Exemplo n.º 1
def getTrainData_1(symbol, startDate, endDate, periods=14, remove_head=19):
    dates = pd.date_range(startDate, endDate)
    df = util.loadPriceData([symbol], dates)

    # skip periods day latest (14 days) that predict a price is new high or not
    df_sliced = df.ix[0:len(df) - periods]
    price_close = pd.DataFrame(df_sliced[symbol])
    set = pd.DataFrame(df_sliced['SET'])

    rsi = ind.rsi(price_close) / 100  # normalize
    sr = ind.create_dataframe_SR(df_sliced, [symbol])
    myRatio = ind.get_myRatio(price_close)
    daily = ind.daily_returns(price_close) * 100  # normalize
    _, _, macd = ind.average_convergence(price_close)

    ohlcv = util.load_OHLCV(symbol, dates)
    percent_KD = ind.percent_KD(ohlcv) / 100  # normalize
    c2o = ind.daily_returns_2(ohlcv) * 100  # normalize

    volume = util.loadVolumeData([symbol], dates)
    #skip periods day latest
    volume_sliced = volume.ix[0:len(volume) - periods]
    assert len(volume_sliced) == len(df_sliced)
    obv = ind.OBV(volume_sliced, df_sliced)
    obv_rsi = ind.rsi(obv) / 100  # calcuate momentum with rsi and normalize
    set_rsi = ind.rsi(set) / 100  # calcuate momentum with rsi and normalize

    # Join data frame
    # rename column
    rsi.rename(columns={symbol: 'RSI'}, inplace=True)
    myRatio.rename(columns={symbol: 'MY'}, inplace=True)
    daily.rename(columns={symbol: 'DAILY'}, inplace=True)
    macd.rename(columns={symbol: 'MACD'}, inplace=True)
    obv_rsi.rename(columns={symbol: 'OBV_RSI'}, inplace=True)
    set_rsi.rename(columns={'SET': 'SET_RSI'}, inplace=True)

    Xtrain = pd.DataFrame(index=df_sliced.index)
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(rsi['RSI'])
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(percent_KD['%K'])
    #Xtrain = Xtrain.join(sr['SR'])
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(myRatio['MY'])
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(daily['DAILY'])
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(macd['MACD'])
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(c2o)
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(obv_rsi['OBV_RSI'])
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(set_rsi)

    upTrend = ind.isUpTrend(df, symbol, periods=periods)
    Ydigit = 1 * upTrend[
        symbol]  # multiply 1 : True is converted to 1 (up trend) , False becomes 0

    # skip at head row, avoid NaN values
    Xtrain = Xtrain.ix[remove_head:]
    Ydigit = Ydigit.ix[remove_head:]
    price_close = price_close.ix[remove_head:]
    return Xtrain, Ydigit, price_close
Exemplo n.º 2
def find_validETF(filename, buy_signal, sell_signal):
    ls_etf = []
    ls_rsi = []
    ls_bbd = []
    for etf in get_ETFSymbols('nasdaq'):
            price = read_yahooData(etf)
        except IOError:
        relative_strength = rsi(price)
        bollinger_band, bollinger_band2 = bbands(price)
        # ''' RSI is considered overbought when above 75 and oversold when below 25 '''

        if (relative_strength.values[-1] < buy_signal and bollinger_band < 0.
            ) or (relative_strength.values[-1] > sell_signal
                  and bollinger_band > 0.):
            ls_rsi.append(round(relative_strength, 3))
            ls_bbd.append(round(bollinger_band, 3))
            new = signal_generation(price, buy_signal, sell_signal, n=14)
            plot_rsi(new, etf, buy_signal, sell_signal)
            newbie = signal_generation2(price)
            plot_bb(newbie, etf)

    df = pandas.DataFrame({
        'ETF': ls_etf,
        'Relative Strength': ls_rsi,
        'Bollinger Band': ls_bbd
Exemplo n.º 3
def getTrainData_2(symbol, startDate, endDate, remove_head=15):
    dates = pd.date_range(startDate, endDate)
    df = util.loadPriceData([symbol], dates)  #1
    close = df.ix[0:len(df) - 1]  # skip tail
    assert len(df) == len(close) + 1

