Exemplo n.º 1
    def update(self, data):

        # create the input_data tensor
        data_loader = build_data_loader(data)
        input_data = self.create_input_data_tensor(data_loader)

        t = []
        sess = util.get_session()
        for i in range(self.epochs):
            for j in range(self.batches):
                # evaluate the data tensor to get an evaluated one which can be used to observe varoables
                local_input_data = sess.run(input_data)
                # reshape data in case it does not match exactly with the shape used when building the random variable
                # i.e.: (..., 1) dimension
                clean_local_input_data = {k: np.reshape(v, self.expanded_variables["p"][k].observed_value.shape.as_list())
                                          for k, v in local_input_data.items()}
                with contextmanager.observe(self.expanded_variables["p"], clean_local_input_data):
                    with contextmanager.observe(self.expanded_variables["q"], clean_local_input_data):

                        if j == 0 and i % 200 == 0:
                            print("\n {} epochs\t {}".format(i, t[-1]), end="", flush=True)
                        if j == 0 and i % 20 == 0:
                            print(".", end="", flush=True)

        # set the protected _losses attribute for the losses property
        self.debug.losses += t
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: vi.py Projeto: xcgfth/InferPy
    def run(self, pmodel, sample_dict):
        # NOTE: right now we use a session in a with context, so it is open and close.
        # If we want to use consecutive inference, we need the same session to reuse the same variables.
        # In this case, the build_in_session function from RandomVariables should not be used.

        # get the plate size
        plate_size = util.iterables.get_plate_size(pmodel.vars, sample_dict)
        # Create the loss function tensor
        loss_tensor = self.loss_fn(pmodel, self.qmodel, plate_size=plate_size)

        train = self.optimizer.minimize(loss_tensor)

        t = []

        sess = inf.get_session()
        # Initialize all variables which are not in the probmodel p, because they have been initialized before
        model_variables = [
            v for v in itertools.chain(pmodel.params.values(), (
                pmodel._last_expanded_params or {}).values(), (
                    pmodel._last_fitted_params or {}
                ).values(), self.qmodel.params.values(), (
                    self.qmodel._last_expanded_params or {}).values(), (
                        self.qmodel._last_fitted_params or {}).values())

                v for v in tf.global_variables() if v not in model_variables
                and not v.name.startswith("inferpy-")

        with contextmanager.observe(pmodel._last_expanded_vars, sample_dict):
            with contextmanager.observe(self.qmodel._last_expanded_vars,
                for i in range(self.epochs):

                    if i % 200 == 0:
                        print("\n {} epochs\t {}".format(i, t[-1]),
                    if i % 10 == 0:
                        print(".", end="", flush=True)

        # set the private __losses attribute for the losses property
        self.__losses = t

        return self.qmodel._last_expanded_vars, self.qmodel._last_expanded_params
Exemplo n.º 3
 def log_prob(self, data):
     """ Computes the log probabilities of a (set of) sample(s)"""
     with contextmanager.observe(self.vars, data):
         return {
             k: self.vars[k].log_prob(tf.convert_to_tensor(v))
             for k, v in data.items()
Exemplo n.º 4
    def log_prob(self):
        """ Computes the log probabilities of a (set of) sample(s)"""
        with util.interceptor.enable_interceptor(
            with contextmanager.observe(self.observed_variables, self.data):
                result = util.runtime.try_run({
                    k: v.log_prob(v.value)
                    for k, v in self.target_variables.items()

        return result
Exemplo n.º 5
    def update(self, data):

        # data must be a sample dictionary
        sample_dict = build_sample_dict(data)
        # ensure that the size of the data matches with the self.plate_size
        data_size = util.iterables.get_plate_size(self.pmodel.vars,
        if data_size != self.plate_size:
            raise ValueError(
                "The size of the data must be equal to the plate size: {}".

        t = []
        sess = util.get_session()
        # reshape data in case it does not match exactly with the shape used when building the random variable
        # i.e.: (..., 1) dimension
        clean_sample_dict = {
            k: np.reshape(
            for k, v in sample_dict.items()
        with contextmanager.observe(self.expanded_variables["p"],
            with contextmanager.observe(self.expanded_variables["q"],
                for i in range(self.epochs):

                    if i % 200 == 0:
                        print("\n {} epochs\t {}".format(i, t[-1]),
                    if i % 10 == 0:
                        print(".", end="", flush=True)

        # set the protected _losses attribute for the losses property
        self.debug.losses += t
Exemplo n.º 6
    def post_predictive_sample(self):
        Sample from the posterior predictive distribution, i.e., from the
        observed variables with the inferred posterior fixed to the model.
        :return: dictionary of samples with an entry for each observed variable.

        sess = util.session.get_session()
        post = {k: sess.run(v.loc) for k, v in self.posterior.items()}
        with contextmanager.observe(self.posterior, post):
            samples = {
                var: self._last_expanded_vars[var].sample()
                for var in self.vars.keys()
                if var not in self.posterior.keys()
        return samples
Exemplo n.º 7
    def parameters(self, names=None):
        """ Return the parameters of the Random Variables of the model.
        If `names` is None, then return all the parameters of all the Random Variables.
        If `names` is a list, then return the parameters specified in the list (if exists) for all the Random Variables.
        If `names` is a dict, then return all the parameters specified (value) for each Random Variable (key).

