Exemplo n.º 1
    def evaluate(self, id=None):
        if not h.auth.is_logged_in():

        c.idea = h.fetch_obj(Idea, id, new_id=True)
        node_q = Session.query(Node).filter_by(concept_id=id)
        c.node = node_q.first()
        if request.environ.get('REMOTE_USER', False):
            user = h.get_user(request.environ['REMOTE_USER'])

            sq = Session.query(IdeaEvaluation.cons_id)
            sq = sq.filter(IdeaEvaluation.ante==c.idea)
            sq = sq.filter(IdeaEvaluation.uid==user.ID)
            sq = sq.subquery()

            to_evaluate = c.idea.related.outerjoin((sq, Idea.ID==sq.c.cons_id))
            to_evaluate = to_evaluate.filter(sq.c.cons_id==None)

            to_evaluate = c.idea.related

        c.paginator = paginate.Page(
            page=int(request.params.get('page', 1)),

        return render('idea/idea-edit.html')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def evaluate(self, id=None):
        if not h.auth.is_logged_in():

        c.idea = h.fetch_obj(Idea, id, new_id=True)
        node_q = Session.query(Node).filter_by(concept_id=id)
        c.node = node_q.first()
        if request.environ.get('REMOTE_USER', False):
            user = h.get_user(request.environ['REMOTE_USER'])

            sq = Session.query(IdeaEvaluation.cons_id)
            sq = sq.filter(IdeaEvaluation.ante==c.idea)
            sq = sq.filter(IdeaEvaluation.uid==user.ID)
            sq = sq.subquery()

            to_evaluate = c.idea.related.outerjoin((sq, Idea.ID==sq.c.cons_id))
            to_evaluate = to_evaluate.filter(sq.c.cons_id==None)

            to_evaluate = c.idea.related

        c.paginator = paginate.Page(
            page=int(request.params.get('page', 1)),

        return render('idea/idea-edit.html')
Exemplo n.º 3
 def graph_all(self, filetype='html', limit=False):
     sep_filter = request.params.get('sep_filter', False) 
     c.sep_filter = sep_filter
     idea_q = Session.query(Idea)
     c.ideas = idea_q.all()
     edge_q =\
     c.edges = edge_q.all()
     return render('idea/graph_all.' + filetype)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def graph_all(self, filetype='html', limit=False):
     sep_filter = request.params.get('sep_filter', False) 
     c.sep_filter = sep_filter
     idea_q = Session.query(Idea)
     c.ideas = idea_q.all()
     edge_q =\
     c.edges = edge_q.all()
     return render('idea/graph_all.' + filetype)
Exemplo n.º 5
def addlist():
    #simply returns the list of published or about to be published sepentries that do not yet have sep_dir fields in the entity table
    entities_q = Session.query(Entity)
    entities_q = entities_q.filter(Entity.sep_dir != None)
    entities_q = entities_q.subquery()
    missing = Session.query(SEPEntry)
    missing = missing.outerjoin((entities_q, SEPEntry.sep_dir == entities_q.c.sep_dir))
    missing = missing.filter(entities_q.c.sep_dir == None)
    #suppress snark, sample
    missing = missing.filter(SEPEntry.title != "Snark")
    missing = missing.filter(SEPEntry.title != "Sample")
    missing = missing.filter(or_(SEPEntry.published == 1, SEPEntry.status == 'au_submit_proofread'))
    return missing.all()
Exemplo n.º 6
def addlist():
    #simply returns the list of published or about to be published sepentries that do not yet have sep_dir fields in the entity table
    entities_q = Session.query(Entity)
    entities_q = entities_q.filter(Entity.sep_dir != None)
    entities_q = entities_q.subquery()
    missing = Session.query(SEPEntry)
    missing = missing.outerjoin(
        (entities_q, SEPEntry.sep_dir == entities_q.c.sep_dir))
    missing = missing.filter(entities_q.c.sep_dir == None)
    #suppress snark, sample
    missing = missing.filter(SEPEntry.title != "Snark")
    missing = missing.filter(SEPEntry.title != "Sample")
    missing = missing.filter(
        or_(SEPEntry.published == 1, SEPEntry.status == 'au_submit_proofread'))
    return missing.all()
Exemplo n.º 7
    def list(self, filetype="html", redirect=False):
        node_q = Session.query(Node)

        # check for query
        if request.params.get("q"):
            node_q = node_q.filter(Node.name.like(u"%" + request.params["q"] + "%"))
            # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that node
            if redirect and node_q.count() == 1:
                h.redirect(h.url(controller="taxonomy", action="view", id=node_q.first().ID, filetype=filetype))

        if filetype == "html":
            c.nodes = Session.query(Node).filter(Node.parent_id == None).order_by("name").all()
            return render("taxonomy/node-list.html")
            c.nodes = node_q.all()
            return render("taxonomy/node-list.%s" % filetype)
Exemplo n.º 8
def complete_mining(entity_type=Idea, filename='graph.txt', root='./'):
    occur_filename = root + "graph-" + filename
    edge_filename = root + "edge-" + filename
    sql_filename = root + "sql-" + filename

    print "processing articles..."
    process_articles(entity_type, occur_filename)

    print "running apriori miner..."
    dm.apriori(occur_filename, edge_filename)

    print "processing edges..."
    edges = dm.process_edges(occur_filename, edge_filename)
    ents = dm.calculate_node_entropy(edges)
    edges = dm.calculate_edge_weight(edges, ents)

    print "creating sql files..."

    with open(sql_filename, 'w') as f:
        for edge, props in edges.iteritems():
            ante, cons = edge
            row = "%s::%s" % edge
            row += "::%(confidence)s::%(jweight)s::%(weight)s\n" % props

    print "updating term entropy..."

    for term_id, entropy in ents.iteritems():
        term = Session.query(Idea).get(term_id)
        if term:
            term.entropy = entropy

Exemplo n.º 9
    def list(self, filetype='html', redirect=False):
        thinker_q = Session.query(Thinker)
        c.query = ''
        c.sep = ''
        if request.params.get('sep_filter'):
            idea_q = idea_q.filter(Idea.sep_dir != '')
        if filetype=='json':
            response.content_type = 'application/json'

        # check for query
        if request.params.get('q'):
            c.query = request.params['q']
            thinker_q = thinker_q.filter(Thinker.name.like(u'%'+request.params['q']+'%'))
            # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that thinker
            if redirect and thinker_q.count() == 1:
                return self.view(thinker_q.first().ID, filetype)
        if request.params.get('sep'):
            thinker_q = thinker_q.filter(Thinker.sep_dir == request.params['sep'])
            c.sep = request.params['sep']
            # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that thinker
            if redirect and thinker_q.count() == 1:
                return self.view(thinker_q.first().ID, filetype)

        c.thinkers = thinker_q.all()
        return render('thinker/thinker-list.' + filetype)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _get_evaluation(self,
        thinker1 = h.fetch_obj(Thinker, id)
        thinker2 = h.fetch_obj(Thinker, id2)

        # Get user information
        if uid:
            uid = h.fetch_obj(User, uid).ID
        elif username:
            user = h.get_user(username)
            uid = user.ID if user else abort(404)
            uid = h.get_user(request.environ['REMOTE_USER']).ID

        evaluation_q = Session.query(evaltype)
        evaluation = evaluation_q.filter_by(ante_id=id, cons_id=id2,

        # if an evaluation does not yet exist, create one
        if autoCreate and not evaluation:
            evaluation = evaltype(id, id2, uid)

        return evaluation
Exemplo n.º 11
def fuzzymatch(string1):
    #note:  fuzzymatch.php must be in php path, e.g.  /usr/lib/php/!!!
    #put in a cron job that runs every half hour for new entries?

    entities = Session.query(Entity)

    matches = []

    ##string1 = string1.decode('utf8')

    for entity in entities:
        php = PHP("require 'fuzzymatch.php';")
        #php = PHP()
        #print "testing " + entity.label.encode('utf8') + " against " + string1.encode('utf8') + "\n"

        code = '$string1 = utf8_decode("' + string1.encode('utf8') + '");'

        #code = code + "$string2 = '" + entity.label.encode('latin-1', 'replace') + "';"
        #code = code + "print $string1; print $string2;"
        #print code + '$string2 = utf8_decode("' + entity.label.encode('utf8') + '");'
        code = code + '$string2 = utf8_decode("' + entity.label.encode(
            'utf8') + '");'
        code = code + """print fuzzy_match($string1, $string2, 2);"""

        verdict = php.get_raw(code)
        #print "verdict is " + verdict + "\n"

        if float(verdict) >= .5:
            #print entity.label + " is a match!\n"
            entity.matchvalue = verdict

    return matches
Exemplo n.º 12
    def list(self, filetype='html', redirect=False):
        thinker_q = Session.query(Thinker)
        c.query = ''
        c.sep = ''

        if request.params.get('sep_filter'):
            idea_q = idea_q.filter(Idea.sep_dir != '')

        # check for query
        if request.params.get('q'):
            c.query = request.params['q']
            thinker_q = thinker_q.filter(
                Thinker.name.like(u'%' + request.params['q'] + '%'))
            # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that thinker
            if redirect and thinker_q.count() == 1:
                return self.view(thinker_q.first().ID, filetype)

        if request.params.get('sep'):
            thinker_q = thinker_q.filter(
                Thinker.sep_dir == request.params['sep'])
            c.sep = request.params['sep']
            # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that thinker
            if redirect and thinker_q.count() == 1:
                return self.view(thinker_q.first().ID, filetype)

        c.thinkers = thinker_q.all()
        return render('thinker/thinker-list.' + filetype)
Exemplo n.º 13
def complete_mining(entity_type=Idea, filename='graph.txt', root='./'):
    occur_filename = root + "graph-" + filename
    edge_filename = root + "edge-" + filename
    sql_filename = root + "sql-" + filename

    print "processing articles..."
    process_articles(entity_type, occur_filename)

    print "running apriori miner..."
    dm.apriori(occur_filename, edge_filename)
    print "processing edges..."
    edges = dm.process_edges(occur_filename, edge_filename)
    ents = dm.calculate_node_entropy(edges)
    edges = dm.calculate_edge_weight(edges, ents)
    print "creating sql files..."

    with open(sql_filename, 'w') as f:
        for edge, props in edges.iteritems():
            ante,cons = edge
            row = "%s::%s" % edge
            row += "::%(confidence)s::%(jweight)s::%(weight)s\n" % props

    print "updating term entropy..."

    for term_id, entropy in ents.iteritems():
        term = Session.query(Idea).get(term_id)
        if term:
            term.entropy = entropy

Exemplo n.º 14
def fuzzymatch(string1):
    #note:  fuzzymatch.php must be in php path, e.g.  /usr/lib/php/!!!
    #put in a cron job that runs every half hour for new entries?
    entities = Session.query(Entity)
    matches = []
    ##string1 = string1.decode('utf8')
    for entity in entities:
        php = PHP("require 'fuzzymatch.php';")
        #php = PHP()
        #print "testing " + entity.label.encode('utf8') + " against " + string1.encode('utf8') + "\n"
        code = '$string1 = utf8_decode("' + string1.encode('utf8') + '");'
        #code = code + "$string2 = '" + entity.label.encode('latin-1', 'replace') + "';"
        #code = code + "print $string1; print $string2;"
        #print code + '$string2 = utf8_decode("' + entity.label.encode('utf8') + '");'
        code = code + '$string2 = utf8_decode("' + entity.label.encode('utf8') + '");'
        code = code + """print fuzzy_match($string1, $string2, 2);"""
        verdict = php.get_raw(code)
        #print "verdict is " + verdict + "\n"
        if float(verdict)>=.5:
            #print entity.label + " is a match!\n"
            entity.matchvalue = verdict
    return matches
Exemplo n.º 15
    def admin(self, id=None):
        if not h.auth.is_logged_in():
        if not h.auth.is_admin():

        c.sepdirnew = False
        c.alreadysepdir = False

        redirect = request.params.get('redirect', False)
        add = request.params.get('add', False)
        limit = request.params.get('limit', None)
        entity_q = Session.query(Entity)
        c.found = False
        c.custom = False
        c.new = False

        if request.params.get('q'):
            q = request.params['q']
            o = Entity.label.like(q)
            entity_q = entity_q.filter(o).order_by(func.length(Entity.label))
            # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that idea
            if redirect and entity_q.count() == 1:
                print "have a q, entityq count = 1"
                c.journal = h.fetch_obj(Journal, entity_q.first().ID)
                c.found = True
                id = c.journal.ID
                c.message = 'Entity edit page for journal ' + c.journal.name
                if request.params.get('entry_sep_dir'):
                    entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                    if not (c.journal.sep_dir):
                        c.journal.sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                        c.sepdirnew = True
                        c.alreadysepdir = True
                        c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']

                return render('admin/journal-edit.html')
                print "That didn't journal."