    ema5 = ind.ema(close, periods=5)  #2
    sma5 = ind.ema(close, periods=5)  #3
    ema15 = ind.ema(close, periods=5)  #4
    sma15 = ind.ema(close, periods=5)  #5

    bb1p = ind.get_BBANDS(close, symbol, periods=14, mul=1)  #6, #7
    bb2p = ind.get_BBANDS(close, symbol, periods=14, mul=2)  #8, #9
    _, _, macd = ind.average_convergence(close)  #10
    signal_macd = ind.signal_MACD(macd)  #11

    rsi = ind.rsi(close)  #12

    ohlcv = util.load_OHLCV(symbol, dates)
    percent_KD = ind.percent_KD(ohlcv)  #14, 15

    # rename columns
    close.rename(columns={symbol: 'CLOSE'}, inplace=True)
    ema5.rename(columns={symbol: 'EMA5'}, inplace=True)
    sma5.rename(columns={symbol: 'SMA5'}, inplace=True)
    ema15.rename(columns={symbol: 'EMA15'}, inplace=True)
    sma15.rename(columns={symbol: 'SMA15'}, inplace=True)
    bb1p.rename(columns={'LOWER': 'LOWER_BB1P'}, inplace=True)
    bb1p.rename(columns={'UPPER': 'UPPER_BB1P'}, inplace=True)
    bb2p.rename(columns={'LOWER': 'LOWER_BB2P'}, inplace=True)
    bb2p.rename(columns={'UPPER': 'UPPER_BB2P'}, inplace=True)
    macd.rename(columns={symbol: 'MACD'}, inplace=True)
    signal_macd.rename(columns={symbol: 'SG_MACD'}, inplace=True)
    rsi.rename(columns={symbol: 'RSI'}, inplace=True)

    Xtrain = pd.DataFrame(index=close.index)
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(close['CLOSE'])  # 1
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(ema5['EMA5'])  # 2
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(sma5['SMA5'])  # 3
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(ema15['EMA15'])  # 4
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(sma15['SMA15'])  # 5
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(bb1p['LOWER_BB1P'])  # 6
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(bb1p['UPPER_BB1P'])  # 7
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(bb2p['LOWER_BB2P'])  # 8
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(bb2p['UPPER_BB2P'])  # 9
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(macd['MACD'])  # 10
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(signal_macd['SG_MACD'])  # 11
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(rsi['RSI'])  # 12
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(percent_KD)  # 13

    Ytrain = df[symbol].shift(-1)  # skip SET and shift
    Ytrain.dropna(0, inplace=True)
    assert len(Ytrain) == len(Xtrain)

    # skip at head row, avoid NaN values
    Xtrain = Xtrain[remove_head:]
    Ytrain = Ytrain[remove_head:]

    return Xtrain, Ytrain
Exemplo n.º 4
def getTrainData_4(symbol, startDate, endDate, periods=14, remove_head=19):
    dates = pd.date_range(startDate, endDate)

    # day periods that predict a price is new high or not
    df = util.loadPriceData([symbol], dates)

    # skip periods day latest
    df_sliced = df.ix[0:len(df) - periods]

    price_close = pd.DataFrame(df_sliced[symbol])
    set = pd.DataFrame(df_sliced['SET'])

    bbands = ind.get_BBANDS(price_close, symbol)
    ema26, ema12, macd = ind.average_convergence(price_close)
    rsi = ind.rsi(price_close)
    daily = ind.daily_returns(price_close)

    ohlcv = util.load_OHLCV(symbol, dates)
    percent_KD = ind.percent_KD(ohlcv)

    volume = util.loadVolumeData(symbol, dates)
    #skip periods day latest
    volume_sliced = volume.ix[0:len(volume) - periods]
    assert len(volume_sliced) == len(price_close)

    volume_sliced = pd.DataFrame(volume_sliced[symbol])
    obv = ind.OBV(volume_sliced, price_close)

