Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_list_feeds(self):
     another_chan = self.server.get_channel_by_address("another_channel")
     # Get feed list
     rss_check_class = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_by_name("check subscription")
     rss_check_obj = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_object(rss_check_class)  # type: SubscriptionCheck
     rfl = rss_check_obj.get_sub_repo(self.hallo)
     # Add RSS feeds to feed list
     rf1 = RssSub(self.server, self.test_chan, "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?1",
                  title="test_feed1", update_frequency=Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S"))
     rf2 = RssSub(self.server, another_chan, "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?2",
                  title="test_feed2", update_frequency=Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S"))
     rf3 = RssSub(self.server, self.test_chan, "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?3",
                  title="test_feed3", update_frequency=Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S"))
     # Run FeedList and check output
     self.function_dispatcher.dispatch(EventMessage(self.server, self.test_chan, self.test_user, "rss list"))
     data = self.server.get_send_data(1, self.test_chan, EventMessage)
     data_split = data[0].text.split("\n")
     assert "subscriptions posting" in data_split[0].lower(), "Actual message: {}".format(data[0].text)
     assert "test_feed1" in data_split[1].lower() or "test_feed1" in data_split[2].lower()
     assert "test_feed3" in data_split[1].lower() or "test_feed3" in data_split[2].lower()
     assert "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?1" in data_split[1].lower() or \
            "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?1" in data_split[2].lower()
     assert "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?3" in data_split[1].lower() or \
            "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?3" in data_split[2].lower()
     assert "test_feed2" not in data_split[1].lower() and "test_feed2" not in data_split[2].lower()
     assert "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?2" not in data_split[1].lower() and \
            "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?2" not in data_split[2].lower()
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_xml(self):
     # Setup a feed list
     rfl = SubscriptionRepo()
     rf1 = RssSub(self.server, self.test_chan, "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?1",
                  title="test_feed1", update_frequency=Commons.load_time_delta("P0T3600S"))
     rf2 = RssSub(self.server, self.test_chan, "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?2",
                  title="test_feed2", update_frequency=Commons.load_time_delta("P1TS"))
     rf3 = RssSub(self.server, self.test_chan, "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?3",
                  title="test_feed3", update_frequency=Commons.load_time_delta("PT60S"))
     # Save to XML and load
             os.rename("store/subscriptions.json", "store/subscriptions.json.tmp")
         except OSError:
         new_rfl = SubscriptionRepo.load_json(self.hallo)
         assert len(new_rfl.sub_list) == 3
         except OSError:
             os.rename("store/subscriptions.json.tmp", "store/subscriptions.json")
         except OSError:
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_remove_by_title(self):
     another_chan = self.server.get_channel_by_address("another_channel")
     # Get feed list
     rss_check_class = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_by_name("check subscription")
     rss_check_obj = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_object(rss_check_class)  # type: SubscriptionCheck
     rfl = rss_check_obj.get_sub_repo(self.hallo)
     # Add RSS feeds to feed list
     rf1 = RssSub(self.server, self.test_chan, "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?1",
                  title="test_feed1", update_frequency=Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S"))
     rf2 = RssSub(self.server, another_chan, "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?2",
                  title="test_feed1", update_frequency=Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S"))
     rf3 = RssSub(self.server, self.test_chan, "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?3",
                  title="test_feed3", update_frequency=Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S"))
     # Remove test feed
     self.function_dispatcher.dispatch(EventMessage(self.server, self.test_chan, self.test_user,
                                                    "rss remove test_feed1"))
     data = self.server.get_send_data(1, self.test_chan, EventMessage)
     assert "removed rss subscription to test_feed1" in data[0].text.lower(), \
         "Response did not contain expected string. Response was: {}".format(data[0].text)
     assert rf1 not in rfl.sub_list
