Exemplo n.º 1
    def do_enable_sysdb_node(self, ip):
        (status, nodes_info) = self.get_sysdb_nodes()
        if status != 0:
            return (-1, "get enable sysdb node: get nodes failed")

        cmd = "/usr/bin/etcdctl --endpoints=%s member add %s --peer-urls=http://%s:2380" \
          % (self._get_sysdb_endpoints(), self._get_sysdb_instance_name(ip), ip)
        (status, output) = sysdb.execute(cmd)
        if status != 0:
            self.log.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "do add member failed:%s" % output)
            return (-1, output)

        ip_info = ""
        for item in nodes_info:
            ip_info += item + ","
        # new sysdb nodes ip
        ip_info += ip

        (status, output) = rpc.RpcClient.send_message(
            ip, "mod", "misc.sysdb.sysdb_mgt.sys_enable_sysdb_node_service",
        if status != 0 or eval(output)[0] != 0:
                "do start new node sysdb service failed:%s,%s" % (ip, output))
            return (-1, "start new node sysdb service failed:%s, %d, %s" %
                    (ip, status, output))

        return (0, "success")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_sysdb_nodes(self):
        nodes = []

        index = 0
        is_ready = False
        while index < MEMBER_READY_RETRY_TIMES:
            index += 1
            cmd = "/usr/bin/etcdctl --endpoints=%s member list" \
             % self._get_sysdb_endpoints()
            (status, output) = sysdb.execute(cmd)
            if status != 0:
                    "get sysdb member info retry:%d, endpoint:%s,\
						output:%s" % (index, self._get_sysdb_endpoints(), output))
                is_ready = True

        if not is_ready:
                            "get sysdb member info failed:%s" % output)
            return (-1, nodes)

        #print output

        for item in output.split('\n'):
            detail = item.split(',')
            if detail[-1].strip().startswith("http://"):
                node_info = detail[-1].strip().split(':')
                node_info = node_info[1][2:]

        return (0, nodes)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def health(self):
        info = 0  # 0-unhealthy, 1-healthy
        end_points = ""

        (status, nodes) = self.get_sysdb_nodes()
        if status != 0:
            return (-1, info)

        for item in nodes:
            end_points += item + ":2379,"

        if not end_points:
            return (-1, info)

        cmd = "/usr/bin/etcdctl --endpoints=%s endpoint health" \
          % end_points.rstrip(',')
        (status, output) = sysdb.execute(cmd)
        if status != 0:
            self.log.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "get sysdb health failed")
            return (0, info)

        #print nodes, output
        for item in output.split('\n'):
            if re.search(r"is healthy", item.strip()):
                # if one node is healthy, the sysdb cluster is healty
                info = 1

        return (0, info)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def is_sysdb_master_node(self):
        info = 0  # 0-unhealthy, 1-healthy
        end_points = ""

        (status, nodes) = self.get_sysdb_nodes()
        if status != 0:
            return False

        for item in nodes:
            end_points += item + ":2379,"

        if not end_points:
            return False

        cmd = "/usr/bin/etcdctl --endpoints=%s endpoint status" \
          % end_points.rstrip(',')
        (status, output) = sysdb.execute(cmd)
        if status != 0:
            self.log.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "get sysdb health failed")
            return False

        #print nodes, output
        for item in output.split('\n'):
            if re.search(r"true", item.strip()):
                # if one node is healthy, the sysdb cluster is healty
                ip = item.split(':')[0]
                if net.is_local_ip(ip.strip()):
                    return True
                    return False

        return False
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _get_sysdb_node_member_id(self, ip):
        id = ""

        cmd = "/usr/bin/etcdctl --endpoints=%s member list" % self._get_sysdb_endpoints(
        (status, output) = sysdb.execute(cmd)
        for item in output.split('\n'):
            if re.search(r'%s' % ip, item):
                return item.split(',')[0].strip()

        return id
Exemplo n.º 6
    def do_disable_sysdb_node(self, ip):
        (status, nodes_info) = self.get_sysdb_nodes()
        if status != 0:
            return (-1, "get sysdb node info failed")

        if len(nodes_info) == 1:
            return (-1, "there should be have one sysdb node")

        is_sysdb = False
        for item in nodes_info:
            if item == ip:
                # is a sysdb node
                is_sysdb = True

        if not is_sysdb:
            # not sysdb node, just return
            return (0, 'success')

        member_id = self._get_sysdb_node_member_id(ip)
        if not member_id:
            return (-1, "get sysdb member id failed:%s" % ip)

        cmd = "/usr/bin/etcdctl --endpoints=%s member remove %s" \
          % (self._get_sysdb_endpoints(), member_id)
        (status, output) = sysdb.execute(cmd)
        if status != 0:
            return (-1, "disable sysdb failed:%d, %s" % (status, output))

        ips = ""
        for item in nodes_info:
            if item != ip:
                ips += item + ','

        ips = ips.rstrip(',')
        (status, output) = rpc.RpcClient.send_message(
            ip, "mod", "misc.sysdb.sysdb_mgt.sys_disable_sysdb_node_service",
        if status != 0 or eval(output)[0] != 0:
            detail = "disable sysdb node service failed:%s" % output
            self.log.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, detail)
            return (-1, detail)

        self.log.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "disable sysdb node %s success" % ip)
        return (0, "success")
Exemplo n.º 7
    def info(self):
        node_info = []
        value = {"cluster": "unhealthy"}
        end_points = ""

        (status, nodes) = self.get_sysdb_nodes()
        if status != 0:
            return (-1, value)

        for item in nodes:
            end_points += item + ":2379,"

        # sysdb hostname convert to storage node
        handle = ClsNode()
        (status, output) = handle.list_system_node()
        if status != 0:
            # ignore the system node info
            self.log.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "get sytsem node info failed")
            return (-1, value)
            node_info = output

        cmd = "/usr/bin/etcdctl --endpoints=%s endpoint health" \
          % end_points.rstrip(',')
        (status, output) = sysdb.execute(cmd)
        if status != 0:
            self.log.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "get sysdb health failed")
            return (-1, value)

        #print nodes, output
        for node_item in nodes:
            for item in output.split('\n'):
                state = ""
                if item.strip().startswith(node_item):
                    if re.search(r"is healthy", item.strip()):
                        state = "healthy"
                        value['cluster'] = "healthy"
                    elif re.search(r"is unhealthy", item.strip()):
                        state = "unhealthy"
                        # invalid state, should not be here
                        self.log.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "get sysdb health unknown:%s, %s" \
                          % (node_item, item))
                        state = "unknown"

                    # get hostname
                    node_host = ""
                    if node_info:
                        for host_item in node_info['nodes']:
                            if host_item['ip'] == node_item:
                                node_host = host_item['hostname']

                    if not node_host:
                        self.log.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "get sysdb health node hostname failed:%s" \
                          % node_item)
                        value[node_item] = state
                        value[node_host] = state


        return (0, sorted(value.items()))