Exemplo n.º 1
class VStream:
    vsource = None

    def __init__(self, source='file', path=None, queueSize=128, src=0,
                 resolution=(640, 480), framerate=30):
        # initialize the video stream along with the boolean:w

        # used to indicate if the thread should be stopped or not
        self.vsource = source
        if self.vsource == 'file':
            self.stream = FileVideoStream(path, queueSize=queueSize).start()
        elif self.vsource == 'usbcamera':
            self.stream = VideoStream(src=src, usePiCamera=False,
        elif self.vsource == 'picamera':
            self.stream = VideoStream(src=src, usePiCamera=True,

    def start(self):
        # start a thread to read frames from the file video stream
        return self.stream.start()

    def update(self):
        # keep looping infinitely until the thread indicator variable is set,
        # then stop the thread
        return self.stream.update()

    def read(self):
        # return next frame in the queue
        return self.stream.read()

    def more(self):
        # return True if there are still frames in the queue
        if self.vsource == 'file':
            return self.stream.more()
            return True

    def stop(self):
        # indicate that the thread should be stopped

    def isopen(self):
        # check if the camera or file is already open
        if self.vsource == 'picamera':
            #return self.stream.stream._check_camera_open()
            return True
            return self.stream.stream.isOpened()

    def get(self, obj):
        # acess cv2.VideoCapture.get() within the FileVideoStream class
        if self.vsource == 'picamera':
            if obj == cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH:      # Width of the frames in the video stream
                return 640
            elif obj == cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT:   # Height of the frames in the video stream
                return 480
            elif obj == cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS:            # Frame rate
                return 30
            elif obj == cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT:    # Number of frames in the video file
                return 1
            return self.stream.stream.get(obj)
Exemplo n.º 2
class VStream:
    vsource = None

    def __init__(self,
                 resolution=(640, 480),
        Only the PiCamera will allow you to set its resolution at creation
        time.  In other cases (i.e. usb camera or file), the function
        VideoCapture.set() needs to be used post-creation to set resolution.
        But this will not work uniformly for all types of cameras.  As a
        result, the frame must be resized manually to your desired resolution.
        self.vsource = source
        self.target_width = resolution[0]
        self.target_height = resolution[1]

        if self.vsource == 'file':
            self.stream = FileVideoStream(path, queueSize=qs).start()
        elif self.vsource == 'usbcamera':
            self.stream = VideoStream(src=src, usePiCamera=False).start()
        elif self.vsource == 'picamera':
            self.stream = VideoStream(usePiCamera=True,

        if self.vsource == 'picamera':
            # read one frame to determine the resolution of the camera
            #frame = self.read()
            #self.native_width = frame.shape[0]
            #self.native_height = frame.shape[1]
            # this isn't right but can't figure out the picarmera
            self.native_width = resolution[0]
            self.native_height = resolution[1]
            self.native_width = self.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)
            self.native_height = self.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)

    def native_res(self):
        return (self.native_width, self.native_height)

    def target_res(self):
        return (self.target_width, self.target_height)

    def resize(self, frame, resolution):
        return cv2.resize(frame, resolution)

    def start(self):
        This start a thread to read frames from the file or video stream
        return self.stream.start()

    def update(self):
        """This will keep looping infinitely until the thread indicator
        variable is set, which then stops the thread."""
        return self.stream.update()

    def read(self):
        """This returns the next frame in the queue."""
        return self.stream.read()

    def more(self):
        """This returns True if there are still frames in the queue."""
        if self.vsource == 'file':
            return self.stream.more()
            return True

    def stop(self):
        """This request that the video stream be stopped."""

    def isopen(self):
        """Check if the camera or file is already open and
        retrun True if it is and False otherwise."""
        if self.vsource == 'picamera':
            #return self.stream.stream._check_camera_open()
            return True
            return self.stream.stream.isOpened()

    def version(self):
        """Return the version number of the camera being used.
        Only works for the Pi Camera."""
        from pkg_resources import require
        if self.vsource == 'picamera':
            return require('picamera')[0].version
            return None

    def get(self, obj):
        """Access cv2.VideoCapture.get() within the FileVideoStream class"""

        if self.vsource == 'picamera':
            if obj == cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH:  # width of the frames
                return self.native_width
            elif obj == cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT:  # height of the frames
                return self.native_height
                print("Value of " + str(obj) +
                      " not supported in VStream.get() for PiCamera")
                return None
            return self.stream.stream.get(obj)