Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: test2.py Projeto: buguen/minf
def angle(a,b):
    return arccos(dot(a,b) / (l2norm(a) * l2norm(b)))

def setupIMU(id, joint):
    # Set up an ideal IMU with the trajectory of the supplied joint, which samples at samplingPeriod.
    imu = IdealIMU()
    imu.simulation = sim
    imu.trajectory = joint

    def handleSample(behaviour):

    behaviour = BasicIMUBehaviour(imu, samplingPeriod, sampleCallback=handleSample, initialTime=sim.time)
    return behaviour

joint = simModel.getJoint('rfoot')
#original_quaternions = joint.rotationKeyFrames
behaviour = setupIMU(1, joint)


# get the sensor reading from the IMU at each sample time.

accel = behaviour.imu.accelerometer.rawMeasurements
mag = behaviour.imu.magnetometer.rawMeasurements
gyro = behaviour.imu.gyroscope.rawMeasurements
sample_timestamps = accel.timestamps
accel_values = accel.values
mag_values = mag.values
gyro_values = gyro.values