     assert rf2 in rfl.sub_list
     assert rf3 in rfl.sub_list
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_list_feeds(self):
     # Get feed list
     rss_check_class = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_by_name("e621 sub check")
     rss_check_obj = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_object(rss_check_class)  # type: SubE621Check
     rfl = rss_check_obj.e621_sub_list
     # Add RSS feeds to feed list
     rf1 = E621Sub()
     rf1.search = "butt"
     rf1.server_name = self.server.name
     rf1.channel_name = self.test_chan.name
     rf1.update_frequency = Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S")
     rf2 = E621Sub()
     rf2.search = "deer"
     rf2.server_name = self.server.name
     rf2.channel_name = "another_channel"
     rf2.update_frequency = Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S")
     rf3 = E621Sub()
     rf3.search = "dragon"
     rf3.server_name = self.server.name
     rf3.channel_name = self.test_chan.name
     rf3.update_frequency = Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S")
     # Run FeedList and check output
     self.function_dispatcher.dispatch("e621 sub list", self.test_user, self.test_chan)
     data = self.server.get_send_data(1, self.test_chan, Server.MSG_MSG)
     data_split = data[0][0].split("\n")
     assert "e621 search subscriptions posting" in data_split[0].lower()
     assert "butt" in data_split[1].lower() or "butt" in data_split[2].lower()
     assert "deer" not in data_split[1].lower() and "deer" not in data_split[2].lower()
     assert "dragon" in data_split[1].lower() or "dragon" in data_split[2].lower()
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_remove_no_match(self):
     # Get subscription list
     e621_check_class = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_by_name("e621 sub check")
     e621_check_obj = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_object(e621_check_class)  # type: SubE621Check
     rfl = e621_check_obj.e621_sub_list
     # Add E621 searches to subscription list
     rf1 = E621Sub()
     rf1.search = "butt"
     rf1.server_name = self.server.name
     rf1.channel_name = self.test_chan.name
     rf1.update_frequency = Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S")
     rf2 = E621Sub()
     rf2.search = "deer"
     rf2.server_name = self.server.name
     rf2.channel_name = "another_channel"
     rf2.update_frequency = Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S")
     rf3 = E621Sub()
     rf3.search = "dragon"
     rf3.server_name = self.server.name
     rf3.channel_name = self.test_chan.name
     rf3.update_frequency = Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S")
     # Try to remove invalid search
     self.function_dispatcher.dispatch("e621 sub remove not_a_search", self.test_user, self.test_chan)
     data = self.server.get_send_data(1, self.test_chan, Server.MSG_MSG)
     assert "error" in data[0][0].lower()
     assert rf1 in rfl.sub_list
     assert rf2 in rfl.sub_list
     assert rf3 in rfl.sub_list
Exemplo n.º 6
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj):
     # See if last argument is check period.
         try_period = line.split()[-1]
         search_delta = Commons.load_time_delta(try_period)
         search = line[:-len(try_period)]
     except ISO8601ParseError:
         search = line
         search_delta = Commons.load_time_delta("PT300S")
     search = search.strip()
     # Get current RSS feed list
     function_dispatcher = user_obj.server.hallo.function_dispatcher
     sub_check_class = function_dispatcher.get_function_by_name("e621 sub check")
     sub_check_obj = function_dispatcher.get_function_object(sub_check_class)  # type: SubE621Check
     e621_sub_list = sub_check_obj.e621_sub_list  # type: E621SubList
     # Create new e621 search subscription
     e621_sub = E621Sub()
     e621_sub.server_name = user_obj.server.name
     e621_sub.search = search
     e621_sub.update_frequency = search_delta
     if destination_obj.is_channel():
         e621_sub.channel_name = destination_obj.name
         e621_sub.user_name = destination_obj.name
     # Update feed
     first_results = e621_sub.check_subscription()
     # If no results, this is an invalid search subscription
     if len(first_results) == 0:
         return "Error, this does not appear to be a valid search, or does not have results."
     # Add new rss feed to list
     # Save list
     # Return output
     return "I have added new e621 subscription for the search \"" + e621_sub.search + "\""
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_remove_multiple_matching_titles(self):
     # Get feed list
     rss_check_class = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_by_name("rss check")
     rss_check_obj = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_object(rss_check_class)  # type: FeedCheck
     rfl = rss_check_obj.rss_feed_list
     # Add RSS feeds to feed list
     rf1 = RssFeed()
     rf1.url = "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?1"