        if id is None:
            print "I am here"
            c.message = "Please input an entity label using the search bar to the left."
            return render('admin/idea-edit.html')
            c.journal = h.fetch_obj(Journal, id)
            c.found = True
            c.message = 'Entity edit page for journal ' + c.journal.name
            if request.params.get('entry_sep_dir'):
                entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                if not (c.journal.sep_dir):
                    c.journal.sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                    c.sepdirnew = True
                    c.alreadysepdir = True
                    c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']

            return render('admin/journal-edit.html')
Exemplo n.º 16
    def admin(self, id=None):
        if not h.auth.is_logged_in():
        if not h.auth.is_admin():
        c.sepdirnew = False
        c.alreadysepdir = False

        redirect = request.params.get('redirect', False)
        add = request.params.get('add', False)
        limit = request.params.get('limit', None)
        entity_q = Session.query(Entity)
        c.found = False    
        c.custom = False
        c.new = False

        if request.params.get('q'):
            q = request.params['q']
            o = Entity.label.like(q)
            entity_q = entity_q.filter(o).order_by(func.length(Entity.label))
            # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that idea
            if redirect and entity_q.count() == 1:
                print "have a q, entityq count = 1"
                c.journal = h.fetch_obj(Journal, entity_q.first().ID)
                c.found = True
                id = c.journal.ID
                c.message = 'Entity edit page for journal ' + c.journal.name
                if request.params.get('entry_sep_dir'):
                        entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                        if not (c.journal.sep_dir):
                            c.journal.sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                            c.sepdirnew = True
                            c.alreadysepdir = True
                            c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                return render('admin/journal-edit.html')
                print "That didn't journal."

        if id is None:
            print "I am here"
            c.message = "Please input an entity label using the search bar to the left."
            return render ('admin/idea-edit.html')
            c.journal = h.fetch_obj(Journal, id)
            c.found = True
            c.message = 'Entity edit page for journal ' + c.journal.name
            if request.params.get('entry_sep_dir'):
                entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                if not (c.journal.sep_dir):
                    c.journal.sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                    c.sepdirnew = True
                    c.alreadysepdir = True
                    c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
            return render ('admin/journal-edit.html') 
Exemplo n.º 17
    def list(self, filetype='html'):
        redirect = request.params.get('redirect', False)
        limit = request.params.get('limit', None)
        idea_q = Session.query(Idea)
        c.query = ''
        c.sep = ''

        #c.nodes = Session.query(Node).filter(Node.parent_id == None).order_by("name").all()
        if request.params.get('sep_filter'):
            idea_q = idea_q.filter(Idea.sep_dir != '')
        # Check for query
        if request.params.get('q'):
            q = request.params['q']
            c.query = q
            o = or_(Idea.label.like(q+'%'), Idea.label.like('% '+q+'%'))
            idea_q = idea_q.filter(o).order_by(Idea.entropy.desc())
            # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that idea
            if redirect and idea_q.count() == 1:
                h.redirect(h.url(controller='idea', action='view', id=idea_q.first().ID,filetype=filetype))
                c.ideas = idea_q.limit(limit)
                return render('idea/idea-list.' + filetype)
        #TODO: Error handling - we shouldn't have multiple results
        if request.params.get('sep'):
            idea_q = idea_q.filter(Idea.sep_dir == request.params['sep'])
            c.sep = request.params['sep']
            # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that idea
            if redirect and idea_q.count() == 1:
                h.redirect(h.url(controller='idea', action='view', id=idea_q.first().ID,filetype=filetype))
            elif idea_q.count() == 0:
                h.redirect(h.url(controller='entity', action='list', filetype=filetype, sep=request.params['sep'], redirect=redirect))
                c.ideas = idea_q.limit(limit)
                return render('idea/idea-list.' + filetype)
        all_param = request.params.get('all', False)
        node_param = request.params.get('nodes', True)
        instance_param = request.params.get('instances', True)
        node_q = idea_q.join((Node,Node.concept_id==Idea.ID))
        instance_q = idea_q.join(Instance.idea)

        if all_param:
            idea_q = idea_q
            if not node_param:
                idea_q = idea_q.except_(node_q)
            if not instance_param:
                idea_q = idea_q.except_(instance_q)
        elif node_param:
            idea_q = node_q
            if instance_param:
                idea_q = idea_q.union(instance_q)
        elif instance_param:
            idea_q = instance_q

        c.ideas = idea_q.limit(limit)
        return render('idea/idea-list.' + filetype)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def get_subgraph(ids, thresh=None):
     edge_q = Session.query(IdeaGraphEdge)
     edge_q = edge_q.order_by(IdeaGraphEdge.jweight.desc())
     edge_q = edge_q.filter(IdeaGraphEdge.cons_id.in_(ids))
     edge_q = edge_q.filter(IdeaGraphEdge.ante_id.in_(ids))
     if thresh:
         edge_q = edge_q.filter(IdeaGraphEdge.jweight > thresh)
     return edge_q.all()
Exemplo n.º 19
 def get_subgraph(ids, thresh=None):
     edge_q = Session.query(IdeaGraphEdge)
     edge_q = edge_q.order_by(IdeaGraphEdge.jweight.desc())
     edge_q = edge_q.filter(IdeaGraphEdge.cons_id.in_(ids))
     edge_q = edge_q.filter(IdeaGraphEdge.ante_id.in_(ids))
     if thresh:
         edge_q = edge_q.filter(IdeaGraphEdge.jweight > thresh)
     return edge_q.all()
Exemplo n.º 20
def get_user(login):
    Returns the User object from the model.

    :rtype: :class:`inphosite.model.User`
    user = Session.query(User).filter(
        or_(User.email == login, User.username == login.lower())).first()
    return user
Exemplo n.º 21
def get_user(login):
    Returns the User object from the model.

    :rtype: :class:`inphosite.model.User`
    user = Session.query(User).filter(or_(User.email==login,
    return user
Exemplo n.º 22
 def list(self, filetype='html', redirect=False):
     journal_q = Session.query(Journal)
     # check for query
     if request.params.get('q'):
         journal_q = journal_q.filter(Journal.name.like(u'%'+request.params['q']+'%'))
         # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that journal
         if redirect and journal_q.count() == 1:
             return self.view(journal_q.first().id, filetype)
     c.journals = list(journal_q)
     return render('journal/journal-list.' + filetype)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def list(self, filetype='html', redirect=False):
        journal_q = Session.query(Journal)

        # check for query
        if request.params.get('q'):
            journal_q = journal_q.filter(
                Journal.name.like(u'%' + request.params['q'] + '%'))
            # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that journal
            if redirect and journal_q.count() == 1:
                return self.view(journal_q.first().id, filetype)
        c.journals = list(journal_q)
        return render('journal/journal-list.' + filetype)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def list(self, filetype='html', redirect=False):
        node_q = Session.query(Node)

        # check for query
        if request.params.get('q'):
            node_q = node_q.filter(
                Node.name.like(u'%' + request.params['q'] + '%'))
            # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that node
            if redirect and node_q.count() == 1:

        if filetype == 'html':
            c.nodes = Session.query(Node).filter(
                Node.parent_id == None).order_by("name").all()
            return render('taxonomy/node-list.html')
            c.nodes = node_q.all()
            return render('taxonomy/node-list.%s' % filetype)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def _get_anon_evaluation(self, id, id2, ip, autoCreate=True):
        idea1 = h.fetch_obj(Idea, id, new_id=True)
        idea2 = h.fetch_obj(Idea, id2, new_id=True)

        evaluation_q = Session.query(AnonIdeaEvaluation)
        evaluation = evaluation_q.filter_by(ante_id=id, cons_id=id2, ip=ip).first()

        # if an evaluation does not yet exist, create one
        if autoCreate and not evaluation:
            evaluation = AnonIdeaEvaluation(id, id2,ip)

        return evaluation
Exemplo n.º 26
    def _get_anon_evaluation(self, id, id2, ip, autoCreate=True):
        idea1 = h.fetch_obj(Idea, id, new_id=True)
        idea2 = h.fetch_obj(Idea, id2, new_id=True)

        evaluation_q = Session.query(AnonIdeaEvaluation)
        evaluation = evaluation_q.filter_by(ante_id=id, cons_id=id2, ip=ip).first()

        # if an evaluation does not yet exist, create one
        if autoCreate and not evaluation:
            evaluation = AnonIdeaEvaluation(id, id2,ip)

        return evaluation
Exemplo n.º 27
def process_articles(entity_type=Idea, filename='output.txt'):
    # process entities
    ideas = Session.query(entity_type)
    # do not process Nodes or Journals
    ideas = ideas.filter(and_(Entity.typeID!=2, Entity.typeID!=4))
    ideas = ideas.all()

    articles = Session.query(entity_type).filter(entity_type.sep_dir!='').all()
    corpus_root = config['app_conf']['corpus']

    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        for article in articles:
            filename = article.get_filename(corpus_root)
            if filename and os.path.isfile(filename):
                print "processing:", article.sep_dir
                    doc = extract_article_body(filename)
                    lines = dm.prepare_apriori_input(doc, ideas, article)
                    print "ERROR PROCESSING:", article.sep_dir
                print "BAD SEP_DIR:", article.sep_dir
Exemplo n.º 28
 def _list_property(self, property, id, filetype='html', limit=False, sep_filter=False, type='idea'):
     c.idea = h.fetch_obj(Idea, id)
     limit = request.params.get('limit', limit)
     sep_filter = request.params.get('sep_filter', sep_filter)
     property = getattr(c.idea, property)
     if sep_filter:
         property = property.filter(Entity.sep_dir != '')
     if limit:
         property = property[0:limit-1]
     c.ideas = property
     c.nodes = Session.query(Node).filter(Node.parent_id == None).order_by("name").all()
     return render('%s/%s-list.%s' %(type, type, filetype))
Exemplo n.º 29
 def _list_property(self, property, id, filetype='html', limit=False, sep_filter=False, type='idea'):
     c.idea = h.fetch_obj(Idea, id)
     limit = request.params.get('limit', limit)
     sep_filter = request.params.get('sep_filter', sep_filter)
     property = getattr(c.idea, property)
     if sep_filter:
         property = property.filter(Entity.sep_dir != '')
     if limit:
         property = property[0:limit-1]
     c.ideas = property
     c.nodes = Session.query(Node).filter(Node.parent_id == None).order_by("name").all()
     return render('%s/%s-list.%s' %(type, type, filetype))
Exemplo n.º 30
    def list_stale_url(self, filetype='html', redirect=False):
        if not h.auth.is_logged_in():
        if not h.auth.is_admin():

        journal_q = Session.query(Journal)
        # check for query
        if request.params.get('q'):
            journal_q = journal_q.filter(Journal.name.like(u'%'+request.params['q']+'%'))
        journal_q = journal_q.filter(Journal.last_accessed < (time.time() - 2419200))
        c.journals = list(journal_q)
        return render('journal/stale-url-list.' + filetype)
Exemplo n.º 31
def process_articles(entity_type=Idea, filename='output.txt'):
    # process entities
    ideas = Session.query(entity_type)
    # do not process Nodes or Journals
    ideas = ideas.filter(and_(Entity.typeID != 2, Entity.typeID != 4))
    ideas = ideas.all()

    articles = Session.query(entity_type).filter(
        entity_type.sep_dir != '').all()
    corpus_root = config['app_conf']['corpus']

