Exemplo n.º 1
 def _process(self, **kwargs):
     if request.method == 'POST':
         if 'confirm' not in request.form:
             return False
         logger.info('User %s authorized %s', session.user,
         return True
     if self.application.is_trusted:
         logger.info('User %s automatically authorized %s', session.user,
         return True
     requested_scopes = set(kwargs['scopes'])
     token = self.application.tokens.filter_by(user=session.user).first()
     authorized_scopes = token.scopes if token else set()
     if requested_scopes <= authorized_scopes:
         return True
     new_scopes = requested_scopes - authorized_scopes
     return render_template(
             _f for _f in [SCOPES.get(s) for s in authorized_scopes] if _f
             _f for _f in [SCOPES.get(s) for s in new_scopes] if _f
Exemplo n.º 2
class ApplicationForm(IndicoForm):
    name = StringField(_("Name"), [DataRequired()])
    description = TextAreaField(_("Description"))
    redirect_uris = RedirectURIField(_("Allowed authorization callback URLs"), [DataRequired()],
                                     description=_("More than one URL can be specified adding new lines. The "
                                                   "redirect_uri sent by the OAuth client must use the same protocol "
                                                   "and host/port. If an entry contains a path, the redirect_uri's "
                                                   "path must start with this path."))
    default_scopes = IndicoSelectMultipleCheckboxField('Allowed scopes', [DataRequired()],
                                                       choices=sorted(list(SCOPES.items()), key=itemgetter(1)))
    is_enabled = BooleanField(_("Enabled"), widget=SwitchWidget(),
                              description=_("If an application is not enabled, its OAuth tokens cannot be used and "
                                            "user cannot be prompted to authorize the application."))
    is_trusted = BooleanField(_("Trusted"), widget=SwitchWidget(),
                              description=_("Trusted applications will be granted authorization automatically and "
                                            "no intermediate page will be displayed during the authorization process."))

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.application = kwargs.pop('application', None)
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.application is not None:
            for field in self.application.system_app_type.enforced_data:
                # preserve existing value for disabled fields
                self[field].data = self[field].object_data

    def validate_name(self, field):
        query = OAuthApplication.find(name=field.data)
        if self.application:
            query = query.filter(db.func.lower(OAuthApplication.name) != self.application.name.lower())
        if query.count():
            raise ValidationError(_("There is already an application with this name"))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _process(self, **kwargs):
     if request.method == 'POST':
         if 'confirm' not in request.form:
             return False
         logger.info('User %s authorized %s', session.user, self.application)
         return True
     if self.application.is_trusted:
         logger.info('User %s automatically authorized %s', session.user, self.application)
         return True
     requested_scopes = set(kwargs['scopes'])
     token = self.application.tokens.filter_by(user=session.user).first()
     authorized_scopes = token.scopes if token else set()
     if requested_scopes <= authorized_scopes:
         return True
     new_scopes = requested_scopes - authorized_scopes
     return render_template('oauth/authorize.html', application=self.application,
                            authorized_scopes=filter(None, [SCOPES.get(s) for s in authorized_scopes]),
                            new_scopes=filter(None, [SCOPES.get(s) for s in new_scopes]))