     rf1.title = "test_feed1"
     rf1.server_name = self.server.name
     rf1.channel_name = self.test_chan.name
     rf1.update_frequency = Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S")
     rf2 = RssFeed()
     rf2.url = "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?2"
     rf2.title = "test_feed1"
     rf2.server_name = self.server.name
     rf2.channel_name = "another_channel"
     rf2.update_frequency = Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S")
     rf3 = RssFeed()
     rf3.url = "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?3"
     rf3.title = "test_feed1"
     rf3.server_name = self.server.name
     rf3.channel_name = self.test_chan.name
     rf3.update_frequency = Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S")
     # Remove test feed
     self.function_dispatcher.dispatch("rss remove test_feed1", self.test_user, self.test_chan)
     data = self.server.get_send_data(1, self.test_chan, Server.MSG_MSG)
     assert "error" in data[0][0].lower()
     assert rf1 in rfl.feed_list
     assert rf2 in rfl.feed_list
     assert rf3 in rfl.feed_list
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_run_by_title(self):
     # Set up test servers and channels
     serv1 = ServerMock(self.hallo)
     serv1.name = "test_serv1"
     chan1 = serv1.get_channel_by_name("test_chan1")
     chan2 = serv1.get_channel_by_name("test_chan2")
     serv2 = ServerMock(self.hallo)
     serv2.name = "test_serv2"
     chan3 = serv2.get_channel_by_name("test_chan1")
         # Set up rss feeds
         rfl = RssFeedList()
         rf1 = RssFeed()
         rf1.url = "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?1"
         rf1.title = "test_feed1"
         rf1.server_name = chan1.server.name
         rf1.channel_name = chan1.name
         rf1.update_frequency = Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S")
         rf2 = RssFeed()
         rf2.url = "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?2"
         rf2.title = "test_feed2"
         rf2.server_name = chan2.server.name
         rf2.channel_name = chan2.name
         rf2.update_frequency = Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S")
         rf3 = RssFeed()
         rf3.url = "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?3"
         rf3.title = "test_feed1"
         rf3.server_name = chan3.server.name
         rf3.channel_name = chan3.name
         rf3.update_frequency = Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S")
         # Splice this rss feed list into the function dispatcher's rss check object
         rss_check_class = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_by_name("rss check")
         rss_check_obj = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_object(rss_check_class)  # type: FeedCheck
         rss_check_obj.rss_feed_list = rfl
         # Invalid title
         self.function_dispatcher.dispatch("rss check Not a valid feed", self.test_user, self.test_chan)
         data = self.server.get_send_data(1, self.test_chan, Server.MSG_MSG)
         assert "error" in data[0][0].lower()
         # Correct title but wrong channel
         self.function_dispatcher.dispatch("rss check test_feed2", self.test_user, chan1)
         data = serv1.get_send_data(1, chan1, Server.MSG_MSG)
         assert "error" in data[0][0].lower()
         # Correct title check update
         self.function_dispatcher.dispatch("rss check test_feed2", self.test_user, chan2)
         data = serv1.get_send_data(1, chan2, Server.MSG_MSG)
         assert "feed updates were found" in data[0][0].lower()
         assert len(data[0][0].lower().split("\n")) == 4
         # No updates
         rf2.title = "test_feed2"
         self.function_dispatcher.dispatch("rss check test_feed2", self.test_user, chan2)
         data = serv1.get_send_data(1, chan2, Server.MSG_MSG)
         assert "no updates" in data[0][0], "No further updates should be found."
Exemplo n.º 9
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
     """WH40K Thought for the day. Format: thought_for_the_day"""
     thought_list = Commons.read_file_to_list('store/WH40K_ToTD2.txt')
     rand = Commons.get_random_int(0, len(thought_list) - 1)[0]
     if thought_list[rand][-1] not in ['.', '!', '?']:
         thought_list[rand] += "."
     return '"' + thought_list[rand] + '"'
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_domain_name(self):
     url1 = "https://github.com/joshcoales"
     assert Commons.get_domain_name(url1) == "github", "Failed to get domain from url1"
     url2 = "http://spangle.org.uk/things/stuff/hallo.html.com"
     assert Commons.get_domain_name(url2) == "spangle", "Failed to get domain from url2"
     url3 = "irc://irc.freenode.net:6666"
     assert Commons.get_domain_name(url3) == "freenode", "Failed to get domain from url3"
     url4 = "http://www.longurlmaker.com/go?id=143GetShortyShrtndspread%2Bout1tprotractedlongishYepItlofty1stretch" \
            "100RedirxMyURL1Sitelutionsspread%2Bout56706Ne1kfar%2Breachingstretchenlarged8U76SimURL01URLvi00distan" \