    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        for article in articles:
            filename = article.get_filename(corpus_root)
            if filename and os.path.isfile(filename):
                print "processing:", article.sep_dir
                    doc = extract_article_body(filename)
                    lines = dm.prepare_apriori_input(doc, ideas, article)
                    print "ERROR PROCESSING:", article.sep_dir
                print "BAD SEP_DIR:", article.sep_dir
Exemplo n.º 32
    def list_stale_url(self, filetype='html', redirect=False):
        if not h.auth.is_logged_in():
        if not h.auth.is_admin():

        journal_q = Session.query(Journal)

        # check for query
        if request.params.get('q'):
            journal_q = journal_q.filter(
                Journal.name.like(u'%' + request.params['q'] + '%'))

        journal_q = journal_q.filter(
            Journal.last_accessed < (time.time() - 2419200))
        c.journals = list(journal_q)
        return render('journal/stale-url-list.' + filetype)
Exemplo n.º 33
    def view(self, id=None, filetype='html'):
        if filetype == 'html':
            redirect = request.params.get('redirect', True)
            redirect = request.params.get('redirect', False)

        sep_filter = request.params.get('sep_filter', False) 
        c.sep_filter = sep_filter

        c.idea = h.fetch_obj(Idea, id, new_id=True)

        c.count = len(c.idea.nodes) + len(c.idea.instance_of) + len(c.idea.links_to)
        if len(c.idea.nodes) > 0:
            c.node = c.idea.nodes[0]
        elif len(c.idea.instance_of) > 0:
            c.node = c.idea.instance_of[0]
            c.node = None
        c.evaluations = defaultdict(lambda: (-1, -1))
        identity = request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity')
        if identity:
            c.uid = identity['user'].ID
            #c.evaluations = Session.query(IdeaEvaluation).filter_by(ante_id=c.idea.ID, uid=uid).all()
            eval_q = Session.query(IdeaEvaluation.cons_id, 
            eval_q = eval_q.filter_by(uid=c.uid, ante_id=c.idea.ID)
            evals = eval_q.all()
            evals = map(lambda x: (x[0], (x[1], x[2])), evals)

            c.uid = None

        if redirect and len(c.idea.nodes) == 1:
            h.redirect(h.url(controller='taxonomy', action='view',
                             id=c.idea.nodes[0].ID,filetype=filetype), code=303)

        if filetype=='json':
            response.content_type = 'application/json'

        return render('idea/idea.' + filetype)
Exemplo n.º 34
    def addentry(self, title=None, sep_dir=None):
        #action to serve individual page addentry.html to rectify each entry without a sep_dir in the entity table
        #passed ID, title, sep_dir from previous page
        #displays a list of urls for edit pages for everything which is a fuzzymatch to the target title
        #also gives a default option to add a new entry, taking the user to the appropriate entity_add page

        title = request.params.get('title', None)
        sep_dir = request.params.get('sep_dir', "")
        if not sep_dir:
            raise Exception(
                'I don\'t know how you got here, but you shouldn\'t be here without a "title"...please start over at the main page.'
        c.title = title
        c.sep_dir = sep_dir

        #c.linklist will contain the list of links to be displayed
        c.linklist = []

        entry = Session.query(SEPEntry).get(sep_dir)

        #get fuzzymatch list to article title
        #matchlist will now contain a set of entities which have a fuzzymatch to the title of the article
        #entity.matchvalue will contain the proportion of matched words to total--e.g. 2/3 words matched = .66
        c.message = ""

        matchlist = []
        for match in entry.fmatches:
            #for fuzzymatch in matchlist:
                entity = h.fetch_obj(Entity, match.entityID)
                raise Exception(
                    'No entity corresponds to your ID.  Invalid ID:' +
                    match.entityID +
                    ".  Perhaps the fuzzymatches are not done populating.")

            #entity.link = h.url(controller=entity, action='admin', redirect=True, q=entity.label)
            entity.link = entity.url() + "/admin?entry_sep_dir=" + sep_dir
            entity.strength = match.strength
            entity.edits = match.edits

        c.message = c.message + "To add the sep_dir to one of the existing entities below, click on the appropriate button in the first list. (Note that your changes will not be committed until you click 'modify' on the next page.) \n\nAlternatively if none of the existing entity entries correspond to the entry, you may add a new entity by clicking on the final button below."
        return render('admin/addentry.html')
Exemplo n.º 35
    def view(self, id=None, filetype="html"):
        c.node = h.fetch_obj(Node, id, new_id=True)
        c.idea = c.node.idea

        c.evaluations = defaultdict(lambda: (-1, -1))
        identity = request.environ.get("repoze.who.identity")
        if identity:
            c.uid = identity["user"].ID
            # c.evaluations = Session.query(IdeaEvaluation).filter_by(ante_id=c.idea.ID, uid=uid).all()
            eval_q = Session.query(IdeaEvaluation.cons_id, IdeaEvaluation.generality, IdeaEvaluation.relatedness)
            eval_q = eval_q.filter_by(uid=c.uid, ante_id=c.idea.ID)
            evals = eval_q.all()
            evals = map(lambda x: (x[0], (x[1], x[2])), evals)

            c.uid = None

        return render("taxonomy/node.%s" % filetype)
Exemplo n.º 36
    def view(self, id=None, filetype='html'):
        c.node = h.fetch_obj(Node, id, new_id=True)
        c.idea = c.node.idea

        c.evaluations = defaultdict(lambda: (-1, -1))
        identity = request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity')
        if identity:
            c.uid = identity['user'].ID
            #c.evaluations = Session.query(IdeaEvaluation).filter_by(ante_id=c.idea.ID, uid=uid).all()
            eval_q = Session.query(IdeaEvaluation.cons_id,
            eval_q = eval_q.filter_by(uid=c.uid, ante_id=c.idea.ID)
            evals = eval_q.all()
            evals = map(lambda x: (x[0], (x[1], x[2])), evals)

            c.uid = None

        return render('taxonomy/node.%s' % filetype)
Exemplo n.º 37
def fetch_obj(type, id, error=404, new_id=False):
    Fetches the object with the given id from the collection of type type. If
    the object does not exist, throw an HTTP error (default: 404 Not Found).

    :param type: object type
    :type type: class in :mod:`inphosite.model`
    :param id: object id
    :type id: integer or None
    :param error: HTTP error code.
    :rtype: *type*
    if id is None:
    obj_q = Session.query(type)
    obj = obj_q.get(int(id))
    #    obj = obj_q.filter(type.ID==int(id)).first()

    if obj is None:
    return obj
Exemplo n.º 38
def fetch_obj(type, id, error=404, new_id=False):
    Fetches the object with the given id from the collection of type type. If
    the object does not exist, throw an HTTP error (default: 404 Not Found).

    :param type: object type
    :type type: class in :mod:`inphosite.model`
    :param id: object id
    :type id: integer or None
    :param error: HTTP error code.
    :rtype: *type*
    if id is None:
    obj_q = Session.query(type)
    obj = obj_q.get(int(id))
    #    obj = obj_q.filter(type.ID==int(id)).first()

    if obj is None:
    return obj
Exemplo n.º 39
    def addentry(self, title=None, sep_dir=None):
        #action to serve individual page addentry.html to rectify each entry without a sep_dir in the entity table
        #passed ID, title, sep_dir from previous page
        #displays a list of urls for edit pages for everything which is a fuzzymatch to the target title
        #also gives a default option to add a new entry, taking the user to the appropriate entity_add page  
        title = request.params.get('title', None)
        sep_dir = request.params.get('sep_dir', "")
        if not sep_dir:
            raise Exception('I don\'t know how you got here, but you shouldn\'t be here without a "title"...please start over at the main page.')
        c.title = title
        c.sep_dir = sep_dir

        #c.linklist will contain the list of links to be displayed
        c.linklist = []
        entry = Session.query(SEPEntry).get(sep_dir)
        #get fuzzymatch list to article title
        #matchlist will now contain a set of entities which have a fuzzymatch to the title of the article
        #entity.matchvalue will contain the proportion of matched words to total--e.g. 2/3 words matched = .66
        c.message = ""

        matchlist = []
        for match in entry.fmatches:
        #for fuzzymatch in matchlist:
                entity = h.fetch_obj(Entity, match.entityID)
                raise Exception('No entity corresponds to your ID.  Invalid ID:' + match.entityID + ".  Perhaps the fuzzymatches are not done populating.")
            #entity.link = h.url(controller=entity, action='admin', redirect=True, q=entity.label)
            entity.link = entity.url() + "/admin?entry_sep_dir="+sep_dir
            entity.strength = match.strength
            entity.edits = match.edits
        c.message = c.message + "To add the sep_dir to one of the existing entities below, click on the appropriate button in the first list. (Note that your changes will not be committed until you click 'modify' on the next page.) \n\nAlternatively if none of the existing entity entries correspond to the entry, you may add a new entity by clicking on the final button below."
        return render ('admin/addentry.html')
Exemplo n.º 40
    def _get_evaluation(self, id, id2, uid=None, username=None, 
        idea1 = h.fetch_obj(Idea, id, new_id=True)
        idea2 = h.fetch_obj(Idea, id2, new_id=True)

        # Get user information
        if uid:
            uid = h.fetch_obj(User, uid).ID
        elif username:
            user = h.get_user(username)
            uid = user.ID if user else abort(404)
            uid = h.get_user(request.environ['REMOTE_USER']).ID

        evaluation_q = Session.query(IdeaEvaluation)
        evaluation = evaluation_q.filter_by(ante_id=id, cons_id=id2, uid=uid).first()

        # if an evaluation does not yet exist, create one
        if autoCreate and not evaluation:
            evaluation = IdeaEvaluation(id, id2, uid)

        return evaluation
Exemplo n.º 41
    def process(self, id=None):
        if not h.auth.is_logged_in():
        if not h.auth.is_admin():
        c.sepdirnew = False
        c.alreadysepdir = False

        label = request.params.get('label', None)
        id = request.params.get('ID', id)
        sep_dir = request.params.get('sep_dir', None)
        action = request.params.get('action', None)
        action2 = request.params.get('action2', None)
        if action2:
            action = action2
        values = dict(request.params)
        if action=="Add":
            thinker_add = Thinker(label)
            thinker_add.label = label
            #setup search string and search pattern
            lastname = thinker_add.label.split(' ').pop()
            lastname_q = Session.query(Entity)
            o = Entity.searchstring.like(lastname)
            lastname_q = lastname_q.filter(o).order_by(func.length(Entity.label))
            if lastname_q.count() == 0:
                #if there's no match currently to last name, can use last name alone as searchpattern/searchstring
                thinker_add.searchstring = lastname
                #otherwise, we need to use the whole name for both, and reset the other pattern to full name too
                thinker_add.searchstring = label
                #reset old thinker pattern to whole name too to avoid conflict
                oldthinker = h.fetch_obj(Thinker, lastname_q.first().ID)
                oldthinker.searchpatterns = [oldthinker.label]
                oldthinker.searchstring = oldthinker.label

            if sep_dir:
                thinker_add.sep_dir = sep_dir
            c.thinker = thinker_add
            c.found = True
            c.message = "Thinker " + c.thinker.label + " added successfully."
            return render ('admin/thinker-edit.html')
        elif action=="Modify":
            c.thinker = h.fetch_obj(Thinker, id)
            c.found = True
            changed = False
            searchpatterns = []
            for k, v in values.items():
                key = ""
                if k.startswith('searchpatterns'):
                    varname, num = k.split('.')
                    key = 'delsearchpattern.%s'%(num)
                    keyval = request.params.get(key, False)
                    if not keyval:
            if values['newsearchpattern']:
                changed = True
            #do manually edited searchpatterns first, so we don't write over them with the new default ones if the searchstring has been changed
            if c.thinker.searchpatterns != searchpatterns:
                c.thinker.searchpatterns = searchpatterns
                changed = True
            #set values from form
            if c.thinker.name != values['name']:
                c.thinker.name = values['name']
                changed = True
            if c.thinker.label != values['label']:
                c.thinker.name = values['label']
                changed = True
            if c.thinker.searchstring != values['searchstring']:
                c.thinker.searchstring = values['searchstring']
                changed = True
            if c.thinker.sep_dir != values['sep_dir']:
                c.thinker.sep_dir = values['sep_dir']
                changed = True
            if c.thinker.wiki != values['wiki']:
                c.thinker.wiki = values['wiki']
                changed = True

            if c.thinker.birth_day != values['birth_day']:
                c.thinker.birth_day = values['birth_day']
                changed = True
            c.thinker.birth_day = values['birth_day']

            if c.thinker.death_day != values['death_day']:
                c.thinker.death_day = values['death_day']
                changed = True
            if c.thinker.birth_month != values['birth_month']:
                c.thinker.birth_month = values['birth_month']
                changed = True
            if c.thinker.death_month != values['death_month']:
                c.thinker.death_month = values['death_month']
                changed = True
            if not (c.thinker.birth_year == values['birth_year'] + " " + values['bornbc']):
                if c.thinker.birth_year != values['birth_year']:
                    c.thinker.birth_year = values['birth_year']
                    changed = True
                if c.thinker.birth_year and values['bornbc'] and not re.search("(BC)|(AD)",c.thinker.birth_year):
                    c.thinker.birth_year = c.thinker.birth_year + " " + values['bornbc']
                    changed = True
            if not (c.thinker.death_year == values['death_year'] + " " + values['diedbc']):
                if c.thinker.death_year != values['death_year']:
                    c.thinker.death_year = values['death_year']
                    changed = True
                if c.thinker.death_year and values['diedbc']and not re.search("(BC)|(AD)",c.thinker.death_year):
                    c.thinker.death_year = c.thinker.death_year + " " + values['diedbc']
                    changed = True

