Exemplo n.º 1
 def getNextJobWaitingInLine (self, testbed):
     manualLockWaitingFiles = glob.glob(self.testbedDir + testbed + '*' + '.manual-lock-waiting')
     jobWaitingFiles        = glob.glob(self.testbedDir + testbed + '*' + '.job-waiting')
     filePrefixList = manualLockWaitingFiles + jobWaitingFiles
     # Build a list of files associating with their priority and submissionId
     if filePrefixList != []:
         prioritizing = {}            
         for testbedFile in filePrefixList:
             # Get prioriyy and submission ID for each file.
             # Lowest priority number has precedence.
             fileContents  = infraLib.getFileContents(testbedFile)
             priority      = fileContents[4].split('=')[1]
             submissionId  = fileContents[5].split('=')[1]
             prioritizing[testbedFile] = [priority, submissionId]
         # This sorted for loop will get files with lowest priority
         # and then lowest submission ID.
         sortedPriorityJobList = sorted(prioritizing, key=prioritizing.get)
         if sortedPriorityJobList:
             return sortedPriorityJobList[0]
         # Returning None
Exemplo n.º 2
    def unlockTestbed(self, testbedList):
        """ unlockTestbed [testbed name | all] """

        allResult = 'all' in testbedList
        if allResult == False:
            if self.testbedExists(testbedList) == False:
                self.printErrorMsg('No such testbed %s' % testbedList)
            testbedList = self.getAllTestbedNames()

        for testbed in testbedList:
            if self.testbedExists(testbed) == False:
                self.printErrorMsg('No such testbed %s' % testbed)
                # Kill the process ID on existing jobs waiting and running
                allTestbedLockFiles = glob.glob(self.testbedDir + testbed + '.*')
                if allTestbedLockFiles != None:
                    for file in allTestbedLockFiles:
                        fileContents = infraLib.getFileContents(file)
                            processId    = fileContents[6].split('=')[1]
                            os.system('kill -9 %s' % (processId))
                        except IndexError:

                if glob.glob(self.testbedDir + testbed + '*') != []:
                    os.system('rm %s' % self.testbedDir + testbed + '*')
Exemplo n.º 3
 def testbedExists(self, testbedList):
     fileContents = infraLib.getFileContents(self.allTestbedNamesFile)
     # testbedList can be either one item or a list of items
     # If it is one item, then convert it into a list
     if type(testbedList) == str:
         testbedList = testbedList.split()
     for eachTestbed in testbedList:
         if eachTestbed in fileContents:
             return False
     return True
Exemplo n.º 4
    def Reprioritized(self, submissionId, newPriority):
        # Get a list of all the files with .manual-lock-waiting and .job-waiting.
        #    Check the submissionID
        #    If match, write existing contents to a temp file 
        #       and change the priority number

        if int(newPriority) > 7:
            print ('\n', 'Error: Priority number range is 0-7')
            print ('\t', 'You entered: %s' % (newPriority), '\n')

        # For reprioritization, we only do this for jobs that are waiting.
        # Otherwise, it doesn't matter
        waitingFileList = glob.glob(self.testbedDir + '*' + '.*waiting')

        if waitingFileList != []:
            isThereSuchSubmissionIdFlag = 0
            for eachWaitingFile in waitingFileList:
                fileContents = infraLib.getFileContents( eachWaitingFile )

                typeOfLock    = fileContents[0].split('=')[1]
                user          = fileContents[1].split('=')[1]
                date          = fileContents[2].split('=')[1]
                time          = fileContents[3].split('=')[1]
                priority      = fileContents[4].split('=')[1]
                submissionId2 = fileContents[5].split('=')[1]

                if submissionId == submissionId2:
                    isThereSuchSubmissionIdFlag = 1

                    # Change the priority by rewriting the waiting file with
                    # the new priority number
                    tempFile = eachWaitingFile + '.temp'
                    os.system('touch ' + tempFile)

                    infraLib.writeToFile(tempFile, 'typeOfLock=' + typeOfLock + '\n')
                    infraLib.writeToFile(tempFile, 'user='******'\n')
                    infraLib.writeToFile(tempFile, 'date=' + date + '\n')
                    infraLib.writeToFile(tempFile, 'time=' + time + '\n')
                    infraLib.writeToFile(tempFile, 'priority=' + newPriority + '\n')
                    infraLib.writeToFile(tempFile, 'submissionId=' + submissionId + '\n')

                    os.system('rm %s' % (eachWaitingFile))
                    os.system('mv %s %s' % (tempFile, eachWaitingFile))

            if isThereSuchSubmissionIdFlag == 0:
                self.printErrorMsg('No such submissionID found: %s' % submissionId)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def getAllTestbedNames(self):
     testbeds = infraLib.getFileContents( self.allTestbedNamesFile )
     return testbeds
Exemplo n.º 6
    def lockTestbed(self, testbedList, typeOfLock='Manual-Lock', processId=None):
        # typeOfLock = Manual-Lock or Job
        # This is to distinguish if the generated file is for
        # manual locking or for a job

