Exemplo n.º 1
def _build_name_search(name_list):
    text = remove_accents('%{}%'.format('%'.join(
        escape_like(name) for name in name_list)))
    return db.or_(
            db.func.concat(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)).ilike(text),
            db.func.concat(User.last_name, ' ', User.first_name)).ilike(text))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def title_matches(cls, search_string, exact=False):
        """Check whether the title matches a search string.

        To be used in a SQLAlchemy `filter` call.

        :param search_string: A string to search for
        :param exact: Whether to search for the exact string
        crit = db.func.to_tsvector('simple', cls.title).match(preprocess_ts_string(search_string),
        if exact:
            crit = crit & cls.title.ilike('%{}%'.format(escape_like(search_string)))
        return crit
Exemplo n.º 3
    def title_matches(cls, search_string, exact=False):
        """Check whether the title matches a search string.

        To be used in a SQLAlchemy `filter` call.

        :param search_string: A string to search for
        :param exact: Whether to search for the exact string
        crit = db.func.to_tsvector('simple', cls.title).match(
            preprocess_ts_string(search_string), postgresql_regconfig='simple')
        if exact:
            crit = crit & cls.title.ilike('%{}%'.format(
        return crit
Exemplo n.º 4
def fts_matches(column, search_string, *, exact=False):
    """Check whether a fts-indexed column matches a search string.

    To be used in a SQLAlchemy `filter` call.

    :param column: The column to search in
    :param search_string: A string to search for
    :param exact: Whether to search for the exact string
    crit = db.func.to_tsvector('simple', column).match(
        preprocess_ts_string(search_string), postgresql_regconfig='simple')
    if exact:
        crit = crit & column.ilike(escape_like(search_string))
    return crit
Exemplo n.º 5
    def find_with_filters(filters, user=None):
        from indico.modules.rb.models.locations import Location

        equipment_count = len(filters.get('available_equipment', ()))
        equipment_subquery = None
        if equipment_count:
            equipment_subquery = (
                    RoomEquipmentAssociation.c.room_id == Room.id,
                    RoomEquipmentAssociation.c.equipment_id.in_(eq.id for eq in filters['available_equipment'])

        capacity = filters.get('capacity')
        q = (
                Location.id == filters['location'].id if filters.get('location') else True,
                ((Room.capacity >= (capacity * 0.8)) | (Room.capacity == None)) if capacity else True,
                Room.is_reservable if filters.get('is_only_public') else True,
                Room.is_auto_confirm if filters.get('is_auto_confirm') else True,
                Room.is_active if filters.get('is_only_active', False) else True,
                (equipment_subquery == equipment_count) if equipment_subquery is not None else True)

        if filters.get('available', -1) != -1:
            repetition = RepeatMapping.convert_legacy_repeatability(ast.literal_eval(filters['repeatability']))
            is_available = Room.filter_available(filters['start_dt'], filters['end_dt'], repetition,
                                                 include_pre_bookings=filters.get('include_pre_bookings', True),
            # Filter the search results
            if filters['available'] == 0:  # booked/unavailable
                q = q.filter(~is_available)
            elif filters['available'] == 1:  # available
                q = q.filter(is_available)
                raise ValueError('Unexpected availability value')

        free_search_columns = (
            'name', 'site', 'division', 'building', 'floor', 'number', 'telephone', 'key_location', 'comments'
        if filters.get('details'):
            # Attributes are stored JSON-encoded, so we need to JSON-encode the provided string and remove the quotes
            # afterwards since PostgreSQL currently does not expose a function to decode a JSON string:
            # http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/[email protected]
            details = filters['details'].lower()
            details_str = u'%{}%'.format(escape_like(details))
            details_json = u'%{}%'.format(escape_like(json.dumps(details)[1:-1]))
            free_search_criteria = [getattr(Room, c).ilike(details_str) for c in free_search_columns]
            free_search_criteria.append(Room.attributes.any(cast(RoomAttributeAssociation.value, db.String)
            q = q.filter(or_(*free_search_criteria))

        q = q.order_by(Room.capacity)
        rooms = q.all()
        # Apply a bunch of filters which are *much* easier to do here than in SQL!
        if filters.get('is_only_public'):
            # This may trigger additional SQL queries but is_public is cached and doing this check here is *much* easier
            rooms = [r for r in rooms if r.is_public]
        if filters.get('is_only_my_rooms'):
            assert user is not None
            rooms = [r for r in rooms if r.is_owned_by(user)]
        if capacity:
            # Unless it would result in an empty resultset we don't want to show rooms with >20% more capacity
            # than requested. This cannot be done easily in SQL so we do that logic here after the SQL query already
            # weeded out rooms that are too small
            matching_capacity_rooms = [r for r in rooms if r.capacity is None or r.capacity <= capacity * 1.2]
            if matching_capacity_rooms:
                rooms = matching_capacity_rooms
        return rooms
Exemplo n.º 6
def _make_room_text_filter(text):
    text = '%{}%'.format(escape_like(text))
    columns = ('site', 'division', 'building', 'floor', 'number', 'comments',
    return db.or_(getattr(Room, col).ilike(text) for col in columns)
Exemplo n.º 7
def _make_room_text_filter(text):
    text = '%{}%'.format(escape_like(text))
    columns = ('site', 'division', 'building', 'floor', 'number', 'comments', 'full_name')
    return db.or_(getattr(Room, col).ilike(text) for col in columns)
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: util.py Projeto: jas01/indico
def _build_name_search(name_list):
    text = remove_accents('%{}%'.format('%'.join(escape_like(name) for name in name_list)))
    return db.or_(db.func.indico.indico_unaccent(db.func.concat(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)).ilike(text),
                  db.func.indico.indico_unaccent(db.func.concat(User.last_name, ' ', User.first_name)).ilike(text))