            #commit changes
            if changed:
                c.message = "Thinker " + c.thinker.label + " modified successfully."
                c.message = "No changes detected.  Thinker " + c.thinker.label + " not modified."
            return render ('admin/thinker-edit.html')
        elif action == "Delete":
            c.thinker = h.fetch_obj(Thinker, values['ID'])
            c.message = "Thinker # " + values['ID'] + " ("+ c.thinker.label + ") deleted; please search for a new entity label on the left."
            c.found = False
            return render('admin/thinker-edit.html')
Exemplo n.º 42
    def process(self, id=None):
        if not h.auth.is_logged_in():
        if not h.auth.is_admin():

        c.sepdirnew = False
        c.alreadysepdir = False

        label = request.params.get('label', None)
        id = request.params.get('ID', id)
        sep_dir = request.params.get('sep_dir', None)
        URL = request.params.get('URL', None)
        language = request.params.get('language', None)
        queries = [request.params.get('queries', None)]
        openAccess = request.params.get('openAccess', None)
        active = request.params.get('active', None)
        student = request.params.get('student', None)
        ISSN = request.params.get('ISSN', None)

        action = request.params.get('action', None)
        action2 = request.params.get('action2', None)
        if action2:
            action = action2

        values = dict(request.params)
        #abbrs = [request.params.get('abbrs', None)]
        abbrs = []
        queries = []
        for k, v in values.items():
            key = ""

            if k.startswith('abbrs'):
                varname, num = k.split('.')
                key = 'delabbr.%s' % (num)
                keyval = request.params.get(key, False)
                if not keyval:
            elif k.startswith('queries'):
                varname, num = k.split('.')
                key = 'delquer.%s' % (num)
                keyval = request.params.get(key, False)
                if not keyval:

        if action == "Add":
            journal_add = Journal()
            journal_add.label = label

            #setup search string and search pattern
            journalname = journal_add.label
            journalname_q = Session.query(Entity)
            o = Entity.searchpattern.like('( ' + journalname + ' )')
            journalname_q = journalname_q.filter(o).order_by(
            if journalname_q.count() == 0:
                journal_add.searchpattern = "( " + journalname + " )"
                journal_add.searchstring = journalname
                journal_add.searchpattern = "( " + label + " )"
                journal_add.searchcstring = label
                #reset old journal pattern to whole name too to avoid conflict
                oldjournal = h.fetch_obj(Journal, journalname_q.first().ID)
                oldjournal.searchpattern = "( " + oldjournal.label + " )"
                oldjournal.searchstring = oldjournal.label

            if sep_dir:
                journal_add.sep_dir = sep_dir
            c.journal = journal_add
            c.found = True
            c.message = "Journal " + c.journal.label + " added successfully."
            return render('admin/journal-edit.html')
        elif action == "Modify":
            c.journal = h.fetch_obj(Journal, id)
            c.found = True
            changed = False

            #set values from form
            if c.journal.label != label:
                c.journal.label = label
                changed = True
            if c.journal.sep_dir != sep_dir:
                c.journal.sep_dir = sep_dir
                changed = True
            if c.journal.URL != URL:
                c.journal.URL = URL
                changed = True
            if c.journal.language != language:
                c.journal.language = language
                changed = True
            if c.journal.abbrs != abbrs:
                c.journal.abbrs = abbrs
                changed = True
            if c.journal.queries != queries:
                c.journal.queries = queries
                changed = True
            if c.journal.openAccess != openAccess:
                c.journal.openAccess = openAccess
                changed = True
            if c.journal.active != active:
                c.journal.active = active
                changed = True
            if c.journal.student != student:
                c.journal.student = student
                changed = True
            if c.journal.ISSN != ISSN:
                c.journal.ISSN = ISSN
                changed = True

            if values['newabbr']:
                changed = True

            if values['newquery']:
                changed = True

            #commit changes
            if changed:
                c.message = "Journal " + c.journal.label + " modified successfully."
                c.message = "No change required; Journal " + c.journal.label + " not modified."
            return render('admin/journal-edit.html')

        elif action == "Delete":
            c.journal = h.fetch_obj(Journal, values['ID'])
            c.message = "Journal # " + values[
                'ID'] + " (" + c.journal.label + ") deleted; please search for a new entity label on the left."
            c.found = False
            return render('admin/journal-edit.html')
Exemplo n.º 43
    def profile(self):
        if not request.environ.get('REMOTE_USER', False):
        c.user = h.get_user(request.environ['REMOTE_USER'])        

        ieq = Session.query(IdeaEvaluation).order_by(IdeaEvaluation.time.desc())
        c.recent = ieq.filter(and_(IdeaEvaluation.uid==c.user.ID,
        c.recent = c.recent.limit(5)

        # GENERALITY
        gen_u = ieq.filter(and_(IdeaEvaluation.uid==c.user.ID,
        gen_nu = ieq.filter(and_(IdeaEvaluation.uid!=c.user.ID,
        gen_nu = gen_nu.subquery()
        c.gen_agree = gen_u.join((gen_nu,and_(IdeaEvaluation.ante_id==gen_nu.c.ante_id,

        #for std dev calcs
        ie1 = aliased(IdeaEvaluation)
        ie2 = aliased(IdeaEvaluation)
        gen_overlaps = Session.query(ie1.generality - ie2.generality)
        c.gen_overlaps = gen_overlaps.filter(and_(ie1.ante_id==ie2.ante_id,
        gen_overlaps = c.gen_overlaps[:]
        c.gen_overlap = float(len(gen_overlaps[:])) 

        if c.gen_overlap == 0:
            c.gen_agree_str = 'No evaluations'

            c.gen_avg = 0
            c.gen_stddev = 0
            c.gen_agree_str = '%.1f%%' % ((c.gen_agree / c.gen_overlap) * 100)

            c.gen_avg = sum([abs(x[0]) for x in gen_overlaps]) / c.gen_overlap
            c.gen_stddev = sqrt(sum(map(lambda x: (abs(x[0]) - c.gen_avg)\
                                                    * (abs(x[0]) - c.gen_avg), 
                                / c.gen_overlap)

        rel_u = ieq.filter(and_(IdeaEvaluation.uid==c.user.ID,
        rel_nu = ieq.filter(and_(IdeaEvaluation.uid!=c.user.ID,

        c.rel_agree = rel_u.join((rel_nu,and_(IdeaEvaluation.ante_id==rel_nu.c.ante_id,
        c.rel_agree = c.rel_agree.count()

        #for std dev calcs
        ie1 = aliased(IdeaEvaluation)
        ie2 = aliased(IdeaEvaluation)
        rel_overlaps = Session.query(ie1.relatedness - ie2.relatedness)
        c.rel_overlaps = rel_overlaps.filter(and_(ie1.ante_id==ie2.ante_id,
        rel_overlaps = c.rel_overlaps[:]
        c.rel_overlap = float(len(rel_overlaps[:]))
        if c.rel_overlap == 0:
            c.rel_agree_str = 'No evaluations'
            c.rel_avg = 0
            c.rel_stddev = 0
            c.rel_agree_str = '%.1f%%' % ((c.rel_agree / c.rel_overlap) * 100)
            c.rel_avg = sum(map(lambda x: abs(x[0]), rel_overlaps)) / c.rel_overlap
            c.rel_stddev = sqrt(sum(map(lambda x: (abs(x[0]) - c.rel_avg)\
                                                    * (abs(x[0]) - c.rel_avg), 
                                    / c.rel_overlap)

        return render('account/profile.html')
Exemplo n.º 44
    def profile(self):
        if not request.environ.get('REMOTE_USER', False):
        c.user = h.get_user(request.environ['REMOTE_USER'])        

        ieq = Session.query(IdeaEvaluation).order_by(IdeaEvaluation.time.desc())
        c.recent = ieq.filter(and_(IdeaEvaluation.uid==c.user.ID,
        c.recent = c.recent.limit(5)
        c.message = request.params.get('message', None)

        # GENERALITY
        gen_u = ieq.filter(and_(IdeaEvaluation.uid==c.user.ID,
        gen_nu = ieq.filter(and_(IdeaEvaluation.uid!=c.user.ID,
        gen_nu = gen_nu.subquery()
        c.gen_agree = gen_u.join((gen_nu,and_(IdeaEvaluation.ante_id==gen_nu.c.ante_id,

        #for std dev calcs
        ie1 = aliased(IdeaEvaluation)
        ie2 = aliased(IdeaEvaluation)
        gen_overlaps = Session.query(ie1.generality - ie2.generality)
        c.gen_overlaps = gen_overlaps.filter(and_(ie1.ante_id==ie2.ante_id,
        gen_overlaps = c.gen_overlaps[:]
        c.gen_overlap = float(len(gen_overlaps[:])) 

        if c.gen_overlap == 0:
            c.gen_agree_str = 'No evaluations'

            c.gen_avg = 0
            c.gen_stddev = 0
            c.gen_agree_str = '%.1f%%' % ((c.gen_agree / c.gen_overlap) * 100)

            c.gen_avg = sum([abs(x[0]) for x in gen_overlaps]) / c.gen_overlap
            c.gen_stddev = sqrt(sum(map(lambda x: (abs(x[0]) - c.gen_avg)\
                                                    * (abs(x[0]) - c.gen_avg), 
                                / c.gen_overlap)

        rel_u = ieq.filter(and_(IdeaEvaluation.uid==c.user.ID,
        rel_nu = ieq.filter(and_(IdeaEvaluation.uid!=c.user.ID,

        c.rel_agree = rel_u.join((rel_nu,and_(IdeaEvaluation.ante_id==rel_nu.c.ante_id,
        c.rel_agree = c.rel_agree.count()

        #for std dev calcs
        ie1 = aliased(IdeaEvaluation)
        ie2 = aliased(IdeaEvaluation)
        rel_overlaps = Session.query(ie1.relatedness - ie2.relatedness)
        c.rel_overlaps = rel_overlaps.filter(and_(ie1.ante_id==ie2.ante_id,
        rel_overlaps = c.rel_overlaps[:]
        c.rel_overlap = float(len(rel_overlaps[:]))
        if c.rel_overlap == 0:
            c.rel_agree_str = 'No evaluations'
            c.rel_avg = 0
            c.rel_stddev = 0
            c.rel_agree_str = '%.1f%%' % ((c.rel_agree / c.rel_overlap) * 100)
            c.rel_avg = sum(map(lambda x: abs(x[0]), rel_overlaps)) / c.rel_overlap
            c.rel_stddev = sqrt(sum(map(lambda x: (abs(x[0]) - c.rel_avg)\
                                                    * (abs(x[0]) - c.rel_avg), 
                                    / c.rel_overlap)

        return render('account/profile.html')
Exemplo n.º 45
    def process(self, id=None):
        if not h.auth.is_logged_in():
        if not h.auth.is_admin():

        c.sepdirnew = False
        c.alreadysepdir = False

        label = request.params.get('label', None)
        id = request.params.get('ID', id)
        sep_dir = request.params.get('sep_dir', None)

        action = request.params.get('action', None)
        action2 = request.params.get('action2', None)
        if action2:
            action = action2

        values = dict(request.params)

        if action == "Add":
            thinker_add = Thinker(label)
            thinker_add.label = label