            "tr1towering46URLcutNe14m3q5stringy0elongatedremote7RubyURLRubyURL0300lasting52ny54blnk.inRedirx0t0aks" \
            "tretchedst765330DigBigf14922f8014v03121qeURl.ied99FhURL1MyURLFhURL8sustainedlingeringrunning07bYATUC6" \
            "8yU7618farawaystretchedxlfarawaySHurlcU760stretched01drangyccmstretchkrunningrremote52ganglingMyURL81" \
            "outstretchedTraceURL5aenduring60Is.gd5stretch69660Miniliengangling112vYATUC01drawn%2Bout29extensive1U" \
            "RLcutc03ShredURLfspread%2Boutoutstretched1EzURLTinyURLhigh0301URL7WapURL0u7Redirx5229NutshellURLdrawn" \
            "%2Boutwcfy68rangy4longish4SitelutionsG8LFwdURLe1stretchNanoRef56running2StartURLspun%2BoutShortURL165" \
            "MooURL4bTightURL00URLPieprolongedWapURLw0TightURL61runningdistantShorl8951hw2MooURLelongatek8lofty1Ti" \
            "nyURLc1qMetamark920bgelongate19n103c1dTinyLinkcontinuedlnk.in96591DecentURL0afar%2Breaching81elongish" \
            "504zremotec0l0e0adistants11high04DecentURL2stretchYATUCSnipURLstringys7b8deepTightURL1PiURLpa7elongat" \
            "edix0101Shim0Is.gdfar%2BreachingB65f8ctoweringNutshellURLWapURL1v9runningRubyURLURl.ie0ganglingEasyUR" \
            "L1ShortURL161stringy0h8extensivePiURL14prolongedEzURLt710distant1100rNanoRefh5311450ShrinkURLFwdURL1m" \
            "stretched119ganglingURLCuttera11fFhURL1b6tallFwdURLdlengthy110spun%2Bout7lastingf49Fly29loftyf5jXil0s" \
            "pread%2Bout4lengthyrangystretch8up0URL.co.uklingeringegURLHawk48zlengthyb3prolonged58loftyg18drawn%2B" \
            "outURLCutterURLHawk01cShortlinkshigh4remote1StartURLprolongedURLHawk0z03Shortlinks54gURLvi18elongated" \
            "EasyURL18elongated04WapURL1lofty51spread%2Bout1Redirx1A2N5411zfar%2Breachingf001prolonged01a4dstretch" \
            "sustainedoutstretchedShortURL612TraceURLURLvi00lasting28ec1URLcutcstringy827klengthyk1141DigBig9fcSHu" \
            "rl1Beam.toShorl0tstretchxURLCutterYepItnblasting080stretched1FhURL15rangy1x6600continuedShredURLblnk." \
            "inelongated00413outstretched0090146stretched589z05stringyc8sdielongatelongish6kprolongedfar%2Breachin" \
     assert Commons.get_domain_name(url4) == "longurlmaker", "Failed to get domain from url4"
     url5 = "http://domains.ninja"
     assert Commons.get_domain_name(url5) == "domains", "Failed to get domain from url5"
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_format_unix_time(self):
     unix1 = 0
     assert Commons.format_unix_time(unix1) == "1970-01-01 00:00:00"
     unix2 = 1000000000
     assert Commons.format_unix_time(unix2) == "2001-09-09 01:46:40"
     unix3 = 1234567890
     assert Commons.format_unix_time(unix3) == "2009-02-13 23:31:30"
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_chunk_string(self):
     chunks = Commons.chunk_string("a"*500, 100)
     assert len(chunks) == 5, "Did not return correct number of chunks"
     for chunk in chunks:
         assert len(chunk) <= 100, "Chunk of string is too long"
     chunks = Commons.chunk_string("", 100)
     assert len(chunks) == 0, "Did not handle empty string correctly."
Exemplo n.º 13
 def run(self, event):
     Say a message into a channel or server/channel pair (in the format "{server,channel}").
     Format: say <channel> <message>
     # Setting up variables
     line = event.command_args
     hallo_obj = event.server.hallo
     # See if server and channel are specified as parameters
     server_name = Commons.find_parameter("server", line)
     if server_name is not None:
         line = line.replace("server={}".format(server_name), "").strip()
     channel_name = Commons.find_parameter("channel", line)
     if channel_name is not None:
         line = line.replace("channel={}".format(channel_name), "").strip()
     # If channel_name is not found as a parameter, see if server/channel is given as a first argument pair.
     if channel_name is None:
         destination_pair = line.split()[0]
         line = line[len(destination_pair):].strip()
         destination_separators = ["->", ">", ",", ".", "/", ":"]
         for destination_separator in destination_separators:
             if destination_pair.count(destination_separator) != 0:
                 server_name = destination_pair.split(destination_separator)[0]
                 channel_name = destination_pair.split(destination_separator)[1]
         if channel_name is None:
             channel_name = destination_pair
     # Get server_obj list from server_name
     server_objs = []
     if server_name is None:
         server_objs = [event.server]
         # Create a regex query from their input
         server_regex = re.escape(server_name).replace(r"\*", ".*")
         server_list = hallo_obj.server_list
         for server_obj in server_list:
             if not server_obj.is_connected():
             if re.match(server_regex, server_obj.name, re.IGNORECASE):
     # If server is not recognised or found, respond with an error
     if len(server_objs) == 0:
         return event.create_response("Unrecognised server.")