            If `tf_run=True`, but any of the returned parameters is not a Tensor and therefore cannot be evaluated)
            this returns a not evaluated dict (because the evaluation will raise an Exception)

            names: A list, a dict or None. Specify the parameters for the Random Variables to be obtained.

            A dict, where the keys are the names of the Random Variables and the values a dict of parameters (name-value)

        # argument type checking
        if not (names is None or isinstance(names, (list, dict))):
            raise TypeError(
                "The argument 'names' must be None, a list or a dict, not {}.".
        # now we can assume that names is None, a list or a dict

        # function to filter the parameters for each Random Variable
        def filter_parameters(varname, parameters):
            parameter_names = list(parameters.keys())
            if names is None:
                # use all the parameters
                selected_parameters = parameter_names
                # filter by names; if is a dict and key not in, use all the parameters
                selected_parameters = set(names if isinstance(names, list) else
                                          names.get(varname, parameters))

            return {
                k: util.runtime.try_run(v)
                for k, v in parameters.items() if k in selected_parameters

        with contextmanager.observe(self.observed_variables, self.data):
            result = {
                k: filter_parameters(k, v.parameters)
                for k, v in self.target_variables.items()

        return result
Exemplo n.º 8
    def sample(self, size=1):
        """ Generates a sample for eache variable in the model """
        with util.interceptor.enable_interceptor(
            with contextmanager.observe(self.observed_variables, self.data):
                # each iteration for `size` run the dict in the session, so if there are dependencies among random vars
                # they are computed in the same graph operations, and reflected in the results
                samples = [
                    for _ in range(size)

        if size == 1:
            result = samples[0]
            # compact all samples in one single dict
            result = {
                k: np.array([sample[k] for sample in samples])
                for k in self.target_variables.keys()

        return result
Exemplo n.º 9
 def predict(self, observations={}):
     # TODO: this function is under design. Should not be used as it is right now.
     sess = util.session.get_session()
     with contextmanager.observe(self.posterior, observations):
         return sess.run({k: v for k, v in self.posterior.items()})
Exemplo n.º 10
    def run(self, pmodel, sample_dict):
        # create a tf dataset and an iterator, specifying the batch size
        plate_size = util.iterables.get_plate_size(pmodel.vars, sample_dict)
        batches = int(plate_size / self.batch_size)  # M/N
        batch_weight = self.batch_size / plate_size  # N/M

        tfdataset = (
            )  # use the size of the complete dataset for shuffle buffer, so we use a perfect shuffle
                self.batch_size, drop_remainder=True
            )  # discard the remainder batch with less elements if exists
        iterator = tfdataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
        input_data = iterator.get_next(
        )  # each time this tensor is evaluated in a session it contains new data

        # Create the loss function tensor
        loss_tensor = self.loss_fn(pmodel,

        train = self.optimizer.minimize(loss_tensor)

        t = []

        sess = inf.get_session()
        # Initialize all variables which are not in the probmodel p, because they have been initialized before
        model_variables = set([
            v for v in itertools.chain(pmodel.params.values(), (
                pmodel._last_expanded_params or {}).values(), (
                    pmodel._last_fitted_params or {}
                ).values(), self.qmodel.params.values(), (
                    self.qmodel._last_expanded_params or {}).values(), (
                        self.qmodel._last_fitted_params or {}).values())
                v for v in tf.global_variables() if v not in model_variables
                and not v.name.startswith("inferpy-")

        for i in range(self.epochs):
            for j in range(batches):
                # evaluate the data tensor to get an evaluated one which can be used to observe varoables
                local_input_data = sess.run(input_data)
                with contextmanager.observe(pmodel._last_expanded_vars,
                    with contextmanager.observe(
                            self.qmodel._last_expanded_vars, local_input_data):

                        if i % 200 == 0:
                            print("\n {} epochs\t {}".format(i, t[-1]),
                        if i % 20 == 0:
                            print(".", end="", flush=True)

        # set the private __losses attribute for the losses property
        self.__losses = t

        return self.qmodel._last_expanded_vars, self.qmodel._last_expanded_params