            #setup search string and search pattern
            lastname = thinker_add.label.split(' ').pop()
            lastname_q = Session.query(Entity)
            o = Entity.searchstring.like(lastname)
            lastname_q = lastname_q.filter(o).order_by(
            if lastname_q.count() == 0:
                #if there's no match currently to last name, can use last name alone as searchpattern/searchstring
                thinker_add.searchstring = lastname
                #otherwise, we need to use the whole name for both, and reset the other pattern to full name too
                thinker_add.searchstring = label
                #reset old thinker pattern to whole name too to avoid conflict
                oldthinker = h.fetch_obj(Thinker, lastname_q.first().ID)
                oldthinker.searchpatterns = [oldthinker.label]
                oldthinker.searchstring = oldthinker.label

            if sep_dir:
                thinker_add.sep_dir = sep_dir
            c.thinker = thinker_add
            c.found = True
            c.message = "Thinker " + c.thinker.label + " added successfully."
            return render('admin/thinker-edit.html')
        elif action == "Modify":
            c.thinker = h.fetch_obj(Thinker, id)
            c.found = True
            changed = False

            searchpatterns = []
            for k, v in values.items():
                key = ""

                if k.startswith('searchpatterns'):
                    varname, num = k.split('.')
                    key = 'delsearchpattern.%s' % (num)
                    keyval = request.params.get(key, False)
                    if not keyval:

            if values['newsearchpattern']:
                changed = True

            #do manually edited searchpatterns first, so we don't write over them with the new default ones if the searchstring has been changed
            if c.thinker.searchpatterns != searchpatterns:
                c.thinker.searchpatterns = searchpatterns
                changed = True

            #set values from form
            if c.thinker.name != values['name']:
                c.thinker.name = values['name']
                changed = True
            if c.thinker.label != values['label']:
                c.thinker.name = values['label']
                changed = True
            if c.thinker.searchstring != values['searchstring']:
                c.thinker.searchstring = values['searchstring']
                changed = True
            if c.thinker.sep_dir != values['sep_dir']:
                c.thinker.sep_dir = values['sep_dir']
                changed = True

            if c.thinker.wiki != values['wiki']:
                c.thinker.wiki = values['wiki']
                changed = True

            if c.thinker.birth_day != values['birth_day']:
                c.thinker.birth_day = values['birth_day']
                changed = True
            c.thinker.birth_day = values['birth_day']

            if c.thinker.death_day != values['death_day']:
                c.thinker.death_day = values['death_day']
                changed = True

            if c.thinker.birth_month != values['birth_month']:
                c.thinker.birth_month = values['birth_month']
                changed = True

            if c.thinker.death_month != values['death_month']:
                c.thinker.death_month = values['death_month']
                changed = True

            if not (c.thinker.birth_year
                    == values['birth_year'] + " " + values['bornbc']):
                if c.thinker.birth_year != values['birth_year']:
                    c.thinker.birth_year = values['birth_year']
                    changed = True
                if c.thinker.birth_year and values['bornbc'] and not re.search(
                        "(BC)|(AD)", c.thinker.birth_year):
                    c.thinker.birth_year = c.thinker.birth_year + " " + values[
                    changed = True

            if not (c.thinker.death_year
                    == values['death_year'] + " " + values['diedbc']):
                if c.thinker.death_year != values['death_year']:
                    c.thinker.death_year = values['death_year']
                    changed = True
                if c.thinker.death_year and values['diedbc'] and not re.search(
                        "(BC)|(AD)", c.thinker.death_year):
                    c.thinker.death_year = c.thinker.death_year + " " + values[
                    changed = True

            #commit changes
            if changed:
                c.message = "Thinker " + c.thinker.label + " modified successfully."
                c.message = "No changes detected.  Thinker " + c.thinker.label + " not modified."
            return render('admin/thinker-edit.html')

        elif action == "Delete":
            c.thinker = h.fetch_obj(Thinker, values['ID'])
            c.message = "Thinker # " + values[
                'ID'] + " (" + c.thinker.label + ") deleted; please search for a new entity label on the left."
            c.found = False
            return render('admin/thinker-edit.html')
Exemplo n.º 46
    def admin(self, id=None):
        if not h.auth.is_logged_in():
        if not h.auth.is_admin():

        redirect = request.params.get('redirect', False)
        add = request.params.get('add', False)
        limit = request.params.get('limit', None)
        sep_dir = request.params.get('sep_dir', "")
        entity_q = Session.query(model.Entity)
        c.found = False    
        c.custom = False
        c.new = False
        c.sep_dir = sep_dir
        c.sepdirnew = False
        c.alreadysepdir = False

        if request.params.get('q'):
            q = request.params['q']
            o = model.Entity.label.like(q)
            entity_q = entity_q.filter(o).order_by(func.length(model.Entity.label))
            # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that entity
            if redirect and entity_q.count() == 1:
                c.entity = h.fetch_obj(model.Entity, entity_q.first().ID)
                #now get type and route to correct edit page
                #first, if it is an idea, typeID = 1
                if c.entity.typeID == 1:
                    print "have an idea, q, entityq count = 1"
                    c.idea = h.fetch_obj(model.Idea, entity_q.first().ID)
                    c.found = True
                    id = c.idea.ID
                    c.message = 'Entity edit page for idea ' + c.idea.label
                    #set up c.search_string_list which will be used to structure intersection/union search pattern option
                    if request.params.get('sep_dir'):
                            sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                            if not (c.idea.sep_dir):
                                c.idea.sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                                c.sepdirnew = True
                                c.alreadysepdir = True
                                c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                    c.search_string_list = c.idea.setup_SSL()
                    if re.search(' and ', c.idea.label):
                        c.search_pattern_list = ['union', 'intersection']
                    return render ('admin/idea-edit.html') 
                elif c.entity.typeID == 3:
                    print "have a thinker, q, entityq count = 1"
                    c.thinker = h.fetch_obj(model.Thinker, entity_q.first().ID)
                    c.found = True
                    id = c.thinker.ID
                    c.message = 'Entity edit page for thinker ' + c.thinker.label
                    if request.params.get('sep_dir'):
                            sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                            if not (c.thinker.sep_dir):
                                c.thinker.sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                                c.sepdirnew = True
                                c.alreadysepdir = True
                                c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                    return render ('admin/thinker-edit.html')
                elif c.entity.typeID == 4:
                    print "have a journal, q, entityq count = 1"
                    c.journal = h.fetch_obj(model.Journal, entity_q.first().ID)
                    c.found = True
                    id = c.journal.ID
                    c.message = 'Entity edit page for journal ' + c.journal.label
                    if request.params.get('sep_dir'):
                            sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                            if not (c.journal.sep_dir):
                                c.journal.sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                                c.sepdirnew = True
                                c.alreadysepdir = True
                                c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                    return render ('admin/journal-edit.html')

                elif c.entity.typeID == 5:
                    print "have a work, q, entityq count = 1"
                    c.work = h.fetch_obj(model.Work, entity_q.first().ID)
                    c.found = True
                    id = c.work.ID
                    c.message = 'Entity edit page for work ' + c.work.label
                    if request.params.get('sep_dir'):
                            sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                            if not (c.work.sep_dir):
                                c.work.sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                                c.sepdirnew = True
                                c.alreadysepdir = True
                                c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                    return render ('admin/work-edit.html')
                elif c.entity.typeID == 6:
                    print "have a school_of_thought, q, entityq count = 1"
                    c.school_of_thought = h.fetch_obj(model.SchoolOfThought, entity_q.first().ID)
                    c.found = True
                    id = c.school_of_thought.ID
                    c.message = 'Entity edit page for school_of_thought ' + c.school_of_thought.label
                    if request.params.get('sep_dir'):
                            sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                            if not (c.school_of_thought.sep_dir):
                                c.school_of_thought.sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                                c.sepdirnew = True
                                c.alreadysepdir = True
                                c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                    return render ('admin/school_of_thought-edit.html')
            elif redirect and entity_q.count() == 0:
                c.message = "No match found for your search; if you would like to add your idea, please enter its label and sepdir into the field below."
                c.new = True
                c.prevvalue = q
                return render ('admin/entity-add.html') 

                return ('No exact match for your search; please click "back" and try again.')

        if id is None:
            print "I am here"
            c.message = "Please input an idea using the search bar to the left."
            return render ('admin/idea-edit.html')
            c.entity = h.fetch_obj(model.Entity, id)
            c.found = True
            c.message = 'Entity edit page for entity ' + c.entity.label
            #get sep_dir if present--from admin.py action addentry
            if request.params.get('sep_dir'):
                sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                if not (c.entity.sep_dir):
                    c.entity.sep_dir = sep_dir
                    c.message = c.message + "WARNING:  entity already has a sep_dir [" + c.entity.sep_dir + "].  Not replacing with [" + sep_dir + "].  If you would like to do so, please do so manually in the form below."
            if request.params.get('entry_sep_dir'):
                entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                if not (c.entity.sep_dir):
                    c.entity.sep_dir = entry_sep_dir
                    c.message = c.message + "WARNING:  entity already has a sep_dir [" + c.entity.sep_dir + "].  Not replacing with [" + sep_dir + "].  If you would like to do so, please do so manually in the form below."
            #set up c.search_string_list which will be used to structure intersection/union search pattern option
            if c.entity.typeID == 1:
                c.idea = h.fetch_obj(model.Idea, c.entity.ID)
                c.search_string_list = c.idea.setup_SSL()
                return render ('admin/idea-edit.html')
            elif c.entity.typeID == 3:
                c.thinker = h.fetch_obj(model.Thinker, c.entity.ID)
                return render('admin/thinker-edit.html')
            elif c.entity.typeID == 4:
                c.journal = h.fetch_obj(model.Journal, c.entity.ID)
                return render('admin/journal-edit.html')
            elif c.entity.typeID == 5:
                c.work = h.fetch_obj(model.Work, c.entity.ID)
                return render('admin/work-edit.html')
            elif c.entity.typeID == 6:
                c.school_of_thought = h.fetch_obj(model.SchoolOfThought, c.entity.ID)
                return render('admin/school_of_thought-edit.html')
        c.entity = h.fetch_obj(model.Entity, id, new_id=True)
        redirect(c.entity.url(action='admin'), code=303)
Exemplo n.º 47
def fuzzymatchall(SEPEntrieslist):
    #takes outputs from addlist() and saves all fuzzy match IDs to SEPEntry.fuzzymatch with verdicts (percent of words matched)
    #now change so that it only updates ones that don't currently have a fuzzymatchlist

    #clear out fuzzymatch table--otherwise old fuzzies will accumulate, and nobody wants that
    delquery = Session.query(Fuzzymatch)

    for SEPEntry in SEPEntrieslist:
        print "working on " + SEPEntry.title.encode('utf-8') + "\n"
        entities = Session.query(Entity)

        #exclude journals and nodes from fuzzy matching
        entities = entities.filter(Entity.typeID != 2)
        entities = entities.filter(Entity.typeID != 4)

        #reset fuzzymatches for that entry
        #SEPEntry.fuzzymatches = ""

        ##string1 = string1.decode('utf8')

        for entity in entities:
            php = PHP("set_include_path('/usr/lib/php/');")
            php = PHP("require 'fuzzymatch.php';")
            #php = PHP()
            #print "testing " + entity.label.encode('utf8') + " against " + string1.encode('utf8') + "\n"

            code = '$string1 = utf8_decode("' + SEPEntry.title.encode(
                'utf8') + '");'