     # Get channel_obj list from server_obj and channel_name
     channel_objs = []
     for server_obj in server_objs:
         channel_regex = re.escape(channel_name).replace(r"\*", ".*")
         channel_list = server_obj.channel_list
         for channel_obj in channel_list:
             if not channel_obj.in_channel:
             if re.match(channel_regex, channel_obj.name, re.IGNORECASE):
     # If no channels were found that match, respond with an error
     if len(channel_objs) == 0:
         return event.create_response("Unrecognised channel.")
     # Send message to all matching channels
     for channel_obj in channel_objs:
         event.server.send(EventMessage(event.server, channel_obj, None, line, inbound=False))
     return event.create_response("Message sent.")
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_is_string_null(self):
     valid = ['0', 'false', 'off', 'disabled', 'disable', '', 'nul', 'null', 'none', 'nil']
     invalid = ["true", "enable", "hello", "example", "test"]
     for valid_str in valid:
         assert Commons.is_string_null(valid_str), "Valid string judged to be not null, "+valid_str
     for invalid_str in invalid:
         assert not Commons.is_string_null(invalid_str), "Invalid string judged to be null, "+invalid_str
Exemplo n.º 15
 def create_from_input(input_evt, sub_repo):
     # Get event data
     server = input_evt.server
     destination = input_evt.channel if input_evt.channel is not None else input_evt.user
     clean_text = input_evt.command_args.strip().lower()
     text_split = clean_text.split()
     # Subreddit regex
     sub_regex = re.compile(r"r/([^\s]*)/?")
     if len(text_split) == 1:
         sub_name = clean_text if sub_regex.search(clean_text) is None else sub_regex.search(clean_text).group(1)
         reddit_sub = RedditSub(server, destination, sub_name)
         return reddit_sub
     if len(text_split) > 2:
         raise SubscriptionException("Too many arguments. Please give a subreddit, and optionally, a check period.")
         search_delta = Commons.load_time_delta(text_split[0])
         subreddit = text_split[1]
     except ISO8601ParseError:
         subreddit = text_split[0]
         search_delta = Commons.load_time_delta(text_split[1])
     sub_name = clean_text if sub_regex.search(subreddit) is None else sub_regex.search(subreddit).group(1)
     reddit_sub = RedditSub(server, destination, sub_name, update_frequency=search_delta)
     return reddit_sub
Exemplo n.º 16
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
     input_clean = line.strip().lower()
     url = "http://api.randomuser.me/0.6/?nat=gb&format=json"
     # Get api response
     json_dict = Commons.load_url_json(url)
     user_dict = json_dict['results'][0]['user']
     # Construct response
     name = (user_dict['name']['title'] + " " + user_dict['name']['first'] + " " + user_dict['name']['last']).title()
     email = user_dict['email']
     address = user_dict['location']['street'].title() + ", "
     address += user_dict['location']['city'].title() + ", "
     address += user_dict['location']['postcode']
     username = user_dict['username']
     password = user_dict['password']
     date_of_birth = Commons.format_unix_time(int(user_dict['dob']))
     phone_home = user_dict['phone']
     phone_mob = user_dict['cell']
     national_insurance = user_dict['NINO']
     pronoun = "he" if user_dict['gender'] == "male" else "she"
     pronoun_possessive = "his" if user_dict['gender'] == "male" else "her"
     if input_clean not in ["more", "full", "verbose", "all"]:
         output = "I have generated this person: Say hello to " + name + ". "
         output += pronoun.title() + " was born at " + date_of_birth + "."
         return output
     output = "I have generated this person: Say hello to " + name + ". "
     output += pronoun.title() + " was born at " + date_of_birth + " and lives at " + address + ". "
     output += pronoun.title() + " uses the email " + email + ", the username \"" + username + \
         "\" and usually uses the password \"" + password + "\". "
     output += pronoun_possessive.title() + " home number is " + phone_home + " but "
     output += pronoun_possessive + " mobile number is " + phone_mob + ". "
     output += pronoun_possessive + " national insurance number is " + national_insurance + "."
     return output
Exemplo n.º 17
 def test_check_calculation(self):
     valid = ["23", "2.123", "cos(12.2)", "tan(sin(atan(cosh(1))))", "pie", "1+2*3/4^5%6", "gamma(17)"]
     invalid = ["hello", "1&2", "$13.50", "1::", "cos(tan(12+t+15))"]
     for valid_str in valid:
         assert Commons.check_calculation(valid_str), "Valid string judged to be not calculation, "+valid_str
     for invalid_str in invalid:
         assert not Commons.check_calculation(invalid_str), "Invalid string judged to be calculation, "+invalid_str
Exemplo n.º 18
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
     # Get server object
     server_obj = user_obj.server
     # If no arguments given, turn the password for current channel off.
     line_clean = line.strip()
     if line_clean == '':
         destination_obj.password = None
         return "Channel password disabled."