    # Join data frame
    # rename column
    price_close.rename(columns={symbol: 'CLOSE'}, inplace=True)
    ema26.rename(columns={symbol: 'EMA26'}, inplace=True)
    ema12.rename(columns={symbol: 'EMA12'}, inplace=True)
    daily.rename(columns={symbol: 'DAILY'}, inplace=True)
    rsi.rename(columns={symbol: 'RSI'}, inplace=True)
    obv.rename(columns={symbol: 'OBV'}, inplace=True)

    Xtrain = price_close
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(bbands['UPPER'])
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(bbands['LOWER'])
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(ema26)
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(ema12)
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(rsi)
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(percent_KD['%K'])
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(obv)
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(set)

    upTrend = ind.isUpTrend(df, symbol, periods=periods)
    Ydigit = 1 * upTrend[
        symbol]  # multiply 1 : True is converted to 1 (up trend) , False becomes 0
    assert len(Xtrain) == len(Ydigit)

    # skip at head row, avoid NaN values
    Xtrain = Xtrain.ix[remove_head:]
    Ydigit = Ydigit.ix[remove_head:]
    Xtrain.fillna(0, inplace=True)  # protected NaN value
    return Xtrain, Ydigit
Exemplo n.º 5
def signal_generation(df, buy_signal, sell_signal, n=14):
    # indi df de rsi
    df_f = pd.DataFrame()
    df_f['Close'] = df
    df_f['rsi'] = rsi(df)  # [n:]
    df_f['positions'] = np.where(df_f['rsi'] < buy_signal, 1,
                                 np.where(df_f['rsi'] > sell_signal, -1, 0))
    df_f['signals'] = df_f['positions'].diff()
    # print(df_f)
    return df_f[n:]
Exemplo n.º 6
def generate_onesecurity_onefreq(filepath):
    # Input filepath = './ts/Future/IF/IF_15s.ts'
    #  datestimes,          volrmb,         open,       high,       low,
    #  2014-12-09 09:15:00, 880059660.000,  3306.800,   3307.200,   3306.800,
    #           close,      avgprice,   bid,        ask
    #           3307.200,   3307.331,   3306.900,   3308.100
    # Output s_outpath ='./ics/Future/IF/IF_15s.ics'
    # datestimes,	typ,	ema50,	ema27,	rsi14,	cci10,	tr,	kpi
    # 2005-01-04,	0.2367,	0.2360,	0.2360,	0.5000,	0.0000,	0.0420,	0.2360
    s_prod = filepath.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0]
    s_freq = filepath.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]

    s_outdir = './ics/'+s_prodtype + '/' +s_prod+'/'
    s_outpath = s_outdir + s_prod + '_' + s_freq + '.ics'
    logger.info("generate_onesecurity_onefreq(%s,%s) start",s_prod,s_freq)

    df_prices = pd.read_csv(filepath, parse_dates=[0], index_col=0)
    df_c = df_prices['close']
    df_h = df_prices['high']
    df_l = df_prices['low']

    typ = ic.typ(df_h , df_l , df_c)
    ema50 = ic.ema(df_c, 50)
    ema27 = ic.ema(df_c, 27)
    rsi = ic.rsi(df_c)
    cci10 = ic.cci(typ ,df_c, 10)
    tr = ic.tr(df_h,df_l,df_c)
    kpi = ic.kpi(df_c)

    ics = pd.concat([typ, ema50, ema27 ,rsi, cci10, tr, kpi], axis=1)
    ics.to_csv(s_outpath, float_format='%.4f')

    logger.info("generate_onesecurity_onefreq(%s,%s) done",s_prod,s_freq)
Exemplo n.º 7
def find_validETF(filename):
    ls_etf = []
    ls_rsi = []
    ls_bbd = []
    for etf in get_ETFSymbols('Nasdaq'):
            price = read_yahooData(etf)
        except IOError:
        relative_strength = rsi(price)
        bollinger_band = bbands(price)

        if relative_strength < 30. and bollinger_band < 0.:
            ls_rsi.append(round(relative_strength, 3))
            ls_bbd.append(round(bollinger_band, 3))