            #code = code + "$string2 = '" + entity.label.encode('latin-1', 'replace') + "';"
            #code = code + "print $string1; print $string2;"
            #print code + '$string2 = utf8_decode("' + entity.label.encode('utf8') + '");'
            code = code + '$string2 = utf8_decode("' + entity.label.encode(
                'utf8') + '");'
            code = code + """print fuzzy_match($string1, $string2, 2);"""

            verdict = php.get_raw(code)
            #print "verdict is " + verdict + "\n"
            verdict = verdict.split(',')

            if float(verdict[0]) >= .20:
                #print entity.label + " is a match!\n"
                #entity.matchvalue = verdict
                #string = SEPEntry.fuzzymatches + "|" + str(entity.ID) + "," + verdict

                #if len(string) < 400:
                #    SEPEntry.fuzzymatches = SEPEntry.fuzzymatches + "|" + str(entity.ID) + "," + verdict
                #    print "sorry, too many matches!  Can't add " + str(entity.ID) + " to fuzzy matches; over 400 chars."
                fmatch = Fuzzymatch(entity.ID)
                fmatch.sep_dir = SEPEntry.sep_dir
                fmatch.strength = verdict[0]
                fmatch.edits = verdict[1]


Exemplo n.º 48
def getentries(db_dir):
    #to do feb 10: do something more elegant than just delete existing and rewrite...perhaps only write new?
    #first, clear out the current table
    entries = defaultdict(lambda: {'title' : '', 'published' : False, 'status' : ''})
    pars = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
    #get published entries
    published = open('/Users/inpho/SitesOld/dev/entries-published.txt')
    status = open(os.path.join(db_dir , 'entrystatus.txt'))
    entrylist = open(os.path.join(db_dir, 'entries.txt'))

    #set up entries dict
    for line in entrylist:
        line = line.split('::')
        sep_dir = pars.unescape(re.sub('<(/)?[a-zA-Z]*>', '', line[0]))
        title = re.sub("\\\\\'", "'", pars.unescape(re.sub('<(/)?[a-zA-Z]*>', '', line[1])))
        entries[sep_dir]['title'] = title
    for line in published:
        line = re.sub('\\n', '', line)
        if entries[line]['title']:
            entries[line]['published'] = True
            print "uh-oh, " + line + "doesn't appear to be in dict object"
    for line in status:
        line = line.split('::')
        if entries[line[0]]['title']:
            entries[line[0]]['status'] = line[1]
            #print "status = " + line[1] + ' for ' + line[0]
            print "uh-oh, " + line[0] + "doesn't appear to be in dict object"
    for key in entries.keys():
        #so, what I should really do here is figure out whether the entry already has a place in the table; if so, update its existing stats; if not, 
        #insert a new one; 
        #also need to check if old entries in sepentries table are no longer in file...
        entry_q = Session.query(SEPEntry)
        o = SEPEntry.title.like(entries[key]['title'])
        entry_q = entry_q.filter(o)
        # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that idea
        if entry_q.count() == 0:
            entry_add = SEPEntry(entries[key]['title'], key, entries[key]['published'], entries[key]['status'])
        elif entry_q.count() == 1:
            #replace data from most recent from SEPMirror
            entry = entry_q.first()
            entry.title = entries[key]['title']
            entry.published = entries[key]['published']
            entry.status = entries[key]['status']
    #need to really add something here to delete entries no longer in the DB...
    entry_q2 = Session.query(SEPEntry)
    for entry in entry_q2:
        if not entries[entry.sep_dir]['title']:
            print str(entry.title) + " appears to have been deleted from SEPMirror; deleting from InPhO database."
Exemplo n.º 49
    def process(self, id=None):
        if not h.auth.is_logged_in():
        if not h.auth.is_admin():
        c.sepdirnew = False
        c.alreadysepdir = False

        label = request.params.get('label', None)
        id = request.params.get('ID', id)
        sep_dir = request.params.get('sep_dir', None)
        URL = request.params.get('URL', None)
        language = request.params.get('language', None)
        queries = [request.params.get('queries', None)]
        openAccess = request.params.get('openAccess', None)
        active = request.params.get('active', None)
        student = request.params.get('student', None)
        ISSN = request.params.get('ISSN', None)
        action = request.params.get('action', None)
        action2 = request.params.get('action2', None)
        if action2:
            action = action2
        values = dict(request.params)
        #abbrs = [request.params.get('abbrs', None)]
        abbrs = []
        queries = []
        for k, v in values.items():
            key = ""
            if k.startswith('abbrs'):
                varname, num = k.split('.')
                key = 'delabbr.%s'%(num)
                keyval = request.params.get(key, False)
                if not keyval:
            elif k.startswith('queries'):
                varname, num = k.split('.')
                key = 'delquer.%s'%(num)
                keyval = request.params.get(key, False)
                if not keyval:

        if action=="Add":
            journal_add = Journal()
            journal_add.label = label
            #setup search string and search pattern
            journalname = journal_add.label
            journalname_q = Session.query(Entity)
            o = Entity.searchpattern.like('( '+ journalname + ' )')
            journalname_q = journalname_q.filter(o).order_by(func.length(Entity.label))
            if journalname_q.count() == 0:
                journal_add.searchpattern = "( " + journalname + " )"
                journal_add.searchstring = journalname
                journal_add.searchpattern = "( " + label + " )"
                journal_add.searchcstring = label
                #reset old journal pattern to whole name too to avoid conflict
                oldjournal = h.fetch_obj(Journal, journalname_q.first().ID)
                oldjournal.searchpattern = "( " + oldjournal.label + " )"
                oldjournal.searchstring = oldjournal.label

            if sep_dir:
                journal_add.sep_dir = sep_dir
            c.journal = journal_add
            c.found = True
            c.message = "Journal " + c.journal.label + " added successfully."
            return render ('admin/journal-edit.html')
        elif action=="Modify":
            c.journal = h.fetch_obj(Journal, id)
            c.found = True
            changed = False
            #set values from form
            if c.journal.label != label:
                c.journal.label = label
                changed = True
            if c.journal.sep_dir != sep_dir:
                c.journal.sep_dir = sep_dir
                changed = True
            if c.journal.URL != URL:
                c.journal.URL = URL
                changed = True
            if c.journal.language != language:
                c.journal.language = language
                changed = True
            if c.journal.abbrs != abbrs:
                c.journal.abbrs = abbrs
                changed = True
            if c.journal.queries != queries:
                c.journal.queries = queries
                changed = True
            if c.journal.openAccess != openAccess:
                c.journal.openAccess = openAccess
                changed = True
            if c.journal.active != active:
                c.journal.active = active
                changed = True
            if c.journal.student != student:
                c.journal.student = student
                changed = True
            if c.journal.ISSN != ISSN:
                c.journal.ISSN = ISSN
                changed = True
            if values['newabbr']:
                changed = True
            if values['newquery']:
                changed = True
            #commit changes
            if changed:
                c.message = "Journal " + c.journal.label + " modified successfully."
                c.message = "No change required; Journal " + c.journal.label + " not modified."
            return render ('admin/journal-edit.html')

        elif action == "Delete":
            c.journal = h.fetch_obj(Journal, values['ID'])
            c.message = "Journal # " + values['ID'] + " ("+ c.journal.label + ") deleted; please search for a new entity label on the left."
            c.found = False
            return render('admin/journal-edit.html')
Exemplo n.º 50
def getentries(db_dir):
    #to do feb 10: do something more elegant than just delete existing and rewrite...perhaps only write new?

    #first, clear out the current table

    entries = defaultdict(lambda: {
        'title': '',
        'published': False,
        'status': ''

    pars = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()

    #get published entries
    published = open('/Users/inpho/SitesOld/dev/entries-published.txt')
    status = open(os.path.join(db_dir, 'entrystatus.txt'))

    entrylist = open(os.path.join(db_dir, 'entries.txt'))

    #set up entries dict
    for line in entrylist:
        line = line.split('::')
        sep_dir = pars.unescape(re.sub('<(/)?[a-zA-Z]*>', '', line[0]))
        title = re.sub("\\\\\'", "'",
                       pars.unescape(re.sub('<(/)?[a-zA-Z]*>', '', line[1])))
        entries[sep_dir]['title'] = title

    for line in published:
        line = re.sub('\\n', '', line)
        if entries[line]['title']:
            entries[line]['published'] = True
            print "uh-oh, " + line + "doesn't appear to be in dict object"

    for line in status:
        line = line.split('::')
        if entries[line[0]]['title']:
            entries[line[0]]['status'] = line[1]
            #print "status = " + line[1] + ' for ' + line[0]
            print "uh-oh, " + line[0] + "doesn't appear to be in dict object"

    for key in entries.keys():
        #so, what I should really do here is figure out whether the entry already has a place in the table; if so, update its existing stats; if not,
        #insert a new one;
        #also need to check if old entries in sepentries table are no longer in file...

        entry_q = Session.query(SEPEntry)
        o = SEPEntry.title.like(entries[key]['title'])
        entry_q = entry_q.filter(o)
        # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that idea
        if entry_q.count() == 0:
            entry_add = SEPEntry(entries[key]['title'], key,
        elif entry_q.count() == 1:
            #replace data from most recent from SEPMirror
            entry = entry_q.first()
            entry.title = entries[key]['title']
            entry.published = entries[key]['published']
            entry.status = entries[key]['status']
    #need to really add something here to delete entries no longer in the DB...

    entry_q2 = Session.query(SEPEntry)
    for entry in entry_q2:
        if not entries[entry.sep_dir]['title']:
            print str(
            ) + " appears to have been deleted from SEPMirror; deleting from InPhO database."

Exemplo n.º 51
    def admin(self, id=None):
        if not h.auth.is_logged_in():
        if not h.auth.is_admin():

        redirect = request.params.get('redirect', False)
        add = request.params.get('add', False)
        limit = request.params.get('limit', None)
        sep_dir = request.params.get('sep_dir', "")
        entity_q = Session.query(model.Entity)
        c.found = False
        c.custom = False
        c.new = False
        c.sep_dir = sep_dir
        c.sepdirnew = False
        c.alreadysepdir = False

        if request.params.get('q'):
            q = request.params['q']
            o = model.Entity.label.like(q)
            entity_q = entity_q.filter(o).order_by(
            # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that entity
            if redirect and entity_q.count() == 1:
                c.entity = h.fetch_obj(model.Entity, entity_q.first().ID)

                #now get type and route to correct edit page
                #first, if it is an idea, typeID = 1
                if c.entity.typeID == 1:
                    print "have an idea, q, entityq count = 1"
                    c.idea = h.fetch_obj(model.Idea, entity_q.first().ID)
                    c.found = True
                    id = c.idea.ID
                    c.message = 'Entity edit page for idea ' + c.idea.label
                    #set up c.search_string_list which will be used to structure intersection/union search pattern option
                    if request.params.get('sep_dir'):
                        sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                        if not (c.idea.sep_dir):
                            c.idea.sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                            c.sepdirnew = True
                            c.alreadysepdir = True
                            c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                    c.search_string_list = c.idea.setup_SSL()
                    if re.search(' and ', c.idea.label):
                        c.search_pattern_list = ['union', 'intersection']
                    return render('admin/idea-edit.html')

                elif c.entity.typeID == 3:
                    print "have a thinker, q, entityq count = 1"
                    c.thinker = h.fetch_obj(model.Thinker, entity_q.first().ID)
                    c.found = True
                    id = c.thinker.ID
                    c.message = 'Entity edit page for thinker ' + c.thinker.label
                    if request.params.get('sep_dir'):
                        sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                        if not (c.thinker.sep_dir):
                            c.thinker.sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                            c.sepdirnew = True
                            c.alreadysepdir = True
                            c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                    return render('admin/thinker-edit.html')

                elif c.entity.typeID == 4:
                    print "have a journal, q, entityq count = 1"
                    c.journal = h.fetch_obj(model.Journal, entity_q.first().ID)
                    c.found = True
                    id = c.journal.ID
                    c.message = 'Entity edit page for journal ' + c.journal.label
                    if request.params.get('sep_dir'):
                        sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                        if not (c.journal.sep_dir):
                            c.journal.sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                            c.sepdirnew = True
                            c.alreadysepdir = True
                            c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                    return render('admin/journal-edit.html')

                elif c.entity.typeID == 5:
                    print "have a work, q, entityq count = 1"
                    c.work = h.fetch_obj(model.Work, entity_q.first().ID)
                    c.found = True
                    id = c.work.ID
                    c.message = 'Entity edit page for work ' + c.work.label
                    if request.params.get('sep_dir'):
                        sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                        if not (c.work.sep_dir):
                            c.work.sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                            c.sepdirnew = True
                            c.alreadysepdir = True
                            c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                    return render('admin/work-edit.html')

                elif c.entity.typeID == 6:
                    print "have a school_of_thought, q, entityq count = 1"
                    c.school_of_thought = h.fetch_obj(model.SchoolOfThought,
                    c.found = True
                    id = c.school_of_thought.ID
                    c.message = 'Entity edit page for school_of_thought ' + c.school_of_thought.label
                    if request.params.get('sep_dir'):
                        sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                        if not (c.school_of_thought.sep_dir):
                            c.school_of_thought.sep_dir = request.params[
                            c.sepdirnew = True
                            c.alreadysepdir = True
                            c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                    return render('admin/school_of_thought-edit.html')

            elif redirect and entity_q.count() == 0:
                c.message = "No match found for your search; if you would like to add your idea, please enter its label and sepdir into the field below."
                c.new = True
                c.prevvalue = q
                return render('admin/entity-add.html')

                return (
                    'No exact match for your search; please click "back" and try again.'

