Exemplo n.º 1
    def edit_strike(self, strike_id, title=None, description=None, configuration=None):
        """Edits the given Strike process and saves the changes in the database. All database changes occur in an atomic
        transaction. An argument of None for a field indicates that the field should not change.

        :param strike_id: The unique identifier of the Strike process to edit
        :type strike_id: int
        :param title: The human-readable name of this Strike process
        :type title: string
        :param description: A description of this Strike process
        :type description: string
        :param configuration: The Strike process configuration
        :type configuration: dict

        :raises :class:`ingest.strike.configuration.exceptions.InvalidStrikeConfiguration`: If the configuration is

        strike = Strike.objects.get(pk=strike_id)

        # Validate the configuration, no exception is success
        if configuration:
            config = StrikeConfiguration(configuration)
            strike.configuration = config.get_dict()

        # Update editable fields
        if title:
            strike.title = title
        if description:
            strike.description = description
Exemplo n.º 2
    def edit_strike(self,
        """Edits the given Strike process and saves the changes in the database. All database changes occur in an atomic
        transaction. An argument of None for a field indicates that the field should not change.

        :param strike_id: The unique identifier of the Strike process to edit
        :type strike_id: int
        :param title: The human-readable name of this Strike process
        :type title: string
        :param description: A description of this Strike process
        :type description: string
        :param configuration: The Strike process configuration
        :type configuration: dict

        :raises :class:`ingest.strike.configuration.exceptions.InvalidStrikeConfiguration`: If the configuration is

        strike = Strike.objects.get(pk=strike_id)

        # Validate the configuration, no exception is success
        if configuration:
            config = StrikeConfiguration(configuration)
            strike.configuration = config.get_dict()

        # Update editable fields
        if title:
            strike.title = title
        if description:
            strike.description = description
Exemplo n.º 3
    def create_strike(self, name, title, description, configuration):
        """Creates a new Strike process with the given configuration and returns the new Strike model. The Strike model
        will be saved in the database and the job to run the Strike process will be placed on the queue. All changes to
        the database will occur in an atomic transaction.

        :param name: The identifying name of this Strike process
        :type name: string
        :param title: The human-readable name of this Strike process
        :type title: string
        :param description: A description of this Strike process
        :type description: string
        :param configuration: The Strike configuration
        :type configuration: dict
        :returns: The new Strike process
        :rtype: :class:`ingest.models.Strike`

        :raises :class:`ingest.strike.configuration.exceptions.InvalidStrikeConfiguration`: If the configuration is

        # Validate the configuration, no exception is success
        config = StrikeConfiguration(configuration)

        strike = Strike()
        strike.name = name
        strike.title = title
        strike.description = description
        strike.configuration = config.get_dict()

        strike_type = self.get_strike_job_type()
        job_data = JobData()
        job_data.add_property_input('Strike ID', unicode(strike.id))
        event_description = {'strike_id': strike.id}
        event = TriggerEvent.objects.create_trigger_event(
            'STRIKE_CREATED', None, event_description, now())
        strike.job = Queue.objects.queue_new_job(strike_type, job_data, event)

        return strike
Exemplo n.º 4
    def create_strike(self, name, title, description, configuration):
        """Creates a new Strike process with the given configuration and returns the new Strike model. The Strike model
        will be saved in the database and the job to run the Strike process will be placed on the queue. All changes to
        the database will occur in an atomic transaction.

        :param name: The identifying name of this Strike process
        :type name: string
        :param title: The human-readable name of this Strike process
        :type title: string
        :param description: A description of this Strike process
        :type description: string
        :param configuration: The Strike configuration
        :type configuration: dict
        :returns: The new Strike process
        :rtype: :class:`ingest.models.Strike`

        :raises :class:`ingest.strike.configuration.exceptions.InvalidStrikeConfiguration`: If the configuration is

        # Validate the configuration, no exception is success
        config = StrikeConfiguration(configuration)

        strike = Strike()
        strike.name = name
        strike.title = title
        strike.description = description
        strike.configuration = config.get_dict()

        strike_type = self.get_strike_job_type()
        job_data = JobData()
        job_data.add_property_input('Strike ID', unicode(strike.id))
        event_description = {'strike_id': strike.id}
        event = TriggerEvent.objects.create_trigger_event('STRIKE_CREATED', None, event_description, now())
        strike.job = Queue.objects.queue_new_job(strike_type, job_data, event)

        return strike