    df = pandas.DataFrame({
        'ETF': ls_etf,
        'Relative Strength': ls_rsi,
        'Bollinger Band': ls_bbd
Exemplo n.º 8
def find_validETF(filename):
    ls_etf = []
    ls_rsi = []
    ls_bbd = []
    for etf in get_ETFSymbols('Nasdaq'):
            price = read_yahooData(etf)
        except IOError:
        relative_strength = rsi(price)
        bollinger_band = bbands(price)

        if relative_strength < 30. and bollinger_band < 0.:

    df = pandas.DataFrame({
        'ETF': ls_etf,
        'Relative Strength': ls_rsi,
        'Bollinger Band': ls_bbd
Exemplo n.º 9
def getTrainData_3(symbol, startDate, endDate, remove_head=15):
    dates = pd.date_range(startDate, endDate)

    df = util.loadPriceData([symbol], dates)  #1
    close = df.ix[0:len(df) - 1]  # skip tail
    assert len(df) == len(close) + 1

    ema5 = ind.ema(close, periods=5)  #2
    sma5 = ind.ema(close, periods=5)  #3
    ema15 = ind.ema(close, periods=5)  #4
    sma15 = ind.ema(close, periods=5)  #5

    bb1p = ind.get_BBANDS(close, symbol, periods=14, mul=1)  #6, #7
    bb2p = ind.get_BBANDS(close, symbol, periods=14, mul=2)  #8, #9
    _, _, macd = ind.average_convergence(close)  #10
    signal_macd = ind.signal_MACD(macd)  #11

    rsi = ind.rsi(close)  #12

    ohlcv = util.load_OHLCV(symbol, dates)
    percent_KD = ind.percent_KD(ohlcv)  #14, 15

    # rename columns
    close.rename(columns={symbol: 'CLOSE'}, inplace=True)
    ema5.rename(columns={symbol: 'EMA5'}, inplace=True)
    sma5.rename(columns={symbol: 'SMA5'}, inplace=True)
    bb1p.rename(columns={'LOWER': 'LOWER_BB1P'}, inplace=True)
    bb1p.rename(columns={'UPPER': 'UPPER_BB1P'}, inplace=True)
    macd.rename(columns={symbol: 'MACD'}, inplace=True)
    rsi.rename(columns={symbol: 'RSI'}, inplace=True)

    Xtrain = pd.DataFrame(index=close.index)
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(close['CLOSE'])  # 1
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(ema5['EMA5'])  # 2
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(sma5['SMA5'])  # 3
    #Xtrain = Xtrain.join(ema15['EMA15'])		# 4
    #Xtrain = Xtrain.join(sma15['SMA15'])		# 5
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(bb1p['LOWER_BB1P'])  # 6
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(bb1p['UPPER_BB1P'])  # 7
    #Xtrain = Xtrain.join(bb2p['LOWER_BB2P'])	# 8
    #Xtrain = Xtrain.join(bb2p['UPPER_BB2P'])	# 9
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(macd['MACD'])  # 10
    #Xtrain = Xtrain.join(signal_macd['SG_MACD']) # 11
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(rsi['RSI'])  # 12
    Xtrain = Xtrain.join(percent_KD)  # 13

    df = df[symbol]  # skip SET
    daily = ind.daily_returns(df)
    daily = daily.shift(-1)  # predict tommorow
    daily.dropna(0, inplace=True)  # drop NaN in last row
    Ytrain = 1 * (daily > 0.0)  # if positive it converted 1, or 0 in negative
    assert len(Ytrain) == len(Xtrain)

    # skip at head row, avoid NaN values
    Xtrain = Xtrain[remove_head:]
    Ytrain = Ytrain[remove_head:]

    # normalize
    normalizer = preprocessing.Normalizer().fit(Xtrain)
    Xnorm = normalizer.transform(Xtrain)
    Xnorm = pd.DataFrame(Xnorm, columns=Xtrain.columns)

    return Xnorm, Ytrain
Exemplo n.º 10
def rsi_check(candles):
    inputs = indicator.gen_inputs(candles, 'close')
    return indicator.rsi(inputs, 'close')