames.add(t, position)

                    axes, angles = zip(*[(chan[-1], angle) for chan, angle in
                        zip(bonedata.channels, bone.channels) if
                    rotation = (bonedata.rotationOffset.conjugate *
                            Quaternion.fromEuler(angles[::-1], axes[::-1]))
                    joint = imusimModel.getJoint(bone.name)
                    if joint.hasParent:
                        parentRot = joint.parent.rotationKeyFrames.latestValue
                        parentRotOffset = bonedata.parent.rotationOffset
                        rotation = parentRot * parentRotOffset * rotation
                        rotation = convertCGtoNED(rotation)
                    joint.rotationKeyFrames.add(t, rotation)
                t += framePeriod

        return imusimModel