        if id is None:
            print "I am here"
            c.message = "Please input an idea using the search bar to the left."
            return render('admin/idea-edit.html')
            c.entity = h.fetch_obj(model.Entity, id)
            c.found = True
            c.message = 'Entity edit page for entity ' + c.entity.label

            #get sep_dir if present--from admin.py action addentry
            if request.params.get('sep_dir'):
                sep_dir = request.params['sep_dir']
                if not (c.entity.sep_dir):
                    c.entity.sep_dir = sep_dir
                    c.message = c.message + "WARNING:  entity already has a sep_dir [" + c.entity.sep_dir + "].  Not replacing with [" + sep_dir + "].  If you would like to do so, please do so manually in the form below."

            if request.params.get('entry_sep_dir'):
                entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                if not (c.entity.sep_dir):
                    c.entity.sep_dir = entry_sep_dir
                    c.message = c.message + "WARNING:  entity already has a sep_dir [" + c.entity.sep_dir + "].  Not replacing with [" + sep_dir + "].  If you would like to do so, please do so manually in the form below."

            #set up c.search_string_list which will be used to structure intersection/union search pattern option
            if c.entity.typeID == 1:
                c.idea = h.fetch_obj(model.Idea, c.entity.ID)
                c.search_string_list = c.idea.setup_SSL()
                return render('admin/idea-edit.html')
            elif c.entity.typeID == 3:
                c.thinker = h.fetch_obj(model.Thinker, c.entity.ID)
                return render('admin/thinker-edit.html')
            elif c.entity.typeID == 4:
                c.journal = h.fetch_obj(model.Journal, c.entity.ID)
                return render('admin/journal-edit.html')
            elif c.entity.typeID == 5:
                c.work = h.fetch_obj(model.Work, c.entity.ID)
                return render('admin/work-edit.html')
            elif c.entity.typeID == 6:
                c.school_of_thought = h.fetch_obj(model.SchoolOfThought,
                return render('admin/school_of_thought-edit.html')

        c.entity = h.fetch_obj(model.Entity, id, new_id=True)
        redirect(c.entity.url(action='admin'), code=303)
Exemplo n.º 52
    def admin(self, id=None):
        if not h.auth.is_logged_in():
        if not h.auth.is_admin():
        c.sepdirnew = False
        c.alreadysepdir = False

        redirect = request.params.get('redirect', False)
        add = request.params.get('add', False)
        limit = request.params.get('limit', None)
        entity_q = Session.query(Entity)
        c.found = False	
        c.custom = False
        c.new = False

        if request.params.get('q'):
            q = request.params['q']
            o = Entity.label.like(q)
            entity_q = entity_q.filter(o).order_by(func.length(Entity.label))
            # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that idea
            if redirect and entity_q.count() == 1:
                print "have a q, entityq count = 1"
                c.idea = h.fetch_obj(Idea, entity_q.first().ID)
                c.found = True
                id = c.idea.ID
                c.message = 'Entity edit page for idea ' + c.idea.label
                if request.params.get('entry_sep_dir'):
                        entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                        if not (c.idea.sep_dir):
                            c.idea.sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                            c.sepdirnew = True
                            c.alreadysepdir = True
                            c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                #set up c.search_string_list which will be used to structure intersection/union search pattern option
                c.search_string_list = c.idea.setup_SSL()
                if re.search(' and ', c.idea.label):
                    c.search_pattern_list = ['union', 'intersection']
                return render ('admin/idea-edit.html') 
            elif redirect and entity_q.count() == 0:
                c.message = "No match found for your search; if you would like to add your idea, please enter its label and sepdir into the field below."
                c.new = True
                c.prevvalue = q
                return render ('admin/idea-edit.html') 

                return ('No exact match for your search; please click "back" and try again.')

        if id is None:
            print "I am here"
            c.message = "Please input an idea using the search bar to the left."
            return render ('admin/idea-edit.html')
            c.idea = h.fetch_obj(Idea, id)
            c.found = True
            c.message = 'Entity edit page for idea ' + c.idea.label
            if request.params.get('entry_sep_dir'):
                entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                if not (c.idea.sep_dir):
                    c.idea.sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                    c.sepdirnew = True
                    c.alreadysepdir = True
                    c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']

            #set up c.search_string_list which will be used to structure intersection/union search pattern option
            c.search_string_list = c.idea.setup_SSL()
            print "c.idea.searchpattern is " + c.idea.searchpattern

            return render ('admin/idea-edit.html') 
Exemplo n.º 53
    def admin(self, id=None):
        if not h.auth.is_logged_in():
        if not h.auth.is_admin():
        c.sepdirnew = False
        c.alreadysepdir = False

        redirect = request.params.get('redirect', False)
        add = request.params.get('add', False)
        limit = request.params.get('limit', None)
        entity_q = Session.query(Entity)
        c.found = False	
        c.custom = False
        c.new = False

        if request.params.get('q'):
            q = request.params['q']
            o = Entity.label.like(q)
            entity_q = entity_q.filter(o).order_by(func.length(Entity.label))
            # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that idea
            if redirect and entity_q.count() == 1:
                print "have a q, entityq count = 1"
                c.idea = h.fetch_obj(Idea, entity_q.first().ID)
                c.found = True
                id = c.idea.ID
                c.message = 'Entity edit page for idea ' + c.idea.label
                if request.params.get('entry_sep_dir'):
                        entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                        if not (c.idea.sep_dir):
                            c.idea.sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                            c.sepdirnew = True
                            c.alreadysepdir = True
                            c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                #set up c.search_string_list which will be used to structure intersection/union search pattern option
                c.search_string_list = c.idea.setup_SSL()
                if re.search(' and ', c.idea.label):
                    c.search_pattern_list = ['union', 'intersection']
                return render ('admin/idea-edit.html') 
            elif redirect and entity_q.count() == 0:
                c.message = "No match found for your search; if you would like to add your idea, please enter its label and sepdir into the field below."
                c.new = True
                c.prevvalue = q
                return render ('admin/idea-edit.html') 

                return ('No exact match for your search; please click "back" and try again.')

        if id is None:
            print "I am here"
            c.message = "Please input an idea using the search bar to the left."
            return render ('admin/idea-edit.html')
            c.idea = h.fetch_obj(Idea, id)
            c.found = True
            c.message = 'Entity edit page for idea ' + c.idea.label
            if request.params.get('entry_sep_dir'):
                entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                if not (c.idea.sep_dir):
                    c.idea.sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']
                    c.sepdirnew = True
                    c.alreadysepdir = True
                    c.entry_sep_dir = request.params['entry_sep_dir']

            #set up c.search_string_list which will be used to structure intersection/union search pattern option
            c.search_string_list = c.idea.setup_SSL()
            print "c.idea.searchpattern is " + c.idea.searchpattern

            return render ('admin/idea-edit.html') 
Exemplo n.º 54
    def process(self):
        if not h.auth.is_logged_in():
        if not h.auth.is_admin():
        c.sepdirnew = False
        c.alreadysepdir = False

        action = request.params.get('action', None)
        action2 = request.params.get('action2', None)
        if action2:
            action = action2
        q = request.params.get('label', None)
        label = q
        searchpattern = request.params.get('searchpattern', None)
        searchstring = request.params.get('searchstring', None)
        sep_dir = request.params.get('sep_dir', None)
        ioru = request.params.get('ioru', 'u')
        print "***"
        print "sep_dir is " 
        print sep_dir
        print "and label is "
        print q
        print "***"
        values = dict(request.params)
        c.found = values.get('found', False)
        c.custom = values.get('custom', False)
        c.new = values.get('new', False)
        #ADD ACTION -- add a new entity (id/label cannot already exist)
        if action=='Add':
            #lowercase label and check to see whether it is valid
            #if so commit idea with standard pluralizations as searchpattern and give user a message that add was successful
            q = q.lower()
            #check to see whether label already exists
            idea_q = Session.query(Idea)
            # Check for query
            o = Idea.label.like(q)
            idea_q = idea_q.filter(o)
            # if 0 results, proceed to add idea
            if idea_q.count() == 0:
                print "***action add, idea q count == 0"
                #if no exact match for label, create new object with that label to add
                idea_add = Idea(q)

                #add searchstring = label
                idea_add.searchstring = q

                #add pluralizations to existing searchpatterns
                idea_add.searchpatterns = idea_add.pluralize()

                #setup the search string list
                c.idea = idea_add
                c.search_string_list = c.idea.setup_SSL()
                #setup sep_dir if present
                if sep_dir:
                    c.idea.sep_dir = sep_dir
                #take user to disambiguation page if the label contains an 'and'
                #otherwise, commit idea
                c.found = True
                something = 1
                #already a match; give user error message that they should edit the preexisting page, and send them back to the submit idea
                #for edit page
                print "****action add, idea_q.count() not equal 0"
                c.message = "Idea with that name already exists in database; please edit the existing entry (returned below) or try a new label."
                c.idea = idea_q.first()
                c.search_string_list = c.idea.setup_SSL()
                return render('admin/idea-edit.html')
            c.message = "Idea added successfully."
            return render('admin/idea-edit.html')

        #Modify action -- edit an existing entry, id must exist
        elif action == 'Modify':
            #retrieve entity corresponding to id
            c.idea = h.fetch_obj(Idea, values['ID'])
            changed = False
            #generate searchpattern from searchstring if not already provided; current value stored in searchpattern, generate from searchstring if null

            #update parameters with form values
            if c.idea.sep_dir != values['sep_dir']:
                c.idea.sep_dir = values['sep_dir']
                changed = True
            if c.idea.label != label:
                c.idea.label = label
                changed = True
            if not c.custom:
                if c.idea.searchstring != s.convertSS(searchstring, ioru)[0]:
                    c.idea.searchstring = s.convertSS(searchstring, ioru)[0]
                    #add default pluralizations to searchpatterns
                    for label in c.idea.pluralize():
                        if label not in c.idea.searchpatterns:
                    changed = True
                searchpatterns = []
                for k, v in values.items():
                    key = ""
                    if k.startswith('searchpatterns'):
                        varname, num = k.split('.')
                        key = 'delsearchpattern.%s'%(num)
                        keyval = request.params.get(key, False)
                        if not keyval:
                if values['newsearchpattern']:
                    changed = True
                #do manually edited searchpatterns first, so we don't write over them with the new default ones if the searchstring has been changed
                if c.idea.searchpatterns != searchpatterns:
                    c.idea.searchpatterns = searchpatterns
                    changed = True
                if c.idea.searchstring != searchstring:
                    c.idea.searchstring = searchstring
                    #add default pluralizations for new searchstring as well
                    for label in c.idea.pluralize():
                        if label not in c.idea.searchpatterns:
                    changed = True

