Exemplo n.º 1
    def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
        """Construct from an Enumerator node of form
            <vars> in <rel>
        Alternatively, the rhs may be a setmatch of a rel, where
        the mask is a lookupmask and the key is a vartuple.
        checktype(node, L.Enumerator)

        lhs = L.get_vartuple(node.target)
        rhs = node.iter

        if L.is_name(rhs):
            rel = L.get_name(rhs)

        elif isinstance(rhs, L.SetMatch) and L.is_vartuple(rhs.key):
            keyvars = L.get_vartuple(rhs.key)
            # Make sure we're dealing with a lookupmask and that the
            # key vars agree with the mask.
            mask = Mask(rhs.mask)
            assert mask.is_lookupmask
            assert mask.lookup_arity == len(keyvars)

            lhs = keyvars + lhs
            rel = L.get_name(rhs.target)

            raise TypeError

        return cls(lhs, rel)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def from_comp(cls, node, factory):
     """Construct from Comp node. Requires a ClauseFactory."""
     checktype(node, L.Comp)
     join = Join.from_comp(node, factory)
     return cls(join, node.resexp, node.params)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
     """Construct from an Enumerator node of form
         <vars> in <rel>
     Alternatively, the rhs may be a setmatch of a rel, where
     the mask is a lookupmask and the key is a vartuple.
     checktype(node, L.Enumerator)
     lhs = L.get_vartuple(node.target)
     rhs = node.iter
     if L.is_name(rhs):
         rel = L.get_name(rhs)
     elif isinstance(rhs, L.SetMatch) and L.is_vartuple(rhs.key):
         keyvars = L.get_vartuple(rhs.key)
         # Make sure we're dealing with a lookupmask and that the
         # key vars agree with the mask.
         mask = Mask(rhs.mask)
         assert mask.is_lookupmask
         assert mask.lookup_arity == len(keyvars)
         lhs = keyvars + lhs
         rel = L.get_name(rhs.target)
         raise TypeError
     return cls(lhs, rel)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def from_comp(cls, node, factory):
     """Construct from Comp node, ignoring the result expression.
     factory is used to construct clauses from their ASTs.
     checktype(node, L.Comp)
     clauses = [factory.from_AST(clast) for clast in node.clauses]
     delta = DeltaInfo.from_options(node.options)
     return cls(clauses, factory, delta)
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: join.py Projeto: IncOQ/incoq
 def from_comp(cls, node, factory):
     """Construct from Comp node, ignoring the result expression.
     factory is used to construct clauses from their ASTs.
     checktype(node, L.Comp)
     clauses = [factory.from_AST(clast) for clast in node.clauses]
     delta = DeltaInfo.from_options(node.options)
     return cls(clauses, factory, delta)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
        """Construct from Enumerator node of form
            <vars> in {<expr>}
        checktype(node, L.Enumerator)

        lhs = L.get_vartuple(node.target)
        val = L.get_singletonset(node.iter)

        return cls(lhs, val)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
     """Construct from Enumerator node of form
         <vars> in {<expr>}
     checktype(node, L.Enumerator)
     lhs = L.get_vartuple(node.target)
     val = L.get_singletonset(node.iter)
     return cls(lhs, val)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def from_expr(cls, node):
     """Construct from a condition expression of form
         <vars> == <rel>
     checktype(node, L.AST)
     left, op, val = L.get_cmp(node)
     checktype(op, L.Eq)
     lhs = L.get_vartuple(left)
     return cls(lhs, val)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def from_expr(cls, node):
        """Construct from a condition expression of form
            <vars> == <rel>
        checktype(node, L.AST)

        left, op, val = L.get_cmp(node)
        checktype(op, L.Eq)
        lhs = L.get_vartuple(left)

        return cls(lhs, val)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
        """Construct from Enumerator node of form
            <vars> in <rel> + {<expr>}
        checktype(node, L.Enumerator)

        rhs, extra = L.get_singadd(node.iter)