     # If line has 1 argument, set password for current channel
     line_split = line_clean.split()
     if len(line_split) == 1:
         # Check if null was specified
         input_null = Commons.is_string_null(line_split[0])
         if input_null:
             destination_obj.password = None
             return "Channel password disabled."
             destination_obj.password = line_split[0]
             return "Channel password set."
     # Otherwise line has 2 or more arguments.
     # Assume first is channel, and second is password.
     input_null = Commons.is_string_null(line_split[1])
     target_channel_name = line_split[0]
     target_channel = server_obj.get_channel_by_name(target_channel_name)
     if input_null:
         target_channel.password = None
         return "Channel password disabled for " + target_channel.name + "."
         target_channel.password = line_split[1]
         return "Channel password set for " + target_channel.name + "."
Exemplo n.º 19
 def test_is_float_string(self):
     valid = ["23", "2.123", " 97"]
     invalid = ["", "cos(12.2)", "tan(sin(atan(cosh(1))))", "pie", "1+2*3/4^5%6", "gamma(17)", "hello",
                "1&2", "$13.50", "1::", "cos(tan(12+t+15))", "9 7"]
     for valid_str in valid:
         assert Commons.is_float_string(valid_str), "Valid string judged to be not float, "+valid_str
     for invalid_str in invalid:
         assert not Commons.is_float_string(invalid_str), "Invalid string judged to be float, "+invalid_str
Exemplo n.º 20
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
     word_list = Commons.read_file_to_list('store/ouija_wordlist.txt')
     rand_list = Commons.get_random_int(0, len(word_list) - 1, 4)
     num_words = (rand_list[0] % 3) + 1
     output_string = "I'm getting a message from the other side..."
     output_string += " ".join([word_list[rand_list[x + 2]] for x in range(num_words)])
     output_string += "."
     return output_string
Exemplo n.º 21
 def test_run_by_search(self):
     # Set up test servers and channels
     serv1 = ServerMock(self.hallo)
     serv1.name = "test_serv1"
     chan1 = serv1.get_channel_by_name("test_chan1")
     chan2 = serv1.get_channel_by_name("test_chan2")
     serv2 = ServerMock(self.hallo)
     serv2.name = "test_serv2"
     chan3 = serv2.get_channel_by_name("test_chan1")
         # Set up rss feeds
         rfl = E621SubList()
         rf1 = E621Sub()
         rf1.search = "butt"
         rf1.server_name = chan1.server.name
         rf1.channel_name = chan1.name
         rf1.update_frequency = Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S")
         rf2 = E621Sub()
         rf2.search = "deer"
         rf2.server_name = chan2.server.name
         rf2.channel_name = chan2.name
         rf2.update_frequency = Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S")
         rf3 = E621Sub()
         rf3.search = "dragon"
         rf3.server_name = chan3.server.name
         rf3.channel_name = chan3.name
         rf3.update_frequency = Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S")
         # Splice this rss feed list into the function dispatcher's rss check object
         rss_check_class = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_by_name("e621 sub check")
         rss_check_obj = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_object(rss_check_class)  # type: SubE621Check
         rss_check_obj.e621_sub_list = rfl
         # Invalid title
         self.function_dispatcher.dispatch("e621 sub check Not a valid search", self.test_user, self.test_chan)
         data = self.server.get_send_data(1, self.test_chan, Server.MSG_MSG)
         assert "error" in data[0][0].lower()
         # Correct title but wrong channel
         self.function_dispatcher.dispatch("e621 sub check deer", self.test_user, chan1)
         data = serv1.get_send_data(1, chan1, Server.MSG_MSG)
         assert "error" in data[0][0].lower()
         # Correct title check update
         self.function_dispatcher.dispatch("e621 sub check deer", self.test_user, chan2)
         data = serv1.get_send_data(1, chan2, Server.MSG_MSG)
         assert "search updates were found" in data[0][0].lower()
         assert len(data[0][0].lower().split("\n")) == 51
         # No updates
         self.function_dispatcher.dispatch("e621 sub check deer", self.test_user, chan2)
         data = serv1.get_send_data(1, chan2, Server.MSG_MSG)
         assert "no updates" in data[0][0], "No further updates should be found."