            #make sure that searchpattern and searchstring are not shared by another entity
            #print "searchpatterns is " 
            #print searchpatterns
            #print "c.idea.searchpatterns is"
            #print c.idea.searchpatterns

            #commit changes

            #return success message
            if changed == True:
                c.message = "Idea modified successfully."
                c.message = "No change required; idea not modified."
            c.found = True
            c.search_string_list = c.idea.setup_SSL()

            #prepare form
            return render('admin/idea-edit.html')

        #Delete action -- Delete an existing entity (id must exist)
        elif action=='Delete':
            c.idea = h.fetch_obj(Idea, values['ID'])
            c.message = "Idea # " + values['ID'] + " ("+ c.idea.label + ") deleted; please search for a new entity label on the left."
            return render('admin/idea-edit.html')

        #use custom searchstring action
        elif action=='Use Custom Searchstring/Searchpattern':
            #toggle the c.custom to True and re-render form with htmlfill
            c.custom = True
            c.idea = h.fetch_obj(Idea, values['ID'])
            c.found = True
            c.message = 'Enter custom searchstring for ' + c.idea.label + "."
            return render('admin/idea-edit.html')

        #use standard searchstring action
        elif action=='Use Standard Searchstring/Searchpattern':
            #toggle the c.custom to False and re-render form with htmlfill		
            c.custom = False
            c.idea = h.fetch_obj(Idea, values['ID'])
            c.found = True
            c.search_string_list = c.idea.setup_SSL()
            c.message = 'Now displaying standard searchstring options for ' + c.idea.label + "."
            return render('admin/idea-edit.html')

            raise Exception('I don\'t know how you got here, but you shouldn\'t be here...please start at the main page.  Invalid action %s'%action)
Exemplo n.º 55
    def process(self):
        if not h.auth.is_logged_in():
        if not h.auth.is_admin():
        c.sepdirnew = False
        c.alreadysepdir = False

        action = request.params.get('action', None)
        action2 = request.params.get('action2', None)
        if action2:
            action = action2
        q = request.params.get('label', None)
        label = q
        searchpattern = request.params.get('searchpattern', None)
        searchstring = request.params.get('searchstring', None)
        sep_dir = request.params.get('sep_dir', None)
        ioru = request.params.get('ioru', 'u')
        print "***"
        print "sep_dir is " 
        print sep_dir
        print "and label is "
        print q
        print "***"
        values = dict(request.params)
        c.found = values.get('found', False)
        c.custom = values.get('custom', False)
        c.new = values.get('new', False)
        #ADD ACTION -- add a new entity (id/label cannot already exist)
        if action=='Add':
            #lowercase label and check to see whether it is valid
            #if so commit idea with standard pluralizations as searchpattern and give user a message that add was successful
            q = q.lower()
            #check to see whether label already exists
            idea_q = Session.query(Idea)
            # Check for query
            o = Idea.label.like(q)
            idea_q = idea_q.filter(o)
            # if 0 results, proceed to add idea
            if idea_q.count() == 0:
                print "***action add, idea q count == 0"
                #if no exact match for label, create new object with that label to add
                idea_add = Idea(q)

                #add searchstring = label
                idea_add.searchstring = q

                #add pluralizations to existing searchpatterns
                idea_add.searchpatterns = idea_add.pluralize()

                #setup the search string list
                c.idea = idea_add
                c.search_string_list = c.idea.setup_SSL()
                #setup sep_dir if present
                if sep_dir:
                    c.idea.sep_dir = sep_dir
                #take user to disambiguation page if the label contains an 'and'
                #otherwise, commit idea
                c.found = True
                something = 1
                #already a match; give user error message that they should edit the preexisting page, and send them back to the submit idea
                #for edit page
                print "****action add, idea_q.count() not equal 0"
                c.message = "Idea with that name already exists in database; please edit the existing entry (returned below) or try a new label."
                c.idea = idea_q.first()
                c.search_string_list = c.idea.setup_SSL()
                return render('admin/idea-edit.html')
            c.message = "Idea added successfully."
            return render('admin/idea-edit.html')

        #Modify action -- edit an existing entry, id must exist
        elif action == 'Modify':
            #retrieve entity corresponding to id
            c.idea = h.fetch_obj(Idea, values['ID'])
            changed = False
            #generate searchpattern from searchstring if not already provided; current value stored in searchpattern, generate from searchstring if null

            #update parameters with form values
            if c.idea.sep_dir != values['sep_dir']:
                c.idea.sep_dir = values['sep_dir']
                changed = True
            if c.idea.label != label:
                c.idea.label = label
                changed = True
            if not c.custom:
                if c.idea.searchstring != s.convertSS(searchstring, ioru)[0]:
                    c.idea.searchstring = s.convertSS(searchstring, ioru)[0]
                    #add default pluralizations to searchpatterns
                    for label in c.idea.pluralize():
                        if label not in c.idea.searchpatterns:
                    changed = True
                searchpatterns = []
                for k, v in values.items():
                    key = ""
                    if k.startswith('searchpatterns'):
                        varname, num = k.split('.')
                        key = 'delsearchpattern.%s'%(num)
                        keyval = request.params.get(key, False)
                        if not keyval:
                if values['newsearchpattern']:
                    changed = True
                #do manually edited searchpatterns first, so we don't write over them with the new default ones if the searchstring has been changed
                if c.idea.searchpatterns != searchpatterns:
                    c.idea.searchpatterns = searchpatterns
                    changed = True
                if c.idea.searchstring != searchstring:
                    c.idea.searchstring = searchstring
                    #add default pluralizations for new searchstring as well
                    for label in c.idea.pluralize():
                        if label not in c.idea.searchpatterns:
                    changed = True

            #make sure that searchpattern and searchstring are not shared by another entity
            #print "searchpatterns is " 
            #print searchpatterns
            #print "c.idea.searchpatterns is"
            #print c.idea.searchpatterns

            #commit changes

            #return success message
            if changed == True:
                c.message = "Idea modified successfully."
                c.message = "No change required; idea not modified."
            c.found = True
            c.search_string_list = c.idea.setup_SSL()

            #prepare form
            return render('admin/idea-edit.html')

        #Delete action -- Delete an existing entity (id must exist)
        elif action=='Delete':
            c.idea = h.fetch_obj(Idea, values['ID'])
            c.message = "Idea # " + values['ID'] + " ("+ c.idea.label + ") deleted; please search for a new entity label on the left."
            return render('admin/idea-edit.html')

        #use custom searchstring action
        elif action=='Use Custom Searchstring/Searchpattern':
            #toggle the c.custom to True and re-render form with htmlfill
            c.custom = True
            c.idea = h.fetch_obj(Idea, values['ID'])
            c.found = True
            c.message = 'Enter custom searchstring for ' + c.idea.label + "."
            return render('admin/idea-edit.html')

        #use standard searchstring action
        elif action=='Use Standard Searchstring/Searchpattern':
            #toggle the c.custom to False and re-render form with htmlfill		
            c.custom = False
            c.idea = h.fetch_obj(Idea, values['ID'])
            c.found = True
            c.search_string_list = c.idea.setup_SSL()
            c.message = 'Now displaying standard searchstring options for ' + c.idea.label + "."
            return render('admin/idea-edit.html')

            raise Exception('I don\'t know how you got here, but you shouldn\'t be here...please start at the main page.  Invalid action %s'%action)
Exemplo n.º 56
    def list(self, filetype='html'):
        redirect = request.params.get('redirect', False)
        limit = request.params.get('limit', None)
        idea_q = Session.query(Idea)
        c.query = ''
        c.sep = ''

        #c.nodes = Session.query(Node).filter(Node.parent_id == None).order_by("name").all()
        if request.params.get('sep_filter'):
            idea_q = idea_q.filter(Idea.sep_dir != '')
        if filetype=='json':
            response.content_type = 'application/json'

        # Check for query
        if request.params.get('q'):
            q = request.params['q']
            c.query = q
            o = or_(Idea.label.like(q+'%'), Idea.label.like('% '+q+'%'))
            idea_q = idea_q.filter(o).order_by(Idea.entropy.desc())
            # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that idea
            if redirect and idea_q.count() == 1:
                h.redirect(h.url(controller='idea', action='view', id=idea_q.first().ID,filetype=filetype))
                c.ideas = idea_q.limit(limit)
                return render('idea/idea-list.' + filetype)
        #TODO: Error handling - we shouldn't have multiple results
        if request.params.get('sep'):
            idea_q = idea_q.filter(Idea.sep_dir == request.params['sep'])
            c.sep = request.params['sep']
            # if only 1 result, go ahead and view that idea
            if redirect and idea_q.count() == 1:
                h.redirect(h.url(controller='idea', action='view', id=idea_q.first().ID,filetype=filetype))
            elif idea_q.count() == 0:
                h.redirect(h.url(controller='entity', action='list', filetype=filetype, sep=request.params['sep'], redirect=redirect))
                c.ideas = idea_q.limit(limit)
                return render('idea/idea-list.' + filetype)
        all_param = request.params.get('all', False)
        node_param = request.params.get('nodes', True)
        instance_param = request.params.get('instances', True)
        node_q = idea_q.join((Node,Node.concept_id==Idea.ID))
        instance_q = idea_q.join(Instance.idea)

        if all_param:
            idea_q = idea_q
            if not node_param:
                idea_q = idea_q.except_(node_q)
            if not instance_param:
                idea_q = idea_q.except_(instance_q)
        elif node_param:
            idea_q = node_q
            if instance_param:
                idea_q = idea_q.union(instance_q)
        elif instance_param:
            idea_q = instance_q

        c.ideas = idea_q.limit(limit)
        return render('idea/idea-list.' + filetype)
Exemplo n.º 57
def fuzzymatchall(SEPEntrieslist):
    #takes outputs from addlist() and saves all fuzzy match IDs to SEPEntry.fuzzymatch with verdicts (percent of words matched)
    #now change so that it only updates ones that don't currently have a fuzzymatchlist
    #clear out fuzzymatch table--otherwise old fuzzies will accumulate, and nobody wants that
    delquery = Session.query(Fuzzymatch)
    for SEPEntry in SEPEntrieslist:
            print "working on " + SEPEntry.title.encode('utf-8') + "\n"
            entities = Session.query(Entity)
            #exclude journals and nodes from fuzzy matching
            entities = entities.filter(Entity.typeID != 2)
            entities = entities.filter(Entity.typeID != 4)
            #reset fuzzymatches for that entry
            #SEPEntry.fuzzymatches = ""
            ##string1 = string1.decode('utf8')
            for entity in entities:
                php = PHP("set_include_path('/usr/lib/php/');")
                php = PHP("require 'fuzzymatch.php';")
                #php = PHP()
                #print "testing " + entity.label.encode('utf8') + " against " + string1.encode('utf8') + "\n"
                code = '$string1 = utf8_decode("' + SEPEntry.title.encode('utf8') + '");'
                #code = code + "$string2 = '" + entity.label.encode('latin-1', 'replace') + "';"
                #code = code + "print $string1; print $string2;"
                #print code + '$string2 = utf8_decode("' + entity.label.encode('utf8') + '");'
                code = code + '$string2 = utf8_decode("' + entity.label.encode('utf8') + '");'
                code = code + """print fuzzy_match($string1, $string2, 2);"""
                verdict = php.get_raw(code)
                #print "verdict is " + verdict + "\n"
                verdict = verdict.split(',')
                if float(verdict[0])>=.20:
                    #print entity.label + " is a match!\n"
                    #entity.matchvalue = verdict
                    #string = SEPEntry.fuzzymatches + "|" + str(entity.ID) + "," + verdict
                    #if len(string) < 400:
                    #    SEPEntry.fuzzymatches = SEPEntry.fuzzymatches + "|" + str(entity.ID) + "," + verdict
                    #    print "sorry, too many matches!  Can't add " + str(entity.ID) + " to fuzzy matches; over 400 chars."
                    fmatch = Fuzzymatch(entity.ID)
                    fmatch.sep_dir = SEPEntry.sep_dir
                    fmatch.strength = verdict[0]
                    fmatch.edits = verdict[1]