        innernode = node._replace(iter=rhs)
        innerclause = factory.from_AST(innernode)

        return cls(innerclause, extra)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
     """Construct from Enumerator node of form
         <vars> in <rel> + {<expr>}
     checktype(node, L.Enumerator)
     rhs, extra = L.get_singadd(node.iter)
     innernode = node._replace(iter=rhs)
     innerclause = factory.from_AST(innernode)
     return cls(innerclause, extra)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def from_expr(cls, node):
     """Construct from a membership condition expression of form
         <vars> in <rel>
     Note that this is syntactically different from the form used
     in comprehensions, even though their textual representation
     in source code is the same.
     checktype(node, L.AST)
     left, op, right = L.get_cmp(node)
     checktype(op, L.In)
     lhs = L.get_vartuple(left)
     rel = L.get_name(right)
     return cls(lhs, rel)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def from_expr(cls, node):
        """Construct from a membership condition expression of form
            <vars> in <rel>
        Note that this is syntactically different from the form used
        in comprehensions, even though their textual representation
        in source code is the same.
        checktype(node, L.AST)

        left, op, right = L.get_cmp(node)
        checktype(op, L.In)
        lhs = L.get_vartuple(left)
        rel = L.get_name(right)
        return cls(lhs, rel)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
     """Construct from Enumerator node of form
         <vars> in deltamatch(<rel>, <mask>, <val>, <limit>)
     checktype(node, L.Enumerator)
     lhs = L.get_vartuple(node.target)
     checktype(node.iter, L.DeltaMatch)
     rel = L.get_name(node.iter.target)
     mask = Mask(node.iter.mask)
     val = node.iter.elem
     limit = node.iter.limit
     if limit not in [0, 1]:
         raise TypeError
     inferred_mask = Mask.from_vars(lhs, lhs)
     assert mask == inferred_mask
     return cls(lhs, rel, val, limit)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
        """Construct from Enumerator node of form
            <vars> in deltamatch(<rel>, <mask>, <val>, <limit>)
        checktype(node, L.Enumerator)

        lhs = L.get_vartuple(node.target)
        checktype(node.iter, L.DeltaMatch)
        rel = L.get_name(node.iter.target)
        mask = Mask(node.iter.mask)
        val = node.iter.elem
        limit = node.iter.limit
        if limit not in [0, 1]:
            raise TypeError

        inferred_mask = Mask.from_vars(lhs, lhs)
        assert mask == inferred_mask

        return cls(lhs, rel, val, limit)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
     """Construct from an Enumerator node of form
         var in {<rel>.smlookup(<mask>, <key vars>)}
     checktype(node, L.Enumerator)
     var = L.get_name(node.target)
     sm = L.get_singletonset(node.iter)
     checktype(sm, L.SMLookup)
     rel = L.get_name(sm.target)
     mask = Mask(sm.mask)
     keyvars = L.get_vartuple(sm.key)
     # Ensure the mask is consistent with how it's used.
     if mask != Mask.from_keylen(len(keyvars)):
         raise TypeError
     lhs = keyvars + (var,)
     return cls(lhs, rel)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
        """Construct from an Enumerator node of form
            var in {<rel>.smlookup(<mask>, <key vars>)}
        checktype(node, L.Enumerator)

        var = L.get_name(node.target)
        sm = L.get_singletonset(node.iter)
        checktype(sm, L.SMLookup)
        rel = L.get_name(sm.target)
        mask = Mask(sm.mask)
        keyvars = L.get_vartuple(sm.key)
        # Ensure the mask is consistent with how it's used.
        if mask != Mask.from_keylen(len(keyvars)):
            raise TypeError

        lhs = keyvars + (var, )
        return cls(lhs, rel)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
     """Construct from expression node."""
     checktype(node, L.expr)
     return cls(node)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def from_AST(cls, node, factory):
        """Construct from expression node."""
        checktype(node, L.expr)

        return cls(node)