        # NOTE: The testbed lock file name must include the submissionId 
        #       as part of the filename because the same user could 
        #       create lock the testbed and launch a job on the same testbed.
        #       Lock file needs to look like this: abc.202710827155.manually-locked
        #                                          abc.321740827155.manual-lock-waiting
        #                                          abc.023856739300.job-running
        #                                          abc.023856739300.job-waiting
        #                                          abc.023856739300.test-failed

        allResult = 'all' in testbedList
        if allResult == False:            
            if self.testbedExists(testbedList) == False:
                self.printErrorMsg('No such testbed %s' % testbedList)
            testbedList = self.getAllTestbedNames()

        for testbed in testbedList:
            # If testbed is already locked, check if it is same user trying to lock testbed again.
            # If not the same user, then go into waiting mode.
            lockedFiles = glob.glob(self.testbedDir + testbed + '.' + '*' + '.manually-locked')
            lockedFileWaiting = glob.glob(self.testbedDir + testbed + '.' + '*' + '.manual-lock-waiting')

            ignoreSameUserManualLock = 0

            if typeOfLock == 'Manual-Lock':
                if lockedFiles != []:
                    fileContents = infraLib.getFileContents(lockedFiles[0])

                if lockedFileWaiting != []:
                    # fileContents = ['typeOfLock=Manual-Lock', 'user=hgee', 'date=Sep-10', 
                    # 'time=18:40:12', 'priority=3', 'submissionId=184012579324']
                    fileContents = infraLib.getFileContents(lockedFileWaiting[0])
                if lockedFiles != [] or lockedFileWaiting != []:
                    user = fileContents[1].split('=')[1]
                    if user == os.environ.get('USER'):
                        ignoreSameUserManualLock = 1
                        # If manually locking by the same user, then ignore this user

            isTestFailed         = glob.glob(self.testbedDir + testbed + '.' + '*' + '.test-failed')
            isTestbedRunningAJob = glob.glob(self.testbedDir + testbed + '.' + '*' + '.job-running')
            isManuallyLocked     = glob.glob(self.testbedDir + testbed + '.' + '*' + '.manually-locked')
            isThereAJobWaiting   = glob.glob(self.testbedDir + testbed + '.' + '*' + '.job-waiting')

            self.submissionId = generateSubmissionId()

            # Create an .ini file for each testbed
            writeToIniObj = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

            # Go to the wait list.
            if self.isTestbedFree(testbed) == 'Not Free':
                if typeOfLock == 'Manual-Lock' and ignoreSameUserManualLock == 0:
                    lockFileName = self.testbedDir + testbed + '.' + self.submissionId + '.manual-lock-waiting'
                    os.system('touch ' + lockFileName)
                    self.writeToIniFile(writeToIniObj, lockFileName, testbed, 'TypeOfLock', 'Manual-Lock')

                if typeOfLock == 'Job':
                    lockFileName = self.testbedDir + testbed + '.' + self.submissionId + '.job-waiting'
                    os.system('touch ' + lockFileName)
                    self.writeToIniFile(writeToIniObj, lockFileName, testbed, 'TypeOfLock', 'Job')

            if self.isTestbedFree(testbed) == 'Free':
                # The testbed is free
                if typeOfLock == 'Manual-Lock':
                    lockFileName = self.testbedDir + testbed + '.' + self.submissionId + '.manually-locked'
                    os.system('touch ' + lockFileName)
                    self.writeToIniFile(writeToIniObj, lockFileName, testbed, 'TypeOfLock', 'Manually-Locked')

                if typeOfLock == 'Job':
                    # This is to notify runjob's ExecuteJobFile
                    lockFileName = self.testbedDir + testbed + '.' + self.submissionId + '.job-waiting'
                    os.system('touch ' + lockFileName)

                    self.writeToIniFile(writeToIniObj, lockFileName, testbed, 'TypeOfLock', 'Job')
            self.writeToIniFile(writeToIniObj, lockFileName, testbed, 'User', os.environ.get('USER'))
            self.writeToIniFile(writeToIniObj, lockFileName, testbed, 'Date', infraLib.getDate())
            self.writeToIniFile(writeToIniObj, lockFileName, testbed, 'Time', infraLib.getTime('noMilli'))
            self.writeToIniFile(writeToIniObj, lockFileName, testbed, 'Priority', '3')
            self.writeToIniFile(writeToIniObj, lockFileName, testbed, 'SubmissionId', self.submissionId)

            if processId != None:
                self.writeToIniFile(writeToIniObj, lockFileName, testbed, 'ProcessId', str(processId))