def addWorkExp(graph): company = input("What company hired you? ") company = camelCase(company) companyURI = input("What is the company website?") place = input("Where was the company based? ") dateStart = input("When did the job start? ") dateEnd = input("When did the job end? (skip if not applicable) ") jobTitle = input("What was your job title? ") jobDescription = input("Shortly describe what was your work. ") #define blank node for WE #define the triples: workExpTriple = [ #a work experience uri is the company's website in our ontology (cv[companyURI],rdfType,cv['WorkExperience']), (cv[company],rdfType,cv['Company']), (cv[companyURI],cv['worked_in'],cv[company]), #place (cv[company],cv['has_location'],Literal(place)), #dateStart (cv[companyURI],cv['workStartDate'],Literal(dateStart)), #dateEnd (cv[companyURI],cv['workEndDate'],Literal(dateEnd)), #jobTitle (cv[companyURI],cv['jobTitle'],Literal(jobTitle)), #jobDescription (cv[companyURI],cv['jobDescription'],Literal(jobDescription)) ] # bind applicant to WorkExperience for applicant in graph.subjects(rdfType,FOAF.Person): workExpTriple.append((applicant,cv['has_workExperience'],cv[companyURI])) for triple in workExpTriple: graph.add(triple) return graph
def addEdu(graph): eduOrg = input("What was your education organization? (eg: University of Technology of Sydney) ") eduOrg = camelCase(eduOrg) eduOrgURI = input("What is your education organization website? (eg: ") ePlace = input("Where was the organization located? (eg:Sydney) ") dateStart = input("When did you start studying? ") dateEnd = input("When did or will you graduate? ") majorDegree = input("What major did you / will you graduate on? ") minorDegree = input("What minor degree did you / will you graduate on? ") #define blank node for education entry #define the triples: eduTriple = [ #create education organization (cv[eduOrgURI],rdfType,cv['Education']), (cv[eduOrg],rdfType,cv['EduOrg']), (cv[eduOrg],cv['has_location'],Literal(ePlace)), (cv[eduOrgURI],cv['studiedIn'],cv[eduOrg]), (cv[eduOrgURI],cv['edStartDate'],Literal(dateStart)), (cv[eduOrgURI],cv['edEndDate'],Literal(dateEnd)), (cv[eduOrgURI],cv['majorDegree'],Literal(majorDegree)), (cv[eduOrgURI],cv['minorDegree'],Literal(minorDegree)) ] # bind applicant to Education for applicant in graph.subjects(rdfType,FOAF.Person): eduTriple.append((applicant,cv['has_education'],cv[eduOrgURI])) for triple in eduTriple: graph.add(triple) return graph
def addSkill(graph): skName = input("Name your skill! (eg: Butterfly hunting) ") skName = camelCase(skName) skCategory = input("What's this skill category? ") skExpertise = input("Rate your expertise in this skill from 1 to 10. ") #define the triples: skillTriple = [ (cv[skName],rdfType,cv['Skill']), # skill category (cv[skName],cv['skCategory'],Literal(skCategory)), # skill expertise (cv[skName],cv['skExpertise'],Literal(skExpertise)), ] # bind applicant to skill for applicant in graph.subjects(rdfType,FOAF.Person): skillTriple.append((applicant,cv['has_skill'],cv[skName])) for triple in skillTriple: graph.add(triple) return graph