def testPolicy(self, symbol = "IBM", \
        sd=dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \
        ed=dt.datetime(2010,1,1), \
        sv = 10000):

        dates = pd.date_range(sd - dt.timedelta(days=(self.n_days + 30)), ed)
        df_prices = ut.get_data(['IBM'], dates)  # Get data including SPY
        df_prices = df_prices.rename(columns={'IBM': 'Adj Close'})

        indic = ind.Indicators(df_prices, self.verbose)
        df_indicators = indic.get_indicators()
        adj_sd_pos = np.searchsorted(
            df_indicators.index,  #Position of adjusted start date
        df_indicators = df_indicators.ix[
            adj_sd_pos:-1, :]  # Trim anything before the start date
        #self.printv('Trimmed Indicators DF: \n%s' %(df_indicators))

        # Normalize the data, required so that discretization of test data will work same as training data
        #df_indicators = df_indicators/(df_indicators.ix[0])
        #self.printv('Normalized DF Indicators: %s' %(df_indicators))

        # Set buckets for indicator values, this helps to discretize the values for use with QLearner
        self.bollinger_buckets = pd.cut(df_indicators['UBB'],
                                        labels=np.arange(0, 10))
        self.macd_buckets = pd.cut(df_indicators['MACD'],
                                   labels=np.arange(0, 10))
        self.rsi_buckets = pd.cut(df_indicators['RSI'],
                                  labels=np.arange(0, 10))

        df_trades = pd.DataFrame(
            index=df_indicators.index)  # Create DF to track trades
        df_trades["Trade"] = 0
        df_trades[:] = 0  # Init to zero
        holding = 0  # Starts out with 0 holdings

        # Iterate throughout the indicators/price data frame
        for index, row in df_indicators.iterrows():
            current_row = df_indicators.index.get_loc(
                index)  # Get the current row number
            s = self.discretize(
                index)  # Get the discretized state for this day
            a = self.q_learner.querysetstate(s)
            action = self.process_action(
                a, holding
            )  # Determines buy/sell action based on a and current holding
            holding = holding + action
            df_trades.ix[index, 'Trade'] = action

        if self.verbose == True: df_trades.to_csv('test_df_trades.csv')

        return df_trades
Exemplo n.º 2
    xlsx_processor = initializer.xlsx_processor
    dxf_processor = initializer.dxf_processor
    dxf_processor_2 = initializer.dxf_processor_2

    print('GUI_inputchecker start')
    inputchecker = gui.inputChecker(xlsx_processor.traffic_day,
    print('GUI_inputchecker stop')

    print('GUI_datechooser start')
    datechooser = gui.dateChooser(xlsx_processor.dates)
    duration = (datechooser.dates_chosen[0], datechooser.dates_chosen[-1])
    print('GUI_datechooser stop')

    print('GUI_indicatorinput start')
    indicatorinput = gui.indicatorInput(xlsx_processor.mainstore)
    print('GUI_indicatorinput stop')

    indicators = indicators.Indicators(xlsx_processor, indicatorinput.inds,
                                       indicatorinput.area_mainstore, duration)
    img_path = os.path.split(indicatorinput.path)[0]
    '''for date in datechooser.dates_chosen:
        print('main draw'+date)

    draw(xlsx_processor, dxf_processor, dxf_processor_2, duration, img_path)
    def addEvidence(self, symbol = "IBM", \
        sd=dt.datetime(2008,1,1), \
        ed=dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \
        sv = 10000):

        # Get the data for the date range (in addition go back n-days plus 30 for tech indicators to work)
        dates = pd.date_range(sd - dt.timedelta(days=(self.n_days + 30)), ed)
        df_prices = ut.get_data(['IBM'], dates)  # Get data including SPY
        df_prices = df_prices.rename(columns={'IBM': 'Adj Close'})

        indic = ind.Indicators(df_prices, self.verbose)
        df_indicators = indic.get_indicators()
        adj_sd_pos = np.searchsorted(
            df_indicators.index,  #Position of adjusted start date
        df_indicators = df_indicators.ix[
            adj_sd_pos:-1, :]  # Trim anything before the start date
        #self.printv('Trimmed Indicators DF: \n%s' %(df_indicators))