Exemplo n.º 22
 def test_string_to_bool(self):
     true_list = ['1', 'true', 't', 'yes', 'y', 'on', 'enabled', 'enable']
     for true_str in true_list:
         assert Commons.string_to_bool(true_str)
     false_list = ['0', 'false', 'f', 'no', 'n', 'off', 'disabled', 'disable']
     for false_str in false_list:
         assert not Commons.string_to_bool(false_str)
     invalid_list = ["hello", "example", "test"]
     for invalid_str in invalid_list:
         assert Commons.string_to_bool(invalid_str) is None
Exemplo n.º 23
 def log_ctcp(self, full_line, server_obj, user_obj, channel_obj):
     ctcp_command = full_line.split()[0]
     ctcp_arguments = ' '.join(full_line.split()[1:])
     if ctcp_command.lower() == "action":
         output = Commons.current_timestamp() + " "
         output += "**" + user_obj.get_name() + ' ' + ctcp_arguments + '**'
         return output
     output = Commons.current_timestamp() + " "
     output += "<" + user_obj.get_name() + ' (CTCP)> ' + full_line
     return output
Exemplo n.º 24
 def test_load_time_delta(self):
     string1 = "20S"
         assert False, "String 1 should have failed to parse."
     except ISO8601ParseError:
     string2 = "P20"
         assert False, "String 2 should have failed to parse."
     except ISO8601ParseError:
     string3 = "P20S"
         assert False, "String 3 should have failed to parse."
     except ISO8601ParseError:
     string4 = "PTS"
     delta4 = Commons.load_time_delta(string4)
     assert delta4.seconds == 0, "delta4 seconds set incorrectly."
     assert delta4.days == 0, "delta4 days set incorrectly."
     string5 = "P1T1S"
     delta5 = Commons.load_time_delta(string5)
     assert delta5.seconds == 1, "delta5 seconds set incorrectly."
     assert delta5.days == 1, "delta5 days set incorrectly."
     string6 = "P10T3600S"
     delta6 = Commons.load_time_delta(string6)
     assert delta6.seconds == 3600, "delta6 seconds set incorrectly."
     assert delta6.days == 10, "delta6 days set incorrectly."
Exemplo n.º 25
 def test_format_time_delta(self):
     delta1 = timedelta(5, 5)
     assert Commons.format_time_delta(delta1) == "P5T5S"
     delta2 = timedelta(0, 50)
     assert Commons.format_time_delta(delta2) == "P0T50S"
     delta3 = timedelta(3, 0, 0, 0, 1)
     assert Commons.format_time_delta(delta3) == "P3T60S"
     delta4 = timedelta(2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
     assert Commons.format_time_delta(delta4) == "P2T3600S"
     delta5 = timedelta(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
     assert Commons.format_time_delta(delta5) == "P7T0S"
Exemplo n.º 26
 def test_run_all(self):
     # Set up test servers and channels
     serv1 = ServerMock(self.hallo)
     serv1.name = "test_serv1"
     chan1 = serv1.get_channel_by_address("test_chan1".lower(), "test_chan1")
     chan2 = serv1.get_channel_by_address("test_chan2".lower(), "test_chan2")
     serv2 = ServerMock(self.hallo)
     serv2.name = "test_serv2"
     chan3 = serv2.get_channel_by_address("test_chan1".lower(), "test_chan1")
         # Set up rss feeds
         rfl = SubscriptionRepo()
         rf1 = RssSub(chan1.server, chan1, "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?1",
                      title="test_feed1", update_frequency=Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S"))
         rf2 = RssSub(chan2.server, chan2, "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?2",
                      title="test_feed2", update_frequency=Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S"))
         rf3 = RssSub(chan3.server, chan3, "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?3",
                      title="test_feed1", update_frequency=Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S"))
         # Splice this rss feed list into the function dispatcher's rss check object
         rss_check_class = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_by_name("check subscription")
         rss_check_obj = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_object(rss_check_class)  # type: SubscriptionCheck
         rss_check_obj.subscription_repo = rfl
         # Test running all feed updates
         self.function_dispatcher.dispatch(EventMessage(self.server, self.test_chan, self.test_user,
                                                        "rss check all"))
         # Check original calling channel data
         serv0_data = self.server.get_send_data(1, self.test_chan, EventMessage)
         assert "subscription updates were found" in serv0_data[0].text
         # Check test server 1 data
         serv1_data = serv1.get_send_data(6)
         chan1_count = 0
         chan2_count = 0
         for data_line in serv1_data:
             if data_line.channel == chan1:
                 chan1_count += 1
             if data_line.channel == chan2:
                 chan2_count += 1
         assert chan1_count == 3
         assert chan2_count == 3
         # Check test server 2 data
         serv2.get_send_data(3, chan3, EventMessage)
         # Test running with no new updates.
         self.function_dispatcher.dispatch(EventMessage(self.server, self.test_chan, self.test_user,
                                                        "rss check all"))
         data = self.server.get_send_data(1, self.test_chan, EventMessage)
         assert "no updates" in data[0].text, "No further updates should be found."
