Exemplo n.º 1
def run_engine(corpus_path="testData", output_path="posting", stemming=True, glove_dict=None):
    This function build the inverted index over the corpus.
    send each tweet to parsing and indexing.
    if the stemming is True the parsing will use the stemmer on the tokens.
    :param glove_dict: Glove file including all word vectors
    :param corpus_path: root folder containing the raw tweet files
    :param output_path for the inverted index, posting files and tweets dictionary
    :param stemming if True use stemmer on terms

    config = ConfigClass(corpus_path, number_of_term_buckets=26, number_of_entities_buckets=2, output_path=output_path)
    r = ReadFile(corpus_path=config.get_corpusPath())
    p = Parse(stemming)
    indexer = Indexer(config)
    all_files_paths = glob.glob(config.get_corpusPath() + "\\*\\*.snappy.parquet")
    all_files_names = [file_name[file_name.find("\\") + 1:] for file_name in all_files_paths]
    start_time = time.time()
    file_counter = 0
    for file_name in all_files_names:
        file_start_time = time.time()
        # print("start file :", file_counter)
        documents_list = [document for document in r.read_file(file_name=file_name)]
        # Iterate over every document in the file
        for idx, document in enumerate(documents_list):
            parsed_document = p.parse_doc(document)
            indexer.add_new_doc(parsed_document, glove_dict)
        # print("end file number ", file_counter, " in: ", time.time() - file_start_time)
        file_counter += 1
    total_time = time.time() - start_time