        # Normalize the data, required so that discretization of test data will work same as training data
        #df_indicators = df_indicators/(df_indicators.ix[0])
        #self.printv('Normalized DF Indicators: %s' %(df_indicators))

        # Set buckets for indicator values, this helps to discretize the values for use with QLearner
        self.bollinger_buckets = pd.qcut(df_indicators['UBB'],
                                         labels=np.arange(0, 10))
        self.macd_buckets = pd.qcut(df_indicators['MACD'],
                                    labels=np.arange(0, 10))
        self.rsi_buckets = pd.qcut(df_indicators['RSI'],
                                   labels=np.arange(0, 10))

        #self.printv('MACD Buckets: %s. \n Bollinger Buckets: %s' %(self.macd_buckets, self.bollinger_buckets))

        # Start Training
        converged = False
        prev_df_trades = None  # df_trades of last iteration, used to check convergence
        current_iter = 1  # Start out at iteration 1, used to ensure enough iterations are ran but not too many leading to timeout

        while not converged:

            df_trades = pd.Series(
                index=df_indicators.index)  # Create DF to track trades
            df_trades[:] = 0  # Init to zero
            holding = 0  # Starts out with 0 holdings

            # Iterate throughout the indicators/price data frame
            for index, row in df_indicators.iterrows():
                current_row = df_indicators.index.get_loc(
                    index)  # Get the current row number
                s = self.discretize(
                    index)  # Get the discretized state for this day
                if current_row == 0:  # First day so just set-up the state
                    a = self.q_learner.querysetstate(s)
                    action = self.process_action(
                        a, holding
                    )  # Determines buy/sell action based on a and current holding
                    holding = holding + action
                else:  # Not first day, so adjust q-table

                    # Calculate reward as percentage change multiplied by holding
                    prev_close = df_indicators['Adj Close'].iloc[current_row -
                    today_close = row['Adj Close']
                    r = ((today_close / prev_close) - 1) * holding
                    self.printv('Reward for %s is %s' % (index, r))
                    a = self.q_learner.query(s, r)
                    action = self.process_action(a, holding)
                    holding = holding + action
                df_trades[index] = action

            # Check for convergence
            if current_iter > self.max_iters: converged = True

            if current_iter > self.min_iters and prev_df_trades.all(
            ) == df_trades.all():
                converged = True

            prev_df_trades = df_trades  # Track history of last df trades for comparison for convergence
            current_iter = current_iter + 1  # Increase iteration

        if self.verbose == True: df_trades.to_csv('df_trades.csv')
Exemplo n.º 4
s = stock.Stock(sym)
chart = charts.Charts(s)

data_d = tdapi.get_price_history_api('day', '1', 'minute', '1', 'false',
chart.plot_custom_plot(data_d, no_time=True)

pp = point_parser.PointParser(data_d)

y_coordinates = [pp.nine_window_ema[x] for x in pp.crossed]

closes = [f['close'] for f in data_d]

sma_120 = indicators.Indicators().simple_moving_average(closes, 120)
x_s = [i for i in range(len(sma_120))]

chart.plot_as_line(pp.xs, pp.nine_window_ema, 2)

x = [f[0] for f in pp.print_significant()]
y = [f[1] for f in pp.print_significant()]

print(stategy.find_resistance(pp.print_significant(), 56))

rsi = indicators.Indicators().relative_strength(closes)
rsi_xs = [x for x in range(len(rsi))]
chart.plot_as_point(x, y, 2)
chart.plot_macd_histogram(3, data_d)
chart.plot_as_line(rsi_xs, rsi, 1)