Exemplo n.º 27
 def run(self, event):
     rgb_list = Commons.get_random_int(0, 255, 3)
     hex_code = "{}{}{}".format(hex(rgb_list[0])[2:].zfill(2),
     url = "https://www.thecolorapi.com/id?hex={}".format(hex_code)
     human_url = "{}&format=html".format(url)
     colour_data = Commons.load_url_json(url)
     colour_name = colour_data["name"]["value"]
     output = "Randomly chosen colour is: {} #{} or rgb({},{},{}) {}".format(colour_name, hex_code, rgb_list[0],
                                                                             rgb_list[1], rgb_list[2], human_url)
     return event.create_response(output)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def test_run_by_title(self):
     # Set up test servers and channels
     serv1 = ServerMock(self.hallo)
     serv1.name = "test_serv1"
     chan1 = serv1.get_channel_by_address("test_chan1")
     chan2 = serv1.get_channel_by_address("test_chan2")
     user1 = serv1.get_user_by_address("test_user1")
     serv2 = ServerMock(self.hallo)
     serv2.name = "test_serv2"
     chan3 = serv2.get_channel_by_address("test_chan1")
         # Set up rss feeds
         rfl = SubscriptionRepo()
         rf1 = RssSub(chan1.server, chan1, "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?1",
                      title="test_feed1", update_frequency=Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S"))
         rf2 = RssSub(chan2.server, chan2, "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?2",
                      title="test_feed2", update_frequency=Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S"))
         rf3 = RssSub(chan3.server, chan3, "http://spangle.org.uk/hallo/test_rss.xml?3",
                      title="test_feed1", update_frequency=Commons.load_time_delta("PT3600S"))
         # Splice this rss feed list into the function dispatcher's rss check object
         rss_check_class = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_by_name("check subscription")
         rss_check_obj = self.function_dispatcher.get_function_object(rss_check_class)  # type: SubscriptionCheck
         rss_check_obj.subscription_repo = rfl
         # Invalid title
         self.function_dispatcher.dispatch(EventMessage(self.server, self.test_chan, self.test_user,
                                                        "rss check Not a valid feed"))
         data = self.server.get_send_data(1, self.test_chan, EventMessage)
         assert "error" in data[0].text.lower()
         # Correct title but wrong channel
         self.function_dispatcher.dispatch(EventMessage(serv1, chan1, user1, "rss check test_feed2"))
         data = serv1.get_send_data(1, chan1, EventMessage)
         assert "error" in data[0].text.lower()
         # Correct title check update
         self.function_dispatcher.dispatch(EventMessage(serv1, chan2, user1, "rss check test_feed2"))
         data = serv1.get_send_data(4, chan2, EventMessage)
         for x in range(3):
             assert "update on" in data[x].text.lower()
             assert "rss feed" in data[x].text.lower()
         assert "updates were found" in data[3].text.lower(), "Actual message: {}".format(data[0].text)
         # No updates
         rf2.title = "test_feed2"
         self.function_dispatcher.dispatch(EventMessage(serv1, chan2, user1, "rss check test_feed2"))
         data = serv1.get_send_data(1, chan2, EventMessage)
         assert "no updates" in data[0].text, "No further updates should be found."
Exemplo n.º 29
 def test_string_from_file(self):
     true_list = ['1', 'true', 't', 'yes', 'y', 'on', 'enabled', 'enable']
     for true_str in true_list:
         assert Commons.string_from_file(true_str)
     false_list = ['0', 'false', 'f', 'no', 'n', 'off', 'disabled', 'disable']
     for false_str in false_list:
         assert not Commons.string_from_file(false_str)
     null_list = ['', 'nul', 'null', 'none', 'nil']
     for null_str in null_list:
         assert Commons.string_from_file(null_str) is None
     invalid_list = ["hello", "example", "test"]
     for invalid_str in invalid_list:
         assert Commons.string_from_file(invalid_str) == invalid_str
Exemplo n.º 30
 def test_load_url_string(self):
     url1 = "https://httpbin.org/get"
     data1 = Commons.load_url_string(url1)
     data1split = data1.split("\n")
     assert data1split[0] == "{", "First line incorrect."
     assert data1split[1] == "  \"args\": {}, ", "String response incorrect."
     url2 = "https://httpbin.org/headers"
     headers2 = [["User-Agent", "Example data"]]
     data2 = Commons.load_url_string(url2, headers2)
     data2split = data2.split("\n")
     assert data2split[0] == "{", "First line incorrect."
     assert data2split[1] == "  \"headers\": {", "String response incorrect."
     assert "\"User-Agent\": \"Example data\"" in data2, "Headers missing from request."